Fitness: Find your first 3×5 weight for the next 6 weeks of Linear progress.
If you’re new to strength training and want to learn about linear progressions, read this article.
If you’ve been through a few linear cycles on the Back Squat, read this article
Performance: 80%x5, 85%x3, 90%x1x3
Post loads to comments.
BSQ e1/6
4-5 Rounds Not For Time of:
3-5 Strict Chin-Ups
10-20 second Ring Support or Parallette Support
30 Kettlebell Swings, go heavy
On your Chin-Ups, focus on achieving a mature finish position. That means no reaching with your neck and finishing with your elbows pulled back
4-5 Rounds Not For Time of:
3-5 Weighted Chin-Ups
5-7 Strict Ring Dips with 3 second hold at top and bottom.
30 Kettlebell Swings, go heavy
Post numbers and rounds completed to comments.
Tough Titsday Today!
Good luck to all our femme fatales as they take on our third Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet! Each lifter will have three attempts at a 1 Rep Max Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. The lifting starts at 2:30pm and all are encouraged to come spectate.
1. Janelle R.
2. Cassie X.
3. Sarah W(orm).
4. Laura M.
5. Bethany B.
6. Mobina H.
7. Jenna J.
8. Katie Mo.
9. Julie B.
10. Haley G.
11. Jessica B.
12. Lauren B.
13. Whit H.
14. Jen S.
15. Judith G.
16. Sarah LR
17. Courtney H.
18. Marian L.
19. Radhika V.
20. Shaye L.
21. McKensey S.
22. Erica W.
23. Lauren H.
24. Christine N.
25. Nicole A.
Competitors, if you havent already read Coach Margie’s “Getting Ready To Squat” article, now would be an ideal time! (Or re-read it)
Jonathan’s Community LFPB Tracker
A few folks have asked about being able to publicly track and rank their numbers for the Challenge. Jonathan S took the time not only to create a tracker but reformatted it so that anyone can create a tab for themselves and the spreadsheet will total scores for everyone.
1. You’ll need a google/gmail account to use this as it’s hosted on google docs.
2. The first tab (toggle between tabs at the bottom of the page) reviews how to copy and set up your tab. Pictures are even included to help!
3. Once you’ve created your tab, fill out the last 5 days of points to catch up.
Daily Details: If you’d like to track specific numbers through the challenge you can input your body weight, hours slept and hydration here. (not required)
Base Points/Bonus Points: Answer Yes or No under each catergory to automatically calculate your points
Click Here!
Rich Froning Overhead Squats 335 for 2 Reps CrossFit
Lady Fox's bench press face is kind of awesome. (And no false modesty here, so is my squat face.)
Good luck everyone on totals today!
Went to the 11 class with Arturo and Josh. First time doing a "performance" workout, 5×1@215, 3×1@225, 1×3@235. Should have plenty of room to go up in the coming weeks, although I have no idea what my 1rm is. Then four rounds of 6 pullups (white band), 15 second ring support, 20kg kb swing. Shook like crazy for a while on the rings. Thanks to Keith for pointing out beforehand that "go heavy" + "120 reps" != 24kg. Pullups are slowly getting better, some day maybe I will be able to do them strict in a WOD…
Question: I started running 3x/week in addition to classes at cfsb 3x/week, doing intervals 2x/week and longer runs 1x/week. I ran a fast (for me) 5k yesterday and my quads are a little sore (I think it's the rectus femoris?). It's specifically this one muscle that is sore, otherwise I feel completely fine. Are there cf-approved exercises for strengthening the quads? I'm thinking weighted lunges or front squats?
Good luck to all the ladies today!!
First AR class at 11 today: Ouch, then, Ahhhh.
LBBS 225# 3×5. These felt heavier than I would have liked. Everything felt heavy today…
3 rounds of the assistance work with 15# chins 3×5, ring dips 3×5 and 2 pood american KB swings.
Go Ladies!
@pcker, did you run downhill faster than you were used to? That's usually what causes quad pain after running. Your best bet is a) some slower recovery running and b) to just to keep running downhill… You might even specifically do some downhill running drills (maybe 4 x 30 seconds at first, adding 2 reps each time, at the speed you'd race a mile or two; jog back up or do them whenever you come to a downhill) where you work on running as fast as gravity wants you to, without putting on the brakes. It's the eccentric braking action that does the damage. Just throw them in in the middle of a run, once you're loose.
@sam, thanks I'll try both. Sadly I am doing about half my running sets on a treadmill during my lunch break at work since it's hard to find time otherwise, but I can definitely set it to be at a decline for some intervals. It's not ideal but better than nothing.
And to avoid braking: lean forward with the hill, not back against it; keep your spine stable and tall, your head back; focus on rapid turnover rather than long strides, your foot should be landing directly underneath your body.
I just want to officially apologize to all the ladies doing the Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet. I tried to use as little space as I could manage(,) while you all were lifting heavy weights. Being discrete while Snatching is a hard to do. I hope I was as much of a distraction, I tired very hard to be a shadow..
Good luck today!
AR then noon class:
LBBSQ (45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 185×2) 200×5, 215×3, 225x1x3
assistance: just got in 1 round 24kg, 45#x3, ring dips
Crash b row: 1000m x4 w/3 min rest – bet 4:11-4:18 per 1k
Stopped by the Titsday meet today and Wow! Really impressive numbers being put up! Congrats Ladies!
Great job to all the ladies. Wonderful to see so many new women on the platform. I really hope some of you guys came away with a better sense of how strong you are and what your potential is.
Especially proud of my client/homegirl/athlete Lauren B who killed it today! We've been working on getting these numbers up a bit and her form dialed in over the last couple weeks, everything went really well IMO.
3 Rounds:
15 OHS 45lbs
10 Push-Ups
10 Ring Rows
Kettlebell Snatch Practice
Started at 12 kilos and worked up to 24. Everything up to 20 was feeling great, 24K not so much. I've got these in a competition I'm doing next weekend. Need a few more technique sessions to get reacquainted and not break my left forearm.
Back Squat
200×5, 215×3, 225x1x3
Nice gentle start…
Assistance Work
3 Chins: 44lb, 54lb, 64lb, 65lb, 44lb
6 Ring Dips: all unbroken
8 KB Swings: 70lb, 80lb, 80lb, 88lb, 88lb
By the time I got to the Assistance work I felt DONE. I didn't feel like I could adequetly swing anything heavy for thirty reps so I scaled down to 8 reps and played with the new bells. Long day, dragging myself through the finish.
Now off to party!