Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 2.5-5 lbs to last exposure
Performance: 2×5 Across Followed by a Rep Out Capped at 10
Certainly should get 5+ but may not make 10. Leave a rep in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
Wed LBBSQ e3/6
4-5 Rounds of:
10 Pull Ups
10 Step Ups, Left
10 Step Ups, Right
20-30s Hollow Hold or Hollow Rock
*While this is NFT, aim to move quickly through the stations. Scale the pull ups down by using a band or up by going chest to bar. These can be kipping or strict. Scale up the step ups by adding a KB/DB held goblet style. Box should be a height that sets your hip joint below parallel to knee. Ge
Jacinto featured on AMRAP
Check out gymspirational super hero Jacinto B featured on this great video from AMRAP.
Complimentary Range of Motion Testing
FUN FACT: The Psoas muscle was the first muscle to develop in utero. It is why it is so intimately connected with our fight-or-flight reactions, and linked to the state of our stress and nerves. Want to know if your Psoas is limiting the mobility in your hip?? Inka will be doing complementary ROM (range of motion) testing and MLT (muscle length testing) for the hip flexor joint/ muscles. She will take you through AROM (active range of motion) and then PROM (passive range of motion) and will help you figure out if you are within normal range of motion for these muscles. How does this help your workout? Knowing where you fall short can help you figure out where you need to roll out and stretch more and give you that extra edge during your workout. It can also help to prevent injury by addressing the imbalances in your body. She will also be working on your psoas muscle which is a muscle that is hard to get to by yourself and is often neglected.
The psoas can also be a factor in low back pain since it attaches your vertebrae to your inner thigh. There are a number of reasons why it causes low back pain but a big one is from sitting down for a prolonged amount of time. Your Psoas starts to think this contracted state is a normal resting position and your tissues want to move into that resting position, leaving you tight and contracted
Resident Massage Therapist, Inka Hodes will be offering this from 11:30am – 1pm this Sunday. Email her directly to make an appt. inka.hodes(AT)
The Women Of CrossFit Dynamix (Queens) AMRAP
Form = Function? 70’s Big
Does Size = Health? Pretty Strong
Back on track this morning at Crossfit Manila after a solid 5-day break (Laurel, does vacation count as a week off???)
DIY DROMS and Roll-out, then DIY bench:
45×5 95×5 145×8 150×8,8
Then a Double AMRAP:
5 Min (4 rounds + 7)
10 Pull-ups
10 Pistols (alternating)
5 Min Rest
5 Min (4 rounds even)
10 Toes to Bar
20 Double Unders
Felt gassed surprisingly early on in each, first 2 rounds pull-ups and toes to bar and second 2 rounds of double unders were all unbroken, the rest of the second AMRAP was a mess. Never lost toes to bar that hard and fast before, couldn't get my rhythm back, ended up doing singles with a drop off the bar for the last 5. I'm going to blame my poor performance on all the bad (but delicious) food I've been eating for the past week. Back to strict Paleo for the last 2+ weeks here.
Also… OBAMA+4!!! Great job America!!!
Oh and if anyone wants to see (in great detail) all the food we've been eating, my brother has been here with us for 2 weeks and has been reporting on everything on his food blog:
He's a few days behind, but will keep updating until he gets through everything.
Oh and if anyone wants to see (in great detail) all the food we've been eating, my brother has been here with us for 2 weeks and has been reporting on everything on his food blog:
He's a few days behind, but will keep updating until he gets through everything.
I've had low back pain my entire adult life, but it wasn't until I was introduced to the psoas that I found any relief. Great idea for a workshop…
Last night strength work:
Squat: 205×5, 235×4, 280×3, 310×2, 340×1, 350×1, 360×1
Really strong singles today. The 360 at the end was better than the last two weeks at 350 or 345. Very solid and smooth. Feels good, great confidence builder.
Paused Squats: 285x3x2
These are getting hard. The 3rd reps are a bitch. Sort of rushed because I need to get off the platform and out of the way of the guys getting ready to press.
Deadlift: 210xx5, 250×4, 290×3, 310×2, 325×1, 345×1, 355×1 and 290x3x3
Yea, I'm squatting more than I'm pulling again. Switched to DOH grip at the singles and then it got really easy.
Agreed, whenever people ask me about low back pain, I default to getting into their hip flexors/psoas. In my experience about 95% of folks find relief when the psoas is released. This is especially true for people who experience back spasms with any regularity.
Heres some more info:
Also- configure your work space so that a standing station becomes an option. I've never had a desk job or a 9-5 type situation but my job would be so much easier if you guys could figure out a way to not sit all day!
Also- I've been doing the lumosity games/exercises for almost 2 weeks now. Finding that I was doing it everyday I signed up for the site in full last week. I dont know if I'm any sharper yet but I like the exercises/games and I usually do Not like computer/digital games. It's CrossFit for your brainz.
Great article David, super informative. Thanks!
SATURDAY at CFSBK: Meet the Farmers!
Jerry and Christine from Herondale Farms, home of our meat and chicken CSA, will be at CFSBK on Saturday from 9-1 to take your questions about the CSA program. We'll be kicking off registration for the next meat cycle, which begins in January, and announcing some exciting improvements to the program – some of which came out of the online survey that thirty of us answered.
If you have questions or comments on the program, want to get some cooking advice, or just want to shake the hands of the folks who supply your meat – please stop by and say hi.
Morning strength cycle with coach Jeremy.
Squat: 310lb x 5 x 3
Bench: 220lb x 5 x 3
Clean: 185lb x 3 x 3
Happy to hit all of my numbers today. Squats are still feeling solid but it was a battle on the bench. Cleans felt fine. Also, Jacinto is a legend.
Must give a testimonial re Inka and my cranky psoas… Seen her twice and it's helped greatly.
Also, check out mwod episode 214. Kstar rides again.
Squat – 245 2×5, 1×10 – getting a little heavier, but still plenty of room to go up.
4 rounds –
– C2B pull-ups for the first two, couldn't keep it up for the last two without coming off the bar
– Worked up to a 24kg Kettlebell on the step-ups
6am with Josh and McDowell. Squatted with Pierre: 245×5, 245×5, 245×10. Easier than last week, probably because my legs feel fresher. Pierre made 275 look easy. 4 rounds on the accessork work. 30# dumbbells on the step ups.
Got in yesterday to do Saturday's squats, as I got all off schedule this last week.
Did my heavy 5 at 255, still plenty of room. I've been making 10# jumps, but each week feels better, despite a lot of food/sleep/booze interference.
Did the accessory work from Saturday too, 135# RDLS, 8 Ring Dips, 8 Weighted(!) Situps.
Need to take today off, hoping I feel better tomorrow so I can wod and make this up friday night…. scheduled a session with Dr. Fidler… I'm having chronic left side lower back pain UGH… still at home foam rolling and doing droms.. just got back on the horse this week and don't want to lose it again
great article David!
3rd exposure. Started at 205# on 1st exposure
7 AM with Josh and McDowell
220# LBBS 3×5. Felt good. Just trying to keep it clean and chest up. Feel there is still room to go up.
Great Psoas/QL page. I learned a few things!
David, thanks for the link to the article.
I've been dealing with lower back pain and muscle spasms since the summer and the only relief I got was with the meds my doctor prescribed me. The pain was so bad this week that I finally saw a specialist yesterday who concluded that my hip flexors/psoas was the source of the pain. I'm glad I got to the root of the problem and am now on my way to actually fixing it. I haven't been to Crossfit since Saturday and I'm losing my mind. Looking forward to training again in a few days (hopefully).
Make-Up post from Monday night!
Out here in Cali for a last little bit of warmth and sunshine, so figured what better place to drop in than Crossfit Hollywood.
15 min to find a 1 RM of Hang Squat Clean…
drills at 33#
53×3, 73×3, 83×1, 95×1, 105×1 — I feel confident that's a PR.
Then… WOD
5 Rounds for Time
10 Thrusters (Rx for women was 105, I did this at 67#)
30 DU's
Rest 3 min
Time = 24:24
This was brutal on the thighs and I haven't been able to walk properly yesterday or this morning. About to go for a hike. Should be interesting.
The box was pretty great. VERY small with a lot less resources/equipment than we are lucky to have at SBK, but they were very nice people and a lot more welcoming than I expected. And Schmidt from New Girl was in my class, so that was fun, too.
Also, someone asked me if we ever call South Brooklyn "SoBro"… thoughts?
120 sack lunches today for seniors and others in the Warbasse buildings was today's WOD… after sleeping through my alarm. The two groups I've worked with, Operation Sandy and Flatbush Family Network, would love more volunteers if anyone has time!
Second the greatness of Luminosity! My neurologist has me doing Crosswords, flashcards, Word Finds, so this has been a great addition.
Jacinto rules.
Currently in plans to build my own addition to make a standing desk. My psoas is so effed up, even the "p" hurts
Tonight will be half hour of mobility, hour of squash, squats, presses. Have actually been working on the psoas a bit and it's better than it used to be.
I am in a funny kind of hell today. I did a 'finisher' that included goblet squats last night – four sets of ten, all with a very light kettlebell. There were also some bodyweight lunges and some other minor lower-body things, but the goblet squats were killer – even as I did them, holding this barbie doll kettlebell, I thought to myself, I'm really going to pay for this.
Hard to believe I can backsquat nearly 200 pounds but can't do a couple dozen goblet squats without feeling like I'd been run over.
Make-up post from yesterday:
First and foremost, I changed my membership back to 5x a week, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Can’t wait to spend even more time with you all 🙂 I decided to celebrate by catching the 6pm Active Recovery class with Coach Fox, which I can’t usually make. I stuck around for the 7pm group class and hit some squats.
BSQ: 115x5x3
During the last couple of cycles, I’ve had to reset at 115, so I’m looking forward to Friday when I move into uncharted territory: 117 and 1/2.
Accessory work, 4 rounds:
10 pull-ups (2 Rds w/ fat green band; 2 Rds w/ skinny green band, but broken into 5’s)
10 step-ups each leg (20’’ box, with a 25# plate for the last two rounds)
10 hollow rocks
I've been receiving some wonderful emails from people wanting to volunteer and could I steer them in the right direction. There will be a need for volunteers, food, and support long after the national perspective shifts to other topics so thanks so much for reaching out!
There are many places, I'm sure others on the blog have suggestions too, but here are mine – please delete the space after http://
How to help across the city and by borough: http://
Donate blood: http://
The registry that Occupy Sandy put together on Amazon, friends from all over have been utilizing it to great success, and the list is constantly being updated. If you don't have the time then just let your fingers do the walking http://
Occupy Sandy: http://
CFSBK is truly the best community. Ever.
PS: File this latest weather under "ill-timed" and "screw you", Mother Nature. Oy.
Some half assed Foam Rolling
(45×10, 135x5x2, 185×3)
205x5x2, 205×10
Easy, going to 215 next week.
Did three rounds of the assistance work, felt really pooped and kind of queezy.
20" Box, 16kg Bell
10 Strict unbroken x3
Hollow Rocks
Registration opened last week for the northface endurance challenge. Its an all single track trail run on and around bear mountain. they have 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon, marathon relays and a 50 miler. Last year, i ran and it was my first experience with trail running. highly recommended. lots of fun, beautiful and challenging.
15 pound Herondale farmer's carry made for an interesting WOD, post-platform.
Went up 15lbs but dropped a set off since last week messed me up. Focused on finishing tall and tight but not overextending. Fun classes tonight. And snow!
After waiting in line for gas for 2hrs and 15 minutes, I made it in for 6pm group class. The wait definitely dropped my energy so I wasn't sure how tonight's squats would go.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2)
work: 170x5x3
-continuing on my linear progression and today felt pretty good. I did feel a little rushed and would have loved some more time but that's just me being a girl I guess. 😉 Fun partnering with T-bone and Laurel and debating whether the knurling on the bar was even. So what if Fox pulled out the tape measure to prove me wrong…I still believe it's the bar, not us. 😉
Acc. work–4 RNFT:
10 chinups, thin green band
10 step ups e.leg, 20" box, unweighted
20 hollow rocks
-tough stuff and glad it was NFT.
SHAYE! (and if you're not Shaye, and you know her, can you pass this along for me, please and thanks!)
I got a Converge ticket! Email me so we can meet up 😀
Been having chronic low back soreness going on 2 months or so now. Really getting sick of it so i have been trying to figure out what its from. My latest theory is that its the Low Bar back squat putting so much pressure on it. SO, I am going to only do HIGH bar for a bit and see how it feels…
worked up to 245 for 10. Felt pretty hard but i got through it. High bar is definitely way more taxing on the legs, but i feel less stress in my back tonite.