Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs to last weeks Push Presses.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 3 rep set on the Push Press
Try and beat last week’s heavy 5.
Post loads to comments.
PP e2/6
For Time:
65 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps, Games Standard 30/24″
55 Double Unders
15 Box Jumps
45 Double Unders
10 Box Jumps
Post time and Rx to comments.
900lbs of Meat and 15lbs of Weiner
Tell the DOT you want a Bike Rack at CFSBK
Attention CFSBKers! Please do us a solid and take 2 minutes to fill out a request for the DOT to install additional bike parking on our block. The more people who fill this out the better chance we have of getting a rack installed. So, whether you ride a bike or not, do us a solid and fill this out please! Business information is located below the link.
Suggest A New CityRacks Location
Business, establishment or transit stop: CrossFit South Brooklyn
Street Address: 597 Degraw St
First cross street: 4th Ave
Second cross street: 3rd Ave
Borough: Brooklyn
Neighborhood: Gowanus
Block number (optional) 420
Lot number (optional) 58
Phone number of business or establishment (if applicable) 973-610-3628
Community board N/A
Anything else you would like to add? your own comments
Rest Day Dinner #1
Here are the details for the first RDD hosted by Dave, Rachel and their awesome dog, Nahla. They’ve got plenty of room for all and hope you can make it. To RSVP please email them at the contact information listed below. This year we’ve also included pictures of folks on the event pages (to the right) to help put names to faces!
Hosts: Dave, Rachel and Nahla
Host Contact: dgever(at)
Location: 399 Ocean Parkway apt 6 L 11218 – its Ditmas Park , 4 stops on the F train from Park Slope. F train to Ditmas ave or the Q train to Cortelyou road
Time: Saturday 1/12 at 6pm
RSVP: We would like to have an idea of many people are going to show by next Wednesday 1/9 but dont actually need a final number until friday 1/11
What to bring: This will be a potluck event, the hosts will help coordinate dishes.
Have you noticed any positive adaptations from the LFPB Challenge Yet?
A Tour of The International Space Station
Good point, Ben. Not the longer pieces but certainly the sprints would be helped (fuel and recivery-wise) by some extra carbs. Ideally from starches but fruit would do too.
Strength day 2:
45×5, 95×5, 135×3 190x3x5
45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155x3x5
3×10 (barely)… took 3-4 minutes between sets.
Then home for a protein shake, greens juice, and a metric ton of chicken, cabbage, greens, and sweet potato (and 2 slices of paleo banana bread for dessert).
OMG, you guys, Jon and I just designed the theoretically BEST BIKE STORAGE SYSTEM EVAR.
So, ok, it's like a ferris wheel for bikes. Maybe you can put three or so next to each other on a particular rack section, on a GIANT WHEEL that turns on an axle spike emanating from, oh, say, the smack-dab front of the building. So perhaps there are 20 bike slots around the wheel, each holding 3 or 4 bikes that go 'round.
But the way it goes around is that the whole thing is modeled on one of those old-timey bikes with one GIANT wheel and one little wheel. Sadly, in order to work, it has to be backwards, with the seat over the little wheel down by the street. So you jump on the bike-rack-bike, and pedal to bring the big wheel around for an empty bike slot, put in your bike, lock it, and then pedal to get another open slot down for someone else!
C'mon, it's totally practical. AND poetical. David? The landlord would totally dig it if we created a giant spike and gear system on the front of the building, right?
If you and Jon build it, we'll put it up..
It's an awesome idea 🙂
Coming off a raggedy, dragging sick. 6am.
Push Press: 45/75/95/105/110/110/110 5x each… felt fine, felt quick. Didn't want to fry myself, first day back after feeling pretty awful. But that's +5 from last week and there's gas in the tank for next time for sure.
Metcon: RX'd in 6:01. DU's were pretty remarkably solid, though I did have a pretty stellar counterclockwise rotation going. Hit 55 unbroken to complete the first 65, new record for me. Decided along with CP and Peter that bounding really is the only reasonable way off a 30" box.
Afterward, sucking wind for real. That lingering sick saying "hello".
…um, yeah, we're gonna need a little while to work on the schematics…
Worked up to 185 on the Push Press – PR by at least 10 (not sure if I've ever made 175, have definitely failed on the third rep a couple of times I can remember)
WOD in 4:47 – should have been faster. DU fell apart in round 3 and my box jumps have never been great. They were a bit better than usual today though
Push press
45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×3, 125×3
WOD in 6:34 RX