Work up to a heavy 10 rep set
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
20 Burpees
30 DB Hang Power Clean @45% BW
20 Burpees
30 KB Swings 72/53
20 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Happy belated Birthday, Bekka P!
Time Out NYC has done a run down on some of the City’s CrossFit gyms. Check us out!
Head Start Your LFPB Challenge
On January 1st many of you guys will be taking on the Look, Feel and Perform Better Challenge to dial in some lifestyle and nutritional factors that have been limiting your performance and health. That being said, for many this will be a large overhaul on business as usual and easing into things might help make the transition in January more manageable for you. Here are some ideas to kick start better behaviors:
1. Start taking your fish oil tablets. Pick a consistent time (and a back up time) to take them daily. Make it part of your pre work ritual or post dinner wind down.
2. Switch your beverages. If you’re drinking soda, sugary coffee, weird energy drinks with lots of exclamation points and neon colors on the label, start switching these out. Create a new Water, seltzer or tea habit. Sweet beverages are some of the worst things you can put in your body and can really mess with your insulin sensitivity.
3. Start setting a bed time and making note of how many hours of sleep you got. Have a baseline so you know what you’ve been doing, this will make it easier to see which days you sleep least and help you figure out strategies to get more sleep.
4. Take an A/R Class. Pick up some new mobilizations and soft tissue work you can take home with you. You might find that one stretch that you feel like you need every day. Start building your tool box.
Remember, the Look Feel and Perform Better Challenge starts in 4 DAYS.
Sameer P’s New Years Party
Got plans for the 31st? Sameer P is throwing a party, check out some details and the link below for more info:
Photo Booth by Frank Scallo Photography
Music Courtesy of the Cloudfactory (Pop, House, Techno, Tech-House)
Bespoke Cocktail Bar
NY Blackout Cake by Leske’s Bakery
Rooftop Fireworks
More information here
10 Things That Happen When You Start CrossFit The Reformed Broker
Worked up to 285lb on the 10 rep squat. Definitely not my 10RM, but it was a good weight today. It never felt heavy, but I had a hard time keeping a hold of the bar for the duration of the set. 9:44 on the shit sandwich WOD. I wish I could have a do-over on this one. Way too much rest and slacking off.
i miss the gym.
Had a lot of trouble getting loose and organized on the squat today. Probably a combination of some soreness, too little sleep and too much booze last night. Just did a lightish set of 5 at 255 and stopped there.
WOD as Rx'd in 5:22 – some of the swings were a little un-American though
Quick update on the CFSBK Spartan team:
We currently have 22 people registered for the 4 mile obstacle course race taking place at Tuxedo Ridge Ski Center on Saturday, June 1, 2013.
Cost to register is $70, but that will go up to $78 on January 1st. If you sign up for the Spartan Daily WOD email, you'll receive an additional 10% off (just click the "save money" link in the upper right hand corner of the page). Also, teams of 30+ members each receive a $15 rebate.
If you are registering, make sure you assign yourself to the team "Crossfit South Brooklyn".
The 10:30am heat is full, so just sign up for any open heat on the SAME day. Spartan will make sure that all teammates run in the same heat.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email. Melissa(at)
Link to register can be found on this page under "Upcoming Events" – 06/01/13 Spartan Race.
I apologize to the 10am class, I was making some awful grunting sounds as I ground out the last burpees. They were grunts of love, though, I like the workouts where you can/must take a moment, breathe, and think hard about the decisions you made that brought you to this point in life. Finished in 8:31 with 25lb dumbbells and a 16kg kettlebell. kb swings were not as bad as I expected.
Also squatted 10×185 with Keith. Heavy, but it felt fine. I was tempted to do more, but that's how I tweaked my back on Wednesday so I wanted to not push it today. That was the 2nd time I've tweaked my back squatting in the last few months, should be more careful.
Spartan Team CFSBK is goilg to be so badass!
Headed in for some early evening QT on the platform with the Mrs and happily exercised my natural born right to lift in kilos in the land of stars and stripes.
Snatch – Worked up to 75kg and then failed twice at 77, which is my meet PR. Got under it both times but let 'em get away. Was feeling pretty good till then. I have a meager goal to make 185#/84kg on this lift by the summer.
Clean and Jerk – Worked up to 100kg and stopped there. Shoulders are feeling pretty smoked after yesterdays heavy thruster WOD and I didn't want to repeat my miserable "make" from Wednesday's 110kg.
Front Squat – singles every 30 seconds, rest 1 minute between sets
88kgx1x5 (80%)
94kgx1x5 (85%)
99kgxx1x5 (90%)
Skipped the planned WOD. Friends in town from VT (where they have no good tacos) so that means we're headed for TACOS!
i have a really hard time starting any kind of healthy habits during the work week, or even the day leading into a work work, so i took this vacation to jump start my LFPB… and i already feel a ton better! now i'm really looking forward to january 1.
Crossfit Nola today. The WOD was called "Count Down to New Years!"
In teams of 2, complete AMRAP for 20:13
Partner A completes 10 burpees then rests while partner B does 10 burpees, etc:
10 Burpees
9 Goblet Squats 32/24
8 Push Press 75/55
7 Wall Balls 20/14
6 Russian KB Swings 32/24
5 Squat Clean Thrusters 75/55
4 Pull ups
3 KB SDHP 32/24
2 Rope Climbs
1 800m run
Funny how i thought this WOD's concept was "cute" until i was 12 minutes in.
Subbed ring rows and rope climb from floor to standing. Got just shy of 2 rounds and whoa it kicked my a$$. yuck. you put junk in and you get junky fuel to run on for your workouts.
this is the closest i've ever come in my crossfit career-ito to meeting mr. puke-ito. on a sunnier note, post workout endorphins made eating clean today a snap. and maybe the flashbacks of focusing intently on convo with partner afterwards so as to avoid retching helped too.
ALSO! we talked about "crossfit-related resolutions" when we introduced ourselves. it was cool to hear so many of my own goals echoed but with more specificity re: time (i.e. i want a pull-up by may, 30 consecutive double unders this year, one muscle up)