Fitness: Find your first 3×5 weight for the next 6 weeks of Linear progress.
Choose to pull from either a conventional or sumo stance
Performance: Work up to a heavy single
Choose from either conventional or sumo and work up to a heavy single. Perfect technique. You’ll be sticking with the DL version you choose today for the entire cycle. We’ll be doing some Dynamic Effort and Max Effort work along the way.
Post loads to comments.
DL e1/6
4 Rounds Not For Time Of:
10 Dumbbell Bench Press
20 Banded Good Mornings
:30 Pallof Hold, each side
Find the heaviest weight you can get for 10 on the Bench Press.
Have you not filled out our 2013 Digital Waiver? If you haven’t filled this one out, now is the time to do it. We need to get everyone’s info updated for the new year, even if you joined 2 months or 2 years ago. Thanks!
Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet Slideshow
(This slideshow set is Malcolm S’ photography)
Rest Day Dinner #1
Here are the details for the first RDD hosted by Dave, Rachel and their awesome dog, Nahla. They’ve got plenty of room for all and hope you can make it. To RSVP please email them at the contact information listed below. This year we’ve also included pictures of folks on the event pages (to the right) to help put names to faces!
Hosts: Dave, Rachel and Nahla
Host Contact: dgever(at)
Location: 399 Ocean Parkway apt 6 L 11218 – its Ditmas Park , 4 stops on the F train from Park Slope. F train to Ditmas ave or the Q train to Cortelyou road
Time: Saturday 1/12 at 6pm
RSVP: We would like to have an idea of many people are going to show by next Wednesday 1/9 but dont actually need a final number until friday 1/11
What to bring: This will be a potluck event, the hosts will help coordinate dishes.
Mark Rippetoe At CrossFit South Brooklyn
CFSBK is honored to be hosting world renowned strength coach Mark Rippetoe on April 12-14. Rip and his staff will be running a three day Starting Strength Seminar which will include a very (very) detailed analysis of the Back Squat, Bench Press, Press, Deadlift and Power Clean. Participants will learn about the mechanical components of the lifts and then be asked to both coach and perform them based on Rip’s teaching progressions and methods. This is a great event for all coaches as well as anyone interested in learning more (a lot more) about the lifts.
Massage with Inka
Inka has been part of the SBK community for nearly two years. As an athlete, bodyworker, and regular to crossfit workouts, she understands first hand repetitive movement patterns and the stress they can put on the body. This familiarity allowed her to learn a wide variety of treatment techniques to help prevent overuse injuries. She strongly believes that the mind and the body are connected and that regular exercise and bodywork is a key component to maintaining one’s health.
Inka is offering sports massage geared towards breaking down adhesions, relieving trigger points, unadhering myofascial restrictions, and increasing range of motion. Techniques include Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy.
- 30 minute sessions: $60
- package of 2 (or 1 hour): $100
- Special LFPB challenge massage: 20 mins- $40. Want to focus on a specific area that is limiting mobility or just giving you discomfort? Want to test your Range of Motion? This is a great amount of time to hone in on that spot!
Evolution of Adaptation CrossFit
Relax Into Stretch
6am with Nick and McDowell. Conventional deadlift (focusing on technique): 135×5, 225×5, 285×3, 315×2, 345×1, 365×1, 385×1. Felt good. McDowell said I had good lumbar curve on the last lift. Probably had another jump in me, just didn't have time. Accessory work: 65# DB for the first round, then switched to the 80#'s for the next 3.
Trying out sumo DL this cycle, which has always been a weaker variant for me.
Worked up to 345 for a single, might have had 355 in me but probably not much more than that.
Accessory work: 65# DB for the first round, 75# for the last 3
I spent most of the day cooking yesterday, so I didn't get to write my TTD post.
HUGE thanks to everyone who helped coordinating Saturday's event — especially David and Margie for creating such a healthy, awesome community for women and weightlifting at SBK. I can't even begin to tell you all of the positive changes its made in my life.
Really stoked to add a total of 100# (from July's TTD) to my PR's:
– 205# back squat (+40)
– 115# bench (+20)
– 235# dead lift (+40)
Highlights of the day were Marian's reaction to her 250 DL and Jess Bailey's final lift. Proud to be surrounded by such strong tits.
Take away:
1) Lifting heavy things is an awesome source of female bonding.
2) Strength cycle is in the near future. I'm excited to see what my body can do.
Conventional DL: heavy single for #265. Never tested my 1rm for DL so this is a PR. Felt heavy and my form was *just* starting to break down.
first CRASH-Bs row from this week's (gruesome) program: 3 x 2k with 5 min breaks: 7:16, 7:49 :(, 7:39
Anyone know of any paleo-friendly restaurants around the Bryant Park area?
Good timing on the Inka info. Went to see Inka yesterday and it was one of the better decisions i've made in my life recently. Super knowledgeable and really good. Thanks Inka!!!
LFPB challenge update: 3,333 points (in Ms. Pacman) -1 for the bagel i destroyed yesterday before football. I blame the bagel entirely for my 2 Interception performance, as well as my dropped interception. Next week I will only eat bacon. Sorry team!
Migdail, Artis: Sorry about your Redskins (NOT) I look forward to the burpees on Friday. Amazing how the playoff only matter when you Win the Superbowl.
@JenStop look for a dishes…there's one around 46th between madison and 5th, but there are more than one….pretty high quality food, good veggies, and all of that. about the closest that I can find in midtown. Just like everything in midtown, if it's good, you have to pay for it.
First day of strength cycle, earliest I've ever gotten up to go to the gym. I am going to have to figure out this eating thing.
Squat: 275x5x3
Press: 105x5x3
DL: 315x5x1
Drank some whey right after, got home and pounded some premade mostly paleo ground meat dish that I made yesterday, because it was all the cooked protein I had. It is not purely paleo because there is soy sauce in it (though I got the gluten free stuff).
meat CSA participants: the first pickup is this wednesday 6-8 pm
email me with questions or if you didn't receive the "welcome" email from me with pickup instructions: mignyc at gmail dot com.
Hit 255 today on my DL. It's been a while since I DLed and my shoulder I expected to be less than where I was at the end of the last exposure. Gives me a goal. Let's hope I pass 275 this cycle.
Went light with the DB bench (thinking shoulder again)
35lbs. Could have done 40-45 I'm thinking.
I'm just getting around to posting my response to TTD since I spent Sunday watching bull riders get tossed around MSG at the PBR event (just another Sunday in NYC). Any soreness I felt post TTD was instantly minimized after watching guys getting launched by some seriously aggravated bulls.
A HUGE thanks to Margie, Jeremy, Katie, Fox, Michele, Melo, and David for creating an amazing opportunity for women to support each other and test their strength. I was amazed to see what everyone could accomplish and totally inspired to take a strength cycle this spring (post triathlons). Also, a special thanks to Sara, who was an incredible advisor / cheerleader throughout the experience.
6am – Conventional DL
55×5, 65×5, 75×5, 85×5, 105×5 x 3
Haven't done DL in months, probably should have scaled down. Felt faint after the last one. Also need to work on lumbar curb and remembering to keep the chin down.
Did the Capacity test as the WOD. Poor performance after being sick and out of my workout routine for over two weeks.
I guess I can only improve from here on…
If you are contemplating attending the Starting Strength seminar, you should register sooner than later– they always sell out and they sell out quickly here in NYC.
Also, if you do register and then have to bail, there will be people on a waiting list hungry to buy your seat, so don't fret about losing your deposit.
As David, Jeremy, Margie, the Foxes, Josh, Michele, Alec, Deb can attest, these seminars are about as in-depth, intense, information and practice packed as you can possibly imagine. Learning how to teach the lift is a great way to bring your own execution of them to the next level.
I hope it gets filled up with mostly CFSBK folks, it'll be a lot of fun.
Tough Titsday is always a great day – and this third iteration of the meet was no different.
It's so inspiring to see people test their limits, deal with being "in the spotlight," and push around way more weight than they thought they could.
Congrats to all the participants, and a big thank you to Margie for conceiving this event and keeping it going strong. It is a wonderful and unique experience.
DL: (95×5, 135×5) 185x5x3
Concerning yesterday – if you have not cleaned in over a year for a injury you feel about as silly doing it as the first time. Ah well, practice, practice!
Did 7am with McDowell and Peterson – Hit 185 for performance on Regular DL today, wanted to leave room for growth and had not done the lift for a heave weight in about 3 months – felt good and excited to do the movement consistently over the next few weeks.
Crash B work next. If you are rowing at the gym NEVER just say 'Hey Nick what do ya think I outta do?' The answer will hurt. 6×500 with 1 min rest. The biggest challenge now is hitting consistency.
Paleo update – stayed true to plan even when my Aggies THUMPED OU and there were plenty of beer and nachos in front of me. But I was a lady and drank my seltzer and lime. Paleo when out and about — Area Bagel and Bodega on 5th has Almond Milk for coffee and is open EARLY. Siggy's Good Food in Brooklyn heights is awesome and has lots of options.
Thanks to everyone for the breakfast suggestions last week. Smoked salmon and avocado has made me a morning person. And Mel just changed my life/commute with the Area Bagel almond milk rec. Love this community!
Some thoughts on a pre-paleo diet :
@Rob I am so hurt. I was sitting right there with you, man! I need a kleenex.
No offense JR, I forgot Jack too and he's my main mensch! I think I only remembered the ones that chose to torture themselves with the written test. The hardest test I have taken since the AP English exam. Actually, it was harder.
also – just so folks know (if you don't!); Argo Tea in the city does have almond milk as an option to dairy or soy milks. You can get any of their lattes (coffee or tea) with it AND you can do a steeped tea chai (unsweetened) with steamed almond milk….. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM.
Capacity test this morning, finalmente. 850 m + 2 rounds exactly of burpees & kb swings. With ze pood.
And deadlifts felt heavier than usual. Maybe it's the lack of refined sugar energy to pick it up ๐
Five sets of:
Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Clean
Rest as needed
(95, 135, 185)
235xUB – 255xUB – 265×2.1 – 275×2.1 – 278×2.1
– Overall felt good. Shin opened up again, so the bar was out infront a bit
– Couldn't get a good grip on the bar to do them all unbroken, but it was a fast transition
Three sets for times of:
Touch โnโ Go Power Cleans x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Goal here is to test different weights and determine what has to changed based on the load to make the movement as efficient as possible.
225×5 @ :21sec
– Work on organizing hands on bar better, maybe hold onto hook grip
– Get lower in catch, don't land with my feet wide
205×5 @ :12sec
+ As I stood up, was able to pop bar off my body
+ Didn't end up jumping my feet out wide
215×5 @ :12sec
+ Same as 205#
Hight Bar Back Squat
* Set 1 โ 3 reps @ 70% (270)
* Set 2 โ 3 reps @ 80% (310)
* Set 3 โ 2 reps @ 85% (330)
* Set 4 โ 1 rep @ 90% (340)
* Set 5 โ 3 reps @ 85% (330)
* Set 6 โ 3 reps @ 85%(330)
(be as explosive as possible on the ascent out of the bottom of the squat)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Three sets for max reps:
60 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
60 seconds of Double-Unders
60 seconds of Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
60 seconds of Rest
Strict HSPU โ 13, 8, 7
Double Unders โ 86, 85, 90
Kipping HSPU โ 8, 4, 5
Extra HSPUs (cause I can use the work)
Felt strong today.
Worked up to a 425# DL. Did all these double overhand so as to replicate the pull on a clean.
85# on the BP
DL: 275×5
Row: 6x500m/1' @ ~30SPM @ ~2:01.4 @ ~168 HR
Went real light on the Deadlift because I'm gonna go linear plus I wanted to save something for the rowing. 275 is 65% of my 1rm so it moved as expected. Today's intervals were not fun, went out too fast on the first two intervals then I fell of the anaerobic cliff of death. Not looking forward to the 3×2000 tomorrow. Prediction? PAIN!
It is interesting that my DL of 425 today (which did not feel all that heavy) was a 15# PR, yet I have literally not done a conventional DL in months. I have however been doing 3×3 snatch grip deadlifts at around 260ish on a somewhat regular basis. Sort of plays into the Westside barbell philosophy of not necessarily having to train a specific lift all the time in order to improve it (i think).
Loved Titsday- the women of SBK are awesome and it just made realize how much work I need to do (good thing I'm about to start strength cycle). Also awesome to come in late and see the crowd turnout, so much love.
As per Rob Is's insistence above I just signed up for the Starting Strength seminar. I can't afford it at all, but then again, can I afford to miss it either?
20 box jumps (20")
20 lying prone medicine ball throws (8#)
20 deck squats
20 push ups
+2 hours of Kung-fu
Killing the challenge- meditation and mobility work everyday so far, no cheats, tons of water and sleep, only one rest day. Free CSA meat here I come!!!
Who wants to volunteer in the Rockaways this week? Thinking of flipping and bouncing it and going Friday instead. noahbarthATgmail
5:30 with MeLo featuring DO.
Felt totally bleh today–think the "paleo fever" hit me today like a ton of bricks. Added some extra fruit, but I didn't have anything in the tank when it came time to lift.
Conventional deadlifts, 3×5 across:
115×5 conventional, 115×5 sumo, 185×4, 235×3, 255x5x3
Fifteen heavy deadlifts is *a lot.* Revising my numbers for the cycle based on today.
Did the DB bench at 50 and then 55. Good to get some work in on good mornings and Pallof–I'll do these at home with my band for sure.
Will see how I feel next few days. There are some beastly erg workouts ahead!
Deadlift (conventional)
135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 275×1, 315×1, 345×1, 365F
315x1x5 On The Minute
4 Rounds NFT
Bench Press 135x10x4
Pallof With thin Blue Band :30e
Bnd GM with Thick Green Band x20
I have no eaten since 11:00am and it's now 10:39
DIY foam rolling.
Sumo Deadlift: 95×3 conventional, 95×3 sumo, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 245x3x5. 15 reps is a lot of heavy pulling, but all the sets moved pretty well and my back was well-set. Don't know why, but sumo pulls feel a lot better. I feel like my back in much more stable. Of course, it is also probably not quite as effective re getting stronger because it is a shorter lift, so I will not be setting conventional DLs aside for good.
Assistance work with 55, 65, 65, and 60×9 (f) on the bench press.
Yowza, back in the swing. Got a bonus steer skull and horns out of the deal.
Deadlift went something like this:
135×3, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1, 265×1
at 265 I felt the back give just a tad so stopped there.
Acc work was nice, bench at 40lb dbโs for first round and then 55 for the remaining three.