In teams of two complete 8 rounds of the following work, alternating every round:
400m Row
10 Ring Dips
10 Toes to Bar
Post partner and total time to comments.
Strength Cycle Sign Ups
Want to start 2013 getting super strong? Sign up for one of the remaining Strength Cycles with Coach Jeremy:
Cycle A: Novice
Jan 7-Mar 1 (4 Slots Left)
Monday, Wednesday at 7pm, Friday at 6pm
Cycle B: Intermediate
Jan 8-Mar 3 (5 slots left)
Tuesday, Thursday at 7pm, Sunday at 10am
Cycle C: Morning Novice 8 left
Jan 7- Feb 27 (8 slots left)
Monday and Wednesday 6:30am
Cycle D: Continuing Education
Jan 7 – Feb 28 (3 slots left)
Monday and Wednesday at 6pm
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in, they can contact Jeremy to discuss placement.
An open letter the CFSBK Community
By: Noah A. Barth
At Crossfit we found our studied discipline on three pillars: strength, conditioning and community. It is this third facet of our common identity that I would like to address. More than your average gym, CFSBK fosters an impressively diverse, dynamic and nurturing community. From supporting one another’s work toward physical goals and enjoying genuine sympathetic joy when they are achieved to simply sharing good times, the sense of community encountered at CFSBK is truly unique.
Life events sometimes require us to draw on this camaraderie in service of a cause larger than pleasure. We’ve recently exhibited this through solidarity and support when one of our fellow athletes is injured, or the incredible fundraising efforts of this year’s Fight Gone Bad. We were able to raise substantial funds for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts, but make no mistake- the need for continued assistance is still very real and very immediate.
This brings me to the first two pillars of our community- strength and conditioning. At the end of the day we are a collective centered on the development of the physical; and this is an area at which we also excel. The recent events of our larger community behoove us to share these capacities.
I recently had the good fortune to spend a day volunteering in the Far Rockaways through New York Cares with fellow Crossfitter Julie Bernard. We were clearing damaged flooring and drywall from a flooded home. The family’s young son was running around outside and we overheard him worrying to his mother “that Santa won’t come because the house is no good.” That particular neighborhood was very hard hit and it is difficult to understate either the need for further assistance from able bodied persons such as yourselves or the volume of gratitude that the people of the Rockaways feel for such service.
I am aware of how impossibly busy this time of year is. There are gifts to buy, functions to attend, family to spend time with. Yet I challenge all of you to find one day, just one, before the year is up to dedicate the merits of your training to something greater than yourselves. Donations are great but making the sacrifice to head out there and give of yourselves, to labor in the cause of another’s need is truly a small miracle. New York at large will thank you, and I promise, when the day is over you will thank yourselves.
When we had finished clearing that house, the mother told our team leader how relieved she was that we were able to provide that assistance because it meant a flooring contractor could lay new boards in time for Christmas and there would be a place for the tree. Thanks to some helping hands and warm hearts, Santa would still be able to visit their home.
The Sistine Chapel, full 3d View
18 Rules of Living by the Dalai Lama
Friend is looking for a PT in Brooklyn. Any recommendations? Thanks.
I have today off, so I WOD-ed with Tim at 8 AM. 23:14, with me doing strict pushups (this time I did NOT sandbag and go to knees at any point) and situps. I don't know why K2E/T2B are such a goat with me. I guess that'll be next on my list to work on after I figure out kipping pullups (and get more strict pullups).
Tonight: MESSIAH! If you're looking for something to do, what's more holiday than that? (And this is an atheist talking.) I believe there are still tickets available at this point (through the Carnegie Hall box office), but it'll probably sell out by tonight. 8 PM, be there!
And here's the link to the performance info (putting it in a separate post because of the very likely possibility it will get eaten):
Hit the WOD this morning with Dan (big Dan) 23:43
I did the first round toe to bar and then thought I felt a little something so I swapped to pushups and situps. I am also now discovering that my forearms are pure pain-balls just past my elbow. sigh more lax ball spots… Might try the wooden spoon method Nick and McDowell suggested.
I will have some time off next week after Christmas so I try to get out to the rockaways to help with some tear down.
Worked with Peter in the 7AM this morning. We finished in 19:02
T2B were slow for me – did the first round unbroken but had to break them up significantly in rounds 3 and 4. Didn't feel right for a couple hours after this one – rowing intervals always seem to have that effect.
meat csa update
a record 61 folks signed up for the herondale farm meat csa program that begins in january.
herondale just sent an email to all the registrants. if you did not receive one and believe you did sign up, email them immediately: info at herondalefarm dot com
Noon with Fox and Arturo, partnered with Stef from SF. We finished either 22:34 or 23:34, can't remember but its on the board. Haven't gone fast in awhile and ended really wanting to boot for the first time in a year. Blech! Bierkraft big food later and am on the mend.
PR'd on my DU practice today – 13 unbroken! Apparently when House of Pain "Jump Around" comes on and Fox says JUMP JULIE the magic happens. SQUEEE!
MGMT! Those 4 little jars on the counter by the sink are mine, stacked them to take home and in my slightly bonked stage completely forgot. Will grab tomorrow or Wednesday. Sorry!!
MISSING! A sage green ceramic platter, maybe 12×6, from the Homebrew event this past Saturday! There were cookies on it. If anyone happened to grab would love to have back pretty please!
Some Foam Rolling and light Rowing
Power Clean and Split Jerk
Got roped into this so that Arturo would do the WOD with me afterwards. Worked technique at 185lbs. Felt okay, kind of feeling beat up so didn't push it today.
Row, Ring Dip, T2B WOD
20:21 with Arturo
Did strict ring dips which were broken up into 3-3-2-2 for the last 2 sets
Toes 2 Bars were all kipped
Felt pretty good on my rows, the last round I cranked it at a 1:40 split for everything but the last 50 meters, thought it was a good opportunity to redline a little bit and work discomfort tolerance.
That was hard and fun.
58kgx1x5 rest 60s between reps
63x1x5 rest 60s between reps
58x1x5 rest 30s between reps
Clean and Jerk
80kgx1x5 rest 60s between reps
90x1x5 rest 60s between reps
80x1x5 rest 30s between reps
Burpee Box Jumps 20"
Rest 2'
20 Walking OH Lunges 95
10 Hips to Rings
(1+10 lge)
Rest 2'
3×10 GHD Sit Ups
Was supposed to do 3×20 but remembered the last time I did a bunch of these after not having done them in a while.
Really hard to do conditioning again after so long. Fun environment though this afternoon, lifting with Jess, Josh, DO, Arturo, and Brian D in the space. It gave an old man a push.
Partnered with Rickie for this one. We moved nice and quickly. I broke up the last 2 rounds into 2 sets of 5 for both movements. I was hurting big time after the third row.
Had a great time with Team Pomegrapefruit (me, Laura, Courtney – who I've hung out with previously but never did a wod with so was happy that we suffered together :).
I think our time was like 26 something.
Nice wod, I really liked doing this. Hit all my rowing splits 1:37 – 1:45, did 20# weighted pushups and straight to knee modified pushups.
Partnered with Zubin for the WOD and finished it in 33:03. This one was tough. Definitely a bracing change of pace after back-off week. Don't remember what the row times were, Think I started with a 1:38 split an then went down from there. Ring dips were kipping and broken into 5-3-2 or 3-3-2-2 (and some singles at the end). T2B was 5-5 each round. Limiting factors were wind (row) and strength (dips).
24:42, girl! Laur and Shaye are awesome. They're a couplea sassy grapefruits.
My energy levels are totally sapped after being sick this week, so not so peppy on today's workout. However, tried to push and not totally punk out by doing dips on the bars with a blue band and knees to elbows (meh – "tried" being the operative word).
29:33 with Janelle
Heirloom Tomato and Avocado — made for each other!!
Did my first round with push-ups, then following 3 rounds from my knees.
Legit toes to bar in each round. That's a first for a WOD, so pretty happy about it. Couldn't string these together though. I can definitely see and understand how the kip is supposed to work, but it just feels like if I come down with any momentum to get back up, I'll rip my arms right out of their sockets. So stuck for slow strictish ones.
Did 90 minutes of yoga before class tonight. Going to sleep like a baby.