Fitness: 3×5 across
Add 1-5 lbs to last week.
Performance: 2×5 across followed by a rep out capped at 10
Certainly should make 5+ but maybe not all 10. Leave a rep in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
Press e4/6
AMRAP 7 Minutes
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
5 Dumbbell Thruster
7 Strict Pull-Ups or 10 Ring Rows
AMRAP 7 Minutes
10 Dumbbell Clusters
10 Kipping Pull-Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
2 minutes each side, Couch Stretch
Resident Poet Laureate, Dr. Mike Squatting 107.5×5. Mike started with the 33lb bar and has diligently been adding weight every week. Way to go Mike!
What are your weekend plans? CANCEL THEM. This Saturday CFSBK will be screening Raising Arizona at 7:00pm followed by The Big Lebowski at 9:15pm. The gym will be providing White Russians for all! We hope to have a great turn out.
Palm The Bar
When setting up to Low Bar Squat the first part of your body that makes contact with the bar are your palms. We often see people making the mistake of loosely grabbing the bar before ducking underneath to rack it. Often in an attempt to compensate for shoulder tightness the hands will move again in an attempt to find a more comfortable position. If you’ve got to adjust your grip, come back out from underneath the bar and find the grip that allows your to keep your palms flush and wrists straight (like this). If you’re not sure what’s going on with your hand and wrist, just look over your shoulder to make sure everything is in order before taking the bar out of the squat stands (like this). If the bar feels unstable on your back, it probably is. Solid hand placement keeps the bar secure where it needs to be and saves your wrist and elbows the undue stress of carrying some of the weight. The Low Bar rack can be confusing and uncomfortable for many folks in the beginning, experiment and learn where your hands need to go every single time on the barbell to provide you the best rack position. Your coaches are here to help you with them so if you don’t feel 100% confident in your set up, ask us.
Here is an 18 minute video or Mark Rippetoe explaining everything you need to know about the rack position
Here is an MWOD with Kelly Starrett providing some mobilizations to get a better rack
The Hiden Truths About Calories
The Big Lebowski Drinking Game
How To Coach Women Cathletics
Power Cleans EMOTM for 10 Minutes:
95×2 105×2 115×2 125×2 135×2 145×2 155×2 165×2 175×1 185xF,F
Was supposed to start singles at the 5-min mark but was feeling good with the doubles as I added weight. Missed 185 twice, just couldn't get under it fast enough.
3 rounds, 1 minute per movement, 50/10 > 45/15 > 40/20 work/rest intervals
Toes to Bar
KB Swings (24kg)
Wall Balls (20#/10ft)
158 total reps, 70, 45, 43 round breakdown
So I guess my other gym has a licensed crossfit affiliate now within it. Crossfit Central Park South, which is within the New York Athletic Club. I guess the guy running it used to work with David back in the day.
I never thought I'd see this. just spreading like wildfire!
6am with D.O.
Press: 45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 135×2, 145×5, 145×5, 145×8. The rep out was hard. CP reported I was shaking. I was squeezing my core, ass and legs so hard on the last rep that they started to cramp.
Metcon with 35# dumbbells: 3 rounds + 7 clusters. Had no energy on this one. Pull-ups were good. Clusters sucked.
45×5, 65×5, 95×3, 115×1, 130×5, 130×5, 130×10
Rep out was pretty easy actually. Most progress I've made on the press in like 2 years this cycle.
Metcon – 5 rounds + 1 Cluster @ 35#
Grip was about as fried as the last one like this a couple weeks ago. Picking up the dumbbells to put them back afterwards was a struggle
Warning: Please excuse the long disjointed post
Congrats on the squats Dr. Mike that's awesome.
Went to Body Armor crossfit agin yesterday, and had the same coach. He showed up 20minutes late to class and forced a different coach to start the warm up. This warm up was insane. It was called "flow fit" Imagine a combo, mwod/breakdance/yoga combo of stretched that flowed into eachother. Needless to say DH3 was not pleased. This coach was much better however and stayed on to finish class. FSQ 5 X 3 @205.
WOD was: 10 Min AMRAP with a 20 C2B pull ups. Then 1,1,1…2,2,2 etc of Dead Lift, hang clean, shoulder to overhead @135. At end of 10minutes, 1 min max lateral hop over barbell burpees. That workout was fun as heck. <—Texas.
Ate some amazing tacos at dinner.
For Movie night, can we make White Russians? I mean it would be so undude like if we didnt.
DH3, see above:
"The gym will be providing White Russians for all!"
Itching to do this WOD tomorrow. Alas, I had to go to the dirty Jerz again this morning. *pout*
Apparently ive had too many drinks on this "work trip" cant read blog.
Holy crap, white russians provided for all? For some reason this excites me more than seeing Raising Arizona for the first time in 10 years. (one of my all-time favorite movies). I haven't had a white russian in almost 30 years.
I *liked* The Big Lebowski, but to be honest, I never quite understood all the fuss. It must have gone over my head, but maybe what I need is to drink White Russians while viewing.
I worked out Tuesday night and never posted…
Squatted 350×1, 360×1, and 370×1.
The first two singles were nice and smooth but then 370 was super slow. Maybe I ran out of gas– I hadn't recovered enough from Sunday's deadlifts and definitely felt it.
Paused squats: 305x3x2
The 3rd reps were brutally difficult. I'm not confident about doing these at 325 which is what is prescribed for my next squat session.
I did a lot of warmups and this took nearly 90 minutes.
Today was pretty much a bust. Tried out the new rep scheme on the Crash-B lifts. My body, especially my back said NO! Thankfully "El Jefe" Has already adjusted the workout. Did some cool down rowing and some foam rolling, all is back to normal. Maybe my plan to ramp things up might've been slightly too aggressive. Will reassess after a day of rest.
DH3: A demo of this "flow fit" is in order on your return.
Cloyde there is no way on earth i could demo flowfit. I cant. Luckily youtube has captured this:
if anyone remembers that thing a while back where it looked like some investment dudes were gonna buy half of crossfit, it seems greg glassman's bought out his ex
"As of yesterday morning I own 100% of CrossFit Inc. stock.
I want to thank my staff, our lawyers, the affiliates, and the entire CF community for rallying to our common defense.
This was a harrowing experience that pulled critical staff from their normal duties for six months and cost millions of dollars in legal fees.
Staffers not enjoined directly in the battle kept at the helm and grew the company to absorb all of our legal fees and we paid cash for the airplane. Today we stand in the best financial shape in company history."
4 rounds fitness on the WOD w/ 17.5 pound dumbells.
Got more or less vertical on a couple of the wall walk ups for the first time. Progress.
Way to go, Dr Mike!
JR, who?? I couldn't find a website!
That is wonderful news about the Crossfit case!
PRESS (Fitness)
3×5 @ #63 – Failed (just like Wisconsin football) on the 3rd rep of the last set which is really effing frustrating because I'm ocd about my weight progressions. I feel a bit defeated (similar to how the Badgers will feel Sunday morning). Hoping to end the cycle at #65 (a number similar to Wisco's national ranking) which I think I can still hit even if I scale back to #60 on the next exposure.
Did the Fit-formance variant
Clusters @ #15 (went light, no more 17.5's left)
Green Banded Pull Ups – 7
4 rounds + 5 Clusters
I can't say enough how awesome it feels to be in the gym at least twice a week each week regularly. Observing a lot of progress across several areas, in addition to other less measurable things like just being totally stoked on the next lift and/or wod.
WU 33×5, 43×5, 48×5.
Work: 53# 2×5, then rep out at 8 reps. Left 1 or 2 in the tank, as per Coach Josh's instruction!
This is a 6lb increase from last week's sets, so feeling solid in the progression each wk.
WOD: 7 min amrap
10 DB Clusters @ 15# (20% of my body weight is more like 25# which would've been ridic. I would've gone for 20 but there were none left)
10 kipping pullups
= 3 Rounds, 10 DB clusters, + 5 Pullups
Grip! Hands! Yowch!
Went to Snatch today but was feeling really fried. The trip to Virgina threw my training for a loop and I was training straight from Sunday through today which resulted in a very non-productive session. Tried some Snatch pulls, then played with power snatch, squat snatch and hang power. Nothing was really clicking today so I threw in the towel. Will make up the Press/WOD tomorrow after some DIY Active recovery today.
Came in early to work on some heavy jerks (David I did not bleed out…ur in the clear.) I have been really really lax about working on this and it showed. I worked up to 110kg, and did that 3 times. I took video of myself and I came forward EVERY damn time, jumping off my toeas and not driving through my heels. Very frustrating.
Did the Strength portion of today.
150#'s. Only got 6 on the rep out. Really burnt from the Jerks.
I threw in the towel for the day because I was feeling tired. The Jerks really took it out of me….
6pm with Jello.
DROMs, T-spine foam rolling, then:
3 rounds:
20 erg pulls (about 270m per round)
20 hollow rocks
3 wall walks
Solo press, fitness progression:
[45×5, 75×5, 95×3] 105x(3×5)
Another 5lb jump. This feels heavy, but have stuck with the static press to this point. May have to switch to dynamic next week.
Performance WOD: 3 rounds + 5 clusters @ 40lbs (20% BW).
Brutal on the grip, but exceeded expectations, particularly on the pull-ups. Fun to work alongside Jess!
Press: 45×5, 75×5, 106×2, 111x3x5.
These were great and I was able to do all the reps static. +2# next week. Missed last week's press exposure while on vacation, but the hotel had some DBs in the gym. So, did a make up exposure with 50# DBs. Even with the lower weight, the lack of stability made it feel just about as heavy as the 111# today.
WOD (performance) @ 30# DBs: 3 rnds + 10 clusters and 3 pull-ups. Rx would have been 35#, but the 35# DBs were all being used. Wasn't that upset. Still was hard.
LMAO. I made it through about 1 minute of that video. It looks like a routine from some fitness competition. I could see why DH3 wasn't very happy.
I'm gonna be out of CFSBK for probably 3 weeks. Tendinitis in my shoulder. I miss you guys. Be back as soon as I can.