Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 2.5-5lbs from your last exposure.
Linear e12/12
Performance: Work up to a 5RM
Intensity e5/6
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Spend 20 minutes working up to a heavy triple Turkish Get Up
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Chris Fox Laftin Wates
This is the event I’m doing today. Just me lifting from SBK but thankfully J is coming along. USA POWERLIFTING NORTHEASTERN USA REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
My openers are:
355 Squat
235 Bench
475 Dead
Hoping to hit:
385 Squat
255 Bench
525 Dead
Wish me luck!
Why compete?
By Chris Fox
As a youth I was not very involved in competitive sports, so I can’t speak to that angle on why competition is a healthy aspect of training as an adult. Sure, I’ve played some pick up football, basketball, rugby, baseball, etc…but the consequences were only week to week, never having long lasting meaning to me. As an adult I have found new meaning in what training and testing mean to me. I’ve trained with intention and set performance goals for more than a decade and found Crossfit within the past 6 years. Crossfit was the first time that I had ever really tested my performance in a competition setting. The beauty of Crossfit, and the related fitness sports that go along with it like powerlifting, olympic lifting, strongman/women, adventure races, etc… is that while you are ‘competing’ with the people you’re sharing floor/track/trail/platform space with, you must also compare your performance to your own previous performances. Sometimes the goal may be to only finish an event. First time out? Just get through it with success. Other times it may be to best your previous years placement or possibly to achieve a top place in an event. In my case the goal is to get better as an athlete and to not slip backward as the competitive environment gets more and more, well, competitive.
I’ve no illusions of winning any powerlifting meets, olympic meets, the Crossfit Games, or even any of the local throwdown style events. Does that mean that my participation is silly? Hell NO! I get to hang with some cool folks, push my limits, and measure where I lay not only in comparison to my fellow athletes but also in relation to my previous self. As a (very) soon to be 40 year old male, society would have me believe that my best days are behind me. I respond with a resounding “NOT” and strive year after year to be a bit better that the me from the year before. I enjoy the process, the goal setting, and the satisfaction of knowing that I prepared for an event as best as I could. Or, in learning what I might do differently the next go around.
We test ourselves day in, day out at CFSBK. There are metrics to be recorded for sure, and you should be tracking them regularly. I encourage you all however to step outside of your comfort zone once in awhile and and test your performance in those not so cozy places where the others are. You might find out that you hate it, but you might also find out that it inspires you to be better or at least have some outside of the box fun. At the very least you’ll have learned something about yourself.
50 Ways To Achieve Greatness In Your Life
The 2013 CrossFit Open is announced!
CrossFit Games History 2007-2012
Good luck Fox! Have fun!!!
Vertical Video Syndrome – A PSA
motherf*cker fox! I wish you total luck. Kick ass!
Go git 'em Fox! Good luck today!
Good luck Fox – great article
Sorry I'm not joining you as planned Fox– good luck and have fun!
Last night I took a shot at my 405 squat that has been in my sights but I bombed out. Couldn't control the descent near the bottom and was pinned…. Just not a good time for PR's right now.
Thanks to the strength guys for the spot and especially for unloading my bar as I recovered.
Nice work Fox. The drive to be better than myself has always overridden the drive to be better than the person next to me, but that doesn't mean I don't smile whenever I come out on top.
Morning constitutional :
Good Luck Fox!!
Go get it Fox!
Good luck Fox!
Go Fox go!
Get it Fox!
Awright Fox!
Help! Black chuck Taylors were in the shoe rack and now they are not. Help! The catch is that my orthotics were inside. Shpetner (at) or 646 285 4056. Thanks! Tom
good luck, fox!
squats this morning: (45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2) 255×5 (!), 275x1F
PR on the 5RM so got greedy and tried to PR for 1 but no dice. Not really the ideal warm-up for a 1RM.
tried the TGUs but they were too hard on my tweaked wrist.
300×5 Squat PR! Last rep got a little messy. Really happy with my progression this cycle and with the jumps I chose.
This cycle
Power Clean – PR +10
10RM Squat – PR +15
5RM Squat – PR +15
5RM Press – PR + 5
Worked up to 50lbs on the TGU
Oh and good luck Fox!
Rescue, thank you! I didn't put them in the rack and am therefore not too bright. JB to the rescue!
go fox! eat their faces!
150×5 today on the squats, a PR. thanks to mcdowell and sarah la rosa for the support. with good peeps like that behind me, there was no way i wasn't going to make it through. thanks guys!
I'm a little bummed. I went from 115x3x5 my first day back to 105 for the last 2 days of lbbs. While 105 hasn't been super easy I went from thinking I'm working smart to I'm just not working. When and how did I become this person?
105x4x5. On the third round I said I was going to do 10, because I did that the class before, but I got to 6 and quit. So I did another set.
Turkish get ups are cool. I liked them with dumb bells. I learned with kettle bells and hated them. I don't like bruised wrists.
Damn Ellie!!! Congrats! I'm jealous.
Go Fox! Make us proud!
Squat: 350×5
Was originally gonna attempt 345 but I had my Mr. T shirt on today and that's always good for an extra 5#. Weight was heavy but only the last rep got a little stuck. Probably could have squeezed out 355, oh well. Went to active recovery afterwards and although it was painful I feel much better overall. Probably should make a habit of it.
Good luck Fox. You can definitely hit those numbers.
So good to be back!
Squats weren't great of course given the time away, but it was ok
Fox! Fox! Fox!
Thanks David for the kipping pullup workshop (take 2 for me). I think I'm getting the swing a little better, now I just have to make the movement BIGGER.
Go get it Funk Master Fox!
Out in Garden City for partner WOD Saturday at CFGC
Matt and I tackled the following as a group:
3 rounds for time:
50 wall balls (20lb, 10ft)
50 sumo deadlift high pulls (75lb)
50 box jumps (20in)
50 push press (75lb)
30 calorie row
Finished in 33:21. Worked 15/15/10/10 and 10/10/10/10/5/5 towards the end. Every set I started I finished unbroken. Having a FGB under my belt really helped. Felt a lot better thanks to the rest.
Afterwards kicked up to the wall for HSPUs for the first time. 8 total with two abmats. Also got an L pull-up.
A little bummed I wasn't there to hit the last squat exposure, as I think I would have hit 260. In either case, this was a great squat cycle–added a lot of weight and gained some confidence under a heavy bar. Crush week tomorrow!!!
Kill it today, Fox!
DIY (not ring) dips BW+5# 3×5. Going to add 2.5 each time and see how far I can go. Feels like there is lots of room to grow.
LBBS 240#x3x5. Super happy with this squat cycle. Ended the last one with 215#x3x5 – a nice little gain.
Turkish get ups: 1 triple (each side) @ 30# and 1 triple (each side) @ 40. Could have gone heavier. Next time…
So amazing to be back at SBK today! A week away is just too much, I fully admit to hugging the garage door in happiness. Absolutely knackered and walked in dazed and confused at 11:15 seeing KB's on the floor and not squats. DO saved me and mapped out a nice 6-tile square to do my CrashB lifts. My grip is FOR SHIZ due to all the Far Rockaway work this week so everything hurt. My little paws are pretty much non-functioning at this point unless a sledge hammer, or hammer/crowbar/shovel, are in them. Subbed back extensions for RDL's for the first time, much to La Rosa's and Arturo's amusement – I get in my way, you get in yours, and will be doing those going forward.
Over the moon happy to see so many of my buddies and to hear what's new, getting/giving hugs, who is coming to the homebrew event, happily answering questions and talking about the work I've been doing at Far Rockaways. What an aces community SBK is. <3
PS: Any chance we'll ever have SBK singlets available for purchase? Blame Fox and Fung. Want.
Good luck fox!
Happy to hit my goal for this cycle, 3×5 @ 225, but knees were caving on some reps; feel like I should fix my form before going up any more. Pleasantly sore all over from turkish get ups.
Missed some Monday workouts due to insomnia but made them up at work – either I can't count or I hit 155 on the mid-hang power clean this week. I'll wait until I hit that at cfsb to believe it.
Super excited for crush week, thinking about how to rearrange my schedule to get in more workouts….
I just learned what morning constitutional meant. 🙂
I also abhor this portrait filming! Sigh..
Today was a good and long day.
I worked back flips with Ken for about an hour. I'm nervous about tomorrow's workout.
Um, David and Ken, you gotta call me and JMD next time for the backflips, we want in. I promise to be the comic relief while you guys actually do stuff.
Congrats Fox!!!
So impressive to see.
Today was my first day back after almost 6 weeks off.
I was a little nervous. Not going to lie.
The opener with planks and kettkebells had me thinking about my shoulder the whole time.
Got to do squats with Alex. Worked up to a 195×5 and felt good.
Certainly more in the tank but not sure if that was giddiness for being back or just so much rest. I didn't want to push it so I kept it there.
Happy to be back.
Thanks for the blog love! Good meet for me today. Went 9/9 for PRs in all three lifts.
Squat: 352/368.5/385
Bench: 231/242/253
Deadlift: 473/506/518
Thanks to Jess and Jeremy for the support, they helped make it a great day.
Came in today for probably my first and last 8am on a Saturday. Really wanted to get my squats in before heading out to PA to watch the hubby kill it.
Warmup–2 Rounds:
20 hard erg pulls,
15 kb swings, 16kg Russian
5e leg reverse lunges 16kg kb in front rack.
:45 plank
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 175×2)
-squats didn't feel great today except for maybe 3 total. But, I never thought I wasn't going to stand the weight up. I plan to keep my LP going for a bit…maybe until Titsday?
Turkish Getups:
3 reps each arm @ 20#, 25#, 30#, 35#
-David led our class through each rep painfully slow which created a burn like crazy. I'm pretty sure he got a kick out of it. The weight didn't feel like an issue so I did the 35# on my own after we were done. I really like TGU's.
-Watching Mr. Fox lift some serious weight! He did great and I'm so proud.
-This year, like last, I also had regrets about not signing up. Next year I'm in. And, I'm totally in for some SBK singlets, JB. 😉