Performance: Work up to a heavy triple.
If you finish, drop back to about 80% and do a set of 5-8 reps
Fitness: Work up to a medium heavy 5 then perform 3 total sets of 5 reps at that weight.
Post loads to comments.
Weighted Pull-Up
Performance: 2RM Pull-Up
Prone grip only
Fitness: 5×5 Pull Ups, as challenging for 5 as possible
Focus on a mature finish position where your neck and shoulders stay neutral over the bar. Don’t crane your neck so that just your chin clears, use as much assistance as needed to finish strong.
Tabata Sit-Ups
Perform 10 Rounds of :20 on, :10 off of unanchored sit-ups. Score is total reps.
Christian Reiss Goes For a Deadlift 1RM
Huge props to all the guys and gals who totaled yesterday. We had some huge PRs from both veteran and novice strength cycles. Post numbers and experience to comments!
Even More Congratulations
Congrats to Arturo R who finished in 7th place overall in yesterday’s Hunger For More Games in Long Island! Team CFSBK is cleaning up shop!
The LFPB Challenge Cometh…
The CFSBK coaching staff is putting together an incentive nutrition challenge for the new year. We’re calling it the Look, Feel, and Perform Better Challenge and it will span the first 6 weeks of 2012. Our goal is to help people kick start their new year with some community support in avoiding processed foods, adding a little A/R and working out regularly. More details to follow.
Recovering From Hurricane Sandy CrossFit
Neurotransmitters and Prolonged Exercise Robb Wolf
What If Money Were No Object Alan Watts
The Sonic Divide
Yesterdays total was amazing! A great mix of newbies and veterans with a fantastic vibe. Lot's of fun and the 3 hours flew by.
My numbers:
Squat: 435, 445 PR, 455 PR
I've been sitting at 435 for a while and was glad to finally get out of it. Also, it was nice to know that after 455 I felt like I had more in the tank. This cycle, I finally gave in to Coach Jeremy and put on a belt. Made a hell of a difference in my lift.
Press: 155, 185, 210 F
I initially was going to just put a number on the board due to a shoulder injury. The shoulder felt good, so I kept going. My PR was 205 and I decided to shoot for the moon with 210. It ended being a push-press (thanks Coach Fox for catching that and keeping me true). Either way, I was happy I even got 210 over my head considering I haven't pressed for over a month. (Note to self: new lifting method – don't lift anything and show up to the total and PR…)
Deadlift: 455, 505, 525 F
Deadlifts felt strong all around. 505 is 4lbs shy of a PR so I'm close. Lost footing on the last lift. Came up on my toes and couldn't recover. Next cycle, will try lifting without the shoes and see if that helps.
A big thank you to all my lifting buddies at the total. I got to know most of you since I got to lift with every class this cycle. (thank you for letting me work in on the odd days I was there). I have to give a special shout out to Christian for having my back this cycle. He's a great lifting partner and just an all around great guy.
Of course, my biggest thank you goes to Coach Jeremy. Every cycle I come into it with grandiose ideas, paranoias, and very little direction. Coach Jeremy knows how to take that big ball of crazy, focus it, and get me to shut up and lift. The numbers speak for themselves and I am very grateful to him for that.
If anyone is still reading I say this, do the strength cycle at least once. Speak to anyone who has done it. You will see gains and improvement in your movement. If you don't become a lifer (like some of us), you will see huge improvements in your lifts once you get back to doing CrossFit (I wouldn't know, as I have yet to leave the platform). Coach Jeremy gets to know all of his students and figures out what works for them. No matter how big the classes get, you will feel like you're getting personal attention. He loves what he does and it shows through his students. Also, it's just a lot of fun!
In honor of yesterday's George Carlin video, some Brain Droppings:
I was really excited to do the strength cycle – I had a lot of reasons, but generally, I felt I had a lot to learn about the oly lifts, and more than a little curiosity about what goes on "over there." I still need to develop a lot more, and learn a lot more, but I saw really great results in just two months. If you are a newbie on the fence, definitely go for it.
Some quality time with Jeremy is reason enough – he is a very intuitive and knowledgeable coach, very thoughtful and deliberate, and his wicked sense of humor added a dimension I really appreciated. He handled a million questions from me (and even more from my kids on obscure colas and Assassin's Creed III) and it is obvious he loves what he does. If you show up with a good attitude, and mix in a dose of "Squat Whisperer," good times will ensue. And the crew on the platform takes a very individual pursuit and makes a team effort out of it. I am a richer person due to that mix of people, and the encouragement they provided me, and one another. Not naming names; you know who you are (team).
Again, if you have never done the program, going in, you provide Jeremy with some background on what your 1RM's, 5RM's are, etc. He backs those numbers off to start so that the focus is on form, and the weights are light. And then each session, just like the myth of Milo, who carries the calf every day to get strong, Jeremy adds weight to your numbers.
Soo….. on the first class, 10/9, I squatted 115x5x3, press was 85x5x3, dead 225×5 (deads are only one set – by that point, there has already been a lot of volume). Basically, everything I did on my squat from Halloween onward (160x5x3) was easily and demonstrably a PR, each and every class. I still have no idea where the bottom is when I squat, but I can only blame having long legs or hypertrophied quads just so much. The real culprit is "me," and I have a ton to learn.
I had never totaled before, but here are the numbahs:
Squat: 245 (PR), 265 (PR), 285 (F). First two lifts moved pretty well, and maybe the jump was pretty big, but I think that I have 285 in my future. I spent too long looking for the bottom, and by that point, simply lost to gravity. Note to self: you are not stronger than the earth's gravitational pull. Not. Rock beats scissors, earth's core beats me. As it should be.
Press: 130 (PR), 140 (PR), 150 (F). In hindsight, I got greedy here, and 145 was probably in the bag. This is a pesky lift, and a weak muscle group for me, so the fact that 140 went up like it did had me a-grinnin'.
Dead: 325 (PR), 345 (PR), 355 (F). Last one never got off the floor too much, and that's ok, it was quite aspirational. I was more tired than I realized, and while I think my grip can take me places in the future, my mechanics went by that last one.
The total was a great experience, and while nobody wants to fail any lifts (I sure don't), it was good to see that I had pushed myself and found some limits for me to work on from here. Many thanks to those of you who came by with your very cute hounds and even cuter wee ones to cheer us on. I loved every minute of the cycle and the total.
6am with Nick and McDowell. Bench: 45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 225×4, 245×3, 255×3. Pretty sure I could have done 265. Drop set of 205×14. Was planning to do 10, but the bar was moving so well I just kept going. Still had a few left in the tank. Weighted pull-ups: 25×2, 50×2, 60×2, 65×2. Tabata sit-ups: 110.
Congrats totallers! Saw some big numbers on the white board this morning.
SO HAPPY to hear that next year's formerly-known-as-Paleo challenge will be 6 weeks instead of 2 months. I was ready to commit murder for an ice cream sundae by the end of this year's challenge.
Conversely, very sad I didn't make it in this morning (thanks, insomnia). Really hoping I don't have to work so late tonight that I can't do it tomorrow either. I *heart* bench press.
Yesterday was the first total I had the chance to spectate while not coaching. It was loads of fun to watch all of y'all but want to shout out a few particulars.
-McKensey, for deadlifting heavy and with solid form like a boss, a BOSS.
-Allison, for squatting 210 freaking lbs and picking up (and placing down) 270 with grace. Lots more there.
-Radhika, who grinds a rep like she has no idea what missing a rep would ever be like.
-Avi, for working his way back and moving a SHIT TON OF WEIGHT
-Betz and PR, my Crossfit soul brothers for placing the conditioning demons in their back pocket while pursuing the singular goal of strength, and getting it done.
-And of course Christian, who aside from having a great first name, moved ALL THE WEIGHT with a smile.
I really could go on and name everyone.
I'm fortunate to get to work with many members when they first come in for Foundations with us. I see the good, the bad, and the ugly that many newbies possess and so it's always nice to see them progress. Not many places is this progress more pointed than when someone finishes a Strength cycle or two. Kudos to you all.
I loved watching the squats yesterday (sorry I couldn't stay for more!) and my personal favorite would have to be McKensey. When she nails a lift, she breaks out into the most infectious grin.
When I did strength cycle, I remember Jeremy saying that men hit a weight and their brains immediately go to "what's the next number I want to hit?" whereas women take the time to celebrate. Seeing McKensey's smile after she hit her squats felt like being let in on her celebration, which was just great.
I'm also super inspired by Kate B. Someday, I hope to be a PTFBA (pregnant TFBA) on the platform like she is.
7AM WIth Nick and McDowell (Fox as well)
Got to workout with Josh, a visiting man of the cloth from Bermuda. Happy to hear him say how friendly we all seemed and that we had quite a nice box.
Starts with…
The bench… and so the anxiety starts. I think its going to be a mental thing for me for a while. The idea of losing another 6+ weeks if my shoulder gets injured certainly has me always thinking and wondering will it get hurt? It is getting better mentally for me but its still there.
I kept it light and pulled my arms in close (Thanks FOX for the adjustment) 105# on that.
Then the pull up.
Something I always loved doing and felt good at doing now reduced to a band and the thoughts go to my shoulder again. I did all 25 in sets of 5 and using the band. No twinges, no tightness, nothing hurt so I am happy with that. I guess it will be more band and maybe one not banded next time.
The situps at least I got back into my stride hitting 126. I think there was maybe a couple lost here and there because I was still upright when the clock restarted so I had to go all the way down and back up. vs being down in time for the clock but I was happy with my number.
My first Strength Cycle and Total in the books, and I am super excited about it. I always saw people go into Strength Cycle and thought, "don't you get bored over there" and I almost can't believe how fun, challenging, and awesome it was.
My goal for the Total was to just keep fighting. I tend to give up on my lifts too quickly, so I just said in my head, I'm not stopping until Jeremy makes me.
Squat – 135, 145, 150(f)
Press – 60, 65, 67.5
DL – 145, 155, 160(f)
20 lbs over what I started with in the Squat and DL!
We had a super amazing group of people and I really enjoyed getting to lift with everyone. A couple shout outs to Tom for making fun of my Colgate shirts and being the loudest encouraging voice for all of us, and MacKenzie and Erica for being awesome platform mates. It was really inspiring to watch everyone get better and lift big!
Big thank yous to Michele who is the most badass awesome lifter in the world. She helped me a ton throughout the cycle, mostly by answering all the stupid questions I was too embarrassed to ask Jeremy.
And of course Jeremy who is amazing and super knowledgable about everything. It's a pretty amazing feeling to be standing at a barbell certain that I can't lift something and then hear Jeremy say "don't worry, we're doing this together, I'll get you through it" and then all of a sudden I'm lifting more than ever before. Part mind reader, part lifting coach, all amazing person.
Go 'Gate! As long as I'm at the gym, Christine, there will be two of us for Tom to make fun of for our "Hamilton-chic" attire.
Sorry I missed the total–I was stuck on Long Island suffering through a sinus/cold thing that is making today the worst work day ever. Congrats to all of you guys on your (big) numbers!
Total 12.9.12
This was a great cycle and a great Total. LOTS of brand-newbies to Starting Strength, which is always both fun and inspiring, and lots of women (9!) I was super, super stoked to train with Erica, Christine and MacKenzie, and to see them really shine at their first Total.
Even though I am a permanent strength cycler, this was my first Total since May. I PR'd two individual lifts and my overall Total number.
Squat: 190 PR (2.lb5 PR from May,where I hit 187.5)
Press: 77.5
Dead: 230 PR (15lb PR from May and 10lb PR from two weeks ago, when I PR'd at 220.)
Total: 497.5 PR (15lb PR from May)
I was disappointed I didn't hit that 195-lb squat. As I told Jeremy, I called for spotters for that attempt, and then simply gave up because I knew they were there. It's true that I was probably as scared as I've ever been on the platform when I was setting up for that attempt; it's perilously close to 200, which for me has always been the boogeyman number. Nevertheless, mental toughness is a weakness of mine and I know I need to work on it.
The deadlift story, however, redeemed my squat disappointment a bit.
I started brand-new programming just 8 weeks ago (you may have seen me struggling with chains and hilariously attempting to wield the sledgehammer with something approaching a shred of my dignity.) Putting 15 pounds on my Total in that short of a time, considering how long I've already been lifting, is pretty much unprecedented for me. So I have to thank Matt Reynolds, a fellow SS coach and distance coach extraordinaire, for helping me make this kind of progress.
Also thanks to:
– all the spectators. Holy COW! The first time we had a Sunday Total, the number of viewers dropped off, and I was very disappointed. Glad to see that's not a trend 🙂 Your support and encouragement really means a lot. Thank you.
– Jess Bailey. I kind of needed to collapse into a puddle after that squat at 190, and as I scanned the audience, I realized there was a person out there who'd understand. She also gave me some crucial advice on my squat progression and I'm very grateful for that.
– Rakhika Vaz, whose dry, sharp humor on the platform and off is one of my very favorite parts of Strength Cycle.
– Coach Jeremy for all he does for the program, the lifters, and the SBK community in general. He has made quality strength training using a proven method the cornerstone of Crossfit South Brooklyn. We're extremely lucky to have that.
One more thing:
Thanks to the Foxes for coming and for bringing their pups. Dogs should be required at the Total. Their therapeutic charms are always, well, therapeutic, but ten times moreso during such a stressful event.
Dogs in sports jerseys: always relaxing.
That gives me an idea. About an in-house SBK working dog. Part mascot, part therapy animal. IMAGINE THE BENEFITS.
First Strength Cycle, first Total.
The numbers:
> Squat: 185/195/215
> Press: 75/85/87.5(f)
> Deadlift: 230/250/270
All PRs, which leads me to why I signed up in the first place: I took Tough Titsday with Margie back in August of 2011, and then participated in the two Titsday meets since, but still never really felt that I had a true sense of what my capacity is and more importantly, where it's headed, specifically with regards to choosing weights during WODs and mapping out my plans for progressing on my lifts during normal group class cycles.
The Total yesterday was super fun, and also a great reminder as to why I do this: it's pretty rare as an adult to truly learn something new — something which was once entirely foreign (I'm sure Noah or Fox can do an impression of my horrific airsquats from Foundations) and to encounter something that makes me shake with nervous energy and anticipation. As I got under the bar for my first squat attempt yesterday, my legs were totally shaking.
I enjoyed watching yesterday (and throughout the entire Cycle) as much as I enjoyed lifting, and am always surprised and psyched to realize how everyone else feels the same. All the good things I have to say about Jeremy, Strength Cycle, and your platform-mates have already been said, so here's an enthusiastic +1 (times a million) to all of that.
Awesome Total yesterday. Glad I was there to witness. It was great seeing so many people hit their numbers. Highlights include: AK killing her squats press and deadlifts and as Chris Fox said putting the weight down "Like a boss" Laurent recovering from that squat and hitting it. Christian who smiled while lifting 550lbs. So much positivity in the gym yesterday.
An Aside: As a Hanukah celebrator and crossfitter I am appalled by lack of a wod called "8 nights of Hanukah" There is a 12 days of Christmas workout, but no 8 nights of Hanukah? Sheesh.
ANYONE INTERESTED IN DOING AN 8night of hanukah wod on FRIDAY at OPEN GYM. Email me, lets create one.
Down for the jew-wod.
Costumes must be mandatory.
Bench: 205
Pull ups: 55
Sit ups: 109
Probably could have taken one more step up on the bench but didn't feel like pushing it. It's back off week after all.
Lat pull up was a bit ugly but I made it over.
Sit-ups, cool.
Overall, the strength cycle and the total were lots of fun and I'm really glad I got to be a part of it this time around. Big thanks to everyone who came out to support us! Here are my numbers and thoughts from yesterday:
Squat: 355, 370 (PR), 385 (PR). This was my plan all along and I love it when a plan comes together. 355 was a can of corn, as I knew it would be. 370 didn't feel so heavy so I knew I had 385. I had a really good bounce out of the bottom of 385 and nailed it. My best squat of the day, according to Jeremy. This is a 20lb PR, which is huge for me.
Press: 160, 170, 180 (PR). Just as planned, just like the squat. I knew the only real test would be my last attempt but it felt like it moved pretty well. A little grindy, but nothing like the shitshow rep at 177.5 that was my previous PR in April. Very happy with any progress here, even if it's a 2.5lb jump.
Deadlift: 445,
465,465. I was able to get 465 off the floor on both my second and thrid attempts, but I just didn't feel like I had it locked in so I dropped it both times. I have mixed feelings about my deadlift performance. I'm bummed I didn't pull a PR but I'm excited to finally be able to pull heavy with good form. I even got DO's nod of approval after my last warmup set at 405 and he's been riding my deadlift for about 2 years now. Looking forward to making even more progress on this lift with my new-found safe back position.Hitting PRs is great, but the main reason I signed up for the strength cycle was to dedicate a block of time on the basic lifts and to work the kinks out of my form. I knew that Jeremy knows these lifts as well as anyone and I assumed he'd make a litany of minor adjustments to my stance and hand positions based on my bizzarre anthropometry – you know, 'fix' me. Luckily, he delivered something a lot more valuable and didn't micro-manage my squat. In fact, there were probably only a handful of reps during the course of the cycle that Jeremy made adjustments to – mostly it was just positive feedback and cues just when I needed them. It's pretty amazing how he always seems able to deliver the cue that each of us needs at the exact right time, but the man knows what he's doing.
@michele Rice university has a puppy room for students during finals
Who am I to argue with Fox et al. about Mack? She was a TFBA yesterday (among all days). A personal note, if you see her bouncing on her toes and sort of shadow-boxing (even in lifting shoes), as she was between lifts yesterday, that's when you really know things are going well. I may have enjoyed watching the coaches watch McKensey about as much as I enjoyed watching the Total itself.
There were lots of highlights though, and I loved watching the whole thing, and think I'm in on the next cycle if I can make it work with work:
1) My evening class squat partner PR out-PRing me on the squat, and convincing me that I need to sign up for strength cycle. He nailed that lift, and has more in him, and then pulled a hell of a deadlift for good measure.
2) Radhika's focus and pre-lift organization is awesome and something to aspire to. Each lift was something different, but she always seems to get herself into exactly the right headspace to hit her lift.
3) Michele's post-squat face and puddle-collapse, capped off by her grin as she finished off that 3rd deadlift. The first was the face of somebody who knew she had given everything to hit that squat, and the deadlift face was somebody who had surprised herself with her own strength.
4) Avi's squats, which looked like he could have repped them, and his form, where his hips pop the weight up like he's power cleaning it.
5) Tom's socks.
6) Christine gong HAM on some squats.
I'm sure there are many more I'm forgetting. It was great to be there and watch everybody move big weight.
Congratulations again to all the Total-ers! Wish I could've been there.
Noon with Fox & Arturo. Worked up to 3×5 at 73# on the bench press. 5×5 pull-ups: first set with thin green band, last 4 with thick green band. 122 on the sit-ups.
Christine, that's sweet of you to say. I was thrilled with your results yesterday. Hope to see you back on the platform soon!
The Total was great fun. Lots of great energy in the room.
D.O. – Thank you for posting the video!
I very much enjoyed the Strength Cycle. I have to say though that it was in each individual class, especially leading up to the Total, where all the hard battles were fought, sometimes won, sometimes not. The hard part is getting back at it after failing at a weight.
I had great platform buddies: Deepak and Avi. Deepak who showed me that a 20 second rep is indeed possible if you don't give up, and Avi who just makes heavy squats move so fast!
It was great motivation working alongside Earl, Radhika, Mobina, Bev, Corbett, Michelle, and Matt. I can think back to at least one set for each where I thought to myself, "Damn! I want to squat like that!"
Of course, a big thank you goes to Jeremy, a great coach and very insightful to the psychology of lifting heavy. It is as much about training your mind as it is your body.
I am looking forward to getting back to the WODs; I watched with a combination of longing and rising nausea as everyone did Fran the other night; excited to get back!
CRASHB's and the Open are just the corner!
I'll be back at Strength in the Spring; I’m already visualizing my openers for the next Total: 435, 220, 550.
I've been sick for over a week now. I feel okayish during the day but mornings and nights I feel totally wiped out, congested and cranky.
Today seemed as good of day as any to get back on the WOD wagon
Bench Press
(45×10, 95×5, 115×5, 135×5)
Weighted Pull-Up
(BWx3) +25x5x4
Tabata Sit-Ups
83 Reps
Feeling really weak on everything today, took it easy and just moved.
I really like watching the totals and always try to at least see the squats. It's great to watch people drop down deep into the hole and come back up with something they didn't know was there. Great work, good show. I hope to do another cycle after Crash Bs.
McKensey is a TFBA yesterday. The smile post lift said it all.
Aww! Thank you so much to everyone for the love. Yesterday was so incredible, and it's been great to continue the celebration by reading these comments and my fellow lifters’ impressions.
First, some numbers:
Squat: 185 (50 pound increase on my previous PR)
Press: 65 (8 pound increase)
Deadlift: 200 (40 pound increase)
And now, for my thoughts:
When I participated in Tits Day five months ago, things did not go well (mainly due to factors outside of the gym). I missed my first two squats, barely made my third and cried in public a lot more than I would ever hope to. My basic take away was, "I'm never doing that again."
That could have gone two ways. Either I quit Crossfit completely (which I very seriously considered), or I work really hard to do all that I can to avoid having a total like that ever again. Somehow, I ended up going with the latter option. I signed up for strength, bought lifting shoes two weeks in, and learned how to really lift. I’m so glad that I did.
I’ve not only developed some seriously awesome muscles, but also know how to really own my lifts. How to psych myself up, turn off my brain, focus, and fight against all of the bad form, panic, fears and self criticism that was getting in the way before. This is thanks to great coaching for Jeremy; Erica, Christine and Michelle as awesome platform mates; and all of my fellow cyclers who made the experience so much fun.
Now that I know there’s a 200 pound backsquat in my reach, I plan to be back in January for more.
Lastly, Joel, that is not shadow-boxing that I’m doing. I am cheering myself on with imaginary pom poms. Now you know.
(McKensey posted under my name on that one because she never posts to the blog and I sometimes post on her computer)
The above post is from me, McKensey. Not Joel. When I hit post, it appears to have reverted to his login. This is what I get for not posting on the blog more often.
The Total was awesome. One of the best I've ever watched. You all put up some amazing numbers and lifted like pros. Congrats. Not total-ing because of injury (clearly I am a pro at that) sucked, but I was proud to be your head cheerleader. I am, in fact, a little hoarse today from screaming. And thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate afterward at Root Hill Burger. You quite literally made their day!
I love getting my meathead on.
Pullups 15×2
Situps – 103
Samir posting from Noor's machine.
Partnered with Malcolm and Todd.
Bench: 175×3 (also 185×2 , and then fail on 3rd rep).
Pull-ups: 45×2
Situps: 104
All good.
5pm tonight with DO and am over the moon to finally FINALLY be getting a little bit back to my old game. 3×5 finishing at 52# and could have gone heavier. Am back to 5 chins on the thin blue band, but for strict PU's could only get 3 then had to have the bad touch assist. Finished with 100 of the Tabata Sit-Ups which was a huge fail as my brain said a huge no bueno, stupidfuckingconcussionrepercussions, so no more for the time being. GRR!!
It has been SO LONG getting back to this point, feels amazing. I may have happy danced a little bit down the street.
Tonite at the gym:
225×3 bench
75lbs Weighted Pull Up X 2
104 Situps:
Tonite @bowling= win Nintendo Wii in Raffle. Happy Hanukah to Me!
Bench: 165×3
Pullups :25×2
Situps: 105
Had a really long day and didn't eat nearly enough. Haven't benched since strength cycle. Hit 165, it felt heavy, my shoulders were not happy (as usual) Then I did 2 sets at 135. Worked up to 25 on the pullups, didn't feel like going crazy. Tabata anything sucks, but I did ok. My conditioning is slowly improving. Congrats to all the people that totaled yesterday, saw the board today. tremendous numbers put up by everyone. You guys have given me some goal numbers for next year when I return to the platform.
DIY row 2k in 7:33. Just a bit of conditioning to supplement all the "swole" work tonight.
Bench Press: worked up to 200×3 then 160×8. Body-weight bench presses have been a goal of mine forever. The last rep took about 15 minuets to get up, but it did get up. Nice little milestone tonight. "Nice, Bro!"
2RM weighted pull-ups: worked to 27.5#.
Tabata sit-ups: 104.
Totally juiced my pecs in MeLo and David's 6pm class with Malcolm and Samir.
Was still feeling my belated Fran from last night (those warmup rows and slow squats hurt a lot more than they should have).
45×5 95×4 135×3 155×3 175×3 185×1,F 135×10
BWx2 10×2 25×2 35×2
And 101 situps
Total numbers:
Squat: 345, 365(PR), 380(PR)
Press: 160, 170(PR), 180(F) apparently my right arm is a lot stronger than my left
Deadlift: 375, 395(PR), 405(PR)
Great times at the total last night. Thanks everyone for showing some much support. Prior to joining this cycle, I've asked a lot of people about how they liked strength class. Unanimously their answers were all positive. I gave it a shot and it has been a great experience. I didn't know what to expect but 3 weeks into the program, I already felt stronger. Jeremy knows his stuff and he preps you physically and mentally.
Big thanks for PR, Tom C , and Tom S for being such bigasses on the platform.
Everyone should take strength class at least once. Get up and lift heavy sh*t!
Late post.
Had class with Noah and MeLo tonight. MeLo was in terrific form. I had a blast listening to all the commentary. What a great way to kick off the week.
Bench: 95# x 3
Super stoked about this as my 1RM from last Titsday was 95# and I really had to fight for it. Woop!
Pull ups: Yikes. Thin green band with assistance 5×5.
Huge shoutout to Marian and her weighted pull ups! What a BAMF.
Tabata situps: 123. I think. It's really hard to focus on counting for five minutes.
6am with Nick and McDowell, just posting this now.
Bench press, first time in about 15 years: #165 x 5
weighted pull ups maxed out at #45 x 2
tabata situps: 108
overall I felt pretty good
My bench was stronger than I expected having not worked on it at all, I definitely felt that I could go a little heavier. It was also my first time on weighted pullups, and I did better there than expected as well. I think I could get #50 or even #55 if I were fresh.