4 Rounds NFT of:
Run 270m
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
10ea Side Plank Ups
15 Glute Bridges
Turkish Get-Up
Work up to something really frackin heavy today.
Post loads to comments.
Finish with a 2:00 Couch Stretch on each Side
Homebrew Report
Huge thanks to everyone who came out and made Homebrew To The Rescue a huge success. We were able to raise $4,403 for The Rockaway Rescue Alliance and The Graybeards who are working hard to help those affected by Hurrican Sandy. The breakdown for funds raised is detailed here:
Auction: $1,805
Raffle: $715
Online: $1,500
House Tickets: $383
CFSBK would like to thank: Julie Barnard (JB) who was the mastermind behind the event and wrangled all the cats into one box for HB2R. The Foxes were the gym liaison who brought it to life and did all the heavy lifting involved. Everyone who donated food, raffle prizes, time and talents to make the event a community effort. Also, we can’t forget the brewers..
Andrew, Dylan & Bill Billingsgate Belge Speciale
Brett Taylor Debaser, Single IPA
Fritz Fernow Vienna’s Pail, 4.8% ABV
David Privler Whalemina Amber Ale
Mary Izett Series of Sours
Clinton Stauffer Carroll St. Kolsch
Strong Rope Brewery’s Fence Hopper, Hoppy Honey Ale
Derek Getschow Orange Bear, Hefeweizen w/ Orange
Tim Fusco BlueDoor Brew, Gluten Free
CFSBK Book Club Meeting Tonight
The Book Club will be meeting this evening at 5pm at Pacific Standard to discuss the final book of 2012, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. If you’ve read the book come on down for a pint and some conversation. We’ve posted the discussion questions on the event page.
Press Release:
Friends of Brooklyn Community Board 6, Inc. (FBCB6) is assembling an inventory of the impacts from Hurricane Sandy and the Nor’easter on local businesses, property owners, and community organizations. We have created a Google Collaborative map for the Gowanus Canal corridor and are gathering information about how properties were specifically affected.
Please share this map with people in the Gowanus area who have been affected by the storm. You can access the map at the following link here
Was your property affected? Add a pin and tell us:
· Your Street Address (with name of business, if applicable)
· What you experienced (e.g.; flooding, damage to building, damage to property, loss of electricity, etc.)
· Photographs of damage (if available) For more information about this initiative, please contact Melissa
Umberger, FBCB6 Project Manager at (718) 643-3027, extension 203 or email planner@BrooklynCB6.org.
Thanks to Melon W who passed this along to us!
This Ones For The Butch Girls Breaking Muscle
Turkish getups with a barbell are cray-cray.
That is all.
Worked up to 85# on the barbell on the TGU. Got one the left side but not on the right, which was interesting cause I'm usually much stronger on the right side.
Speed deads
225 + thin green
2×10 on the :40
Fun training today at Open Gym
Did a hybrid of today's class, Comp Class and my own thang..
The theme for today was odd strength.
30+ Minutes of Mobility and Active Recovery, all to the tune of tantric Tibetan chanting (sorry OG early birds)
Row 600m
Snatch Balance
Worked up to 186lbs. Failed at 198 2 times :/
Turkish Get Up
Used a Dumbbell. Worked up to 90lbs on my left side and 100lbs on my right. (Both up and down)
Worked on my back flips, progressed to doing it on a level surface. Stuck almost all my attempts, really happy with my progress.
Awesome work on those flips David! Post a vid. They we're great yesterdy, I they we're better today.
Open Gym
75×5, 95×5, 115×3, 130×3, 140×3, 150×3
(previous 1 RM is 160, so looking to get this up in the next couple wks for TTD)
45×5, 65×5, 85×3, 87x3x3
Extra foam-rolling and a little handstand fun to close out the night.
2pm with Nick. 6k row: 21:51.4. Average 500m/split of 1:49.2. This compares nicely with my previous 6k row on 10/27 which I finished in 22:10.3. I also PR'd my 5k time in ~18:15 (previous PR was 18:23). The last 200m was excruciating. Nick is something to behold when motivating a rower. I couldn't even see properly the last 100m, but there was no way I could let up with that man yelling in my ears to go faster.
I've been offline all day and have pulled myself out of bed to say thank you CFSBK for hosting last nights event. It is truly amazing how everyone jumped in to make it a success. I am so proud to be part of this community. xox