Fitness: Spend 15 Minutes working up to a heavy load on the complex of:
1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Clean
If your movement is feeling pretty good go ahead and try to pull from the floor in your later sets.
Hold every catch for :02 to ensure a completed and mature rack delivery.
Performance: 15 minutes work up to a heavy single power clean. Finish with a few singles at 85%.
Post loads to comments.
PC e6/6
5 Rounds NFT of:
5 Push-Ups or Box Handstand Push-ups
5 Pull-Ups with as little assist as possible
5 Rounds NFT of:
3 Handstand Push-ups to a 2″ deficit
8 Strict Toes To Bars or Rings
There is a 15 minute cap on this. If you don’t have strict push-ups, work on those, if you’ve got them but not full range of motion handstand push-ups, use the box modification. A 2″ deficit is with your hands on the Rogue competition 45lb bumpers. No Kipping on anything today.
2 Versions of Strict Toes To Rings
The first two reps are a stricter version with no bend in the elbows or knees. These require a tighter midline, stronger hip flexors and good flexibility. The latter 4 reps allow a little knee and elbow flexion to which makes your body more compact and the movement easier. See if you can do today’s Toes to Rings or Bar with straight knees and arms.
Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet III
To the ladies of CFSBK:
We are hosting our third powerlifting meet!
What: 3 attempts at a 1 rep max of Backsquat, Bench Press and Deadlift
When: January 5, 2013 at 2:30pm; weigh in and registration at 1pm
Who: SBK women who have been attending group classes for at least 3 months

How much: $25 Includes participation and a Rules Clinic with Margie prior to competition.
Bonus: Celebrate post meet with your fellow lifters and friends. Drinks on us! (Stay tuned for info on grubs.)
25 spots available. Registration deadline is December 29, 2012.
The Details:
Each woman will have 3 attempts to hit a max single in Squat, Bench and Deadlift, in that order. All lifters will make their attempts in each lift before moving to the next.
First, second and third place winners will be awarded in each weight class based on total combined weight of best lifts.
There will be 3 weight classes:
Ladies: Under 135
Dames: 136-159
Broads: Over 160
In the event of a tie, lowest weight wins.
Information regarding rules and logistics of the meet will be emailed upon registration.
Questions? Contact Margie(AT)
SPF Women’s Powerlifting Meet
Body Image Qualification Announced BBC
Study: Americans Get Majority Of Exercise While Drunk
Olympic Lifts AllisonNYC
More Fitness, No More Sports iofthetiger
Hotel Gym workout Sat – dumpbell presses, lying tricep extensions, pullup ladder, pushup ladder, a ton of kettlebell swings
Yesterday – ladder work and sprints, mobility.
Titsday! Awesome! Too bad there's a 95% chance of my working that weekend, so I'm not going to sign up, but on the off chance I don't have to work, I will be cheering my gals.
Cleans, ugh, ugh, ugh. I failed three times at 103, so 93 remains my 1RM, and it totally shouldn't be. I feel like I need some kind of remedial class in these. I started coming to SBK almost two years ago, you'd think I'd get it by now.
JR, what hotel are you staying at that has kettlebells? Would be good to know for future reference.
I took the Mrs. down to Revel for her birthday. They had kettlebells. Not a lot, but they did have them.
6am with McDowell. Cleans: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×3, 185×2, 205×1, 205F, 185×3. Cleans felt sluggish today. The first rep at 205 was a big ugly, so I repeated the weight (and failed) instead of going up. Ugh. 205 is 10# less than last week.
Accessory work: deficit HSPUs and strict toes to bar. Tossed in parallettes for the last set of HSPUs cause I'd never tried them before. Whoa. Tough.
AM Strength Cycle with coach Jeremy.
Squat: 315lb x 5 x 3
Press: 142.5lb x 5 x 3
Deadlift: 380lb x 5 x 1
Still easing into the squarts since missing a couple of days but they weren't exactly easy. I was very happy to hit the presses at this weight though after getting stuck at 140. Deadlifts continue to feel pretty easy after some form adjustments. I finally feel like I'm recruiting my glutes to pull the weight instead of my spine.
How bummed am I that I can't participate in the Titsday Powerlifting Meet and try to get on the L-Sit leaderboard. Miss you all!
there was olympic lifting in that video? i must have been distracted
Worked up to 225 – same as last week. Wasn't feeling great this morning so I called it at that.
HSPU and T2B were pretty fun – I like the deficit, it's pretty challenging.
I'm unexpectedly still down in Florida. I had to drop out of the USAPL meet this Saturday– just way to much stress right now to add anymore voluntarily…
The JCC where I work out when I visit my parents actually removed their one and only squat rack. In its place is another Smith Machine. I could not believe it. What is wrong with these gym managers?
Saturday's workout:
Bench: worked up to a heavy-ish paused single: 205×1
This was suppose to be my opener, but things felt heavy so I took it down 5 pounds. 205 went up super easy though.
Chins: 4 sets of 5
Lat pull-downs: 3 sets of 15
And that was that.
Today I went to the gym with my sister where they have a squat rack. There are more fake boobs at this gym than in all of Park Slope. And lots of guys working on their arms and bench press. That pretty much sums up South Florida culture.
Left my belt and shoes at home, so I went barefoot and light:
Squat: 225x3x3
Press: 135×5
First time pressing in weeks. Felt pretty good. I took it easy as I still intend to test my lifts this weekend…
Looking forward to getting home to my wife and gym.
Last volume day
Glad to make all these reps. 5 pounds off from where I planned on each but I'll take it.
I was feeling pretty snappy today. For some reason by chronic lower back pain went away promptly at 1pm. It might have something to do with the 4 advil i took however. I decided to finish all the cleans with Jerks today.
Finally hit my 275# Power clean, but i wasnt committed enough on the jerk and bailed on it. Dropped down to 265 and had to do a full squat clean, but then i hit the jerk (which matches my previous PR CandJ).
As a side note, unjamming a fellow CFSBKers jammed middle finger gave me just the adrenaline boost i needed before my 275# attempt.
Warmup and Clean Drills
Power Cleans:
95×5 135×3 155×3,1 175×1 185×1 195xF
Failed 195 4 times (2 too many said David) but 2 of them were so close (and 185 went up so easily) that I really thought I had it if I could fix my catch problems.
Then 5 rounds NFT
3x 2" deficit HSPU (last 3 rounds were 2 and a negative then 1)
8x strict toes through rings
You know she used to be a coach at CFSBK? Also, how's your Jaw? Heard you banged it up in Rugby.
Taking today off, feeling sluggish and low motivation. Plan on doing my cleans and assistance work tomorrow.
Can't seem to commit to the heavier weights.
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2, 165×2 (very poor form), back down to 135×5 for practice getting under, 155×3 (first 2 felt good, last one a bit sloppy).
Acc work – I did negatives on the HS pushups and t2b felt ok.
Rob – we miss you. Take good care.
Good vibe on the platforms for strength cycle tonight – great to share a rack with Allison, morning strength woman and always a source of inspiration and admiration for me. Strong work from Turnbull, various federal agents whom I'm not allowed to name, D. Fung, and also Erica, Christine N and Mackenzie, who pulled an impressive deadlift set to close out the evening.
Happy to have redeemed myself somewhat in the gym tonight after a pretty sucky week last week. I'm in Week 7 of a brand-new training program and have been feeling a lot of things I'm not really used to feeling. Both in my body and in my soul, not to get too deep on y'all, but maybe you are picking up what I am laying down.
yeah, got a knee to the face on saturday. dislocated my jaw and fractured my cheek bone. operated on last night and now all better, though doc said i can't work out for a week or so. i also have what looks like a mini cheese grater temporarily attached to my face
Had a really great gym session today.
Started with a bunch of DIY foam rolling and stretching. Couch stretch and "knee to chest, on foam roller while weighting other leg down with a sand bag" had the low back and hip flexors singing.
Got a great tip from Coach Noah on hollow rocks on the warm-up. Smaller movement and less momentum = MUCH harder and more effective. Focus on locking body position in and small rocking movements.
Power Cleans: 115×5, 135×1, 155×1, 170×1, 180×1 (PR), 190 (F), 175×1, 185×1 (PR!), 190 (F)
This was awesome! Each of the last exposures this cycle, I have been able to match a PR or go up by at least 5#. Today, it went up 10#. Got a great cue from DO, "FASTER OFF THE FLOOR!" Almost got 190 on the last attempt, but did not commit to getting down on the catch. Mucho happy about the results. Next time we see a power clean cycle, getting up to body weight is a totally reasonable goal, I think.
Accessory work: HSPU mostly with 2 ab mats and a few with only 1 and T2B with a few strict and mostly bent knees.