Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 2.5-5lbs from your last exposure.
Linear e10/12
Performance: Work up to a Heavy 5
Try to go heavier than last week. Hopefully you’re in PR territory or have been.
Intensity e5/6
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4 Rounds, each for time of:
15 Dumbbell Bench Presses
25 Kettlebell Swings
Go heavy on each of these but try to keep them both unbroken.
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Carlos G at Fight Gone Bad 2012
More Work, Or A Sip Of Water?
by Christian Fox
You’re mid-Helen. You’re finishing your 2nd round of KB swings and the pull-up bar is waiting for you. So what do you do? Place your bell down, grab a sip of water, wipe the sweat from your face, chalk up your hands, and then size up the pull-up bar? Or do you ditch the bell and get on the pull-up bar knowing that you’ve only got one round left and the big rest is coming. Last sprint, last swings, last pull-ups. Forget the chalky feeling on your tongue; you’re getting on the leader board this time.
In many WODs, a sip of water here and there is totally appropriate. Think Murph, Angie, Barbara (during the rest), or some other 20+minute chipper style WOD. These are designed to be done at a medium to medium-high intensity and take significant time to complete; hence they need to be paced out and can allow for a sip or a break. WODs like Fran, Annie, and the like are meant to be executed at a high intensity throughout, and take a short time to complete. I feel pretty confident saying that you will not dehydrate during 5-10 minutes it takes to complete either of these couplets. Often though, we see athletes stopping mid-WOD to grab a sip or just to put their hands on their hips and rest. Sometimes, sure, this is appropriate. Are you sick, pregnant, injured, or the like? Then yes, you may need to pace even short WODs. But if not, then be honest with yourself about why you’re reaching for your water bottle again or chalking up for the 4th time in 12 pull-ups. It probably isn’t thirst. It’s being uncomfortable with being uncomfortable.
Let me be clear…I’m not saying not to stay hydrated and on the south-side line of Pukieville, but if this sounds like you then try this trick. BEFORE the clock starts, drink a cup of water. Then put your water bottle away from you and out of reach. Mid-WOD when you start to think how nice a little H20 would feel on your tongue, use that to motivate you to finish faster. The water is the reward. Finish and it’s yours.
Train smart, but train hard. Remember that intensity is what brings results. Increase your pain tolerance. Try getting more comfortable with being uncomfortable.
How would you describe your discomfort tolerance? Are there types of workouts or specific exercises you find yourself taking lots of breaks from?
Miranda Oldroyd does a Thruster/Muscle-Up WOD
Miranda does a DB Thruster/GHD Sit-Up WOD
Miranda Prepares for the USAW CrossFit Open
Miranda Does “Fran”
I have a Miranda story that involves discomfort and embarrassment.
Open gym:
wu: 45×8, 95×5, 135×4, 185×2, 215×1, 230×1
245×5 (5#PR)
drop set at 80% 195×5
I have been thinking about this all week. I got super nervous for about five hours today and was sick at stomach by the time I got to the gym. The warmup sets felt a bit junky, but when I hit 185 things started to feel better. Matt k and DO said I had a lot of bar speed on the work set, so I'm very pleased with that. Second rep my right knee caved a bit, but I recovered and kept it out for the rest of the set. Overall a success. Was a great week for squats.
Speed deads
190x1x8 w/white band
These weren't so great. I don't feel like I was moving the bar fast enough. I started out this series at too high of a percentage. (which I didn't realize until I asked David.) not sure where I want to go with them.
Power: 125×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165×3
Squat clean: 145×3, 155×3, 165×2, 175×2, 180×2, 185×1, 190×1, 195×1 (15#PR)
Oh man. Can't even begin to say how excited I am about this. Asked David some more questions, applied some of the positional work we have been learning on Sunday and really just banged it out. 195 I got stuck a little on the way up, but I think that's bc I was a little spent from the above work sets. I have been really trying to refine my technique and it felt like it payed off big time tonight. Really pleased. That 200# goal is very much within reach.
Nice lifts, Sara!
Very impressive Sarah! That clean, wow.
Press: 45×10, 95×5, 125×3, 145×2, 150×5, 150×5, 150×6. Attempted rep #7 on the last set and the bar wouldn't budge. Burpee box jump (24"), row metcon: 12/20, 11/18, 11/18. 90 reps total. Moved consistently on the burpee box jumps, just couldn't go any faster.
Sarah! Killer numbers! So does this mean you're joining the race to a 200# C+J?
So good to be back in action at CFSBK this morning.
After no back squats (or deadlifts!) for over a month, I was nervous coming back for a heavy 5 today, so I kept it conservative:
45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×3, 205×5 then 185×5 drop set
Was going to aim a little higher but the first 2 at 205 were shaky enough that I just did my work 5 there. Looking back I hit 200 and 205 for 3×5 a couple months ago so not as much a drop as I thought.
Aimed a little too high at the start of the WOD and had to scale back for later sets:
DB Bench at 55#, 50#, 50#(x13), 45#
KB Swings at 24kg, 20kg, 20kg, 20kg
Hit them all unbroken except the third DB bench set when I had to bail after 13. That was a lot of reps.
Cfsbk it must be love. Getting up this morning (at 2:30 am) felt like Christmas morning. I was so excited to get into the gym.
I surprised myself with the back squats. Haven't done them in over a month. Had a little freak out when I couldn't remember where to put my thumbs, but it all worked out. They definitely weren't smooth. I think I hung out at the bottom too long. David corrected my narrow stance and that helped getting back up. Went up to 115x3x5.
My left shoulder has been a little creaky and sore. Stuck with a 17.5 db and even did 20 for the first set. I used a 12kg kb. Unbroken for me is such a huge improvement that even though I could only make 20 for the fourth round before having to stop and switch to the 8kg I'm not that disappointed in myself. My shoulders hate me though.
I can tolerate a lot of pain and think I enjoy workouts the most when I have a physical read on how bad it was. I think kettle bell swings are my biggest challenge and I don't necessary chose to take breaks, I physically can't go on.
@Fox- you should elaborate on the Miranda story, please.
Checked out WhipIt CrossFit in Guilford, CT. Nice box – cool, friendly people.
WOD was a partner workout
400m medball partner run
50 wall-ball while partner hangs from a pull-up bar
400m medball partner run
50 ring dips while partner holds a high plank
400m medball partner run
100 double-unders while partner holds 225/155 at the top of a deadlift
400m medball partner run
Brought my sister to her first CF class and we partnered on this – 14:55 total time. May have converted her…we'll see.
365×1 (PR!) (2.4x BW)
My intention this cycle was to PR almost all my lifts. So far I've PR'd Deadlift, Press, Power Clean and Back Squat. I matched my Snatch early in the month.
I deadlifted today since I did the Volume Squats last night. I'll hit today's intensity Squats on Monday probably
Just some light Foam Rolling and movement
4 Rounds NFT
15 DB Bench @ 50lbers
25 Kettlebell Swings @ 2pood
I did the first round unbroken and then had to break up all the other rounds. I also rested VERY liberally.. :/ This is the kind of thing I have to do with other people, doing it alone makes it too easy to take long rests.
Reverse Tabata L-Sit
:20 Rest
:10 L-Sit on Parallettes with feet above 45lb thick bumper
Cleared 6 rounds and collapsed on the 7th
Did 40lbsers for 3 sets of 6 reps each. I wanted to workout more and randomly chose to do some curlz, obviously, for the girlz.
Squat: 335×5
Row: 1×16' @ 16SPM @ 2:18 @ 3497m @ 158 HR
1×16' @ 16SPM @ 2:19 @ 3423m @ 160 HR
Went heavy of the squats just cause it was only one set, this might be a 5rm. Felt fine except my velcro belt popped off. We can go heavier next time. Rowing went ok. Trying to work with a better technique is hard. Made one more adjustment thanks to David. We'll see how they pay off.
Hey ya'll! Team Rubicon is in NY for one more week, am going to the Rockaways tomorrow to get dirty with them. If anyone wants to come along please hit me up at julie.barnard "at" by 9pm for the deets – gotta be on the road by 8am. Cheers!
OH! Did CrashB lifting today, thanks for the adjustments to my RDL's DO!
Update on Rockaway volunteering with JB this week! The vehicle I was going to use is no longer on the table, and while cycling is fun the 8 mile ride after a day of tearing things up isn't going to be my jam. So unless someone magically says "JB use my ride!" I will be taking the Seastreak Ferry from Pier 11 at 7:25am Monday morning – with my bike to zip the final 1-2 miles to headquarters. The ferry doesn't run on the weekends. Cheers!
Yesterday: press 105# 5,5,8. Wod 75 at 24"
Today: squat 240 5,5 225 5. Wod 40#dbs 16klb warm up and 5rnds (realized late it was 4 rnds but whatever).
Sarah, killer clean action. I know what you mean about squat anxiety. When I got to do strength cycle, I had it too.
I have been thinking recently about the little emotional journeys CFSB gives me and how happy I am to have them.
Away for Thanksgiving, so got some LBBS and other work in at the local YMCA.
Warm-up: 3 rnds of 12 push-ups and 20 hollow rocks.
Pull-ups: 5×5.
LBBS: worked up to 230x3x5. I think I hit full depth on these, but didn't have any eyes on me, so can't be completely sure. Felt good though, so +5# next time.
WOD of 4 rnds NFT of 25 KB swings 28kg and 30 seconds of "rope waves." (I don't know if there is an actual name for these, but it is where you have two long lengths of thick rope in your hands and you move them up and down and make it look like trigonometry).
Finished up with some RDLs and rowing.
Thanks for all the blog love guys! 🙂
HOT DAMN, La Rosa!