Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Today is your first exposure for the next 6 weeks of front squatting. Leave some room to grow, bar speed should remain quick today.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 5 rep set on the Front Squat
Next week we’ll be going for heavy triples.
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e1/6
As Many Rounds As Possible in 7 minutes of:
10 Box Jumps
10 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
10 Push Ups
As Many Rounds As Possible in 7 minutes of:
10 Box Jumps 24″/20″ Games Standard
10 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
10 Hand Release Push-Ups
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Digital Waiver
Don’t forget to fill out our new Digital Waiver. We re-up this every year and have decided to go paperless in 2013. We had about 75 folks fill it out yesterday, if you’re coming to class today and havent filled it out, get on it. Regardless of when you started, everyone needs to fill one of these out.
New Training Template
For the next 6 weeks we’ll be on the following lifting template:
Wednesday: Front Squat
Fitness: 3×5 6 Week linear progression
Performance: Max Effort 5-3-3-2-2-1
Thursday: Push Press
Fitness: 3×5 6 Week linear progression
Performance: Max Effort 5-3-3-2-2-1
Saturday: Back Squat
Fitness: 3×5 6 Week linear progression
Performance: % Based Acending Ladder
Sunday: Hang Power Snatch
F&P will be working HP Snatch before a longer WOD on Sundays
Monday: Deadlift
Fitness: 1×5 6 Week linear progression (Sumo OR Conventional)
Performance: Max Effort and Dynamic Effort Work
Rest Day Dinners
Would you like to host a future Rest Day Dinner during the 2013 LFPB Challenge? These can be potlucks at your pad or they can be a group dinner/brunch etc out at a restaurant of your choice. The idea is to have folks come together with new and old friends, share recipes and have a good time. We’ll need to know the following information if you’d like to host:
- The RDD you’d like to host (Date & Time)
- The Location you’d like to host it at (address included)
- How many people you’d be able to accomodate
- When you’d need the RSVP’s by
- Your contact information
Friday 1/11 OR Saturday 1/12
Saturday 1/19 CFSBK Community Paleo Potluck
Friday, 1/25 OR Saturday 1/26
Friday 2/1 OR Saturday 2/2
Friday 2/8 OR Saturday 2/9
Please contact David(AT) to put in your request!
How did your first day of the LFPB Challenge go?
A New Kind Of Clock The Present
1. That clock is awesome. I may buy one for the gym
2. The WODs were released for the comp I'm doing in a couple weeks
1st WOD
20 Seconds for Lift, 10 Seconds to Transition:
Cluster Ladder (Clean + Thruster = Cluster)
Women’s bars rage from 45lbs – 225lbs
Men’s bars range from 85lbs – 285lbs.
2nd WOD
10 min AMRAP:
10 hand-release burpees (lateral jump over kettlebell)
9 single-arm kettlebell snatches (16kg/24kg)
20 double-unders
9 single-arm kettlebell snatches (16kg/24kg)
3rd WOD
8 min AMRAP:
30 toes-through-rings
15 power cleans (115lbs/165lbs)
Approx. 30 ft racked lunge walk (115lbs/165lbs)
15 power cleans (115lbs/165lbs)
Approx. 30 ft racked lunge walk (115lbs/165lbs)
5 rope climbs
Probably won't make the cut for event 3. Need to work some KB snatch technique. Should be a fun day.
Good to be back after a short sickness.
Got about 25 minutes of hip mobility and foam rolling in today – been really tight/sore in my right hip flexor.
Front squat – 215 x 5
Felt pretty good – had a little more in me but I called it a day given that that's a PR and I failed at that weight a couple weeks ago.
Did the LFPB benchmark metcon after that:
3 rounds + 4 burpees
Row and transition took about 3:40 and I kept moving almost the entire time. Could make up a little time on the burpees next time and could pull the kettlebell down to make it move faster but I'm really going to have to push it to get a better score. Shooting to at least finish the burpees on round 4.
Day one went well, considering my year-end absence and ensuing shenanigans.
presses, deadlifts, chin ups, ab wheel, 100% paleo, about 8 hours of sleep, fish oil, the whole thing.
tonight squash and then some good mobility work.
I'm a bachelor until Sunday. I'll hit the gym every night.
first LFPB day of the year:
missed the morning entirely getting my first 9-hour sleep in.
awoke with a dull headache as is sometimes customary for the first day of the year.
hid non-LFPB items from direct sight-lines in kitchen.
roasted tri-tip & accompanied it with brussel sprouts for early-bird dinner.
watched pitch perfect, again.
somewhere in there i popped fish-oil and drank at least 96 ounces of water.
got my first meditation sesh in before bed, that was nice!
i've decided to keep a little notebook for my stats and how i feel each day. i'll also keep my numbers in a spreadsheet because i'm an accounting nerd and i can't resist that.
Day one went well. Felt pretty full after each meal but not at all satisfied. Hopefully that feeling goes away as I get used to the lack of grains and cheese. Woke up three times to pee last night so I may plan on finishing my 95 ounces of water a little earlier in the day today. Looking forward to the next 6 weeks for sure.
Day 1 taught me that I need to be prepared with Paleo snacks for when the munchies hit. I didn't cave and eat something off-label, so to speak, but I was going crazy prowling the fridge for anything that I could eat while trying to avoid my usual crutch of Larabars.
I got all my base points, plus two extra (1 WOD, 1 active recovery). I've been doing 10 minutes of AR-type stuff before bed for a couple of months now, so I'm going to try and boost that to 20 as often as possible to rack up some more points, especially since I suspect I am going to lose that 7-hours-of-sleep point more than once during the course of the challenge. I was LOVING my Rumble Roller last night. (Please feel free to take that last sentence out of context and mock me at will.)
PS, last night I slept 7 hours unbroken. First time in a WEEK that I didn't wake up at least once in the middle of the night because of my cold. You have no idea how pathetically excited I am about this.
attention meat CSA members
the first pick up for the new cycle is one week from today: wednesday, january 9.
pick-up hours are 6-8 PM. any unclaimed shares after 8 PM will be distributed to other gym members, so don't miss the time. if you know in advance you cannot make the time, please arrange for a friend to pick it up for you; the gym cannot hold shares.
questions? email me: mignyc at gmail dot com.
as always, i will be reviewing each share's cuts and providing recipes on my paleo blog, thedailypaleo dot tumblr dot com.
First day was good – made me very happy over the progress I have made over the past year while cognizant of how many small things have slipped. Rowed by first 3'/10' piece for Crash B's that was not too miserable after the holiday festivities.
Hit my base 3 points plus work out, AR, Fish Oil and got 9 hrs of sleep (yaaa Sleep!)
Taking today as a rest day and taking another try at Cauliflower Rice tonight. I failed miserably the first time but have a ricer now so hope that will do the trick!
CAULIFLOWER RICE! OMG, the best thing to happen to my cooking since…since…I can't even come up with a suitable comparison. I have a pretty powerful food processor which makes it absurdly easy.
I am very, very sad that I can't come to the potluck, but I'm hoping to get one of the Rest Day Dinner slots because my pad is big enough to have quite a lot of people over for Paleo chili, board games, and shenanigans.
Mid Hang Power Clean + Below The Knee Power Clean
90×1-1×2 (198lbs)
Front Squat
These felt really good today, balance felt right. 175 was heavy but probably 15lbs below a true 5RM
LFPB Capacity Test
Row: 3:57
2 Rounds + 4 Burpees
No where to hide in that one. Row was underwhelming. That sucked.
Day one went…ok. Points off for NYD cocktails but no beer or sugary cocktails. Slept late, neither of my 2 meals were not home cooked but they were both grain free and full of meat and veggies. Got my water and fish oil points but no WOD, AR/meditation, or 9+ hrs of sleep (I will certainly never get that 9hrs). Planning to get in today to train, and just placed a roast in the slow cooker and pork belly is in the works. I find having some cooked meat around along with some easy to throw together veggies helps me behave. I've been around these challenges for some years now so my goals are more refined and tailored to help me strengthen up my weaknesses. In particular I am focused on eating home cooked food more frequently. Id wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that 85% or more of my meals in Nov and Dec were eaten or ordered out. Secondly I am considering sugary beverages and beer verboten, both of which have set their sites on sabotaging me as of late. Now off to spray tan on some abs, yo.
Hey Fox – that was Noah and I's idea for the spray on abs, no fair! 😉
Nooner with coaches Josh and McD today. Got in a bit early to some foam roller and lax ball lovin. Went for 265lb x 5 on the front squat, but I had to bail the last rep. I knew it was ambitious but I thought I could nail it. Just lost my rack position. Scored 4 rounds + 6 pullups on the WOD (games standard). Helpful tips from Noah throughout, my work capacity is just for shit right now.
Day 1: 3 base points + 1 for fish oil
I've been eating this way for ~2.5 years, so basic compliance isn't really a challenge anymore. Like Fox, my main goal is to cook more meals at home. Cooking isn’t really my thing, but I’d like to save money and take advantage of my coop membership, so I set a goal of cooking 3 lunches and 3 dinners a week. Yesterday, I cooked a beast pot of meat (~6lbs of chuck roast, maybe 5 after I trimmed the fat), which I’m enjoying for lunch today and will likely get me through the week.
My plan is to have 1-2 protein options and 2-3 veggies options a week. Mix and match. Mission accomplished.
I hit the ground stumbling on Day 1. I found out some mashed sweet potatoes I ate had honey in them, then later I intentionally had some honey in tea to help with a sore throat. I had a few coughing fits overnight that kept me way below the 7 hours sleep. No workout, though I did do some stretching and some banded crab walks. Not enough for a bonus point though. Snacks are always hard. I saw a movie and picked up some mac nuts, raspberries and cheese on the way. Other than the honey, meals were fully compliant.
So 2 pernts total, 1 (2 actions outside) and 1 for fish oil. Good to get back on paleotrack.
Took the inaugural 8:30 PM last night with Melo. 4 people.
Worked up to #375 on the Sumo Deadlift and then hit the row burpee kb wod. 2 rounds + 10 swings.
Been feeling really broken down, so I took 4 days away from the gym, and felt sluggish back. Looking forward to the challenge and no booze for a bit.
Paleo is basically the way I eat, with some occasional, random, exceptions. The difference here is that there are no exceptions. Oh, and no beer. I do typically drink beer, but it's not hard to take an 8 week break. Another big difference is tracking everything. I find tracking useful but difficult to maintain.
Noon with Josh and McDowell. First time front squatting in awhile – 3×5 at 75#, plus I did one extra set at 85. WOD with 20" box + ring rows – 5 full rounds.
Day 1: Food & water within guidelines, but I had lots of mimosas and definitely not 7 hours of sleep. Meant to pick up fish oil when I was at the gym today, but forgot. Will start with that tomorrow, hopefully.
hey MGMT -any chance we could get those templates for the point tracking in email form? I'm having issues saving and editing and I really like them. thanks!
Drinking 92 ounces of water is turning out to be a challenge- definitely need to start the downpour earlier. Diet and sleep have been good since Christmas, but due to a cold there have been no workouts, including the capacity test. Hope to be OK to hit that tomorrow.
Overall, the first day went meh. I ditched all my fish oil months ago and found myself with none yesterday. Eat and sleep were good, but I didn't make my water intake.
BTW, the spreadsheets are the bomb– thanks for doing those Jonathan and Bekka!
Hey ladies…
I just got an invite for Hail to the Queen in my inbox. I am feeling conflicted about this, because last year's event was no bueno. On the other hand, they're doing it at CrossFit LIC (I've never been, but hopefully it's MUCH LARGER than CFQ?), and I'm hoping the organizers will have a better handle on things this year because of what they've learned from last year. And I'm thinking trying a comp again would be a nice and helpful kick in the ass toward Stuff I Should Be Able To Do But Can't Yet (see "Unders, Double" and "Pushups, Handstand").
What do you gals think?
First day on LFPB challenge was a success, until I realized I lost a point for not drinking enough water and another one for not getting at least seven hours of sleep. I was able to regain two by taking fish oil and doing the WOD. Still, a pretty measley 3 points out of 7 possible didn't seem that great. Today is already better, got the 7 hours sleep, fish oil, and WOD so as long as I don't eat anything outside of the guidelines today I'm looking at a 5 out of 7 point day. If I can get on a foam roller before bed tonight that'll bump it up to 6. Success!
YES- Spreadsheets are the bomb! Thanks guys!
I too am having a difficult time with drinking so much water. Second hardest part for me is preparing my meals enough in advance and having the right amount of food in the house! Also, fish oil burps. WOW.
110 oz of water is a LOT of water.
So far so good, but I am already sick of eggs.
Do tea and coffee count toward the water in take?
Did the inaugural 530pm class las nite.
255×5. This felt pretty heavy. Im looking forward to seeing where it goes from here. My goal of a 300lb C&J is in full effect.
4Rds+10 Box jumps on the Performance WOD.
For the look better naked challenge, although I am not participating (since my breakfast and lunch diet is basically determined by what type of food is being served at the hospital cafeteria which I can actually choke down,) I am going to try and attempt less bread and grains. 9hrs of sleep seems like some sort of fairytale joke made up by people with trust funds or artists btw.
Day 1 went well. Dusted off the pots and pans and cooked up a whole bunch of veggies and meat for the rest of the week. Did the capacity test and got through 1 round + 10 burpees. All my burpees included strict push-ups, so I was pumped. Looking forward to improving by February!
Day 1 was pretty rough. My boyfriend surprised me with a trip to Disney World for New Years and although it was a blast my first thought was "How on earth am I going to eat Paleo in a theme park??" Talk about temptations. It was not easy, but I did it. Considering my flight was at 5am this morning the 7 hours sleep was impossible (try 3). I plan on making it up this weekend with the 9+ easily.
I also 2nd the being full but not satisfied statement.
day one was awesome. day two was shit. i have such a hard time maintaining anything while dealing with the stresses at work.
plus the fucking vending machine is right outside my office.
First day went well. I'm eating chicken now which is a big deal for me after almost a decade of strict veg sometimes veganism. I got sick of circling around the chicken at whole foods wishing it didn't take a creature dying for me to satisfy my cravings. Still conflicted about it but it is what it is for now.
I had so much flipping energy yesterday it was hard to unwind. I laid down to sleep and it felt like BZZZZZ, BZZZZ. the constant peeing thing will get old so i hope my bladder can set some PRs.
i'm an idiot i thought we could only get three points a day? for sleep, fish oil and working out or A/R. i thought it was minus for noncompliance to diet guidelines. well, i better print out that google doc.
workout today at Crossfit Nola was
70% of one rep max PC EMOM for 10:00. i think i went to conservatively on my weight at 53# but i was happy to see those elbows popping up faster. i think i go conservatively when i'm visitng a box which i think is weird.
wod was a crazy tabata. 16 minutes:
4 mins burpees— 43 🙂
4 mins air squats– 91 motherLOVING squats 😀
4 mins hollow rocks– 37ish they got sloppy
4 mins jumping lunges– 48 before i started this geriatric wavering
i really miss cfsbk ;/
To address a few comments/Qs re: the LFPB Challenge.
Grains – No grains includes rice, corn, quinoa, spelt, and whatever other grain you can think of. Legumes like lentils and black beans for the protein deprived amongst you are acceptable but should not account for the majority of calorie intake.
Protein powders and supplements – If your goal is to gain weight and/or you have no time for a real meal, then yes, go ahead and chug a protein shake to start recovering from a training session. If your goal is to gain muscle and mass then yes, creatine will be ok to experiment with. Watch out for things that have EXTREME in the name.
Water – .5 oz per lb of body weight of water is not a lot of water for almost anyone. For a 160lb woman that equates to 5 pint glasses, for a 190lb man it's one pint more. I can't imagine that many people go through life consuming less than this amount of liquid in a day from combined sodas, juices, wine, beer, coffee, tea, mocha-pumpkin-latte-whatsits, or whatever. Definitely start early, like as soon as you wake up drink your first pint. Then one with each meal and another one or two spread out should be totally doable. If you are in a special circumstance and for whatever reason this amount is truly unbearable, email David or myself and explain. Don't stress out about this one too much. We are looking for you to start hydrating with primarily non-calorie beverages. Unsweetened coffee and tea count towards this goal!
Sleep – I agree wholeheartedly with Jake, but…naps don't count toward points. What you should be aiming for is uninterrupted sleep. Even if (like me) you will never get the 7 or 9 hours, still make an effort to get as much quality, i.e. uninterrupted, sleep as possible once you lay your head on your pillow.
For those of you having trouble feeling full/satisfied, eat more fat! Try a couple tablespoons of full fat coconut milk in your coffee, or a tablespoon of coconut oil with each meal. The MCTs in these helped fuel me when I was first transitioning off of sugars/starches and I still use them regularly even though I'm hitting the carbs pretty heavily in an attempt to put on some pounds.
Giant 6:30 class today with Noah and Arturo.
Hit 195×5 again on the front squats. Thought I'd try for 200×5 but felt a little dizzy after a grindy 4th rep so I re-racked it there.
45×5 95×5 135×4 165×3 185×2 195×5 200×4
Then 4 rounds plus 10 box jumps and 3 pull-ups on the WOD. Definitely the pull-ups that slowed me down. This was also my first workout with a 24" box since my box jumping epiphany a few weeks back and they went really smoothly!
4:30 (yes!) with Arturo.
Still feeling sluggish and not myself after some overindulging and time spent in a stuffy house with dogs (which I'm allergic to).
Worked up to 175x(3×5) for the first FSQ exposure. Lots of room there.
Then the challenge benchmark. Row + 2 and 4 burpees. Felt miserable for most of it.
DIY dips 25# 3×5. Starting to get heavy. 2.5# jumps from now on?
Front Squat: 175# 3×5. Planning on 5# jumps in this progression. Would love to get up to 200 by the end. Should start doing more rack position mobility before.
WOD: 4 rounds plus 10 box jumps. Performance Rx, except not C2B pull-ups. I think C2B pull-up might be my goat. Just can't get up there…
Day one LFPB thoughts:
(1) fish oil burps are GROSS.
(2) 9 hours sleep will only be possible on weekends. Even then, not easy.
(3) 20 mins of AR per day is going to make me feel awesome. Hopefully, I will stick with it. (4) 100 oz of water a day makes me pee a ton. Maybe this is good?
(5) There is sugar is LOTS of stuff. I'm chowing down on meat loaf for lunch today and then think, oh crap, ketchup = sugar.
(6) I'm really going to miss beer.
8:30 with McDowell.
Did 125# x 5 on the FSQ, thought I'd try 135# and failed on the fifth rep. That was a little disappointing.
4 rounds + 5 pull ups (thin green band). And push ups were on knees.
LFPB Challenge is going well (so far). I'm going strict paleo. Zero dairy, coffee (sad face), and alcohol. Yesterday was a piece of cake. I spent all day cooking meals for the rest of the week. Today, I had to learn how to ignore the candy jars at work. It's going to be an interesting six weeks.
Echoing what Todd said:
The biggest thing I see each time we do a Challenge is people trying a Paleo template for this first time by basically eating exactly how they were eating before, minus the bread on their sandwich.
You need to eat more protein than you are used to, but also, much more fat. It will be hard to walk away from the 10-40 years of indoctrination about not eating fat, but you can do it. I'm talking short ribs, bacon, egg yolks, and every other thing that you may have in the past thought was taboo. Go for it.
Regarding liquids: I find that when I'm barely eating carbs, I need to really up my salt intake–a teaspoon or two (2 to 4 grams) of sea salt in hot water a day on top of whatever salt I add to food. (Carbs make your kidneys hold on to sodium; when you cut carbs, you lose a lot of water weight quickly and also excrete sodium more efficiently.) This helps me absorb the water I drink rather than just having it pass through immediately as clear urine. It also helps with the brain fog you sometimes get when adjusting.
First two days of the paleo challenge ( no I did not sign up but I am doing it) so far so good. I have been taking my fish oil, drinks lots of water 128oz today (the Wod helped) plus the Wod hit 175 on the front squat. The boxjump/ring row/pushups hit 5 rds+ 4 box jumps.
Cooking at home is def. the way to go to have your food on lock.
An avocado for the fat boost and some pata negra (ibirico jarmon) as a treat.
Getting 7 hours but def won't get 9 until Friday night.
Shoulder is sore and trying to not slide back into pain. Lax ball and foamrollering before bed.
LFPB challenge is going well so far! Have still had a touch of sugar each day, as the almond butter I bought before really looking at the package has organic cane sugar in it. And that sh*t is like $9 a jar, so I am not tossing it. Next one will be just almonds. Also, I had some dark chocolate left in my house… it's now gone, so won't continue to be a problem.
Sleep, workout, active rec, and grains all good. Bought fish oil tonight so I'm set to go on that.
Did the capacity test on NYE and got 2 rounds plus 5 burpees.
7:30PM class tonight in the gym after 90 minutes of yoga earlier in the evening.
Decided to LBBS with Titsday up ahead on Sat. Kept it light and just went for movement and form. 45×5, 95×4, 115×3, 115×3, 115×3
WOD: 20" box, kipping pullups, and knee push-ups
4 rounds plus 10 BJ's plus 6 pullups
Did first round of pull-ups unbroken, which is a PR for me (previously only 5 kips in a row). Felt shockingly great on this workout. Jumps were easy and flowed, pull-ups worked pretty well and kept mostly sets of 3 and 4 through each round. Quicker back on to the bar than I usually am. Pushups from knees were quick. First couple sets unbroken, last couple were 5 and 5 or so.
@Whit – ha. Same issue with the AB. It tasted deliciously sweet and the first thought I had when I looked at the label was, "Eff tossing this because this shizz is expensive."
First day, not so well – I didn't come into the new year blazing like I'd hoped to when a piece of cinnamon apple pound cake, drizzled with caramel syrup and homemade whipped cream, appeared magically in front of me at brunch. I totally caved. However, yesterday was solid – AR, WOD @ 6:30 p (5 rounds + box jumps and 6 pull-ups w/ thin green/blue band and 16" box), sleep, fish oil, water – the whole nine yards.
Since I work from home, the attempt to get 7/9 hours of sleep isn't so much the problem, since I can be a bit more flexible with my work day – the actual execution is the issue. I was up and down to go to the bathroom and am naturally an early riser, so I can't sleep past a certain hour even if I try – have to force an earlier bedtime.
As a fish and poultry eater who hasn't eaten red meat (or other non-bird white meat) since I was about 12, the weirdest part of the challenge for me will be drastically increasing my protein intake. I bought a package of turkey sausage yesterday for breakfasts and my roommate asked who the hell I was when I returned from the store. But I did try a bit of pork shoulder this past weekend and I'll be damned if it wasn't delicious.
It is hard to give up completely the wonderfully toxic, addictive, feel-happy high glycemic index carbs i.e. muffins, croissants, sugar etc. This caused a bit low blood sugar, light dizziness, ringing in the ear, a bit nausea since the glycogene mechanism changed, but the body adapted quicker and smoother than I thought… I like eating lots of raw food, like avocados, baby spinach, spring mix, carrots and also low mercury canned tuna, eggs, beef in addition to a lot of fruit (apple, pear, berries, banana). All organic. One black coffee a day, and no more sweeteners.
My first front squat ever… In life.
110 x3
I took the capacity test in lieu of WOD.
Shamelessly sucked, big time:
Row: around 4:25 – I think.
10 burpees
5 or 6 KB swings 20kg (form and movement completely messed up, too heavy # for me)
In another words, couldn't even complete 1 full round.
Time to admit and embrace that I am just a beginner in Crossfit, and am 48… A 48 that had a looong hiatus from any type of exercising up until recently and was a long time smoker (how stupid, stupid it was… it was almost a "national signature habit" when I was living in my home country: Turkey).
The best moment was to see and meet a gentlemen named Jack, who has salt and pepper beard and hair, just like me!! "Hang in there, buddy" he said after I am done with the capacity test. Couldn't answer properly, I was breathing so heavy and gasping for air, with a face in pain…