- Happy Birthday to CFSBK OG and photog extraordinaire, Dan R!
CFSBK Double Feature Movie Night
Don’t forget CFSBK will be screening a Cohen brothers double feature: Raising Arizona at 7:00pm followed by The Big Lebowski at 9:15pm. The gym will be providing White Russians for all. If you’re coming, let us know in the event page comments section so we know roughly how much drink mix to get. Abide.
Next CFSBK Book Club Book
The CFSBK Book and Movie Clubs had about 20 folks come out for the joint screening and discussion of “Cloud Atlas” this weekend. Some books being thrown around for the next go around are listed below. Many of which have movie cross overs. If you’ve read any of these let us know your thoughts in the comments section.
The Silver Linings Playbook
The Heart Is a Lonley Hunter
My Bright Midnight
The Perks Of Being a Wallflower
The Life of Pi
Coffee From Traci
Traci John is selling Organo Gold Coffee infused with Ganoderma. If you’re interested you can check out her website here.
JB On The Radio
Our resident beer nerd Julie Barnard, aka JB, is back on the Heritage Radio Network to yammer about brew on Beer Sessions. This episode is all about Belgian and Spanish beers, exciting!, with some very special guests. Sneak Peek: Wendy Littlefield of Vanberg & DeWulf will be discussing their upcoming Coast to Coast Toast as well as their efforts to aid in Hurricane Sandy recovery. Good stuff.
Affiliates Reeling from Hurrican Sandy CrossFit Community
Transforming a Reservation CrossFit Community
Todd says
Warmups, jerk skill work, then 15 Minutes to work up to a max rack jerk:
45×3, 95×2, 145×1, 165×1, 175×1, 185xF,1, 190xF
Went with split jerk the whole way this time to work on my landing position and recovery, since I think I am coming close to my limit on the push jerk. 185 is a 10lb PR and I think with some more work on getting under the bar faster, that 200 goal is within reach.
WOD – 7min AMRAP
Burpee Muscle-Ups
This was actually supposed to be 3 Burpee Muscle-Ups EMOTM, but I knew I'd fade too fast so I made it an AMRAP for myself, got to 10 (3,3,2,2 for the first 4 minutes) and then did 1 burpee > 3 ring pullups for the last 3 minutes (only got 5 more rounds, arms were donezo).
JR says
Good to get back in there this weekend for some squats, bench, and mobility work. Very pumped to see Cloyde! He's a big bad man now! Good stuff. I'll have to get some of his numbers and chase him down.
asta says
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MAIN SQUEEZE. Glad to see you can lift a few pounds every now and then.
Deb says
Happy happy Dan!
Peter says
6am CRASH-B rowing workout:
2 x 16'/5' @ 16SPM @ 4222m/4135m @ 150/150 HR
Felt good overall, though my stroke rate kept climbing up on the first piece.
michele says
Thanks to Brandon and Marcos for encouragement and spotting last night – I had a big, scary workout and those two helped me get through it. Cheers!
K2H2 says
Herschel….incognito http://ww2.hdnux.com/photos/16/15/56/3726237/3/628×471.jpg
Cloyde says
Happy birthday dan
@JR: Trust me the chase isn't that long.
gabrus says
Greetings from the West Coast.
I miss MOST of you guys…hope everyone is doing well.
I have actually been doing crossfit?!?!?! for about 6 workouts now, still dont love it. (the gym is cool, just not as much strength as I had hoped).
Anyone have any friends that live in the LA area, and have reccos for a powerlifitng gym? or a crossfit with a strength focus? or a place that lets you do a lot of open gyms?
I think maybe I was just spoiled by CFSBK.
if you want email me at gabrusATgmailDOTcom
JR says
@Cloyde hot pursuit flash, hot pursuit!
crossfitsbk@gmail.com says
Now I know what Herschel was doing while I was out in Virgina last week!
Power Cleans
(115×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×3)
215×1,F : http://www.flickr.com/photos/cfsbk/8183422286/in/photostream
Ring Push-Up/Sprint WOD
R1: 2:01 Unbroken
R2: 1:54 Unbroken
R3: 2:15 5-5-2-2-1
R4: 2:05 7-4-2-1-1
I'm not good at sprinting. Lead feet.
shpaddock@gmail.com says
happy birthday dan!!!
also, i've read the perks of being a wallflower, twice. it's an easy and great read. i still haven't seen the movie, although i want to and have heard nothing but great things.
lady fox says
late afternoon workout.
-foam rollin' and lax ballin'
-500m row
Power Cleans:
(63x3x2, 83x2x2, 103×2)
113×2, 123×2, 128×2, 133×2
-tried 133 a couple of times and then finally got it when I stopped trying to be so technical.
Comp WOD:
5 Rounds For Time of:
15 Pullups
20 KB Swings, 1 pood
40 du's
-holy forearms! pullups felt pretty good though none of the rounds were unbroken. 1st 3 rounds of swings unbroken and then I was afraid I was going to drop the bell on my head so I broke them in 2 sets of 10.
Cloyde says
For those that have been waiting for a sign to buy weightlifting shoes (you really need to go ahead and get a pair). Pendlays are on sale for $65. I already have and I'm getting another pair.
stellavision@gmail.com says
Happy birthday Dan! Your Rx is beer and tacos.
7 pm, yes pm, squattin'. 145×8 on rep out. I didn't count a bullshit rep in the middle. Need to work on my confidence instead of panicking and bouncing up before I've hit full depth.
I heart NFT accessory work!
Peter H. says
The did 4 rounds of some crazy shit NFT. Fun day, as always. Left the box as Jumpin' Jack Flash was starting a group class.
Happy 4th anniversary of your 30th B-Day Dan!
JakeL says
Took today as a "rest day".
2K row for time- 7:36. Went as all out as I could, but i was really tired today.
Then did a bunch of Snatch grip presses and push presses at various weights.
KMo says
~ body weight squats for reps <— a goal of mine for a LONG time. Let's just say… I'm pretty freaking pumped about this one. They were fast, easy, and I kept my knees out. I made Josh high five me when I was done.
*Technically, these were just a little above body weight, but I wanted to leave a margin for error (and Sandy snacking – damn you, Pop Corners chips).
Then, 4 rounds NFT:
6 front squat reverse lunges each leg with 45# bar
12 DB rows each arm (1 round with 15# DB, next 3 with 17.5# DB)
20 straddle sit-ups
shpetner@gmail.com says
Fox says
Worked up to some medium doubles on the snatch and clean since I hadn't really done any since the meet. 70 I think on the snatch and 95 on the clean.
Didn't press last week so picked up 5 lbs heavier than week before.
Fox says
SN/CL = Kilos
Press = Lbs
Sorry, Betz.
Whit H says
Awesome, painful A/R class with Coach Fox tonight! Then…
Power Cleans:
Drills @ 33# and 53#
73×2, 83×2, 93×2, 103×2 (PR), 113×2 (FAIL on first try), 108×2 (got one, missed second), 108×2 (got both, though they weren't pretty, new PR!)
I'm pretty stoked on 108#, seeing as 93# for 3 reps was still a struggle just two weeks ago. I have the hip drive, pull, and lift of the bar… just really need to commit to getting under FAST and swinging elbows up and releasing grip sooner! Woo!
Monday's partner WOD with Stephanie:
4 RFT of 15 pushups (toes on the way down, knees on the way up), 270m run.
1:47 (unbroken)
1:46 (unbroken)
2:01 (maybe 10, 3, 2, 1?? it got weird)
1:58 (5, 5, 2, 2, 1)
Accessory Work:
2 Tacos for Time with J-Bails. I'd call it about :45 for each taco.
Adrian@crossfit.com says
Man I wish I was there for that.
I'm sure the plot was ludicrous.