Performance: Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy single.
Finish with a few singles at 85%
Fitness: Spend 15 Minutes working up to a heavy load on the complex of: 1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Clean
If you’ve been well organized on the deads and feeling pretty good on the hang cleans then use today to practice from the deck. Only go as heavy as you can move well.
Post loads to comments.
PC e5/6
5 Rounds NFT of:
8 Weighted Sit-Ups
8ea DB Unilateral Press (heavy), or 8 Handstand Push-Ups
12 Russian KB Swings, (heavy)
Coach David Power Cleans 225 for this week’s exposure
Don’t forget to check out CFSBK on the Flickrs, The facebook machine and on instagram @crossfitsouthbrooklyn
Holiday Schedule
We hope everyone at CFSBK is gearing up to see friends and family for Thanksgiving. Below is our schedule for this week. There will be a special Thanksgiving day WOD at 9am which will probably go over the hour a little. Come in and work up a caveman’s appetite before the big meal. Maybe you’ll eat the entire Turkey this year? Also note that there are no AM classes on Friday.
Wednesday 11/21: Normal schedule
Thursday 11/22 (Thanksgiving): Special 9am CrossFit Group Class only
Friday 11/23: No 6am, 7am, 8am Group Classes. 12pm onwards is normal schedule.
CrossFit Spacial Memory Game:
Without looking at any pictures, answer as many of the following questions as you can. Write down your answers on paper before posting to comments so you don’t get influenced by other people’s responses.
1. How many stacks of bumpers are there against the back wall?
2. What color are the 12lb medicine balls?
3. How many ergs (rowing machines) do we have?
4. How many barbells fit in the upright holders?
5. How many rings hang from the ceiling?
6. What are on the shelves in each changing room.
7. Of the 6 leader boards up on the wall, which one is “Murph” on?
8. What do the jump ropes hang from?
9. There are 3 dumbbell weights that are all steel, which ones are they?
10. How many Black 20″ Jump Boxes do we have?
A Picture Worth 500 Comments CrossFit
So You Want To Open A CrossFit Affiliate? CrossFit Rainer
Oh man this is super tough after being in another box all month!
1. 7
2. green
3. 10
4. 9
5. 8 sets or 16 rings
6. ? all i can think of is the shrunken head on the hook
7. ?
8. horizontal pvc
9. all steel meaning every one at that weight? i know there are some 20s and 25s that are
10. 6?
Today's workout:
Work up to 1RM Snatch Balance
45×3 65×3 75×2 85×2 95×1 105×1 115×1 125×1 135×1 145xF
I was thinking I might not match my 1RM OHS from a few months back due to the dynamic loading of the lift, but I hit it (135#) pretty solidly. Feeling a lot better in this position lately, we do a warmup here that is 15 OHS with a PVC, toes to wall, that I think really helps reinforce the right stuff for me.
Then "G.I. Jane"
100 Burpee Pull-ups for time (15 minute cap)
The bars here are only about 6" above my reach, so I felt like maybe I was getting too much help with my jumping momentum on the pull ups, so I tried to grab and then pull pretty deliberately, definitely felt beat up by rep 50 so I loosened up a bit on that and just kept my pacing steady through the finish.
Todd's wo is a total mystery to me. What the hell is 1-10? I'm glad I stayed in bed and watched Korean pop videos.
Also, "a picture worth 500 comments." I'm sad the comments won't load for me. I can only imagine what the negative comments could be. Kara goucher and Paula Radcliffe trained together, I believe logging up to 80 miles a week, during their pregnancies . (I don't feel like googling it but it was something like that.)
I hate to admit this but blood, pregnancy, certain insects, and now giant boa constrictors make me really uncomfortable. After things like food poisoning, hard wods, and/or near death experiences I like to tell myself "see, you can handle child birth." I wish I grew up with images and role models like Noor and the woman in this photo.
1. 7
2. Is this a trick question? I thought it went from 10lb to 14lb…
3. 10
4. 9
5. 3 sets (?)
6. A hanging shrunken head?
7. Erm…
8. A PVC bar.
9. well the 5's and 10's and 2.5's… count? And the 25's and something else… 45's?
10. 4 maybe?
Yay that was fun and confusing.
Oops. I'm a jerk. 1-10 is a quiz.
1. 8 (1 each of 5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 55, plus 2 45's)
2. orange
3. 8
4. 9
5. I'm gonna say 2 pairs of rings, so 4 rings.
6. I almost always come to the gym already in workout clothes, so I have no idea.
7. Buhhhhh…no idea.
8. PVC pipe
9. 33#, 45#, and I think there is one 40# hanging out there that fits the description too.
10. 5…I think?
Cleans: the bad news is I didn't get any higher than 93, a weight I've been stuck at seemingly since I started CrossFitting. The good news is that I paid attention to Fox's (I think) cue from last week that it's more important to keep the bar close to me than it is to worry about where my feet land, BUT he also told me this week that, wherever it is that I do land, I should get into the proper landing position BEFORE I stand back up. So I think I'll finally be able to go higher in weight next week, because after a while this stuff finally seemed to sink in.
Accessory WOD was EVIL. EVIL EVIL EVIL. I thought I was going to start with a 25# DB and work up from there, and my shoulders were all, "HELLO, YOU JUST DID CINDY?!"
Asta: Nope! By popular female demand, there are now 12# wall balls ๐
#9…Oh my god. DUMBBELL, not barbell.
I am a dumbbell.
Nice job David I know you were gunning for that!
Open gym:
Squat Clean 5×3 worked up to 215
Split Jerk 5×2 worked up to 215
15 75# kb swings
9 muscle ups
6 38" box jumps
12 swings
6 mu
6 bj
9 swings
3 mu
3 bj
Time: 6:22
1. 8 if you count the 5 pounders on the roller
2. green
3. 10
4. 9
5. 6
6. a light?
7. bottom row, middle board?
8. PVC
9. 55, 60, 65
10. 2
6am with McDowell. Cleans: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×2, 205×1, 215×1, 225F, 225F, 225F. The 215 rep was ok, not beautiful, but not ugly either. That matches my previous PR. Never even got close on 225 today. Too much thinking, not enough pulling. And some of the blame should be placed on Cindy.
4 rounds of the accessory work with a 45# dumbbell for the sit-ups and 32KG kettlebell. HSPUs started strict for the first set. Then fell back to a mix of strict and kipping. Shoulders are all kinds of tired today. Again, I blame Cindy.
did my cleans on Saturday, first time in a while, at lower weights, they were fun. Planning to mix up my training to align it with other goals that I have. Ladder work, lunges, mobility, mid line stabilization, and maybe even some w-w-w-od type stuff.
I'll come back to squats and deads in the springtime.
Lost my first tourney match, time to make some changes.
Nice clean, David! Is that 2x bodyweight?
Worked up to 225 on the Power Clean today. Pull was pretty good, but the catch started to get a little ugly. Just missed twice at 230 – pretty tired/sore from Cindy yesterday or I bet I could have gotten it. 225 is 10lbs over my old PR from before this cycle.
Accessory work – 55lb dumbbelll for the sit-ups, 8, 6, 6, 6, 4 strict on the HSPU, 32kg KB
1- 8
2- Orange
3- 9
4- 9
5- 8
6- Halloween decorations?
7- Bottom middle
8- 2 PVC clipped together
9- 2×40, 2×75, 2×80
1- 6
Way to go, EPMB!
I thought this was interesting, and one of the reasons I like CFSBK so much- there's no room under a barbell for irony- you better want it, and act like it, or you're screwed.
Still, I think there were some aha moments in the piece about general low expectation setting, and the pseudo-security of pretending not to care so that you never have to say you tried and failed.
I like what we do because we set goals, work towards them, and when we either succeed or fail, we do so with honesty, intention, and, hopefully, grace.
Say no to hipsterism, lift heavy shit.
1. 6
2. red
3. 8
4. 9
5. 5 pairs?
6. ???
7. Bottom left
8. Barbell
9. ???
10. 7
Traversing to Raleigh, NC for a delightful weekend filled with bbq and family, and want to get a workout in. Can anyone recommend a good box down there? I looked up locations on the affiliate site, but have been burned in the past so would appreciate a recommendation. Thanks! ๐
Shaye, Christine Denahan, a former member who moved back to Raleigh works out at Forged Fitness..if you want her contact info I can pass it along. She's a badass and will totally take care of you down there.
The answer to all quiz questions are
1. How many stacks of bumpers are there against the back wall? 7
2. What color are the 12lb medicine balls?-
3. How many ergs (rowing machines) do we have?- 8
4. How many barbells fit in the upright holders?- 9
5. How many rings hang from the ceiling?- 14 rings 7 sets
6. What are on the shelves in each changing room.- Tacos, & Tequila?
7. Of the 6 leader boards up on the wall, which one is "Murph" on?- Middle section bottom
8. What do the jump ropes hang from?- Taco Shells
9. There are 3 dumbbell weights that are all steel, which ones are they? 80-90-100
10. How many Black 20" Jump Boxes do we have? – They are stuck together so 1.
I have a question. Is there any advice regarding how to keep my hands from being torn to crap doing pullups (basically anything over 40 and i'm a goner). A few comments i've gotten in the past are:
– don't death grip the bar
– have a more relaxed hold less on the palm, more on the fingertips
BUT.. though i've tried to improve these things, I still tear.. being the delicate flower I am..
Would gloves be a solution? The pads make the bar too thick and I have trouble holding on…
PS: I'm retarded and though question #9 was referring to PLATES not DB's. Oy.
I left my jump rope at gym on Saturday. It is a black again faster rope with purple and green tape on handles. If you see it, can you put it aside and Tom, Corbett or Michele will pick it up for me. Thanks!
@ Asta –
Having been holding, swing on, flipping around bars and things most of my life, my experience has been that wearing gloves gets in the way and actually hinders being able to hold on to the bar.
It seems that peoples skin reacts differently, some hands callous up easily and quickly, others just keep ripping up. It is important to keep your hands moist so that the callouses you do build up are malleable, and will allow you to hold on and move on the bar. Hard thick callouses should be filled down, sandpaper, or other such surfaces work well. SIngle blade razors are dangerous.
I would look into taping your hands with a minimal amount (see statement above).
The taping needs to be done in a fashion so that it does not roll up and get in the way. There are is a good trick I know and would be will to share to anyone interested….
There is something called "Second Skin" that works well once a rip has occurred. It covers it up and allows you to keep working out. But I would still tape over it.
This is just my experience, maybe the coaches have other CF techniques that Im not aware of.
#6 is one has a little stuffed animal thing with big ears, reminds me of a nightmare before Christmas doll, has punk studs
Other room has a red and white lighthouse.
Thanks, but I don't weigh 112lbs ๐
It's 1.5x bw
In my experience you SHOULD death grip the bar- the tears during pullups occur when your hand is sliding around on the bar, the skin sticks, the rest of you moves and then "el ouch-o."
If you hold tight, there is less moving around in general, so less chance for you to rip. Whenever I rip its because I'm tired at the end of the workout and having to over kip to get over the bar and am not paying attention to my grip.
While I'd never suggest the padded, fingerless style workout gloves, some athletes in the Games have begun wearing what are basically baseball gloves. Reebok sells them for like 60 bucks (HA) but you can buy a serviceable pair for under 20, and then you'll have them for our triumphant softball season next spring.
Asta, here's a donny shankle hand care video that was posted a while back that i found useful
Best workout in months
First 405 since getting sick. Drop set was easy
The triple at 295 felt good. Drop set was my sects best set ever at that weight, just two reps off my PR
75x5x2, 7
Today was a good day
Thanks for the feedback, all!!
@ Luca
That video is good. I have a few other tricks about taping. I like to put a strip around the palm so that the tape over the rip doesnt move. And there is another way to create the strip goes down the palm so that you can re-use it if you want…
5pm with DO
Wanted to at least hit 275 which was my prior PR. HIt 265# pretty easily and went for 275. I am pretty sure I pulled it high enough, but i wound up riding it down and it turned into a squat clean. I stood up with the weight really easily though, which i think is more pleasing than anything…
Racked it after a challenging, disorganized rep. Low back was feeling a bit tight too. Maybe Saturday's shitty session was in my head a bit.
Felt pretty good.
Power cleans:
(63×5, 83×3, 103×3, 113×2)
then singles at 123, 133, 143
-did several reps at 133 and a couple at 143. Was trying to work my landing as I was catching pretty high. I also kept death gripping the bar. Don't know what's going on with that because this has never really been a problem.
8 weighted situps, 20# first round, then 30# for last 4
8 single arm DB press, 30#. tough stuff and really easy to see how my left arm is a weakling.
12 heavy Russian KB swings, 2 pood. yikes that's heavy.
Welcome back Noah!
It was bound to happen. My first completely miserable crossfit experience happened this morning. I've been doing my own work outs at our home gym when I'm too tired to go to crossfit and now I feel like I have taken two steps back.
Warm ups: ducks, inch worms, bears, and so on, I hate you. Running and quads, I hate you too.
For 12 mins on the minute 2 power cleans and 4 kneeling muscle up practice and 4 dips on a box. The sequence of 8 took up a lot of time and had me running to my stupid bar to make the cleans.
Early in I failed at 75lbs. This made me so mad because I thought I was working up to 85 today. I went up to 70,skipped a round instead of spontaneously combusting.
Cash out was 16 rounds of tabata ab movements of your choice. I did planks and hollow holds. After 3 rounds I realized hollow holds were too ambitious and did sit ups instead.
Please cfsbk don't be crush week when we get back.
Power Clean: 95×3, 135×2, 155×1, 165×1, 170×1, 175(F), 175×1 (PR), 180(F), then 165x1x4 for practice.
added 5#, which is a positive. Need to focus on being more aggressive and getting down to catch.
5 rnds of accessory work with sit-ups @ 30, 35, 40, 40, 40 ; DB press @ 40 across and KB swings @ 2 pood across.
Feeling only mildy sore from yesterdays Back Squat, Power Clean (double PR) and Cindy session. Lets see how I wake up tomorrow, feeling good so far.
1. How many stacks of bumpers are there against the back wall? 8
2. What color are the 12lb medicine balls? Orange
3. How many ergs (rowing machines) do we have? 9
4. How many barbells fit in the upright holders? 9
5. How many rings hang from the ceiling? 6 Pairs
6. What are on the shelves in each changing room. A light house and a stuffed baphomet
7. Of the 6 leader boards up on the wall, which one is "Murph" on? Middle of the bottom row
8. What do the jump ropes hang from? Two PVCs taped together
9. There are 3 dumbbell weights that are all steel, which ones are they? 40lbs, 75lbs, 80lbs
10. How many Black 20" Jump Boxes do we have? 6
Clean: 155, 165, 175, 195, 200
Row: 1×16' @ 16SPM @ 2:16.3 @ 3542m @ 162 HR
1×16' @ 16SPM @ 2:19.9 @ 3481m @ 160 HR
Cleans went pretty well until 205, failed twice. I should be strong enough to do more but 205# is about the cut off where my shaky technique fails. Rowing went pretty good. The first interval felt good. The second not so much, made an adjustment on how I hold the handle and it threw everything off. Need to get my technique better though, so it's gotta get done. The James Brown during the second interval really helped though. JB Always gets some extra blood flowing.
Just had to look up the definition of baphomet.
Here is a quick video "Crossfit – Mark Rippetoe on Grip" I think it addresses the callus and barbells issue.