Haley G sets up to pull 205
In case you havent already seen them, the full TTD results can be seen in this googledoc pdf. Scroll down past the long first page and see the breakdowns on pages 2 and 3. Thanks Ryan J!
Competition Weekend
Best of luck to Steph P who will be competing in the Philadelphia Winter Warmer this weekend and Alan L and Micheal F who will be doing a team competition called ALS Fire For Life. Go Team SBK!
Speaking of competitions, we’ve currently got 9 ladies signed up for Hail to the Queen on February 2nd. If you’re interested sign up asap and let us know. Email Jessica(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you sign up. Matching socks anyone?!
CrossFit South Brooklyn Gymnastics Classes
Basic Gymnastics Tumbling Class
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H as he takes you through 4 weeks of basic gymnastics tumbling. The movements will build on themselves and get progressively more difficult. The basic gymnastics class will help students understand how to control their bodies through different movements, and being up-side-down. The class is broken up into 4 distinct sections: Warm-up, Strength, Stretching, Gymnastics. Movements included in this program are: Forward/Backward Rolls, headstands, handstands, cartwheels, round offs and more! Space is limited so sign up now! Please email hallerk(at)gmail(dot)com for more information.
Saturdays from 3pm – 4pm
1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9
$60 for 4 Weeks
8 Participants
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H. as he takes you through 4 weeks of gymnastics strength training with an emphasis on developing a rudimentary ring routine and Crossfit strength movements. Each class will include a proper warm-up, stretching and then use both isometric and dynamic strength exercises to develop: core strength while learning transitions on the rings, levers, muscle-ups and planches. Students will also have strength and flexibility assignments to do on the outside of class.
Saturdays from 2pm – 3pm
1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
What are your favorite and least favorite gymnastics movements?
Obesity expert says daily workouts can’t undo damage done from sitting all day nbc News
Dark-Alley Defense CrossFit
6am w/Nick
Push Press 43. Overall disappointing.
Need to work on my technique before increasing weight.
On the up side, my singles felt solid and I'm confident I can get a double under soon. Just need to practice wrist action.
Box jump was less scary. I'm determined to get over my boxophobia.
On a side note, does anyone know what's happening with the Potluck page? I wanted to change my food item but the link is no longer active. http://www.crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com/upcoming-events/011912-cfsbk-paleo-community-potluck.html
Here is the correct link. It can also be found on the right side of the page under events:
Kind of on topic… I've been standing at work for about three weeks now. Overall, I feel good, but I've noticed that my ankles are tight (never been a problem before) and my heels hurt to the point it was painful to walk to the subway yesterday. Has anyone else who has a standing desk noticed these things? Is it just in the transition?
do we ever have self-defense classes at sbk? i'd be interested in that. i think those would be useful skills to have in this city and i don't have them.
i'm standing as i type this. sometimes i stand up at work but don't have a standing work station. i might see if i can get the facilities guys to adjust my desk height.
6am with Nick. Squats: 45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 245×5, 265×3, 275x1x3. Hammies have been tight since Monday's deadlifts. Had a little bit of trouble staying on back on my heels. Felt strong otherwise. The twinge in my right hip flexor is gone.
CRASH-B rowing: 12 x 250m with 2min rest: 44.7, 44.9, 44.5, 44.6, 44.6, 44.7, 44.6, 44.7, 44.7, 44.9, 44.8, 44.9. Stroke rate climbed from 32 on the first piece up to 39 on the last piece. My strategy was to go consistent for the first 8 pieces and then ramp it up for the last 4. I certainly ramped up the effort, but just couldn't go any faster. Happy I didn't go any slower, though.
You are probably standing on your heels too much. While standing on your heels is really good for moving a lot of weight off of the ground, or pushing a lot of weight into the air, it is not how we are meant to stand all day. Alec once gave me this cue: can you lift your heels while in your current posture? If not, your weight needs to move forward. You want your weight more in the middle of your foot. Likewise, you should have a neutral spine with the three natural curves in it.
Also, do try to sit some, see this article: http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-standing-desks/ 80/20 seems to be a good sit to stand ratio.
KMo, I use a standing desk at work and never noticed this problem. What kind of shoes are you wearing? Also, if my legs get tired I'll switch to a sitting desk for an hour or so. I've found a variety of positions throughout my day to be really helpful.
6am this morning with Nick.
Went very easy on the push press, 3 x 5 @ #95, mostly used it as a chance to think about the awkwardness in transitioning between something like rack position and the start of the press. Some good realizations came of it, particularly what the best starting position for my hands is. I feel like that's going to make a big difference in the consistency of my push presses.
After that, CRASH-Bs sprints, rowing next to Peter, 250m/2' x 12: 47.5, 47.3, 46.9, 46.4, 46.7, ~46.7(an estimate: missed my start on this one), 47.3, 47.3, 47.2, 47.7, 48.0, 49.7, 48.0
Wimped out a bit on number 11 there. Those last three were hard, and slower than I'd like. I think I got too ambitious on sprints 3-6.
Standing desk at work will come, so loving all the advice and tips/tricks that keep popping up. Already a week in and my posture has absolutely gone back to no bueno. I try to catch myself but.. oof.
I can't do any sort of gymnastics so kind of hate them all but my list of "somedays" has a cartwheel on it.
Amazing news! The one person on my floor who I met and immediately was YOU WILL BE MY FRIEND, twee lil metal dude that fits in my pocket, eats Paleo/Primal and we terribly nerded out this morning about food and such. AND today a new vending machine was put in that is full of gluten free and healthy treats. Totally fell over and may have hugged it for a sec.
Fighting the super bug but managed 8.5 hours of sleep. A weekday record.
I'm yammering, can I blame the fever?
I see the article posted is about how awful sitting can be. As many of you know I stood for years at my old job. When I started a new job this past summer, I tried sitting and hated it (discomfort, posture, etc.), so I began to reorganize my desk to stand. In a couple of weeks, one of the-powers-that-be suggested I get a standing set-up. Twice now in my life, silent resistance of this same manner has paid off. Two jobs have offered to facilitate my needs. Despite the fact that I loathe my new job, I will gave them accolades for at least supporting this health need for me.
David, I'll snap a photo of the set-up I have here.
Note to all: You might not have to actually ask for a standing set-up. Just do what I've done at my last two jobs and just start arranging boxes and books and crap to facilitate standing and the eyesore alone might get your employer to get you something better too.
True story.
Passive resistance. That's the term I meant. Not silent.
Yesterday's Work:
Push Press: 190
WOD: 5:09 (Thanks Chris, GHD)
Favorite Gymnastocs movement: Skin the Cat (sorry ellie)
Thanks all! I definitely sit throughout the day (in meetings, at lunch, if I feel really tired). I "built" my standing desk out of printer boxes, and given where I work, I'm not holding my breath on getting my employer to pay for a real standing desk or an adjustable desk. I count myself lucky that my managers are completely supportive and aren't asking me to take it down.
Joel, I'm totally leaning into my heels! I didn't even realize until I tried that cue. Thank you!
Alex, I don't wear shoes at my desk and I walk in ballet flats.
JB – That's awesome! Sounds like you work with DO's cousin or something.
don't be afraid to carry mace and things like that. Self-defense is really great to know, but there are a lot of bad dudes out there, and, as many stitches and concussions have taught me over the years, there's always some dude that's tougher than you are. Best thing you can do is be careful of where you are, always be aware of your surroundings, keep your space, cross streets, and try to avoid those situations.
Peter – that is some impressive consistency!
Also, I've looked at the TTD pics at least 4 times now. So great.
For those in KMo's position, where your office won't pay for, but tolerates a standing desk, I highly recommend just buying the Kangaroo Pro Junior if you have $350 to spend. Really easy to set up, and you can adjust it to sit/stand really easily.
@JR – I hate to quibble, but a co-worker of mine–a former police officer and a woman–strongly warned me not to carry mace. She says it's too easy for an assailant to turn the mace against you, especially if they are physically stronger than you. I carry a "Wild Cat Keychain", though I can't actually attest to its efficacy, as I've luckily not had a chance to use it yet.
Incidentally, I would love to take a self-defense class at sbk, if such a thing were offered.
My favorite gymnastics movement is none of them. I think I am still traumatized by the month of gymnastics classes I took in 3rd grade. Everybody could do a cartwheel except me. Tragic…
Hey all – Agree on the standing desk. It also gets contagious – once you start others want to join which gets it a bit easier to talk the bosses into. Now I need to set something up at home since I will not be working as much out of an office going forward.
Home bound day 3 with freaking chest bug so getting no work outs in. Even coming up the subway stairs is enough for coughing fits. Going to come in tomorrow and lift light and do an easy rowing piece followed by some active recovery to try to get back to things. Don't worry I am way past contagious stage, just the annoying hanging on coughing stage.
Sticking to the Paleo though even though take out is tempting, it is feeling good to stay with it!
Also just a little follow-up on the security issue. Good courses on self defense include really useful tips on safety that can be easily over looked, not just the kick 'em in the crotch approach which can take years of practice before being reliable and effective ๐
In a former life I did field work in Africa and the security training we undertook focused a great deal on steps you can take to make yourself far more aware of your surroundings. For example taking differing routes home goes a long way to ensuring you are not blanking out and staring at the ground on the walk home. Also knowing exactly where the nearest police station, hospital, 24 hour bodega, etc… There is a summary of the UN tips and training – ignore some of the ominous stuff but starting on page 20 there is personal security tips that are so obvious they are all too often overlooked.
Ok out on security back to couch and sick ๐
post-lunch update:
i quickly made myself a standing workstation out of 3 printer paper boxes, so far so good. so far, weird looks. at this point i have no standing height chair so no option for sitting, when needed but i might look into that in my long-range standing plan.
re: standing desk.
As someone who really doesn't have the option of a standing desk or would be accepted producing my own variation, I take advantage that a lot of the people I need to talk to, get info from, give things to when sending items are either 1 floor above or on the other end of the office… so I walk over and talk to them directly and avoid email/the phone. I'm up from my desk at least once an hour and always print to the far away printer to make my butt hike around. We have 3 levels so there are options for stairs (take the elevator to the lower floor and walk up).
It's not ideal, but it's something!
Fox, myself, and possibly a few other coaches are getting CF Defense certified in February. We've got a number of coaches with martial arts backgrounds, and some members with professionally relevant experience. It's my goal to offer a CFSBK self defense class soon.
Until then, I will second that pepper spray gets everywhere whenever you use it, and in the interim point people towards what Mel posted . Oftentimes situational awareness and mindset are far more important than knowing the correct karate chops.
If anyone ever wants to yak about this stuff, I'm happy to.
Also, this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg7w3DraqIQ
Remember: "Don't be Ninja'in nobody who don't need Ninja'in."
sorry, I am sure that you are right, that was just kind of an example, I don't know anything about mace. Myself personally, I went to high school in a pretty rough neighborhood, and college was a little better but not a lot, so I just always made sure that nobody got near me, and if they did, I never hesitated to cross the street, or run. I've done all of those, and it's saved me on more than one occasion from being jumped. Guys sneaking up on me in the shadows, their boys around the block, etc. Sorry to suggest mace without being more aware of it, but I do stand by my advice of keeping your distance, and keeping your head on a swivel.
@JR – Yeah, awareness and confidence are definitely the most important things. And at the very least Mace might make you walk with a little more swagger!
OK, y'all inspired me and I pulled the trigger on a "standing desk" at work. t's just my laptop on top of a box but so far so good. Trying to stay on my mid-foot with Alec/Joel's helpful cues but it's hard because my feet are so tired from yesterday's workout. I'm sure my hips will thank me for this later!
Noon with Jess. Worked up to 68# on the push press (3×5), which is five pounds more than last week. Thanks to Jess for all the tips.
WOD: Double under attempts, 20" box – 6:28. I managed to string together 3 double unders! More than once, which is probably some kind of miracle.
Skin the cat, by far is my most favorite.
Bar muscle ups are my least, always eff up my shoulder.
I also kind of like burpees, which is a gymnastics movement by CF standards.
Noah – so good
@Fox – You like burpees? That's kind of messed up.
QOD: I don't have a favorite gymnastics move, necessarily, but I do like attempting to do handstands and cartwheels on the beach.
Also, I had never heard of skin the cat, so I had to look that up. Looks fun, if I could pull it off.
Lifting/CrossFit shoes question. Should they fit like running shoes (i.e., a half size too big for distance running) or like regular shoes? Thanks! Excited to start wearing these!
My favorite gymnastics move will be the Backflip come this Sunday at approximately 7PM.
Also, for those interested in a good social sciencey read: The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker is a pretty interesting examination of human instinct and how it informs our response to danger. Author argues that we are societally normed to ignore basic fear signals out of wanting to not seem rude or strange, and that's where the trouble starts. Cool stuff.
Squats! 150×5, 160×3, 170x1x3. As with last week, the set of 3 was the hardest.
Partner WOD with awesome KH, 19:05. All our individual rounds were within a second of each other. Consistency rules!
Also, I can't remember the last time I did 60 strict burpees in a WOD. Ow.
@JK: great points re: self defense. however @ gina, if you plan on carrying pepper spray, i suggest like any other weapon you should practice with it. when you're in the heat of the moment, you will need that training to use it effectively.
also, @ Mel re kicking in the crotch: my sifu always told us that is the first area a boy learns how to protect. so yes, landing a kick in that area takes more skill than one would think! to quote the Karate Kid "sweep the knee".
Classes by Ken Haller seem inspiring. Unfortunately I will be out of the country for the two of the four weekends that coincide with them. Will these be repeated in the near future?
Olympic lifting shoes should be snug but not so tight they're uncomfortable.
The Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0s (which are my favorite training shoe of all time) should be normal size. They have a wider toebox so they're pretty comfy snug.
Also- my favorite gymnastics movement would be back handsprings. Right behind them are kipping pull-ups. fun fun
You'll see them again
There are so many cool gymnastics movements…
If I had to pick a few, it would be a Back Toss on the parallel bars – http://youtu.be/mdrOT2hQNsU
Or maybe Kovacs – http://youtu.be/gp6b9dnL4w4 or one of the guys I used to coach: http://youtu.be/AC4GAMug-GI
David O – regarding your post about the Reebok shoes, the trainers. I was thinking of buying a pair of weightlifting shoes this weekend – I think the Addidas Trainer if I can find them in the city. But are the Reebok shoes that you recommend good for lifting as well as WOD stuff?
FSQ 245×3 (PR)
Room there, want to hit 275×1 soon. Thanks to Artis for letting me work in with him.
A man pays his debts. DH3 was a man tonight.
Today was a good bad day.. although I was very stubborn with my lifting
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 2 reps
Rest 3 minutes
-Build over the course of the five sets from 80% to as heavy as you feel possible with good mechanics today.
(45×5, 135×4, 225×3, 275×2)
290×2, 310×2, 320×2, (Fail)330×1.X, (Fail)330
– Was get very dizzy and kinda of light headed
– But positions where feeling good (not sure if that counts for anything)
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep
-Loading by Minute โ 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, ?, ?
Adjust loading as needed based on feel. Smaller jumps are fine.
(45xComplex, 115×3, 135×2)
145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195…..
(F)210, (F)220, (F)230, (F)235
– I was on track up until 195#, then everything went downhill from there
– Positionally everything went very well today, but I could not for the life of me lock out my right arm. The Pulls were are clean, the catch was on point, but my right arm would not cooperate..
Five sets of:
5 Squat Cleans @185#
10 Handstand Push-Ups
15 Pull-Ups
20 Wall Ball Shots 20#/10'
Rest 3 minutes
Round 1
All Unbroken
Round 2
All Unbroken
Round 3
4/1 – 5/5 – UB – 10/10
Round 4
All Unbroken
Round 5
5×1 – 5/3/2 – UB – 6/6/8
+ Felt strong with the pull ups, figured out a breathing pattern.. now need to practice the Butterfly kip
– Wallball was the hardest part
+ To put my mind at easy I would just count by five's, rather then continuously counting up..
E. (Extra)
Six sets of:
Sots Press x 5 reps (build in weight)
Rest as needed
45x5x2, 55, 65, 75, 85
– Suck it! Sots Press
Squat: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 215×1, 270×5, 270×5, 270×5
Split Jerk: 45×5, 75×5, 105×3, 140×3, 140×3, 140×3
Row: 10×250/2' 52.8@34, 51.9@33, 52.5@33, 51.9@35, 51.1@34, 52.5@35, 54.2@35, 52.8@35, 53.5@34, 52.5@37
Was actually contemplating BSing around and not working out today but then I saw this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH0nP4NzS9M). That SOB is motivating. Good times lifting with the great Mobina. 270# moved as expected, Gonna slowly creep up and focus more effort on this last month of rowing. Split jerk went OK, a few helpful tips from Fox and everything moves much better. Had a pretty good session on the erg. These intervals were consistently much better than when I did this workout last week. I was shooting for a consistently under 1:50 split ended up doing around a 1:45 on most intervals, gonna shoot for under 1:40 next week. I remebered to do my power 10s and my form felt like it stayed OK throughout. Only did 10 because I felt like I was gonna die plus I'm assuming we're gonna do it next week with a mandatory 12 intervals. Mucho apologies to everyone who had to endure me crying and talking to myself on the erg.
sorry I missed that.
Worked up to a heavy Clean (no jerks, my shoulder is mildly injured). I hit 280 which is a PR, however i caught it forward, my back went soft, and i had to reset at the bottom. I wound up basically doing a pause front squat with 280#, not getting any rebound pop at the bottom. If I get my pull in order, as in pulling the bar back and not letting it get out front, I feel as though I can hit some heavier weights.
Snatch grip pause below the knee deadlifts @286#. I figured why not go heavy if you want to snatch heavy.
Bench press-275#x3, 275×2, 275×1
75 abmat situps