Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 3 rep set on the Front Squat
Go heavier than last week’s heavy 5
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e2/6
3 Rounds of:
AMRAP 2 minutes
10 KB Swing, Heavy
10 AbMat Sit-Ups
Rest 4 minutes
3 Rounds of:
AMRAP 2 minutes
7 Hang Power Clean 135/95
14 AbMat Sit-Ups
Rest 4 minutes
The two minute work intervals should be treated like a sprint. Get as much work in as you can.
Whitney H (aka Dubb Hubb) takes a big breath while unracking for a big squat.
Front Desk and Bikes
Pretty soon CFSBK will be adding a staffed front desk to our reception area (like a real live business!) and will be making some improvements to the front end of the gym. This new service will make it easier for members to ask questions, know what’s going on around the gym, purchase merch or memberships and help us manage folks who walk in. On a similar note as you may have noticed, the front end can become overwhelmed with bikes during busy hours. Not only has this created a problem with people having their own bikes buried by others, it also limits our use of the front area ring row stations and makes movement around all the bikes generally difficult. Starting Monday the 14th we’ll not be allowing non-staff to store their bikes inside. To offset this we’ll purchase a bike rack to put in front of the roll up gate when it’s down. As much as we’d love to let folks park in the gym we can’t handle the volume of bikes we’ve been getting as it’s creating more problems than its solving.
On February 2nd, CrossFit Queens will be hosting its third annual “Hail to the Queens” Competition. This is a female-only competition where both rx’d and scaled girls compete side by side. This year they are expecting more competitors, bigger and better prizes and a larger event facility. In order to make the competition experience the best possible, CrossFit Queens and
1. The movements of the first three WODs:
Double Unders
2. WODs will be announced as we get closer to the event. However, all WODs will be variations of the Girl WODs.
3. There will be a cut off for the surprise final WOD for Rx only.
Scientists Debut Robot That Can Run A Half-Marathon, Smugly Brag About It
that was a great onion video with which to start my day… thanks!
yay for bike rack!! What happens in the warm months when the gate is up (and more people are riding)?
First post on the comments!
We still have room for more people for the rest day diner on Saturday. We are hoping to have at least 20 people show. There will be lots of delicious food and drink. Come on out =)
Make up post from yesterday:
DL: #150
WOD: DB's: 2 rounds @ #20, 2 rounds @ #25
6am with Josh and McDowell. Front squats: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 215×2, 235×3. First 2 reps at 235 were smooth. The last rep got stuck a bit, but I struggled through. I think I wasn't bouncing out of the bottom quickly enough.
CRASH-B rowing: 8 x 500m with 1min rest:
My calculated 2k race pace is 1:42/500m, so these times were right in line with Nick's suggestion of going :02/500m slower. Though I think the consistency and time on the last 500 indicate I could have gone harder. And I found this workout positively easy in comparison to yesterday's 2k intervals.
In Austin TX for a conference and joined the workout at CF Central Athlete.
No strength work but AMRAP 18 min of 40 box jumps (the big ones), 15 push press @75lb, 30 sit-ups. Fragged.
Superbowl boxes will be at the Gym on Friday. Going to do $5 or $10 bucks a box.
Theclymb (dot) com has inov8 for $55. Good chance to get an extra pair or if you've been thinking about getting them.
Finally fell ill to the bug everyone else seems to have blah!! Hate to miss getting to come play and it really makes your lungs hurt – awesome for rowing!! Couching it and getting plenty of hot tea. Rolling around on the foam roller hurts.
Thanks yesterday for all the answers on the water yesterday – I certainly do not fall into any extreme categories so I guess I will just keep at it and things should turn up soon 🙂
It looks like work is getting in the way of my CSA share!
I dont think I will be able to make it to the gym by 8pm to pick up my share.
Could someone please help me out? The window to pick up the CSA is from 6-8pm.
Please email me: hallerk at gmail and we can work something out.
Squats in Space! (go to 13:30)
Strength Cycle, day 2:
Squat 280x5x3: Got better and better over the three sets.
Bench press 175x5x3: I feel like I have forgotten how to bench press in many ways. Will be interesting to relearn.
Power cleans: 155x3x3 Felt good on about half of them, felt like I was jumping too early on the other half.
In response to the bike rack issue, try submitting a request to the NYC DOT bike rack request website. I'm not sure if they look at numbers or not (I've already submitted one request), but it doesn't hurt.
And i just noticed that the requests can be prioritized if they come from a BID; so, does anyone know if CrossfitSouthBrooklyn is in a BID zone?
if you pick up your meat and do not speak to me personally, please make sure you check off your name on the list on the clipboard. that way I can be sure the right folks get the correct bag.
thank you.
Front Squats at 5:30 pm class with Noah and Arturo
First thanx todd for letting me try on new lifting shoes.
FSQ- 245X3 felt pretty good.
Wod- Did the a version of the fitness wod with 2.25pd KB "Snowball" as melo called it. & 14 abmat situps. All kb swings were 'Merican and unbroken. Got 2 rounds, 2 rounds then 2 rounds and 4 swings.
Enjoyed swinging snowball.
6:30 class. Partnered with Whit and Ellie on the front squats, and did the fitness version at 120#. Knees were caving in a little at first, but I think/hope they were better by my last set. Did the wod with hang power cleans at 75#. Made it in at just under 3 rounds on the first AMRAP, and a straight 3 rounds on the second and third. This was a fun one.
Delighted to be back in the gym tonight after getting knocked out by a post-tits day cold. Also pretty psyched about the big bag-o-meat I dragged home after class.
Three sets, not for time, of:
Muscle-Ups x 5 reps
GHD Sit-Ups x 15 reps
Practice Handstand Walk
– Fix head position, tuck my chin into my chest
– look in-between my hand with just my eyes
Three sets of:
Deadlift x 5 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Build over the course of the three sets to a tough, but not max effort
(95×5, 185×5, 275×4, 350×3)
375×5, 405×5, 425×2
– I need to invest in a pair of weight lifting socks or something that will protect my shins.
– My "Pulls" (Deadlift, Clean, Snatch) have been feeling slightly off because my shins are so tender, I've been keeping the bar out in front just so I don't hit them.
– Haven't deadlifted in a while so wasn't sure how to gauge the weight.. so 3rd set counts as a FAIL!
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
24″ Burpee Box Jump-Over x 6 reps
185lbs Deadlift x 9 reps
Push-ups x 12 reps
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
24″ Burpee Box Jump-Over x 6 reps
185lbs Deadlift x 9 reps
Push-ups x 12 reps
Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then . . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
24″ Burpee Box Jump-Over x 6 reps
185lbs Deadlift x 9 reps
Push-ups x 12 reps
3 min: 2 rounds + Burpees + Deadlifts
4 min: 3 rounds
5 min: 3 rounds + 2 Burpees
– Focused on transitions, just moving right into the next movement
– I need to dance around the line between going frantic in a WOD and going fast
– Sometimes It's okay to let the wheels fall off, today was one of those WOD. The weight was light and movements were simple.. keep that in mind
Started working out a 3pm, but my last meal was at 930am
low energy
Front squat went:
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×3, 175×3, 185×3
Happy with that.
WOD rxed: broke down fast but it was pretty cool being partnered with Nick and watching him blast through, especially the last round.
2 rounds plus 5 cleans
2 rounds plus 1 clean
1 round plus cleans and 3 situps
DIY chins 3×5 @ 17.5#
Double Under warm-up and hit 51 unbroken (PR)
Front Squat 180# 3×5. Heavy. Need to focus on speed and elbows on the way up.
WOD (cleans) Rx'd with 2 rounds, 2 rounds + 1 clean and 2 round + 1 clean. Partnered with Marcos, who was a beast and did 3 rounds each time.
That was a great workout.
Fitness WOD (I marked it wrong on the board)
1st: 3 rounds
2nd: 3 Rounds, 5 swings
3rd: 3 Rounds, 6 swings
Dinner was sauteed asparagus/mushrooms in a light pesto with a couple hard boiled eggs and a big ol glass of water.
WOD smoked me. So beat, taking tomorrow off. Was a fun one, tho! Used THE POOD. Good times. Noah Arturo McDowell were weird, which always makes me happy. Love when everyone is kind of goofy.
Front squats partnered with James and Matt.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2
Work: 185x3x5 (all felt heavy, my wrists were smoked. I need to get my rack fixed. Thanks to Arturo for the tips!)
Accessory WOD @115lbs: 2 rds + 5 cleans; 2 rds + 5 cleans; 2 rds + 1 clean. Loved this one!
FSQ: (45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 165×2) 175×3, 185×3, 195×3, 135×6
last rep at 195 was ugly/unorganized, otherwise everything felt pretty good. Should have gone x10 on the repout.
Worked up to 225 – wasn't feeling 230 today though I might have gotten it
Really happy with my WOD rounds
3 + 12 SU
3 + 4 SU
@Cloyd thanks for the link to TheClymb(dot)com. I picked up a pair of Inov-8 Men's Bare-X 200 for $55. The site has great deals on Inov-8 kicks – ends in 17 hours.