Ellie JM Stylin’ and Profilin’, Wooo!!
CFSBK Movie Club
And this month’s CFSBK Movie Club selection is…”Hitchcock“, by a nose.
From Andrew:
Scheduling might be a little tricky because of the holidays but we are tentatively looking at the evening of Saturday, December 15th. Location is TBD for now – the movie is currently in limited release at just a couple of theaters but it will hopefully roll out wider in the next few weeks. If you have a theater and/or bar that you want to suggest, feel free to shoot me an email at andrew.migdail(AT)gmail.com
Goodie Goods
Goodie Goods is a healthy meals delivery service operated by Jesa Henneberry, a natural foods chef, specializing in Paleo Diet Meal Programs.
I’ve been using GG for about 3 weeks now and it’s awesome. Three days per week I wake up to a delicious breakfast that I can take with me to the gym or scarf down before leaving. Same goes for lunch and dinner, theres nothing better than getting home after a long day and having a Paleo meal ready for me to heat up and eat. I don’t like to cook, but I like to eat. Win win. Today I had:
Breakfast: 3 Poached eggs in roasted tomatoe sauce and mixed veggies, winter fruit salad with
tahini sauce and toasted coconut
Lunch: Lemon and herb chicken paillard topped with baby arugula greens, artichoke and roasted red pepper relish
Dinner: Tex-mex turkey joe with baked sweet potato and simple green salad. (Basically a sloppy joe in a sweet potato)
My concern was that there wouldn’t be enough food, in each meal but happily that has not been the case. I emphasized how much protien I wanted and she did a great job working the portion sizes to what I was looking for.
For Jesa, food is way more than just fuel. As a natural foods chef and competitive athlete, Jesa believes that food is intricately connected to overall wellness and day-to-day performance. Through food, it is her mission to prove that healthy and delicious are one in the same. Goodie Goods meal programs offer dynamic flavor combinations that will feed your spirit, fuel your journey, and nourish your soul with every bite!
Pick up at CrossFit South Brooklyn is available. Contact Jesa for more information
What is your current favorite viral video?
Last night mobility, squash, planks, mobility. I just cannot stretch enough.
Favorite viral video at the moment is the ass-to-helmet Mark Sanchez hit.
I woke up at one this morning and tried everything to go back to sleep. At four I made some tea and watched the clock until six.
I did tomorrow's workout. I don't want to ruin it for anyone so I will just say that I relived my first response to crossfit. It's an awful feeling that I never want to feel again, and hope for every workout. I would never do it to myself, on my best or worst day, and that's why I love the gym so much.
My ass was spasming and I found myself climbing my stairs but not remembering my walk home. Is this a flashback or am I hallucinating?
Ellie June, in the heezy!
I'm not even sure I know what the term in the QOD means. It always makes me think it's a video that if watched, would give your computer a virus. I do however have two favorite you tube videos. The one with the dog that's very upset about his owner feeding yummy treats to the cats, and fainting goats.
Crystal, I came at 7 and I know how you feel! I too will not reveal the surprise, except to say that KH is going to SMOKE this one.
I will say that I squatted 155×8, no BS reps this time. Yay!
They're not really that current, but the Planet Unicorn videos on YouTube are among my all-time favorites. So funny.
I am so excited to finally not be too sick to come work out! YES. Gym-time for me tonight. But I forgot my camera so it's like a 50/50 day in terms of excellentness.
Marcel the Shell never fails to disappoint. Even though it's been around forever.
I just learned about NONO cat 🙂
I'm not really sure how this happened… but a friend of mine flew in from Hong Kong to surprise his parents for Thanksgiving. The video he made now has over 800K views on youtube.
Turkey Surprise
Marcel the shell with shoes on. Parts 1 and 2. love. both.
oh em gee DO i was going to post NONONO cat!
i don't know why, other than, i'm a crazy cat lady, that i love that video so much. no means no!
watch it again people! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKI-tD0L18A
can't wait to find out what horrible fate awaits us in the squat day WOD tonight!
Putting out a feeler…
I've been asked to organize (by a fellow CFer who runs a company who does this kind of thing) a beach vacation full of SBKers. Destination is Tulum, Mexico. Basically would be a week in paradise of lounging, WODding (coached by me and/or Jess), and indulging with your fellow SBKers. Does this interest anyone?
I don't have all the deets yet, post thoughts to comments or feel free to email me at christian (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
I would totally be up for a Tulum/SBK vaca. When were you thinking of going?
Aileen and I are definitely interested for an adventure in the sun!
Late post from yesterday – cleans were messy as hell but box push-ups and pull-ups felt good, and it's great to be back after two weeks off (eeek…).
I can never get enough of Jimmy Fallon and J. Tim's History of Rap, Parts 1 and 2.
http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EPl0OGz2Cg
Two for me:
Funny or Die: The Landlord – YOU PAY NOW BITCH: http:/ /www.funnyordie.com/videos/74/the-landlord-from-will-ferrell-and-adam-ghost-panther-mckay
And this one because.. just because: Taco Spin – get hypnotized! It changes every 20 seconds.. I know because I couldn't stop watching to see what was next: http:// tacospin.com/
Home today, back to Far Rockaways tomorrow to gut more basements. A crusher of a day I had, but on a lighter note (if possible) all the calluses I've built up at SBK means that I can sledge hammer and claw hammer for 6 hours without a rip, tear, crack, blister even in work gloves with latex gloves underneath. My WOD's this entire week are dedicated to helping fix the ills that Sandy wrought. Volunteers will be needed for months and months, if anyone has time to spare or if your work can put a team together.. please do so to help out peeps in need.
This video reminds me of Felix (Josi and Yoshi son)..
Signed up for TTD III over lunch today!
My least favorite video: Salad Fingers.
I'm almost died laughing.
Ghost kids are no joke.
I think I've breathed in too much toxic junk these past weeks.. I signed up for TT. This is the most hilarious thing I might have ever done, le sigh.
I dont have nothing new. This video is several years old. It has 6 1/2 million views. I've probably watched it atleast 100 times.
This is because I'm learning about others like me at the gym. Crazy cat lady 4 life.
I swear that I typed I don't have anything new, not nothing.
Anyway, Gina did you find out yet? I am so curious to hear about everyone's experience with it.
Lovely AR class with Fox this evening followed by…
Yesterday's Cleans! working up to 1RM.
drills @ 33# and 53#
83×2, 93×2, 103×2, 108×1, 110x1F, 110x1F, 110×1 … success!! And a PR!
Still haven't assimilated into my body the cues that I very clearly know at this point — get down under the bar faster, a little further (keeping my squat quite shallow), and drive elbows up quicker. I at least found that visualizing the movement ahead of time and also "going thru the motions" without a bar in my hands helped me dial it in. Thanks to MeLo and McD for the words of wisdom.
5 rounds of 5 box HSPUs, 5 pullups
I did first 3 sets with box HSPUs and MeLo assisting me on strict pulls, then switched to regular push-ups and the blue band. Have been setting my shoulders too far forward on push-ups, so will focus on shoulders directly over wrists from now on.
Then did a lil 500M row for fun/time. Ended up at 1:55.7. I can't imagine taking 11.3 seconds off this time to get on that leaderboard. Tis a good goal though!
Cleans were rough yesterday. My mind was somewhere else, and I wasn't feeling coordinated. Finished with an ugly 103×1, which matches my previous PR.
5 Rounds NFT: 5 push-ups, 5 pull-ups. Did my first set up push-ups strict, which was exciting. Remaining sets were with the skinny orange band. One rounds of pull-ups with the blue band; the remaining were with the white band.
Squats 130x5x3 tonight. So far beyond what I thought I could do.
I'll keep the WOD a surprise, but I did that too.
good share
drunken baby
gets funnier each time
Last session before Saturday, played with chains tonight. I wanted to get something sumo in but not too much stress.
Sumo Deadlift
315 (+80lbs chains) x2x8
Supersetted with
My hips were a bit more fried after that than I expected.