Fitness: Spend 15 Minutes working on the complex:
1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Pull + 1 Hang Power Clean
Focus on a solid spinal set up, a good rack position, and proper footwork. Add weight to last week’s top set if appropriate.
Performance: Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy 2 rep Power Clean.
If you miss a rep you MUST take 10% off the bar for the next attempt.
Post loads to comments. (e4/6)
Compare to 11/5/12.
For time:
In teams of 2-3, Partners alternate for 4 rounds each of:
15 Ring Push Ups or Pushups
270m Run or 300m Row
*All out efforts on each. Rest no more than 3:1
Post individual times to comments.
Congratulations to Jen S. on winning the meat raffle held by Herondale Farm on Sunday in their visit to the gym. She won a 15-lb bag of grass-fed meat – a $150 value.
From Michele K:
Thanks to everyone who came to chat with Herondale and Sol Flower on Sunday. I was quietly worried that nobody would want to talk to them, but I was dead wrong.The interest from new members and appreciation from existing members was overwhelming. Herondale also sold an entire pork belly to a grateful gym member, along with tons of bacon, ground beef and sausages. Both Herondale and Sol signed up new members on the spot, and they loved finally meeting many of their existing CSA program members.
We hatched some exiting plans for a CSA potluck (pending management approval, of course) this winter, and Herondale promised to bring along another cooler of meat to sell by the piece at that event.
Next week, I’ll write a big post on registration for the upcoming January-April meat cycle and the June-Nov vegetable cycle.
Thanks again to David O. for ongoing sponsorship and support of this wonderful program, and to Margie for creating it and nurturing it from scratch!
Shoulder Health-Part 1 70’s Big
Meat Raffle Probability Calculator
Ran a 23 min 5k on the treadmill yesterday to get some activity in when it was super hot again (and the box was closed here).
Then back to 7am class today:
Warmup and OHS drills
15 min to work up to a 10RM OHS:
45×5 65×5 75×10 95×10
Was going to keep it super conservative but I felt better and more balanced than I ever have at 75 so I went for it at 95 and kept it steady throughout.
Tabata WOD
16 rounds of jumps – (12" over reach, touch both hands to target)
(12 reps for the first 11 rounds, then 10 for 4, then 11 on the last one)
8 rounds of 45# plate ground to overhead
(8 reps for the first 5 rounds, then 7 for 3)
The g2o was supposed to be 16 rounds too, thank god they adjusted it mid WOD (guinea pig class again) since it was brutal, and mostly arms since my legs had nothing left after jumping for basically 8 minutes straight.
UGH, cleans. Still stuck at 83 (failed second rep at 93). Next time I'll take Nick's advice that I should worry less about how wide my feet spread and first worry about fixing how far I let the bar get away from my body.
Partner WOD with Dan L, who is super fast. I am not, especially where pushups are involved, but I'm happy with myself that I made it through 3 rounds doing them strict before I went to knee pushups. 13:40, about 2/3 of that was me.
Power Cleans –
135×3, 185×1, 205×2, 215×2, 220 1, F
Probably not enough warm-up and was feeling a little beat up so didn't get the second rep at 220 which I was hoping for after last week. Still very happy with today though since 215 was my old 1RM
Best round was 1:13 (2nd round, first involved dodging a large truck parked on the sidewalk). Worst was 1:20
6am with Nick and McDowell. Power cleans: 95×3, 135×2, 185×2, 205×1, 210×2. The rep at 205 felt great. The reps at 210 were quite a bit uglier. Need to remember to drop under the bar when the weight gets heavier.
Partnered with Kelly on the WOD: 12:05 total. Kelly is a speed demon. My best round was 1:15. My worst was about 1:25. Haven't done any sprinting recently. My adductors are screaming at me right now.
AM strength cycle with coach Jeremy.
Squat: 315lb x 5 x 3
Press: 140lb x 5 x 3
Deadlift: 370lb x 5 x 1
It's amazing how some things are getting easier for me as the linear progression marches on (squats and deads) and some things are feeling nearly impossible every week (press and bench). I was able to hit all my numbers today, which is grand, but presses were a battle again. Before my third set, Jeremy told me to take enough rest so that if I fail it's because I'm not strong enough, not because I didn't rest enough. That fired me up enough to get through it. Strong enough for this week.
Make up post from yesterday:
10am class, partnered with Ben
Pulled a few from the ground before the WOD: 95×3.
Fitness version: 85lb hang power snatch, 24" box
8 rounds plus 1 snatch. Snatches felt good. Stepping down from the box with my right leg consistently really started to catch up with me about halfway through. Felt like I kept moving throughout–this was challenging but not overwhelming.
8am with McDowell today. .
570m run and plank/KB tabata WU.
Clean deadlift, hang pull, hang power clean complex:
45, 95, 115, 135×2, 145, 155×2, 165, 170F, 170F, 170(PR)
Had the hips and bar moving one the first two attempts at 170, finally got the arms around on the last attempt. Thanks to McDowell for watching and encouraging me to try one last time.
WOD with Christian and Nate (I think).
Extra rest of going in a group of three convinced me to do ring push-ups. Happy I did. 1:24/1:39/1:31/1:41. Some obstructions on the early runs, last round was slowest because the push-ups went 8-4-3. Other rounds were 15, 10-5, 10-5.
A note to say that Inka is totally awesome. I came into OG yesterday and after proclaiming that my TFL was "crazy tight," she poked and prodded both psoas and TFL into submission. She showed me a couple of great stretches and ways to roll them out. I highly recommend visiting her on Sundays to get the kinks out!
After some additional active recovery and rolling, squatted 45×5, 75×5, 85×5, and work weight 90×5 for three sets. Then I made the mistake of being aimless for a couple of minutes and was recruited by Mishik to do a devious little 8-minute AMRAP of 8 burpee box jumps, 6 pull-ups with him and Rickke. I subbed pull-ups for chin-ups with a thin green band. 5 rounds – arms were smoked by the end. Pretending that I could keep up with those two pushed me harder – thanks, guys.
Finished up with an easy 500m row.
I'll miss the box for a week while I'm in Nicaragua but am looking forward to doing some handstands on the beach and on top of volcanoes.
Front Squat
(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×2, 165×1)
Only had 45 minutes to train so I got my Front Squats in. Will do the PC, Run/PU WOD either tonight or tomorrow. I can power clean more than I can Squat clean so I'm trying to remedy that by Front Squatting every Monday
Cleans. LOVE cleans. I hit 255 for 3 last week, so I was looking to hit 265 this week for two. I often feel that when I power clean my form is much sloppier than when i know i have to drop to under the bar. I pull earlier and catch it forward oftentimes (at least thats how it feels to me).
I hit 260×2. Then tried for 265. Hit the first one, then automatically dropped under the second one, and just missed standing up with it (hard when your first squat of the day is a 265 lb front squat.
WOD: !:30 every round. GREAT to run hard.
Felt pretty shitty coming back in tonight, felt like a million samolians leaving. Fletcher's for dinner. Not bad. Not great, but not bad.
Need to Power Clean tomorrow and might see if the WOD gods align to have me partner with DO on the run/push.
Tried for 103 twice but failed on the second rep both times
103×1 is a PR though
Didn't keep track of times on WOD
Was cooking for Far Rockaway most of today so it was a surprise 5pm appearance. Fun class!
This was my first successful attempt at taking anything off the floor since my injury and worked up to 52# but had to stop as I was feeling it in a not so cool way. Really pleased that I even made it to that. Yay! Was going crazy not being able to do much so this is great news. The only time I remember for the WOD was 1:43 and that was my last one.
DIY pull-up week 2 exposure 1 5×5. Had to come off the bar to get the very last rep.
Power cleans.
135×2, 155×2, 165×2, 170 F, 155×2, 165×2, 170×2.
Failed on the first 170, but worked back up to hit it x2, which was great. Tried to focus on waiting until the bar gets to my upper thighs to do the second pull.
Lost track of time on the WOD. 2 rnds with ring push-ups and 2 rnds with normal.
Squat: 295 lbs 3×5 – felt good
Press: 145 lbs 4, 4, 5 – Miscounted on the first set and only did 4. Failed on the fifth rep of the second set. Managed to push out all 5 on the last set.
DL: 340 lbs 1×5 – felt better than last week. Wore a belt this time. Kept me from rounding my back.
MGMT – Left my blue Nalgene Everyday bottle in front of the coffee machine tonight. Be there to pick it up on Wednesday. DOH!!
Clean: 135×5, 155×3, 175×3, 185×2, 190×2
Row: 1 @ 16min @ 216/500 @164 @ 3519m
1 @16min @ 220/500 @ 168 @ 3427m
2 days in a row, sweet. Cleans were fine, as always I'm no Lü Xiaojun. The weights all felt fine just some technical errors. As soon as I fix one another crops up, boo. The intervals were almost identical to the ones yesterday. First was fine then the second was painful. Of course now my traps and quads are on fire but I see the improvements. The Tacos afterwards really helped.