Box Squats are a great opportunity to work on your organization at the bottom of your your squat. Work up to a heavy double today and make sure your alignment is perfect on every rep.
Post loads to comments.
“Flight Simulator”
Reps For Time of Unbroken double unders
There is a 15 minute Cap on this. How far can you get?
Coach Arturo Ruiz
As many of you afternooners know, we’ve been working with Arturo Ruiz for the last few months helping develop him as our newest and shiniest CFSBK Coach! Arturo caught our eye last February when he joined us because of his experience in the field, dedication to good movement and the fact that he was an all around nice guy. We kept waiting for him to prove our intuitions wrong but luckly for us he never did. We’re happy to officially welcome Coach Arturo onto the CFSBK staff. Expect to see more of him in a group class near you in 2013!
Arturo‘s fitness background stems from the competitive and recreational aspects of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Strength and Conditioning has always sparked his interest and once he was introduced to CrossFit, he quickly realized that he had found his new passion.
Arturo has been training a wide variety of people for the past 5 years now. He holds a CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit Powerlifting, CrossFit Movement and Mobility, NASM CPT and NASM CES certifications. He has also attended the California Strength Olympic Lifting seminar. He prides himself on continuing education and changing peoples lives through fitness.
CFSBK Book Club Meeting This Sunday
The Book Club will be meeting this Sunday at 5pm at Pacific Standard to discuss the final book of 2012, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. If you’ve read the book come on down for a pint and conversation. We’ve posted the discussion questions on the event page.
CFSBK Movie Club Meeting This Saturday
The CFSBK Movie Club will be seeing the 3:10 PM showing of “Hitchcock” at the Cobble Hill Cinemas this Saturday. CHC also happens to be in the vicinity of any number of bars for folks who want to stick around for a post-movie hangout and discussion afterwards. We’ve chosen an earlier than usual time since many will also be heading to Home Brew to The Rescue Afterwards.
Mike’s Blogs
CFSBKer Michael S has two cool sites we want you to check out.
Mike on Mics: Michael Schechter and Mike Vardy talk technology and time management, parenting and productivity and all things in between during this podcast, all while sipping on their drink of choice for each episode.
A Better Mess: A Better Mess serves as a journal or record of one ADHD-addled mess (that’s me!) to find the best way to do the best possible work. It’s a combination of the things I’ve tried, the things I enjoy, the things I want to accomplish, the things I use to accomplish them, the things that have worked for me, the things that haven’t and the myriad of ways I fall short. It also has some totally random stuff that seems to come out of nowhere, but like I said, I have ADHD… shiny objects and squirrels come with the package.
Do you have any cool websites/projects you run? email them to David(AT) so we can post them on the blog. We’re always looking to highlight members of our eclectic and interesting community.
The eyes have it: The iris pictured in remarkable detail by incredible close-up shots Mail Online
The Gyuto monks – Tibetan tantric choir
All of this flying of the freak flag and Fox's birthday makes me want to post. So three things.
1) Arturo! Nicely done, guapo!
2) I was watching the 12/12/12 concert while grinding out some work, and Kanye West is all sizzle, no steak. Yeah, I said it.
3) I guess that this (do you have projects/cool websites you run) is not a QOTD per se, but on a related note, I have to go to FL for a wedding in a month or so. I was looking for a place to workout, and crossfit gables in the Miami area had this page: http:// n.b., I put a space between the // and the www, so it would post. But anyway, it's a list of businesses run by people who work out there – all kinds of things – automotive stuff, photography, party planning, insurance brokers, etc. Should we have a link like that too? Just axin'.
those eye photos are AWESOME.
6am with D.O. Box squats: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 245×2, 250×2, 250×2. Felt good. The sets at 245 and 250 were slow getting off the box, but the weight moved smoothly. Flight Simulator (a.k.a. Frustration Stimulator): 5-10-15-20-25-30-35. Took about 5-6 attempts to get through the round of 30, and then I breezed through the round of 35 only to get stuck again at the round of 40. Hit 37 on one of the attempts. Grrrr. On the bright side, I was getting through 20 unbroken DUs very comfortably on every attempt.
can.not.wait to work on Double Unders. They really need it.
A friend of mine, and talented acupuncturist, is throwing an awesome fundraiser (very close to the gym in Boerum Hill) this Sunday to help those in the Rockaway community effected by Sandy. Get pampered while supporting a good cause! If you've never had acupuncture but have always wanted to try it this is a great opportunity. I highly recommend it!
Enjoy a relaxing Sunday afternoon of Acupuncture, Massage, Thai Massage, Reflexology, and Reiki while helping to raise money for the Rockaway community that was effected by Sandy. All monies raised will go to Yoga on the Rocks (a FREE clinic offering acupuncture, massage, and herbs to Rockaway residents, volunteers and workers) and to the residents who get treated there.
Each service is $25-$50 sliding scale.
For those on Facebook:
Get your pamper on!
Box Squats – 285 x 2 – old 1RM was 275 so I was pretty pleased with this
3rd time attempting and first finishing Flight Simulator – 11:12
Happy belated birthday Fox! Great coach and an even better guy. Even if you're in a van with him for 26 hours straight.
SBKers! I have a pal coming in for the fundraiser on Saturday who effed up trying to get a room. I have a full floor and AirbNb in Brooklyn is not giving me any love, everything seems booked this weekend. Anyone here part of that program who is NOT booked? Please let me know at julie.barnard "at" or post here on the blog.. He's too big to fit into my bathtub as an alternate sleeping space so.. halp.
thanks inka. booked two services.
They're providing free herbs to the Rockaways?
I'm in.
Hurray For Arturo!!! A fine addition to a fine team!
I've listened to that Gyuto Monk Tantric Choir at least a dozen times over the last couple weeks. Those dudes are awesome.
Also, I hate those eye pictures. The texture really creeps me out and I want to take a butter knife to them and smooth them all out. I hate creepily textured things
I want to stick my hands in the eye pictures. It reminds me of the innards of a pumpkin when you're trying to scrape out the stringy stuff with the seeds.
Welcome Arturo!
My favorite chant: Balinese Monkey Chant. Youtube it.
I love the eyes!!!!!
I'm pretty excited to be adding Arturo to staff. All of his training to be a coach so far has consisted of David looking over his shoulder, just as in today's photo. So far…so good. If Arturo had rowed that 2000m any slower we might not have even had a conversation about him coming on staff. Keep it up, Arturo!
Homebrew to the Rescue attendees! Shmaltz Brewing Company heard about the event and have generously offered us a case of deliciousness to add into the Saturday brew pool! Hooray! Lady Fox and I picked it up today. She also had to un-peel my arms away from the stacks and stacks of beers and ciders that I was trying to hug.
Also 12pm for backsquats rolling into bench press to get ready for TT. I'm getting my legs and arms back and my brain even cooperated! Better watch out ya'll JB is on the mend.
And welcome Arturo! Woo!
5pm Group Class
3 Rounds:
16 KB Swings, 20kg
8e Rev Lunge, 20kg
6 Chin-Ups
16 Hollow Rocks
Hip Openers
Box Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3)
205×2, 225×2, 235×2, 245×2
Flight Simulator
Worked all the way up to 45 unbroken with NO missed reps and then I got a headache and had to stop. This is common for me with high rep double unders and has everything to do with a lack of control of my head position as I fatigue. Felt it coming on and called it a day. Not too upset since I hate double unders
@Michelle- Awesome!
@Noah- it's gonna be amaze balls
Alright Arturo!
Congratulations Arturo!
The eyes creep me out too. DO, I will join you with the butter knife smoothing (actually, my mom has this wonderful cake frosting knife that would be perfect).
6 pm with Melissa and Josh
I am not doomed to only get weaker. Tonight was my comeback.
Warm ups went smoothly. I was doing 4 chin ups and the last set I only did 3. I was still riding the wave of feeling bad for myself and didn't have the fight in me. I used a 12kg kettle bell, which is the weight I always use. It is usually pure torture, it never got to that point tonight.
Squats: 45×5, 55×5, 65×5, 85×5, 105×5 or 2?, 125×2, 130×1
Double unders stung tonight. I was a looking around and didn't notice anyone else wincing from the whippings. I made it over 15×3. but never got more than 16.
Welcome Arturo!
6PM with MeLo and Josh. Copy-Pasting DO's warmup since mine was the same:
3 Rounds:
16 KB Swings, 20kg
8e Rev Lunge, 20kg
6 Chin-Ups
16 Hollow Rocks
Box Squats with Samir:
45×5 95×5 135×4 165×3 185×2 195×2 205×2 215×2 225×2
Wasn't sure of a target here so took it slow up to 225, which was plenty taxing after so many reps.
Flight Simulator was awesome. Made it to 30 within the 5 minutes (with a lot of 27s and 25s and cursing under my breath beforehand) and eventually back down again with 30 seconds to spare before the 10 minute mark, but couldn't sting together more than 5 with the extra time.
Oops, minus the 20kg on rev lunges. Thats what I get for trying to take shortcuts.
Yay, Arturo!
day off today, so I went to yoga in the early afternoon.
then ran 1.7 miles from home to 7PM class
abs are still super sore from tuesday night's tabata sit-ups
box squats with Ellie
45×5, 75×4, 95×3, 115×2, 125×2, 135×2, 135×2
flight simulator
5, 10, 15, 20, 25… then stuck at attempting to get to 30.
I actually think I hit all those #s on the first try without failing. and then once I failed trying to get up to 30 i just totally lost it somehow. kept a good amount of rest in there, but it didn't really help. after that I got a lot of sets of 5 and 8, up to 16, 17, 19, but never past 25 again.
was piking/flexing my hips a lot, so will practice these and jumping straight up.
my long leg catches the rope a lot. just sayin.
Belated post–6am class with David. I really liked the warmup, a LOT. Then box squats with Kelly:
45×5, 95×5, 125×4, 145×2, 165×2, 175×2. Pleased with this. Hadn't squatted since 11/15 so wasn't sure what to expect.
Flight simulator: 5-10-15-20-25-30-33-32-24-ARGH.
Welcome Arturo!