Tech Person Needed
Hi CFSBK techy folks. I (Corbett M) find myself in need of an expert in web development to do an assessment of a website. The ideal person would firstly be an expert at backend development with good knowledge of WordPress and would ideally be able to assess this website fully from the backend through front end development with an understanding of design aspects, too. This is a somewhat sensitive matter with a tight time frame. If you are that expert, or know someone who is, please email me at corbett(at)variegated(dot)com and I can give you the full details. Thanks.
Ask any of the 43 people who were members of the meat CSA this year, and they’ll tell you that the value and selection offered in this program is unmatched. You simply cannot buy grass-fed meat at retail at this price and quality anywhere in New York. And with monthly delivery direct to the gym, the convenience is unmatched.
The next share will be four months: Jan-April. If you like, however, you can sign up for 4, 8 or 12 months – all at once.
The Farm is offering two mixed meat (beef, pork and lamb) options:
- 15lbs/month plan: $600 if you pay in full, $650 on monthly payment plan
- 10lbs/month plan: $460 if you pay in full, $500 on monthly payment plan
Full plan details and lots of info about Herondale Farm is here.
Here’s how to sign up:
1. Returning members: You can re-up by emailing to info@herondalefarm dot com. They’ll take it from there.
2. New members: Download this PDF, fill it out, and return it to the farm via email.
QUESTIONS? Email me. WANT TO SPLIT A SHARE WITH SOMEONE? Email me. mignyc at gmail dot com.
The farm is looking for 60 members in 2013 – let’s make it happen!
What’s something we probably don’t know about you? Hidden talents? Unusual interest? Ultimate Claims to nerdom? The weirder the better!
That link is no good. Wear the onesie to the gym to prove it.
Ok, since Crystal TEXTED me just to make me post…
-I too have done all of the nerdy stuff, Magic cards, D&D, etc.
-In middle school I had a ponytail, and my crew was 3 girls, and they called me "Sensitive Ponytail Boy
-The rest of my life has been spent compensating for that last one
-I once shot a man in reno
-Just to watch him die, natch
-I hate raw tomatoes
-I played bass in my middle school jazz band, but never knew how to read music
-I went to a summer camp that had "Coed Naked Swim" (Inka went too, just sayin)
-I can do a passable Kermit the Frog, although sometimes it turns into Yoda
-I have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
-My suspicion that David Osorio is the weirdest human I've ever met was confirmed immediately today, and nobody has topped his post yet.
102 posts is the most ever I've seen, I think….so bueno.
I'm late, but I want to play!
I am terrified of zombies. As in, had to skip all the zombie-loving posts above, walked out of the first five minutes of Zombieland, and own a totem against the eventual zombie apocalypse – a zippo lighter engraved with the words "You are now safe from zombies." It is the best gift I have ever received.
I used to sing opera, when I was a teenager. (Recreationally. Nothing fancy.) This left me with paralyzing anxiety about karaoke.
I ran a Shakespeare festival in New Hampshire for 2 years, and have also worked as a stage manager / set designer / TD in places of varying size and reputation. I have also worked as a welder in a science museum, and love building things.
I think that letters and numbers have specific colors. E is yellow. 4 is blue. etc.
Every now and then there's some science journalism piece about how life on another planet might be conceivable and it makes me weep with joy.
I was a total bully in elementary school and spent every morning beating one kid up (who I kind of liked?) until his parents took him out of the school, possibly because he had a concussion.
I was the Palimpsest.
I'm new to cross fit so i wasn't going to post anything but i just spent 45 minutes reading all these awesome posts so i have to write something to validate my procrastination.
– i count my steps when i walk. it takes 833 steps from my apt to the GAP 2/3 train
– i love writing and updating lists. the weirdest list i have in my iPhone notes is the list of how many steps it takes to walk to different places.
– i wear socks to bed every night even if I'm sleeping in my birthday suit
– in highschool i acted drunk at parties so i would not have to actually drink. I'm not shy so no one ever questioned me. i didn't understand why people drank stuff that tasted bad but then i went to college in new orleans and discovered two things: hurricanes and ipas.
– i lived in france when i was 16 for 6 months with a spanish rastafarian family. it is legal to drink at 16 in france but i was too high.
– i talk really loud but not on purpose. I've been to countless punk and heavy metal shows and never wore ear plugs and now am having trouble hearing.
– i was the president of the African Student Association at Columbia University. I was born in NJ. I am French Canadian and definitely a pale-hole.
– in college i would go to the bars to see if people would want to come back to my dorm room to start a drum circle. i may have mislead a few dozen guys.
– two years ago, on a trip to ireland i discovered the tin whistle and have been playing it ever since
I can't believe you actually looked all that up on google.. hahaha. <3
and yes, specially men fighting with other men over loot (DRAMA). that's why we had to set it up so that I was the only player who could loot the boss corpse and then we had this really complicated system for points and who got what. I had a huge excel file. I'm sure we made it 100x more complicated then necessary.
love all these posts, folks. love them.
if your bf wants to start the band back up I would go just to see this get-up you've described.
When I was a kid, I used to be good at instructing and leading my friends in animal dissections. Pretty much like a surgical team. The animals were cadavers.