Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 2-5lbs from last week’s exposure. If you werent here find your opener weight for this cycle.
If you’re new to strength training and want to learn about linear progressions, read this article.
If you’ve been through a few linear cycles on the Back Squat, read this article
Performance: 82.5%x5, 87.5%x3, 92.5%x1x3
Post loads to comments.
BSQ e2/6
4 Rounds for time of:
20 Kettlebell Swings
15 Burpees or Squat Thrusts
10 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
Work with a partner and rest about 1:1
Post times for each round
4 Rounds for time of:
20 Overhead Kettlebell Swings 24kg/16kg
15 Hand Release Burpees
10 Chest-to-Bar Kipping Pull-Ups
Work with a partner and rest about 1:1
Post times for each round
Rahsaan’s Standing Work Station
Vivo Barefoot
We’ve got the inside scoop that Vivo Barefoot will be closing down all its US stores within a month. Discounts on shoes at existing locations may be upwards of 60% so if you’re in the market for a pair of minimalist shoes you might catch a good bargain. VB will still be available in the US after February however at other retail store and with fewer options. Thanks to Dr. Judy for the tip!
Kelly Starrett Coming to CFSBK
KStar is coming back to CFSBK for his CrossFit Movement & Mobility Training Course. MANY of you guys have already prepurchased Kelly’s upcoming book “Becoming a Supple Leopard” which will be released late February. If you’re serious about movement and mobility, apply the methods in the book and then meet Kelly in person to deepen your understanding of the material.
The Crossfit Movement and Mobility trainer course is a hands on, movement theory based workshop where coaches and athletes will be exposed to the principles of Kelly Starrett’s Movement and Mobility Method of resolving pain, preventing injury, and optimizing athletic performance.
Performance is what drives the human animal, but the human animal can be brought to an abrupt halt by dysfunctional movement patters and underlying restrictions in mobility. Oftentimes, the factors that impede performance are invisible to not only the untrained eye, but also the majority of athletes and coaches. This course exposes attendees to a Starrett’s systematic approach to make the invisible visible. This course illuminates common movement errors that can cause injury and rob you of speed, power, endurance, and strength. Whether you are a professional athlete, a weekend warrior, or simply someone wanting to live healthy and free from restrictions, this course will teach you how to maintain your body and harness your genetic potential.
Learn How To:
- Prevent and rehabilitate common athletic injuries
- Overhaul your movement habits and efficiently your body’s most effective physiology
- Quickly identify, diagnose, and fix inefficient movement patterns
- Problem solve for pain and dysfunction
- Fix poor mechanics that rob power, bleed force, and dump torque
- Unlock reservoirs of athletic capacity you didn’t know you had
- Identify and fix poor movement patterns in children
- Develop strategies that restore function to your joints and tissues
- Develop effective individual and group mobility programming
What is your favorite mobilization?
Is that smith & wollensky's across th street?
Nice 8am class –
45×5, 135×5, 225×3, 255×1, 275×5, 295×3, 310×1, 310×1
Ran out of time to do the last rep. Hip is feeling better. Depth was better too but still not quite where I'd like it to be. Right now in order to really get low enough I can't quite keep my back set properly. Doing a lot of extra mobility work though and it's helping.
Went through the WOD pretty well – everything unbroken except for a quick shake-out of my shoulders during the last set of burpees.
Nuge, it is. Unfortunately for me as it means I am in Midtown East. The worst neighborhood in the entire city.
Lbbsq: (45×5, 135×5, 185 x4) 205×5, 215×3, 230x1x3
Wod in ~22 min with Chris
some wildly inconsistent Crash b rowing: 3x2000m 9:38.5, 9:47.2, 8:52.1
1) Close Grip Bench worked up to 225×3
2a) Good Mornings worked up to 205×5
2b) Chins worked up to a few sets at 45×3
THANK YOU to whoever found my ring! I was very sad about losing it on Thursday.
11am with McDowell. Got up to 1 x 3 @ 245 on the squat, felt fine but I still need to concentrate on keeping my knees out. Plenty of room to go up next week.
That was quite a WOD. Adam and I finished in 16-odd minutes with a 20kg kettlebell, and I did strict pullups with a green band. I liked the break between rounds, keeps the intensity high on every set.
Three sets, not for time, of:
Bar Muscle-Up x 4 reps
L-Sit x :15/:13 – :15/:14 – :15/:14
Double-Unders x 50 reps
– New rope only knows one speed… fast! Trying to coast doesn't work that well
– Suck it! L-Sit
For time:
10 reps x Shoulder to Overhead @ 185 lb
5 reps x Muscle-Ups
8 reps x Shoulder to Overhead
4 reps x Muscle-Ups
6 reps x Shoulder to Overhead
3 reps x Muscle-Ups
4 reps x Shoulder to Overhead
2 reps x Muscle-Ups
2 reps x Shoulder to Overhead
1 rep x Muscle-Ups
As is always the case with conditioning workouts, you must take the barbell from the floor.
Time: 8:12
– Wanted to finish in sub 7mins, not very happy with my time
– Only the 8 reps of S2O were broken up into 4/2/2
+/- Everything else Unbroken, as always with to much rest in-between
+ Starting to find a better rhythm with my Muscle ups w/o a false grip.
(Still not as smooth as McD or Rickke)
? False grip or no False grip?
Four sets for times of:
Run 400 Meters
Rest 3 minutes
1:17 – 1:18 – 1:22 – 1:27
– Quads felt heavy after the 2nd set
Squats: 225x3x5 (one stagger coming up in second set on 4th rep)
Accessory WOD with Peter, @20kg bell and 5 strict pull-ups: finished in 16:35
LBBS: 45×5,, 95×5 135×5, 225×3, 235x3x5. Next time, warm up with just 45, 135, 225 and then work weight.
Partner WOD @ 19:29 with 24kg american swings and kipping (not C2B) pull-ups.
@Doug–I was working to a similar weight today. I skip the jump at 95 and go to 135. Then I stop at 185, and from there whatever gets me close to work weight for a single or at most a double. I like getting the set at 185, which is when I begin to really feel the weight on my back and dial in for the work sets.
45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 245x3x5
WOD with Vincent, who is excellent encouragement, in 18:35. He Rx'ed it, I opted for kipping pull-ups instead of CTB. Good fun.
Did the AR/noon double header. 125#, 3×5 on the LBBS. Partner WOD in 19:31 (I think). Pumped to do all strict push-ups with the burpees. And vowing to re-read the "how to get a pull up" guide and to start putting my home pull up bar to use.
Thanks, David, for the info on the CrossFit shoes yesterday.
(for what it's worth) for a 235x5x3 I'd go…