Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Today is your first exposure for the next 6 weeks of Push Pressing. Leave some room to grow, bar speed should remain quick today.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 5 rep set on the Push Press
Next week we’ll be going for heavy triples.
Post loads to comments.
PP e1/6
5 Rounds For Time Of:
8 DB Hang Clean Thrusters
16 Abmat Sit-Ups
5 Rounds For Time Of:
8 DB Hang Clean Thrusters @45% BW
8 Toes To Bars
Post Rx and time to comments.
Commitment to Training: The Myers’/McDowell Garage Gym
Why am I So Hungry?
By Chris Fox
You’ve been doing great with food choices during this first week of The Challenge, but some days find yourself wracked with hunger.WTF? Recognize that by removing grains, legumes, dairy, and refined sugar, you’ve removed potent calorie sources as well. Be sure to make up for those calories by eating enough protein and fat. You cannot expect be satisfied with an egg or two and a few veggies for breakfast if you expect that breakfast to last you any more than a few hours. You need to be eating enough. Don’t throw hunger pangs on top of cravings for foods that you’ve removed from your diet. If you’re starving you’re much more likely to satisfy said cravings. Try combining 2 or more animal protein sources in meals and be sure that you have enough calories coming in. A good drizzle of olive oil or a small handful of nuts added to a meal can make all the difference. Each of your meals should be centered around a generous serving of animal protein and garnished with veggies/fruit/nuts. A plate full of cauliflower and a boiled egg will not provide the energy you need to be a sane, functioning human being. Paleo choices give you the permission to EAT!
Speaking of Hungry… Remember to RSVP for the Paleo Potluck on the 19th! We want to make sure that we get enough table space and cutlery for everyone. Send your RSVP and dish choice to to the comments section of the event page.
Grrrrrrrowr. Looks like I have to dock myself a point today for not sleeping enough, even though it totally wasn't my fault. I went to bed at 11, got out of bed at 6…but there were about 2 hours in there where I was a total insomniac, thanks to the cold I am still getting over. Boo, hiss.
Got to 78 on the push press. WOD in 7:46, 25# dumbbells, K2E for 2 rounds and situps for the rest. I really should be better at K2E than I am, given what I can do in other areas. Also I kind of wish I'd tried the Rx weight (which would have been 30# for me). Not that the 25# thrusters were easy, but especially because I didn't stick with K2E, I think I could have handled 30, albeit slowly.
PS, I think we need to ask this as a QOTD soon: If you were teaching a class at SBK, what would the soundtrack be?
Question inspired by today's soundtrack, which started out as middle school memories (Janet Jackson!) and then Jess changed it to her more usual Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson combo 😛
Thanks for all of this great info Fox. It really does help and I have been altering my meals accordingly. By the way, a little typo. The potluck dinner is on the 19th , not the 15th.
Thanks for the post! Yesterday freaked me out a bit how hungry I got. Got me worried about how being 'pretty much Paleo' is a slippery slope. Got me some avocados to try to help get a little fat in the meat and veggie mix to help out. Drinking the water is a beast!
Work out today was press for a set of 5 heavy at 58 lbs. I am stilling coming back on shoulder injury in terms of external rotation. Still feels really wonky to go over head – but Jess reminded me I need to breath and focus instead of getting over excited.
Did Crash B's sprints for 250×8 with 1 min. rest. Evil stuff but important for me to not open the hips too early when going at race speed. Getting a better feel for when I hit the wheel just right.
Thanks for the advice Fox. Woke up with monster headache today and feeling a little dizzy. Sounds like that's normal though?? I've never given up sugar and grains, so my body must be wondering WTF!?! Trying to find good lunch options near work and realized that Chipotle can easily be Paleo if you skip the tortilla, beans, rice and corn salsa, so psyched for that.
Been eating like a manimal. throwing in some shakes just to feed the beast. no bad stuff though. Two recent cooking highlights were similar, braised lamb shanks, and osso bucco. Osso bucco was just awesome
Lose a point for the same reason at @Stella. Went to bed on time, which is not easy. Had first day back at work though, and was just way too wired. Like Jimi Hendrix was smashing a guitar inside of my brain. Going to be a challenge.
Squash last night, and mobility before and after, but not enough for two points between the two, leave it at one.
Tonight I am going to throw the iron around.
6am with Jess. First workout in 10 days, with 5 straight days of snowboarding and much gluttony. Nice to see so many familiar faces at the gym. Worked up to 165×5 on the push press. Felt strong. Left shoulder has a slight twinge from a snowboard crash. Had at least 170 in the tank, maybe 175.
CRASH-B sprint rows: 8×250 w/ 2min rest: 48.6, 47.4, 46.6, 45.7, 44.7, 44.3, 43.7, 43.8. Started conservatively. The last two intervals hurt. A lot.
@Adele, I posted about this late yesterday, but your headache/dizziness might have to do with a lack of salt–try a tsp. of sea salt or bouillon in hot water. And see:
My favorite aspect of the McDowell-Myers Gym is the tractor. I really hope that garage is in Brooklyn, and you guys have all sorts of urban tractor needs.
If we are only participating in the challenge as outsiders looking in, are we still invited to the potluck?
The potluck is open to everyone
I'm came down with that flu bug that had been going around. Beads of sweat as I write this.
Great to be back in the gym in 2013! 6am with Lady Fox and all the regulars. Got up to 115 on the push press, happy with this. Thanks Jess for the form tweaks, they really helped on the last set. Then WOD in 11:04. Brutal grip-fryer. Also, 30# DBs was HARD, and I shoulda been using 37.5s (if such a thing existed). Oof.
David, sorry you have the bug!
An avocado a day keeps the hunger away.
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career project managers with digital/interactive/software development experience, and ideally experience with Agile/Scrum, needed at my company, wireless generation.
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Hey lovely MGMT!
I know I have done this before… I left my ring at the gym last night, as I took it off mid-WOD for pull-ups :-/
It is thin and silver with two blue stones and a clear stone in the middle. I left it on the left side of the pull-up/rack stations (when you're facing the main whiteboard), on a red thing… I think it's a prowler.
If someone can put it in a secure place for me today, that would be great. I'll be in tomorrow (Fri).
lo siento. muchas gracias!
Whit – didn't see 'em but will put them upstairs when they turn up. I always take my ring off when I do pull ups, deadlifts, kb swings, or olympic lifts. I tie it in my shoe lace and never have to worry about it dropping in a crack in the cinder block wall of the gym which has claimed many items over these years…so now you have that trick, too.
last night i had my first dream of the challenge where i'm eating something that's illegal.
it was very specifically a jolly rancher i'd popped into my mouth before remembering i'm not supposed to have those. i can't even tell you when the last time i came across a jolly rancher in real life was.
do other people have these dreams? this always happens when i go back to strict eating habits.
sometimes i'll also misread a sign like "designer watches made here" as "sandwiches made here" that makes no sense and that's also a true story not a weird example.
Noon with the Foxes. Push press was 3×5 at 63#, which felt moderately heavy. WOD in 5:43 with 15# DBs.
I actually managed to sleep for a ridiculously long time last night, so yay for an extra point. Plus I bought fish oil on my way home from the gym (meant to buy it there, but I forgot for the second day in a row).
Gina – Recently I misread signs that say "Restroom for Employees Only" as "You are Sh*t Out of Luck".
100oz of liquid pain.
PS: Love how organized McDlowell's tools are.
Forgot to post my challenge-related questions before. Oops.
1. For the mobility work/foam rolling, do we only get a point for 20 consecutive minutes? For example, if I do 10 minutes in the morning, 5 more at the gym, and 5 at night, would that count? Or does it have to be all together?
2. I'm curious about people's thoughts on intermittent fasting. I know Mark Sisson talks about it a lot. And there's Leangains & Eat Stop Eat, etc. Just wondering about everyone's thoughts/experiences.
Rachael, I hope you can break it up, because that's what I've been doing today! I was doing the 20 minutes unbroken for days 1 and 2, but that's just not going to happen on Thursdays, at least not without costing myself the 7 hours of sleep point.
Took it easy today and had fun with Crash B's sprints: 250×8 with 1 min rest, warmed up with Fox and THE OTHER 5 PEOPLE AT 8AM. Yeah! I love the smaller sets. They still bash you pretty good but I tolerate them way more.
@Gina – 1. I miss the days when candy was used as currency. 2. I muck up signs all the time similar to what Fung mentioned above.
For a quick hunger fix I'll bake eggs in avocados. Tip: Do a bigger scoop out of the pit hole to make sure the egg fits.375-425 degrees. Trim the bottom off so it doesn't roll about and sits flat or use an oven safe dish for each one to hold upright. Season with whatever. Can take 10-20 mins depending on the oven and how done you want your eggs. Um.. thats kind of it. I like 'em.
Yes to partitioned mobility work. Whatever gets the job done
ahhh my foam roller just arrived in a giant box. AR here i come.
6 am with Jess. 60#, 3×5 on the push press. WOD in 6:31 with 20# dumbbells/situps. Feeling pretty good on Day 3. Amazon tells me that my paleo cookbook arrives tomorrow. So excited!
Rachael, I have been experimenting with the intermittent fasting. Not doing it every day, and can't really say whether I've seen dramatic results so far, but I do find skipping breakfast "feels" right for me and I do find that, as Leangains suggests, breakfast makes me more hungry. Instead of breakfast I have an espresso or two and a shake with water and BCAA powder. I try to keep all my eating in the hours between 11AM and 8PM so I generally have a 15 hour fast.
I had a bit of a breakdown this evening because I did a long bike ride, going into Manhattan and doing stuff around the city, probably biked 2 hours (not super fast of course) after working out at 6AM today. I don't know if it was cold weather, or too much activity without a huge amount of food, but I had a serious energy drop coming home. I stopped at a grocery store and drank a small grapefruit juice, and ate a huge container of pomegranate seeds and probably 40 raw cashews! Up till now this week, I've been trying to avoid excessive fruit and nuts but I just had to or I was going to collapse! I had a sausage when I got home and I think that might be all the food I need for the night.
rachael ive read that IF is different for men and women. just something you might want to check out and consider.
Yes to IF being different for women and men. A lot of its benefits are purportedly due to alteration of hormonal cycles in the body, which will obviously differ for the ladies. I have read/heard Mark Sisson and Robb Wolf (sorry, both dudes) talk about it before:
730 class w Jess
Push press:(45×5, 75×4, 95×3, 115×2) 135×5
Wod: 7:01 at 35# / sit-ups
Finally feeling 90% and back into the gym tonight after 10 days off. Way too long and I felt it. Everything was super heavy…
Squat: 185×5, 205×4, 240×3, 225×3, 225×3
I was going to restart my 5-4-3-2-1-1-1 program, but 240 felt way heavy, so I just backed it off to get the blood flowing. Normally I restart after a break with my Texas Method recovery workout (225x3x3 or there abouts) so I basically did that. At least I won't be crazy sore tomorrow.
Bench: 195x2x5 and 145×10
Had to back off to the first week of the cycle again.
Triceps rollbacks: 15x10x6 w/ 12-15 seconds rest between sets
Finally did the rep scheme as written. TIme to move it up.
Good to be back, but a bit sobering. Between the layoff and being sick I've lost ground on ground I had barely started to win back! I just need to focus on going slow and slowly building back up…
On the plus side I'll finally drink 90 ounces of water. Sorry Fox, that just ain't easy! Tomorrow I do the capacity WOD. That oughta suck, but seeing how de-conditioned I am, I'll have plenty of room for improvement!
feels so good to be back in the gym!
fun class @5:30 – wod 17.5# @ 6:55 probably could've used the #20's but would've added a minute or so. I have a real problem finding an appropriate dumbbell weight for wods. i always either overshoot, or undershoot. blargh.
push press: 5×80. Felt good.
re IF:
h t t p ://
i posted a great link from Stumptuous on the issue of IF and women. Too bad squarespace ate it.
7:30PM with Fox and Jess
45 x 5
95 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 1
165 x 5 (a couple of sloppy ones)
WOD: 4 rds and 4 toes to bars at 40 lbs. Thrusters were solid. Toes to bars were hard.
Wow, first time back since the 1st of Dec. Sick for three weeks and then a week in Amsterdam does not do good things for ones conditioning.
Push Press: 45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 115×5, 105x5x2
The 115 went up easy but I felt myself hyperextending in my back to compensate for shoulder mobility. Did a couple more sets at 105 to get back in the groove.
WOD – 11:11 with 34# DB’s. The clock reset and Josh said 16:11 but my fellow warriors that finished before me said 11:11. Either way it was an oxygen sucking shit show. Good to be back.
That garage is way to neat, I want to use some of those tools and not put them back.
I've followed the lean gains model of fasting for a while and also experimented with more of an 'eat stop eat' approach. The main benefit for me was that I learned how to understand hunger better. Once I got used to it, I always felt sharper mentally and physically during a fast. The only reason I stopped it because the BCAAs I was taking made my skin crawl and I couldn't deal with it any more.
Having said that, my understanding is that IF should be the last piece of the puzzle and is not something to mess with until you're set in your clean-eating ways. If you're just adjusting to the new diet, it probably doesn't make sense to layer in some IFing right now.
830PM with Jess.
Push press: Heavy 5 at 95#
WOD: 6:04 with 20# DBs and sit ups.
I have noticed I've been getting hungrier throughout the day. Specifically after lunch (beef stew), so I brought in some veggies to munch on at the end of the day so I wasn't a crazy ravenous wolf by the time I got home. Then had an avocado before the gym. Worked wonders.
@Gina — I'm totally having paleo dreams, too! Not about food though, I've been having around 5 different super psychotic, weird, nutso dreams in one night. I might have to start writing them down. I can't remember them, but they aren't exactly pleasant, either.
Excited for Titsday on Satuday!!
Thank you all for the IF info/links/thoughts. Just something I think I might want to play around with eventually. But Betz, I think using it as the last piece of the puzzle is good advice.
Michele – I'll try to find that Stumptuous article. Thanks!
Push press: 130# 3×5. Room to grow here.
WOD @ 7:13 with T2B and 35# DBs. This was nice and fast. Might have gone heavier.