Work up to a heavy single box squat in 18 minutes
See if you can go a little heavier than the previous heavy double.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for max points of:
:45 Row For Calories
:15 Rest
:45 Max Reps Push-Ups
:15 Rest
:45 Max Reps Box Jumps
Rest 1:15 minute
Goodbye McGraths!
Farewell to the McGraths (David, Liese, Lucy and Finn) who are moving to Ireland TODAY. The McGraths have been part of the CFSBK family for many years and will be missed dearly. We wish them the best of the luck in this new chapter in their lives.
Get Strong, Early Birds
We’ve still got room in our early strength cycle for any morning athletes interested in doing 2 days per week of dedicated barbell lifting. Sign up today!
Cycle C: Morning Novice
Jan 7- Feb 27
Monday and Wednesday 6:30am
ave Tate Talks Box Squats Pt 1 CrossFit
Dave Tate Talls Box Squats Pt 2 CrossFit
How to Box Squat YouTube
McG, best to you and the family! It has been a pleasure getting to know you and you will be missed!
Au revoir to the McGraths! I got to lift with Liese many times over the past few years and I always loved hanging out with her on the platform. She's funny as hell and I will definitely miss her around the gym.
Best of luck, McGrath & Co. We'll miss you!
Best of luck to the McGrath clan. It's been a pleasure, we'll miss you guys.
Good luck McGrath clan, the 6am crew will definitely miss the big guy!
9am group class with MeLo today. Worked up to 325 on the box squat. I really miss the bounce in the bottom, I'll tell you what. Scored a measly 185 on the metcon. Doing a lot of pushups last night probably didn't help.
Good luck McGraths – you will be missed!
Worked up to 305 on the box squat today – 30lbs over my last heavy single from Sept or Oct
224 or so on the metcon (I lost track a couple of times but I'm pretty sure that's accurate)
It's been much to my benefit to have known the McGrath family over these years. David is one of the first friendly faces I remember from the Lyceum, a staple of my Sunday 9am Euro contingent, and one of the first AOM interviews I did. It's been nice to watch Goose grow into a fine young lady and Finn the Beast has incited plenty of laughter along with a few bruises. Liese's sharp wit has often knocked me on the back of the head before I realized it had passed through my ears. Their charm, friendliness, fortitude, and commitment to each other make them stand out to me as a family I admire and attempt to emulate.
Cheers, McGraths. Best of luck on your new chapter. I hope to see you again on this side of the pond or the other.
Cheers to the McGraths–never crossed paths much since I started, but the blog love all seems well-deserved. Good luck with the move!
10am with Noah and Josh.
Lifted with PR today–my explosion out of the bottom being my biggest challenge on these, he was a great partner to have and observe today.
[45×5, 135×4, 185×3, 225×2] 255×1, 265×1
This is about right. Hit 255 for the double last week. Felt appropriately heavy and difficult.
Hit 189 on the metcon, started with push-ups. Surprised myself on the push-ups, and rowed the second leg with basically one leg after having foot-strap issues. Box jumps were bouncy and quick.
RD 1: 26–24–18: total 68
RD 2: 20–25–16: total 61
RD 3: 15–25–20: total 60
Farewell McGrath. It was a pleasure lifting and sweating with you.
Hey everyone, good lifting today! Box Squats!
Don't remember my wod score. ack.
I am putting on a New Year's party! Y'all should join. Here's the invite
I have a couple questions about the LFPB Challenge:
-Is whey protein allowed?
-Is greek yogur allowed?
DIY weighted chins: 3×5 @ 12.5#. These are getting tough earlier than I would have liked…
Box Squat worked up to a heavy single at 275. Surprised myself here as this is the most I have ever squatted in any format (I have been sticking with 3×5 linear progression as opposed to going for singles when squats have been in the cycle).
WOD @170 (61, 58, 61). 24" box. Had to break-up the push ups and tried to stop before total failure.
Noon class with Josh and Noah
Box Squat: (45×5, 95×4, 150×3, 200×2) 235×1, 250×1, 265f
– these felt great until an ugly bail on the last one (I need to ask for spotters next time) – my old 1RM for LBBSQ was 275 so I'm satisfied with 250 on this.
151 on the metcon (55, 55, 41) 24"box
Farewell David, Liese, Lucy and Finn! It's been a pleasure. You've all been a pleasure to know and hang out with. A move back 'home' sounds exciting and challenging – best of luck with it!
Til next time McGrath's, always a happy, smiling, humble bunch to have around. You'll be missed.
Amy- both of your questions can be answered with the always nebulous "depends on what your goals are."
Whey protein normally has a bunch of funky processed stuff, sugar (or fake sugar) etc. There is some good grass-fed minimally processed protein out there ($$$!!!$$$!!!!!) Greek yogurt, while also protein dense, is still dairy. If you tolerate dairy well, and want to either maintain or gain some mass, its certainly a better choice than many breakfasts. If you want to loss mass/weight it probably wouldn't work.
Are you a vegetarian or worried about not getting enough protein? In both cases I'd prescribe real, meaty food before either of those two alternatives. I've resorted to both, with some frequency, but they aren't optimal.
Thanks, Noah.
The goal is definitely weight loss and I am not a vegetarian, however the last time I was given a paleo-type challenge I was prescribed to eat so much meat I couldn't handle it (that coach also had me eating meat for breakfast, and no, I never did get used to it). I eventually gave up from meat overload. I have since added eggs to my repertoire so breakfast options should be easier this go-around, but greek yogurt did help add some variety last time along with the whey protein for on-the-go convenience.
I'll definitely check out the grass-fed whey options (any brand suggestions?). It's probably better to have an option in my back pocket for those days I'm unexpectedly stuck extra late at work rather than the alternative – nothing (or worse- junk!) but will plan on not having the yogurt be a daily staple as it once was.
The McGraths have been a staple of CFSBK since the Lyceum days and I'm very sad to see them go. Luckly a bright future awaits them and now I've got a couch to crash on in Ireland. You guys will be missed.
Did a bunch of fun stuff with medicine balls
Wall Ball, Wall Ball throwing over the hung up ropes, Clean and throws, GHD Sit-Up + Throws, Rotational Wall Slams etc.
The GHD medball toss is WAY harder than it looks.
Box Squat
I thought I'd try something different and use the corner of one of the black and red panel mats for a box. Its a little lower and compresses when you sit on it. I've seen videos of the guys at West Side squatting to all variety of densities on their box squats so I thought I'd try it. Initial verdict is that's it's notably harder.
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×3)
225×1, 235×1, 245×1, 255×1
205x3x3 with a :05 pause
Row: 19-18-17
Push-Up: 22-20-18
24"BJ: 19-17-17
Total= 167
to all our friends at CFSBK. thank you so much for the kind words. we're gonna miss you all so much. we are so damn lucky to have found a community forged by david and his incredible team of coaches. if youre ever visiting ireland, there will always be a pint of Guinness or whiskey waiting for you at our home. love, david, liese, lucy and finn.
David McGrath is the first CFSBK member I met, I think, and he and his family have been such a great part of this community for so many years. We are sad to see you go and wish you all the very best in Ireland.
Posting this a couple days late, but I wish the best to the McGraths.
Ended up with a 225 box squat. I must not be getting enough bounce from my LBBS, because this doesn't feel very different, and in fact I PR'd 15 lbs on my LBBS! Anyway I'll take it.
Felt pretty good in this WOD, got 207 (surprised myself with 57 pushups in the first round).
Also: Rowing for calories, ugh.