5 Rounds for load and reps:
5 Thrusters, heavy
:20 seconds AMRAP Pull-Ups
Perform 5 unbroken Thrusters then move immediately to the pull-up bar and perform as many pull-ups as possible in :20 seconds. Rest as needed between attempts. Find your heaviest 5 rep Thruster for today.
Post loads and reps per round to comments.
CrossFit South Brooklyn Collected Training: V1 (Dec 2012)
66 Strong
We’ve currently got 66 folks signed up for the 2013 Look, Feel and Perform Better Challenge. Some of you guys still have to either pay your $20 entrance fee, submit your online “before” form and/or sign your name up on the list by the couches. If you still owe any of these actions, complete 1 TODAY. The Challenge officially starts this Tuesday!
Tough Titsday Cometh
Our third “Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet” is quickly approaching. We’ve got 25 gals ready to test their wits against the barbell in three lifts. Spectators are welcome and encouraged to come cheer on the gals. Female atheltes are especially encouraged to attend.
What: 3 attempts at a 1 rep max of Backsquat, Bench Press and Deadlift
When: January 5, 2013 at 2:30pm
Who: Some of SBK’s toughest ladies (see below)
The Details:
Each woman will have 3 attempts to hit a max single in Squat, Bench and Deadlift, in that order. All lifters will make their attempts in each lift before moving to the next.
First, second and third place winners will be awarded in each weight class based on total combined weight of best lifts.
1. Janelle R.
2. Cassie X.
3. Sarah W(orm).
4. Laura M.
5. Bethany B.
6. Mobina H.
7. Jenna J.
8. Katie Mo.
9. Julie B.
10. Haley G.
11. Jessica B.
12. Lauren B.
13. Whit H.
14. Jen S.
15. Judith G.
16. Sarah LR
17. Courtney H.
18. Marian L.
19. Radhika V.
20. Shaye L.
21. McKensey S.
22. Erica W.
23. Lauren H.
24. Christine N.
25. Nicole A.
An open letter to every person I meet who finds out I ride a motorcycle Hell For Leather
court wing, coach at CFNYC, is in the NYT today: "A Trainer Keeps up with his Toddler."
i'd post a link but then it would get eaten. it's in the NY section.
Love the training video (especially scary Nick, always a treat). What's the music playing in the background?
Also I miss the box terribly even though it's been only 3 days. I'm hoping I can be back tomorrow, and I really hope I didn't give anyone my cold on Thursday 🙁
Never mind, "Chicago Falcon" by Budos Band. Thank you Shazam. (And thank you coaches for introducing me to something new!)
Scary Nick is the best!!! My favorite line from that series was him screaming "Stubborn" to keep us from stopping
Here's a good discussion of issues around paleo diets (and CrossFit and politics):
i have a nutrition question! my goals include losing weight, but i dont want to completely cut out nuts and cheese because, frankly, they make me happy, and i'm less likely to fall off the wagon if i'm eating things i enjoy. that said, i would like to limit my quantities of both, and i find i have trouble doing this, and i suspect this is because i don't eat enough healthy fats otherwise. does anyone have any suggestions of healthy fats besides avocados, which i find delicious but really irritating because they go bad so quickly that it isn't worth it for me to make guac for example for just one person? i do take fish oil pills and cook with oil (and have to give a shout out to macadamia nut oil, which i found a few months ago and has continued to rock my world) but i'm not sure how else to get it in–and i assume that's why i'm always so eager to dip into the nuts.
so any other thoughts on getting enough healthy fats would be extremely appreciated!
also, is there a better place to post nutrition questions or is this okay?
and i guess an alternate question could be, does anyone want to come over for some guacamole?
Great video. Loved David's TGU. Linus watched it with me and said of Whit's handstand, "that's really hard." True dat. (Though he pronounced Brian's snatch complex "so silly.") He loved the Olympic voice, I think largely bc it involved counting.
PS @Mel I think Nick was quoting his coach Harry Parker, greatest college rowing coach of all time (and with a 52-year coaching career with a plus-800 win-loss record, arguably the greatest NCAA coach in any sport), famous for his taciturnness. "Be stubborn" was all Harry said in a whole practice once.
@Ariel: I am no expert here but I am guessing that the cracking out on nuts/cheese comes from not enough protein, not insufficient fats. I find I can feel "hungry" for unlimited walnuts and cheese but if I ask myself, "do I need a hard-boiled egg?" and the answer is no, then it's time to back. away. And, I think you can freeze avocados!
I realized after finalizing and uploading the video (4+ hour upload process) that I forgot to put the music credit before the logo. SO mad at myself for that. I'm debating pulling this video, editing the original, re-finalizing and re uploading..
WOD with Nick
Some BS rowing and Foam Rolling
(Comp Class)
Hang Power Snatch
Worked up to 135, feeling slow today
Thruster/Pull-Up Couplet
135×5, 12
145×5, 11
145×5, 10
135×5, 10
135×5, 12
I hated this workout. I didn't want to do any of it. BLARGH
"if I ask myself, "do I need a hard-boiled egg?" and the answer is no, then it's time to back."
oh boy. i think ill be eating a lot less if i utilize that test but that could be for the best. 🙂 ill give it a go. thanks!
Flying the freak flag Deer Valley-style. Amazeballs.
The Challenge webpage mentioned a before and after "capacity test", which is TBA. Is that still happening?
Greg N,
Yes! being posted tomorrow!
Make up posts from the mini tour of boxes Matt and I have costed while out of town.
Thursday at Iron City CF just north of Pittsburgh.
7 rounds for time:
10 CTB pull-ups
35 double unders
Scaled this to regular kipping pull-ups. Broke each group into 5-5 without a problem. Lots of good strings on the doubles, too. Finished in 13:41, with Matt about 10 seconds ahead of me. Tore my hands up pretty bad on this.
Saturday at CrossFit Boone in Boone, NC:
20 minute AMRAP.
10 push press 115/75
10 KB swings 1.5pd/1pd
10 box jumps 24"/20"
Scaled to 95lbs on the push press. 7 rounds plus 7 push presses.
The physical spaces and quality of coaching we've experienced on the road have us both missing our home boxes. We've also been stocking up on carbs and nonsense in advance of the Challenge. Excited to be back in BK for the new year, the new cycle, and the Challenge.
Final day in Australia and the last week I've had to find the glory of the Road WODS since ALL the CrossFit gyms in Brisbane, like so many business in OZ, are closed from Christmas through New Years. Regrettably (thankfully) most of the great beer-pubs and restaurants dont have that same policy. Looking forward to starting the Challenge and getting back into the gym.
Came in to OG for what I thought would be my final C&J session of the year.
I finally got 195 overhead. Soooooooo close to that 200 goal but it wasn't gonna happen tonight. I really need to clean up (pun intended) my positions and I think I've got it. Might come in for tomorrows open gym and drill hang/tall cleans and then make a few heavy attempts.
Thanks to Noah, Laurel, and Jake for straightening me out all night.
Came in for OG. Felt really fast and strong under the bar today. I am determined to hit a 235 snatch in the very near future.
Worked up to 198# 1×5 on the Snatch. Worked on speed under the bar and technique.
Worked up to 275# on the CandJ (matched my PR). Felt really good and had some good pop today. Dropped back down to 242 for 5 reps.
Snatch pulls at 242# 3×3.
Snatch Grip deadlifts 264# 3×3
100 ab mat situps
I’d like to give a shout out to the “open letter to every person I meet who finds out I ride a motorcycle” that was posted on the blog today. Here’s my favorite part of the article, which applies to life in general not just riding a motorcycle:
“We’ve become so pathologically risk-averse that for most people it is inconceivable to assume any additional risk no matter how much joy you might get back in return.
You want to know what’s truly dangerous? Not taking any risks. Hanging out with like-minded middle-of-the-roaders. Absorbing the same brain-ossifying shit from media factories every day. Jogging. Putting helmets, flotation devices, and auto-deploy epi-pens on your kids every time they leave the house. Passivity. Not paying attention to where your car, or your life, or you country is going.”
I worked on power snatch for a while, between 95-115# Laurel helped me work on these.
then LBBSQ from Sat. (45×10, 95×8, 135×6) 155×10, 175×10 – this felt medium heavy
then a CrashB workout: 2 x (3 x 500m/2')/5' – each 500m was between 1:53-1:58