Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy double on the Sumo Deadlift
Post loads to comments.
Look, Feel and Perform Better Capacity Test
In 7 Minutes
Row 1000/850m
Then in the remaining time perform as many rounds as possible of:
10 Burpees
15 Kettlebell Swings
Male weights: 24k, 20k, 16k
Female weights: 16k, 12k, 8k
Range of motion standard for the Kettlebell swing is such that the entire bell should clear your head with your knees and hips at full extension. Burpees are chest to deck followed by a jump with full hip extension.
If you can’t complete this today, perform this workout as soon as possible. Ask a coach if you’re able to substitute one of the following week’s WODS for this if you need to, or come to Open Gym on Friday or Sunday.
Post Row time and rounds/reps completed to comments.
Fran’s got a new look for the new year
New Year’s Schedule
- New Years Eve, Monday Dec 31: 6am, 7am, 8am, 12pm classes normal. 5-8pm Open Gym
- New Years Day Jan 1: No am classes. 12pm, 4:30p, 5:30p, 6:30p, 7:30p, 8:30p ) new schedule goes into effect). NO Active Recovery or Competition Class.
The Look Feel and Perform Better Challenge Starts Tomorrow!
Tomorrow jump starts a happy and healthy 2013. While in some ways, it’s just another day, many of you guys have committed to starting the new year on the right foot by cultivating some good habits that will extend well beyond the challenge. Self improvement is noble virtue and something we should all strive for, no matter how large or small the change may be. As comfortable as it is to behave in the ways we’re used to, we know that we only limit our experience and happiness by doing what’s easiest. Change is slow and takes time, lay your first brick for the new year tomorrow!
Also don’t forget to mark your calendars for January 19th. CFSBK will be hosting our first community potluck where all are invited to sit down together and break bacon with old friends and new.
ALSO two CFSBK superstars have submitted Challenge Trackers to help you tally points along the way. Check them out!
Jonathan S’ Tracker
Bekka P’s Tracker
Thank You 2012
The CFSBK staff would like to thank everyone for an incredible 2012. We’ve seen our gym grow by leaps and bounds in the last year and that is in no small part due to the dedication, integrity and fun that our community brings to the gym every single day. We are so thankful to work with you guys and can’t wait to see what 2013 brings us. From the bottom of our hearts, Thank you!
What was your favorite (or some of your favorite) moments of 2012?
In a car on the way to the airport from New Orleans at 5am so I have some time to think about this one. For sure, my best memories were my foundation classes with Fox and the Best Foundations Class Ever. That was about 7 months ago and we are all still crushing it.
Looking forward to open gym tonight so I can take the Look, Feel Perform Better fitness test.
Happy New Year CFSB Family!
Coaches, help!
I want to do the capacity test but am still pretty nasally congested. (I am slowly recovering, emphasis on "slowly.") I'm afraid it's going to be a hot mess that doesn't really reflect my current capacity (and thus make my end improvement look artificially high). Should I come in and try this at noon (the only time I can come today), and you guys can put a little mental asterisk on it when evaluating my challenge results in February? Or should I wait another day or two?
The big events are always fun, FGB, Murph, the Anniversary Party… but for me the daily joking around and encouraging each other, followed by the collapse on the floor endorphin rush @ the end of a WoD are what make CFSBK such a priceless pleasure.
That said, I'm on the mend and will be back in the box soon. Can't wait to see everyone!
Wait another day or two
Thanks DO, I will do that.
Fingers crossed that I can do it tomorrow!
1. travelling to the York Barbell powerlifting meet with Rob, Bina, Nicole and coach Jeremy
2. Big Lewbowski movie night (even though it coincides with a Worst Day of the Year, aka the day Joy broke her arm)
3. the photo booth at the five year anniversary party
4. strawberry gazpacho and the dinner party that happened around it
Thanks to all of the CFSBK coaches and athletes for a great 2012. I really appreciate the support, advice, cues and encouragement that you provided thoughout the year.
Favorite ' 12 moments: FGB and hitting a clean that actually felt somewhat legit. Hoping that I can list one muscle-up as a favorite moment of 2013.
1. learning DO spends a lot of time thinking about swimming in really strange liquids
2. that day on the blog when everyone shared their weird things
3. best foundations ever july 10-26! you are all iron dragons
4. getting to partake in my first FGB
5. joining clubs
cfsbk is amazing i'm glad i made my best decision of the year and chose crossfit over kickball and drinking back immediately after the teaser class.
happy new year everyone!
6am with coach quadzilla. Worked up to 405lb x 2 on the sumo deadlift, which felt good once I got the right width for my hands. Did pretty poorly on the capacity test, as expected: finished the row in 3:38, then completed 2 rounds + 7 KBS. Looking for a big improvement in 6 weeks.
Also, really good to be in a class with my buddy Dave and to be chasing Kevin R again!
I didn't note my row time…it was around 4-4:15, maybe? then completed almost 2 rounds: 1 1/2 rounds + 12 kettlebells.
Hoped to make it into noon class but got caught running NYE errands in Manhattan (VERY disappointed that Astor Place Wines has only 2 kinds of aquavit, btw). So did this at home. Failed to turn on any music, which was an error. Getting over a cold, too, but was feeling pretty good. Totally flied-and-died on the row; 1:55 splits for the first half and then 2:10s thereafter (or worse), finishing in 3:28. Then 2 rounds plus 7 burpees, 16kg. Looking forward to seeing what I do in six weeks! After 2 months of maybe 6 total trips to the gym, hoping to begin 2013 with more regular training.
Felt great to be back, even if I am now shamefully weak for a male human my size. Lots of stuff happening in 2013, but I am very pumped to spend the early mornings with the CFSBK crew again. After being away for so long, it was easy to forget how awesomely (is that a word?) a WOD at SBK sets up the day/week/year. Looking forward to seeing more of you very soon.
Sumo DL 225×2 (no, that's not a typo–see first sentence above)
WOD: 3 rds plus 2 burpees–not sure if I'll get to four rounds in six weeks, but I think finishing the burpees in round 4 is very possible
Massive 43 top Nooner today. 4 Coaches on and a smooth day with only 5 minutes over. Huzzah!
Some of my favorite moments this year were..
1. Fight Gone Bad! So awesome, our best yet!
2. The 5th Anniversary Party, so much stress but such a big success, especially the book present I got
3. Going to Holland with good friends
4. Power Cleaning 225
5. Buying my camera and starting to learn how to shoot and edit short segments capturing things happening around the gym.
6. Helping plan the North East Regional Qualifier for CrossFit. So massive this year.
7. Every Carne Asada burrito (no cheese, extra meat, + crack sauce) from Calexico I ate. I'm really going to miss those in the first part of 2013
8. 100+ comments in 1 day!
9. Having the best staff and job evarrrr
I could go on forever. It's been a great year in so many big and little ways
DIY press 119 3×5. Starting to get heavy and feels like a plateau is around the corner. But that is fine, I just wanted to see how heavy I could get before a plateau.
Sumo DL worked up to 275×2. These felt great. I may like this more than conventional.
LFPB capacity test: row in 3:26 (started with a power 10 and then a power 5 at half way point. Tried to keep my split between 1:40 and 1:50. Also tried to not totally kill the row so that I would no be gassed for the rest of the WOD) Then two rounds with 24kg + 4 burpies.
My hands down favorite part of 2012 was joining the CFSBK community. Much love to all and happy new year!
Super bummed about banging up my knee while skiing in Colorado. Means I missed hitting the slopes with my brother, sister, and niece. Sports doctor sister-in-law thinks I did some damage to the meniscus, but couldn't say how bad. Now it feels stiff an acts like a rickety "trick knee", I can walk, but it feels weird. It also means that I am Very Wary about getting back into the gym for anything serious. Which blows. The challenge for me will probably mostly involve diet changes for at least the next week or so.
Will be seeing the doctor early next week for a yearly anyhow, but playing it safe in the meantime.
Highlights of 2012:
-Finally joining cfsbk
-Fight gone bad
-Hitting significant PR's in every lift, but particularly psyched about squats, deadlifts, and clean&jerk
-Learning everyones darkest secrets and hidden talents
Can't wait for another year with all you awesome weirdos.
Huge noon class with the Foxes, Arturo, & David. Worked up to 150# on the deadlift! That's 15 pounds more than when we did triples last week and definitely a PR.
Capacity WOD: finished the row in 4ish minutes, then got 2 rounds + 5 burpees, with a 12 kg KB. Just getting over a cold & today was my first day back, so this was rough.
Looking forward to the LFPB challenge, since I have spent the days since Christmas eating nothing but carbs. Oops. Tomorrow will be rough. (Also, do I have to deduct a point for each mimosa tomorrow? Or just deduct a point because I'm drinking mimosas…)
FGB was amazing.
Laughing my ass off to everyone's skeletons in the closet was amazing.
Seeing the book and movie clubs take off was amazing.
Getting out to the Rockaways with Julie, Kim, Scott, Inka and Kevin was amazing.
(going again Thursday if anyone's interested- noahbarthATgmail)
Today's class was kinda amazing too. It was one of those days where people keep showing up and you start to wonder if you shoulda just stayed home. But there was plenty staff on hand and they did a great job of breaking the group up and keeping everyone moving. If it runs smooth, a gym full of you people can be pretty awesome.
Hit 295×2 on my deadlift (PR). 2 rounds + 9 KB swings (1.5 pood) on the capacity test.
Earlier this month I PR'd my strict press (155#) and push jerk (205#). Great way to finish out the year. Never been one for max efforts but this is great encouragement getting ready for my first strength cycle in January.
Happy new year everyone!
Joning CFSB!
Favorite milestone this year, and the thing that convinced me about crossfit, was PRing by 3 minutes in my 5k run, without really training running.
At the beach in South Carolina today, ran 6 x 2-minute sprints with 2 minutes of rest between each, on the beach, marking my distance in the sand and trying to match it each sprint. Fell about 40 meters short on the last one.
Followed that with:
40 push-ups unbroken
10 pistol squats each leg unbroken
20 push-ups unbroken
10 pistol squats each leg unbroken
20 push-ups unbroken
10 pistol squats each leg unbroken
Psyched to end the year with a PR of 3×10 unbroken pistols!
Happy new year everyone!
Many nice 2012 memories from the gym, but joining the secret society of strength cyclers was certainly a standout. And that 100+ comment day had to be one of the best uses of the Internet of all time. Happy New Year, y'all.
Happy New Year, SBK peeps!
The last seven months of 2012 brought me many new friends, new confidence, skills, and strength. Many thanks to David, the coaches, and all the members I've met for making SBK a singularly exceptional experience.
Some highlights:
–walking into SBK's first trivia night while still in Foundations, and being warmly welcomed to the crew. My Supple Leopard friends out there, you're the best!
–Murph, on my second day out of Foundations.
–the nerd love on the blog that one day
–7am Fridays over the summer.
Here's to heavy lifts and more good times in 2013.
Finished the year with hotel gym WOD with Matt and our friend Charlotte, who was eager to mix up her usual yoga/core fusion routine with a CF workout.
20 minute AMRAP:
8 DB thrusters, 25lb
8 push-ups
8 weighted sit-ups, 12lb med ball
Got through 11 rounds and 3 thrusters. Matt took the heavier DBs, and Charlotte smoked us both at 14+ rounds!
I've had some really huge bests at CFSBK this year, so I'll just post my #s
Capacity WOD
7 minutes
1000m Row
10 Burpees
15 KB Swings 24kg
2 + 5 Burpees