Fitness: 3×5
Add 5-10lbs from last week. Pull the same version you started out with last week
Performance: Dynamic Effort Deadlifts 40% Plus Bands x 2 reps every 30 seconds for 4 minutes
Take 2-3 quick warm up sets to get to work weight (40%) then add bands. Focus on moving the bar fast, and being aggressive at the hips and quads with a tight finish position, no soft knees or hips. Dead start, no touch and go.
250-325 Red Band
325-400 Blue Band
400+ Green Band
Post loads to comments.
DL e2/6
As Many Rounds As Possible In 7 minutes of:
20 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings
20 Double Unders
10 Push-Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
75 Hollow Rocks in as few sets as possible
Post total number of sets to comments
- Don’t forget to RSVP for the 2013 CFSBK Community Paleo Potluck on Saturday, January 19th at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited to this event! Please let us know what you plan on bringing in the event page.
- Our digital waiver is now conveniently located on the left navigation bar of the web page. If you haven’t filled this out, we’re officially mad at you. Please go fill it out today.
Bikes Get Another Day
Because our bike rack hasn’t come yet we’ll allow bikes to be stored in the gym through Monday and Tuesday. We expect it to come in on Tuesday at some point at which we’ll be offering additional bike parking outside. Remember your locks moving forward, people!
Dr. Judy Wants (Me) You To Get A Flu Shot.. And Free Shoes
Free Vivo Barefooots
Josh Bridges Is Back in 2013 CrossFit Games
New York State declares influenza emergency BBC
Top Ten Pranks of 2012
I got my flu shot last week at the local Duane Reade. Gotta do it for mah little gurl.
Good to hit gym yesterday morning. bench, chins, deadlifts, ab wheel.
Have to give Michele props for her lamb riblet recipe. Very, very good!
6am with Nick and McDowell. DE deadlifts + thin-green band @ 135#. Went a little bit lighter than the prescribed weight (165#) per Nick's suggestion in order to not affect my rowing too much.
CRASH-B rowing: 4 x 1000m with 4min rest: 3:26.4, 3:26.4, 3:26.2, 3:25.5. Happy with the times and consistency. Thought I had more in the tank for the last piece, but everything started breaking down at the 500m mark (re: quads on fire). I'm getting excited for the 2k test coming up.
Sumo DL – 140 with the blue band. Felt fast – I think doing a cycle of Sumo DL will really help my conventional DL
WOD – 5 rounds + 1 DU
Only broke DUs once, which I was pretty happy about. Shoulders started to fatigue at the end but was able to keep moving throughout.
Strength cycle day 3:
Squat 285x5x3. First time squats have felt crisp in strength cycle.
Press: 110x5x3. Solid. Don't know how much room there is here. I'll find out I guess.
DL: 330×5. I told Jeremy I thought he was crazy for thinking I could pull five here. I don't think I've ever pulled five reps at that much weight, perhaps I've just never tried. They came up, fast off the floor, slow at the top.
6am with Nick and McDowell
DL: 5×3 #185
I took it easy on DL today to save myself for rowing. Also, after some helpful comments from Fox and others recently, I've decided to stick to fitness routines in all my lifts for the near future, and concentrate on doing them right.
CRASH-Bs benchmark 2k rows: 3x2k/5' 7:24.4, 7:24.2, 7:29.8
Really wish I could have kept my splits down in the middle 1k of that last piece. Going to concentrate on that portion of my race more going forward. Looking forward to our 2k test!
MGMT: There seems to have been a shortage of hand soap in either of the bathrooms in the past few days. Just thought I'd bring this up in light of today's blog post (and the fact that probably 75% of us are extreme germophobes)
We'll be restocked today! Thanks JJ
I'll also be administering flu shots to anyone who wants them in the second bathroom all day. Bring your own band aid.
7am with Nick and McDowell.
Blue band with 135 which after the workout checked out to be about 20 pounds lighter than I should have done. :-/
4 plus 12 more bells. (20kg bells)
My DUs were some of my best ones yet. Only the start of the 5th set were broken at the 15tg mark.
My new focus and queues def. have improved my DUs.
About 10 Minute of A/R
Will do 10 minutes later tonight to get that extra point
DE Deadlifts
Working off a 365 1RM
145+Blue Bands x2x9
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
20 Double Unders
15 KB Swings 1.5p OH Swing
20 Double Unders
10 Push-Ups
3 Rounds + 20,15,13
Did 5×12 GHD Sit-Ups yesterday so I skipped the Hollow Rocks
1) Snatch
2a) Snatch 1st pull
2b) Pendlay Row
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
20 Double Unders
15 KB Swings 1.5p OH Swing
20 Double Unders
10 Push-Ups
3+ 20/15/14
I thought I'd smoke DO's score on this. I can't imagine how Dan L got 5+!
So, I'd just like to throw this out there: I was SO excited to hear that we will be hosting Mark Rippetoe this spring, and when I went to the website only a few days after it was first announced, it was already sold out. If there's anyone from CFSBK who has signed up for the Starting Strength Seminar and thinks they may have to bail on it, PLEASE email me directly before you pull out. I want your spot so badly!!!
If there is a waiting list for Rippletoe, can you put me on it behind KH?
Me + Rippetoe = Waitlist too please pleazzzzzzzzze
I injured my shoulder last nite whilst sleeping…real slick. I was unsure if id be able workout today. Alas, I did, but my range of motion is severely f–cked.
205 on the DE DLs.
4+15 DUs on the WOD. I liked this, great burner.
I am hoping my shoulder heals quickly since I know Coach Josh is gunning to regain his lead ASAP on the snatch.
Sadly, if you want to be wait listed for the Rip SSS you must do so through Starting Strength (go to their website). I believe they suggest following their twitter feed to be aware if someone drops.
Thanks Fox. Don't know why I hesitated.
Dynamic DLs at 145 w blue band. Felt good.
Crash B rows: 5×1000 meters with 4 minute rests: 3:38.7, 3:42.9, 3.49.8, 3:52.2, 3:46.6.
Getting back on track but inconsistent. I'm pretty sure Peter and Alex C are robots.
A. (8:30AM)
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
Rest as needed
Build over the course of the five sets to today’s heavy front squat. It does not need to be a 1-RM, just heavy for today.
(45×5, 135×3, 225×2, 275×1)
300 – 315 – 330 – (Failed)350 – 340
– 330# felt so good that I thought it would be okay if I took a 20# jump. I should know better..
– Tried take a second bounce as I got to the bottom with 350#. =P
– Also tired to shake it off, but felt a little dizzy when I waked out 350#
B. (12pm)
Five sets of:
Snatch x 1.1.1
Rest as needed
Work only as heavy as perfect mechanics and good speed will allow.
(The "." means you have less then 10sec to reset for your next rep)
Used the Kilograms today
(20xComplex, 40×1.1.1, 50×1.1, 60×1.1)
70 (154#) x 1.1.1
80 (176#) x 1.1.1
85 (187#) x 1.1.X
85 (187#) x 1.1.1
(Failed) 90kg + 2lbs (200#) x X.X.X
90 (198#) x 1.1.1
– I hate Kilograms, they take away the Pounds that I think I should have on the bar cause of the color.. (Bar + 2/Red Plates + 2/Green Plates = 205 in Pounds… but 198 in Kilograms)
+ I do like the Eleiko bars, they spin so smooth! But now I will only used them If I am going for a PR.. They should be the PR Bars
– I failed at 200# cause I wasn't focused, but went for it again cause it was really feeling good until then. I got my mind right and focus on my chest being more up right in the catch position
C. (5pm)
For max reps:
60 seconds of Snatch @185#
30 seconds of Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes and 30 seconds
60 seconds of Snatch @155#
30 seconds of Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes and 30 seconds
60 seconds of Snatch @135#
30 seconds of Pull-Ups
Round 1 Power Snatch
18 Pull ups unbroken
Round 2 (First four were Touch and Go) Power Snatch
18 Pull ups unbroken
Round 3
9.4 (Both sets were Touch and Go) Power Snatch
12 Pull ups unbroken
– Need to practice/learn how to Butterfly kip my pull ups!
E.xtra (Right after C.)
Five sets of:
Sots Press x 5
Rest as needed
Build over the course of the five sets
45×5, 65×5, 80×5, 90×5, 95×4 Dang
– Suck it! Sots Press
Another Note
– Glad Jake L is on his game with his Olympic Lifts, it pushes me to be better and it doesn't allow me to get comfortable.
Thanks Fox re: Rip!
6:30pm class was a big one expertly controlled by Melo and Noah. Increased my DL by 10# this week so am on track for the 6 week increase. For the "as many rounds as possible" jeebus. I think I ended at 3 + 11 DU's. Started with the pood then dropped to Big Blue. Night WODs are so much harder than in the morning.. oof.
Deadlifts: 245x3x5
Accessory WOD with 20kg bell: 3 rounds + 20, 15, 10
Hollow rocks took forever; I did 38 in the first set and then could only manage 6 or so each time from there on!
Some nice counterpoints to the pro-flu-shot hysteria of late:
DIY Chins: 3×5 @ 20#
Sumo Deadlift: 45×5, 135×5, 185×4, 225×3, then 255x3x5. These felt great. Good speed and smooth. Back felt locked in. Really like sumo DLs. Getting up to 300 by the end of the cycle seems well within reach!
WOD: 3 rounds with 24kg russian swings and substituting 20# slam ball form the double unders due to my tender Achilles.
75 hollow-rocks: first set of 25, then broken into much smaller sets.
Posting here so I can find in the future. Made this up today (Friday the 18th).
Went to light on the deadlifts (went with 40% of last weeks three rep instead of my 1 rep max) Tried to focus on exploding with quickness.
WOD with 1.5 pood – 4 rnds even.