12-9-6-3 Reps For Time of:
Hang Power Snatch
Front Squat
Box Jump
Rest 2 minutes,
Run 400m for time
15-12-9-6-3 Reps For Time of:
Hang Squat Snatch 135/95
Box Jump 24/20
Rest 2 minutes,
Run 400m for time
Post time and Rx to comments.
The leader boards have been updated with three new categories:
- Powerlifting Meet Total: 3 Attempts at 1RM Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Sanctioned meets and Tough Titsday results are all fair game. If you’ve competed in a PL meet with your training at the gym, you’re elligible for this.
- Clean and Jerk: These also exist as seperate categories but we’ve gone ahead and included the competition lift here. From ground to shoulder then overhead and stable. See Brian D C&J 280 here
- L-Sit Max Hold: Using the Parallettes, max length hold with your feet above a thick 45lb bumper plate. Like this
- “DT”
Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps
See Jason Khalipa do this in 6:18
More All Star Performances:
Coach Josh Split Jerked 290lbs
Sarah LR Cleaned 195lbs
Nate W linked 21 Double Unders
Coach David Deadlifted 365lbs
Katie Mo ate 6 tacos!
Women and Strongman with Rob Orlando
The Flower Book
Woman Muscles Her Way into Pit Crew
Heavy 1 Arm Lifts
Snatch Sunday: thought I might tackle the wod at 105, but the warm up enlightened me. Squat snatch at 75# and box jumps at 24": 7:42. 400m run: 1:35. The snatches felt awkward in the beginning, great in the middle as my arms tired and I had to drop under the bar faster and terrible at the end as my hip flexors tired. Good wod. More snatching please.
52#/20" box, 9:40, then 1:58 on the run. Not gonna lie, my snatches were pretty squirrely.
Proud of myself for not going completely Neolithically crazy for Thanksgiving. I did have some stuffing and some gingerbread, but on the whole I kept things pretty Paleo, and am feeling much better than I did last holiday season because of it.
Managent: Is there a page on the site with the different WODs and their names? Im sure I could look things up but maybe the gym could have a page with the names, and gym's PRs.
thanksgiving in mass with the parents. dropped in to crossfit 110 in chelmsford, ma on friday.
i made a choice to do whitten with two other people. by the first set of wall balls i was thinking i'd made a huge mistake.
5 rounds for time:
22 kb swings (16kg)
22 box jumps (18")
400m run
22 burpees
22 wall balls (12#)
i think it took me about 56 min we were on someone's phone clock. i had to take lots of 10 second breaks but was glad to get through it.
can't wait to get back to bk!
Whole crew of us at today's 11am–had Matt in tow and well as my roommate and his fiancee. We all decided to tackle Heat A together; when the dust settled, I was the slowest!
Fitness variant (thanks for the extra 15 reps at the start, guys!) in 14:28 at 85lbs, run in about 1:37 (give or take door to clock time).
Would love to do more of this movement in a cycle–I think they're fantastic and fun despite being absolutely brutally tough. Actually failed on my 7th rep when I had no hips behind the pull. Other than that, chipped away at the snatches and took my time on the front squats (the hardest for me) and the box jumps.
Couldn't believe how tough it was to move my feet at the start of the run.
Great WOD. Excited to clean tomorrow and make up for a poor showing last week.
This workout chewed me up and spit me out.
Rowed an easy 1K
Did a lot of mobility and barbell warm-ups
Then did the WOD at 115lbs in 25:58
With the exception of the first round, everything was singles that I had do deadlift from the floor. Getting the barbell overhead was fine, for me it was the catch and recovering it. Also I was having some organizational issues bringing it back to my hips without it chewing up my grip. After the first round I just sort of resolved myself into getting through it. Not very metabolic, but one of those things you just sort of have to finish.
In the future I'll do that at 105
400m run in 1:33
10am with MeLo
Performance WOD- 75#/20"
Came in planning on 95# but downgraded after realizing how sluggish I felt (woke up at 930 and ran over) and watching the A group. Based on time I guess I could have/should have gone a little heavier. Still, great work out. Biggest mistake was not putting my sweatshirt back on before the sprint!
Keep the snatches coming! I love them, I want to keep getting better at them. More exposure, like say maybe Mondays in the next cycle?? Eh, eh?