Spend 20 Minutes working up to a heavy triple Thruster
Bar must travel in one smooth motion from the bottom of the squat to overhead lockout. No jerks allowed.
Watch Rob Orlando show you how it’s done.
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3 Intervals Each For Time of:
Sprint 400m
Rest 1:1. Perform these at 80-90% intensity. Perform 30 burpees for any interval that deviates 5 seconds from your best effort.
3×10-12 weighted sit ups.
Partner anchors feet. Go heavy.
Kevin M, Kim R, Scott F, Noah B and Inka H. The CFSBK Sandy Clean Up Crew!
Holiday Schedule
- Christmas Eve, Monday Dec 24: 6am, 7am, 8am, 12pm classes normal. 5-8pm Open Gym
- Christmas Day, Tuesday Dec 25: Special 9:30am CrossFit Group Class WOD only
- New Years Eve, Monday Dec 31: 6am, 7am, 8am, 12pm classes normal. 5-8pm Open Gym
- New Years Day Jan 1: No am classes. 12pm, 4:30p, 5:30p, 6:30p, 7:30p, 8:30p new schedule goes into effect.
Take Your Shoes Home!
Please take your shoes home from now until January 1st. We’re cleaning out our closet area and want to make sure there are no abandoned shoes taking up space from active members. Also, in 2013 we’ll only be storing Olympic Weightlifting shoes at the gym, no sneakers. We’ll also be adding more cubby spaces for you guys.
Congrats to Coach MeLo for being accepted into Hunter College’s DPT program. Only about 20 out of 300+ applicants are accepted. We’re not surprised!
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Body Image Lift Big Eat Big
How I Lost My Love Handles in 2012 — And Ate More Than I Ever Have Huffington Post
Small 9am class. Don't even remember the last time I did a heavy thruster.
95, 135, 165, 175, 185(2)
Was definitely pushing the bar up prematurely, which Fox pointed out. Couldn't seem to correct it under load though. Still pretty happy with this since the heaviest thruster I can remember dong was 155.
i have a dream… that one day i'll be able to lift almost as much as the next weakest person in class. :/
thrusters: 60×3
+ congratulations melo!
congrats to Noor and Samir on the birth of their daughter 🙂
DIY dips; 20# 3×5. Fox gave me a good time, try to keep hollow body position on these, just like ring dips.
Thrusters: 45×5, 95×3, 125×3, 135×3, 145×2(F), 145×3. Think I hyper-extended my back on these. Think focusing on pushing my head through would help with this.
Sprints at 1:22, 1:20 and 1:19.
Sit-ups at 40#, and 50# twice.
215# thruster. I think 225 could have gone…
1:21, 1:24, 1:20 (feels good to run)
Nooner with MeLo. Worked up to 175 on the thrusters. Wrists weren't happy today. Could have gone heavier otherwise. Need to work on punching out the press. I have the same problem with jerks. Sprints in 1:34, 1:24 and 1:24. Leaden feet on the first run. The head wind didn't help. Sit-ups with a 45# plate.
Samir!! MeLo!
Great holiday blessings. Congratulations to you both, this is all very exciting news.
As for that ugly picture on today's blog post….. I'm going back to the Rockaways this Thursday with one or two gym folks. Anyone care to join? noahbarthATgmail if so….