Spend 15 Minutes Working on your Power Clean and Split Jerk Technique
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Row an easy 2000m or 1 Mile Run
Happy 40th Birthday Coach Fox!
Thanks for all you do for the gym and our CrossFit community!!
Attn: Home Brew To The Rescue Attendees:
Fine drinkers! As all of you know, the sold out Homebrew to the Rescue event is happening this Saturday December 15th at 7pm. 100% of all proceeds raised this night will go to our chosen two charities doing real, on-the-ground work for victims of Sandy are Rockaway Rescue Alliance and The Graybeards. It will be a glorious evening of beer from 10 of New York City’s finest homebrewers, raffle and auction items to fight over/bid on/win, and tasty treats to munch upon.
- Growlers and refills from Bar Great Harry! BBQ at Fletchers! Dinner for two at Root Hill Burger!
- Photographs from Sam Horine Village Voice’s 2012 Web Winner for best Instagram account and Instragram photo!
- A Private pilates session!
- A day of brewing with the most legendary homebrewer in Brooklyn, Fritz Fernow! Award winning, has guest brewed at both Coney Island Brewing Company and Chelsea Brewing. You can’t get better than this in the beer world.
- Please buckle up for this next one or at least sit down. Ready? 3-Chase Club seats. Giants v. Eagles. 35 yard line. With_parking. December 30. Start working on your winning strategy folks!
How has Coach Fox Helped you along your CrossFit Journey?
Happy birthday Fox!!
Jess and Fox taught my Foundations. As a few people know, I cried the day we learned the press/push press/push jerk. I thought about dropping out of Crossfit right then and there, but of course, Fox wouldn’t let me. At this point, I still thought Fox was really cool, so I listened to him. So glad I did.
Happy Birthday Fox!!
A burpee or a toast (whichever you prefer) to a great coach and one chill dude.
Did I mention you have an awesome name?
Happy Birthday Fox.
You have helped me a lot. I took privates with Fox to work on flexibility and better technique. Could not have moved forward like I have without his help. Hard to believe you are 40.
The blog is hoppin' lately, I love it.
5PM class to get it in before a work holiday function.
Warmup jog and clean drills, then Clean plus Jerks:
95×3, 135×2, 155×1, 175×1, 185xF,F 195xF
Hit 195 for a clean last week and 190 for a Clean and Jerk so pushed it at the end when I should have dropped back and drilled form instead. My bad.
Ran a hard mile as self-flagellation (been meaning to do a somewhat all-out mile effort lately so took this as the opportunity). 6:02 door to door, never tested it before so that's my starting PR.
Squat: 135x, 225×3, 315×3, 350×2, 360×1, 370(5)x1, 390(f)
Clean & Jerk: 95×3, 115×2, 135×2, 145×2, 155×1
Row: 2k @ 21SPM @ 8:16
Even though it's back-off week I came into the gym with a lot of frustration so I decided to do something heavy. And what better way than my favorite activity. Pretty much just worked up to a heavy single until failure. Due to questionable bar math I'm not sure if I did 370 or 375. going for 390 was pushing it since my PR is 380 but I figured what the hell. Had a pretty good split jerk session. Obviously I'm not a fan of anything overhead but I think we figured out some issues with feet positioning and it really helped. Went at a moderate pace on the 2k, was shooting for 20s/m and anything below a 2:10 split. Spent some extra time after class working on my feet position and then 10 minutes with the rumble roller. Good times.
Happy Birthday Fox! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
That last one was me…. 🙂 kindle typing…
7pm with McDowell and Noah wearing matching hoodies.
Run around the block. Lots of split jerk drills, very helpful. This was the first time I did more than just attempt to do it, wobble and instead push jerk.
33×5, 43×5, 53×5, 63×5, 73×5, 83-Fx3, 83×2 but stance not so great. My main problem is my really slow elbows.
Mile run was fun, which is better than doing something I hate at the end of the day. I'll go to bed still liking crossfit.
Happiest of B-days, Fox!
My Fox story to illustrate his awesomeness: I've always used the blog comments to journal my crossfit experience. When I was a total crossfit noob, I found certain things quite challenging and expressed my frustrations in my journal/blog entries. Out of the blue, Fox sends me an email offering a bit of perspective and words of encouragement. Incredibly nice and above and beyond the call of duty. Hats off to you, sir!
Power Clean and Split Jerk (one clean followed by multiple jerks): 95×3, 125×3, 155×3, 185×1 (20# PR!) 185Fx2. Then ran 1 mile NFT. It is official, I don't like running in innov8s. Switched back to my old running shoes today and it was soooo much better for me.
Thought I was going to work at 160 today. It is backoff week after all and 165 was my previous PR for going overhead. But DO had different ideas and suggested I try 185. Much to my surprise, it worked and I got a 20# PR. Nice. Also nice that on the two 185 fails I failed on the jerks, but the cleaned the weight ok. 185 is my power clean 1RM and I got it 3 times in a row tonight.
Coach Fox is the primary force behind my improvement over the past 3 months. I was stalled out and one day I asked him about nutrition because of his bio on the site. He offered to review my current eating habits if I kept a food log. After a few months of logging and a set of helpful tips, I now keep a food log regularly, drink far less and eat less refined carbs. And it's totally showing up in the workouts. I owe him a lot for taking the time to help me reach my goals outside of group class.
Happy 40, Coach!!!
Happy birthday Fox. Thanks for helping me design a good diet and being all around awesome. I hope I can be that ripped at 40, but considering I'm nowhere close at 28, I've got a long way to go.
Happy birthday, Coach! Thanks for always being positive, humorous and supportive!!