Not For Time, A Primer
By: David Osorio
CFSBK programming often includes “Not For Time” (NFT) assistance work either on top of or instead of traditional CrossFit “For Time” conditioning. We usually use this method of training 1-3 times per week as a supplement to our primary lifts and conditioning tests. The value of this work can’t be overstated and in this article we’ll discuss the rational behind NFT work.
“Assistance Work”
Most NFT workouts generally fall under the title “assistance work” because their intention is to help develop the muscle groups and movement patterns used in our primary lifts and WODs. Sometimes a lagging muscle group might prevent you from properly executing an exercise, especially at load or intensity. For example, if your chest regularly drops when trying to squat heavy, you might benefit from some concentrated low back/hip extension work like good mornings, RDLS, perhaps even heavy kettlebell swings. NFT work is our opportunity to program in different exercises that may not lend themselves well to being timed or performed at maximal weight, but do help you get into better positions when you need it most.
Work on imbalances
NFT work also uses more unilateral (one side at a time) bilateral (alternating sides) and stabilization exercises to promote symmetry and balance. An imbalance in your pressing strength might not be apparent with a barbell, but it can become comically obvious when working with dumbbells. Perhaps your imbalance is actually neurological, you know how to “set your back” but proper abdominal bracing strategies still elude you. A healthy dose of hollow rocks, planks or a variety of other holds can help you identify how to engage and develop different parts of your body. Mobility work would also fall under this category, if you’ve ever done a workout that included holding a stretch or performing something like an “inchworm” you know we’re sneaking in some active flexibility training.
Same movements, different focus
Sometimes we even will take movements that you regularly see in WODs like push-ups, jumping rope and rowing and take the clock away. These are great opportunities to troubleshoot the movements themselves and aim for perfection with every rep without the stress of worrying about what your time or load will be. Instead, you can still get a significant stimulus by focusing on whatever you struggle with most about that movement. It could be coordination, range of motion or strength at a particular position in the lift. What ever your case may be, slow down and do it right so you can speed up and do it right later.
Not “Max Effort”, but still very heavy
That being said, if you’re looking good, start pushing! NFT work is usually 3-4 rounds with at least 1 dumbbell or barbell movement in it. Take this opportunity to work up to a top set of that exercise. If your form is dialed in, don’t be complacent to use the same weight for every set. A recent example would be the reverse lunges we did on Wednesday, each time you complete a round at a given weight go up in weight, you may be surprised at how much you can move.
The take home message is that the better you can become at a wide variety of exercises and types of workouts, the more well rounded and successful of an athlete you can become. We hope this gives you some food for thought the next time a NFT workout comes up and what our thought process is behind it. As always, we’re always experimenting with new concepts and protocols to help you guys and gals achieve get better inside and outside the gym.
Westside Intern Joe Lasko on the importance of Assistance Work
If you havent started, try one day of Lumosity Brain Training
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Swagger Talk To Me Johnnie
Double Unders With Chris Spealer
Awesome talk to me johnny post. #mouseswagger
Press: 58×9 on the rep-out, with corresponding Maria Callas high notes on rep 9.
WOD, 4 rounds + 4 clusters, 20#/thin green band pullups. I swear, that weight is not because I intended to sandbag this. It's because I genuinely thought that 25 was 20% of 150 for some unknown reason, and that 25 was therefore more than 20% of my BW. Uh, no. My license to do simple arithmetic in the morning clearly needs to be revoked.
in an attempt to try to post more…
press: 65x5x3
last 2 reps on 3rd set were ugly.
wod: 4 rounds even, 15#s and kipping pull ups. clusters felt light but when warming up with 20#s they felt really heavy.
re: today's picture – i spy myself very excited to give noah a hug!
Good Morning. Good small 8am class. Shoulders got a real workout. Handstands, presses, Thrusters, and pull-ups.
I had heard much about Signing Stella channeling Maria Callias but today I was present for the performance. Awesomeness.
Some light Foam Rolling and IF
(45x5x2, 75×5, 95×3, 105×1)
These are all at Dynamic starts after the first rep. Last set was a real grind, 120×5 is going to be a real fight.
Cluster/Pull-Up WOD
4 Rounds + 1 Cluster
@40lb DBs
KPull-ups on Rings since there were no bars available
I went about 85% intensity on this. I think I could have squeezed out another half round if I went into a dark place. Still was hard though! I love Clusters
Didn't get to post yesterday:
(45×5, 60×5, 70×3)
-all were static starts except for the very last 3 of my repout. Been feeling good about presses this cycle. I'm thinking that a 5# jump might be a little too aggressive next week though, so will probably do 2.5#.
3 rounds plus 2 clusters at 30#.
-those clusters really suck.
DO and/or lady fox – This is possibly a dumb question, but what is the difference between a dynamic and a static start on the press?
Part of my prescribed workout was a fairly heavy, timed deadlift set:
200×2 on the minute for 4 minutes.
Didn't think I could do this, but holy cow, I did. Thanks to Rob Is for timekeeping and encouragement – pretty sure I would not have completed this workout without his help.
No Dumb Questions!
Static: Every rep in the set starts with a pause and big breath at the bottom. This is how you're probably doing it now.
Dynamic: With the exception of the first rep, the pause and breath happen overhead. The bar then travels down and you take advantage of a stretch reflex to turn the bar around quickly to get it back overhead.
Get really good at the static before doing dynamic. Dynamic presses will blunt your pressing strength off your shoulders but will move more total weight in heavy sets. Trade off.
Dynamic Effort Deadlifts
50%+80lb in Chains (185+ Chains)
Every :15 for 5:00 (20 Reps)
Was feeling sore so I took a Nod from McDowell and Josh and did DE DLs after they did. Low weight and high speed. Also chains are less stressful than bands so I used those.
This is cool
Deads yesterday. Felt best in a while.
May move to doubles or triples next week.
12pm class with McD and Jeremy.
Press: 37x5x3
Might need to start pressing twice a week.
10 DB clusters 15#
7 strict pull-ups with skinny green band
3 rounds + 9 clusters
I had no gas today. Clusters, while slow, were more organized than usual.
2012 CSA Recipe Wrap-Up at The Daily Paleo
I had some time to kill in Chicago so I hit a box near my hotel called Founders – Printer's Row. It was ok. No intros and class started with "the warmup is on the board, you have 15 minutes." I didn't know what a few of the warmup movements even were. The Aussie coach seemed only partially interested at first but he came around. It lacked comraderie but it sure beat a globo gym.
They were at the end of a DL cycle and were going for 1 RMs. I worked up to 365 which felt pretty good considering I'm on 2 days of crap conference food, little sleep and lots of booze. Then I saw Fox did the same weight 19 more reps.
The WOD was a spicy couplet of 6 rounds of my 2 favorite movements: 5 OHS and 10 burpee pull ups. I finished just under the 12 minute cap in 11:55, 85 on the OHS. I did not enjoy burpee pull ups but I was happy that I plowed through the last set to beat the cap.
Just what I needed, I feel normal again. Now to mow 3 tons of seafood.
Open Gym
wu 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×2, 215×1
drop set 80% 195×5
I didn't sleep enough the night before, which was reflected when things got heavy. Last rep was much slower than I wanted it to be. I originally wanted to do more like 2×5, but ditched it for a time when I'm better rested. Did a drop set to compensate.
Speed DL @70% w/white band
wu 135×6, 155×5, 185×4
195x1x8 (30 sec)
FAR better than last week. Dropped 5# off and really focused on the speed. I want to do some clean warmup for this next week. I have forgotten to do that the last two weeks and I think it really helps me conceptually on the bar speed.
GHR 3×8
Felt great. Going up to 10 or 12 reps next week.