15 Minutes to work up to a heavy single jerk from out of a rack. Only go up in weight if you’re crisp and clean.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Row 500m
40 Double Unders
30 Wall Ball Shots 20lb, 10′ / 14lb, 9′
20 Kettlebell Swings 32k / 24k
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Pilates Is Hard Core Fun
When coaches cue you to “engage your abdominals”, do you scratch your head and wonder what they are talking about? Does the mere thought of hollow rocks make you want to cry a little? Do you suspect that you have a “weak core”, whatever the heck that means? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may benefit from some one-on-one Pilates lessons. Kristin Hoesl (KH) has been teaching Pilates privately for over six years, and is available for sessions at several locations in Brooklyn and downtown Manhattan. Check out her website at www.khpilates.com, where you can find more detailed information about her experience, what the Pilates method can do for you, and pricing. Or, email KH at kristin(AT)khpilates.com and she’ll be happy to answer any of your questions. Now, scoop your abs!
Sign up For the Look, Feel and Perform Better Challenge today!
Step 1: Read the Overview
Step 2: Pay your $20 buy-in at the front desk. (there is a metal box with envelopes) and sign your name on the board by the couches
Step 3: Upload your “before” pictures and fill out the pre challenge questions here.
Step 4: Awesomesauce!
Take Your Shoes Home!
Please take your shoes home from now until January 1st. We’re cleaning out our closet area and want to make sure there are no abandoned shoes taking up space form active members. Also, in 2013 we’ll only be storing Olympic Weightlifting shoes at the gym, no sneakers. We’ll also be adding more cubby spaces for you guys.
Powerful Language Versus Victim Language CrossFit Invictus
Worked up to 205 on the split jerk today – PR by 20 I think for a split jerk and 5 for a jerk of any type. This has always been a tough movement for me.
4:47 Rx'd for the WOD – was able to get through most of it unbroken save for one slip up on the DUs and two 5 second rests holding the wall ball against the wall.
6am with D.O. Experimented with a significantly wider grip on the jerk today which gave me less push on the bar, but better positioning in the catch. This felt much better than the jerks we did last week. Worked up to 195 which was ok, though not pretty. Felt good about the 2 reps at 185. Still need to concentrate on my footwork, but at least I felt solid in the catch.
Chipper: 7:21 with a 20# med-ball and 40kg kettlebell. Had trouble stringing together double-unders after the row. Should have taken a few more seconds to catch my breath. Wall-balls were unbroken, but that kettlebell is a beast. Broke the swings down into 7-7-6. Tried to do american swings, but some of them degraded to russian.
Shoe question: do my chucks count as sneakers or Oly shoes? Technically they are sneakers, but they are the shoes I wear to lift. Do they get to stay or go?
Back from under a rock for the past week or so. Did somebody say l-l-look better? That's disgusting! 😉
Looking forward to getting back in there! I may have put on a few Santa sympathy pounds!
JR! Glad to see you survived, just in time for the world to end!
MGMT: When do I have until to sign up for the challenge? I'm out of town tomorrow until Jan 2… sooooooooooooo………………………………….. Can I upload photos/fill out questionnaire when I get back?
6am with DO. Disheartened to realize that I do not have the strength through range of motion to do OHS with a 33-lb bar. OK there's a project for the new year.
Rack jerk: Worked up to 125. Happy with this given my deap-seated fear of dynamic overhead movements (see, lack of strength through range of motion, above). I have a memory of failing on this weight about 2 years ago w/ Coach Shane so a) that tells you how frequently I do this movement and b) yay for getting marginally stronger.
Then chipper WOD Rx'd at 6:46. Wall balls suck. Did the KB swings Russian-style. Took a while to settle into my double-unders. Thanks Peter for yelling me through the burpees!
Asta – Deadline is 1/5 for all steps to be complete, but it you have the interwebs wherever out of town you are, then you could do it from there also.
JJ – Solely Oly. It's been overcrowded with sneaks of all kinds and we're making an effort to keep the coat room manageable.
Just made a standing desk. A printer box special. I'm already getting shit for it. They set the line at two weeks (and made the mistake of telling me), so I'm stuck this way for 2 weeks + 1 day, at least.
Thanks, Fox. Looks like I will be commuting to work in my chucks from now on, then. I hope Asta does not judge me. I know how she feels about commuting in Vibrams. (Asta, I promise I only did that once, and then I stopped when I thought the fashion police might be on to me)
heh heh… Rack Jerk
two questions about the challenge:
– i'm out of town til the 5th. is there any way to pay online?
– are girlfriends allowed to participate, even if in a non-prize-eligible capacity?
Noon today! Worked the morning with The Redhook Coalition doing some nerd stuff and then what felt like a million billion hours of fun at SBK. I know I should have kept moving after finishing but throwing myself down on the mat was a much better decision.
Happy to note that I'm OVER THE MOON to have finally gained some physical weight back! Gods, its taken forever but these 2.5#'s have stuck around for over a week so they're staying. Adding the second WHEEL of delicious moldy cheese a week has definitely helped. Gaining weight, getting stronger, hmm.. good stuff.
14#, 1.5pd
Noon with the Foxes. Worked with Leslie & got up to 73# on the split jerks.
WOD – 14# ball, 16 kg KB, knee burpees – 6:48.
And now off to spend the rest of the night writing my last paper of the semester…
1×20' @ 20SPM @ 2:17.9 @ 4347m @ ? HR
Had no juice today on the erg. About 1/2 way through it hit me. Felt tired and groggy. Just sucked it up and finished the first interval but there was no way a second was gonna get done. These numbers are horrible, sheesh. We'll see what the morrow brings.
Not related to todays WOD but interesting none the less…
want to cool down fast? hold an icepack between your hands… stand on them with bare feet…
h ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=e8J6ov48rG0
Space at the H added so it posts.
split jerk: 155#, but pretty ugly at that weight. I don't get low enough in the catch. I think I need to jump harder. It's the same problem with my clean — not using the jump aggressively enough.
12-something on the wod, with 32 kg kb.
The wall balls were the slow part for some reason, so I've decided I'm going to work on them. Just bought one for home, planning to get insanely good at wall balls.
500m Easy Row
3 Rounds NFT:
15 OHS @45lbs
10 Push-Ups
6 Chin-Ups
Rack Jerk
Worked up to 175 and then failed twice at 185. Not a good day, my last three times jerking have gotten worse each time. Felt like I had no pop or confidence getting under. Oh well, can't win em' all
Chipper WOD 12.20.12
7:23 as Rx'd
Row: 2:00 Flat
Doubles: 3-4 Sets, Kept missing
Wall Ball: 6 sets of 5 (HATE WALL BALL)
KB Swing: 2×10, OH Swing
Burpees: Unbroken
Played with some KB Snatches afterwards.
I need a long hot shower and a nap.
D.I.Y. workout at my office just now since we're going out for company holiday dinner.
DROMS and Lax ball on the shoulders, feeling some old tightness coming back here.
Wanted to follow along with the rack jerks but can't bail here so did a little strict pressing first then kept it to about 90% of 1rm for some singles in the rack jerk.
45×5 95×4 105×3 110×2 115×5
Rack Jerk
95×3 135×2 155×1 175×1,1,1
Then I was going to do the WOD with a sub for rowing, but I remembered a promise to myself to do a 6-ish minute benchmark before the holidays so:
Elizabeth (w/ hang cleans @ 135#):
Had to shake out my arms for 10 minutes before I could type.
Power Snatch
80% x 1 E :30 for 5 min
Power Clean
80% x 1 E :30 for 5 min
a) Snatch 1st Pull worked to 100kg
b) Pendlay Row – worked to 100kg
c) Split Press – worked to 54kg
Then decided to do today's fun lil' chipper
6:16 Rx'd
Best I've felt in a WOD yet. Not good, just better. Was gassed by the time I got to the 2 pooder.
Luca – I emailed you
Jerk- 280# PR. HYFR. This felt really damn good. My warmup progression went 225, 245, 255 (felt crappy) 270 (felt better) 280 (felt even better). None of these felt that heavy and i hardly got low on any of them. I definitely have more in the tank.
WOD- 5:40
I'm going to be offering the hip flexor ROM/ Psoas work again this Sunday for those of you who didn't get a chance in the last round. Please drop me a line to set something up– I have times this Sunday morning/ afternoon and during open gym 6pm-8pm.
Strength non-cycle…
Squat: Warmed up 5-4-3-2 as per program but pretty much on 25 and 45 pound plate loads and then I did singles at 295, 320 and 320
These singles still feel what 370-80 felt like to me a month ago. That said, 330 was better than the first two singles so that's a good sign I was starting to fire on more cylinders.
Deadlift: 5-4-3-2 warm-up and then 300-320-330 singles
These were A-OK and fast enough for now.
15 ball-slams-pushups-KB swings (20# ball and 1.5 pood bell)
9 slams and swings
6 slams and pushups
Don't ask me the logic of doing a triplet and then couplets, it made sense as I was deciding. Next time I'll do three rounds of triplets.
I was very happy to be able to complete the barbell work in under an hour. It's good that I'm able to do 2 workouts in a row so I can bench tomorrow and did not have to do 2 hours of lifting and skip the conditioning…. I may even untether the prowler tomorrow.
Rack Jerk: worked up to 145#, could have kept going up but ran out of time.
WOD: 8:32 Rx'd (the wall balls were killing me and maybe had a few no-reps in there on the kb swings, not used to the 2pd). Vincent did some great coaching to keep me moving – thanks.
DIY Dips: 3×5 @ 15#. Still lots of room here
Rack Split Jerk: worked up to 195×1. 10# PR from last weeks C&Js. [satisfied head nod]
WOD Rx'd @ 6:23. Row in 1:38, DUs broken up by lack of skill, wall balls 15-15, KBs 10-5-5, burpies unbroken. KB swings were kind of ugly… I should work on 2 pd american swings…
Hey, MGMT any chance you could let me know if there are any unclaimed size 12 OLY shoes?
Worked up to #215 on the rack jerk. Jerk felt the best it ever has, snappy. Wod in 7:30. Man do I hate wall balls.