Today’s Rest Day WOD is to do 1 days worth of “Brain Training” over at Lumosity. Developed by neuroscientists, Lumosity is a series of daily brain training exercises used to enhance cognitive function among a broad spectrum of capacities. Think of it like CrossFit for your brain!
Post results to comments.
Fight Gone Bad Portraits: Part 5
The Barth Vaders
Michael Barth, Noah Barth, Jenna Jerman, Cherylyn Ahrens, Steph Wilson Rothfuss
The DROMulans
Joe Mefford, David Osorio, Jay Reingold, Shawn Sadjatumwadee, Lisa Fernandez
Margin for Terror
Dave Smanik, Julie Barnard, Marco Diaddezio, Oleg Shibalov, Maxwell Knight
Buns Of Steel
Jess Fox Michael Mishik Ron weissbard Peter Hoppmann Janelle Rooks
Touch Football Anyone?
Andrew M is organizing folks interested in playing touch football through ZogSports this winter. We’ve already got a team of 18 folks signed up as team “Tic Tac Taco” and we’re looking to see if anyone else is interested. Maybe form rival house teams?!
The games will be on Sundays between 1 PM and 4 PM starting in January at the Brooklyn Tech field (510 Clermont Ave., near the Barclays Center). It is 8-on-8, two-hand touch and co-ed (at least 3 female players must be on the field at all times).
For more information about the league, click here. To request a spot on this team or inquire about a new team, please email andrew.migdail(AT)
Beautiful Animal Photography
OMG Ron, amazing.
real steel!
Believe me, you do NOT want me on your football team. I'll totally come and cheer, though.
Enjoying my last day of sloth and indolence with an 8 AM class. Squatted with Cassie, got to 140×9 (I'm not going to count that BS 10th rep that was too shallow). Fun and unexpectedly arm-torching accessory work after.
Also, if you're in for paleo till turkey day, there's now a place on the goals board to put your name down for it. I don't know about you guys, but I am going to need HELP keeping myself honest. Yesterday was just day one of this thing and it was miserable being at home with my husband's favorite chocolate chip cookies just sitting there taunting me like a villain in a James Bond movie!
hey sbk-ers,
another pnw suggestions request! anyone have any fave drop-in boxes in portland oregon? i'm going to be there next week, i was checking out crossfit magnus because it's closeish to my friends house, but i'd love any suggestions you (yes YOU reading this) might have.
Hey all (and @MGMT): I think I left a book behind–on Martin Luther by Erik Erikson–last night in the changing area (or outside by the couches). Please do not discard! I will pick it up ASAP.
6am CRASH-B row workout:
2 x 16'/5' @ 17/16SPM @ 4216m/4136m @ 132/144 HR
Heart rate was notably lower than on the 2x14min workouts I've previously done. Wonder if this was due to the colder weather.
Is anyone else running in the Verrazano Festival of Races this weekend? I'm running the 10k (there's also a 5k and a half marathon). I'm worried I might punk out and hit my phone with a mallet when it interrupts my Sunday morning sleep. If I know someone else running in the race I think I'll feel a twinge of accountability, which would help.
If you're not signed up but interested it's 40 bucks to enter on the nycruns website.
Today's rest day WOD should be getting your ass to the polling station. Even you JR 🙂
It's the FINAL meat, the FINAL veg, and the FINAL egg pickup.
FInal CHICKEN is next Wednesday, 14 Nov.
STAY TUNED for sign-up info for the January meat share, as well as a gym visit by the Herondale Farmers!
yesterday's wod with coaches melissa and laurel: worked up to 115 on the cleans for a set of three. the first rep was ok, the last two were ugly. i caught them low and had to hitch them up onto my shoulders. i also tend to hit position 1 too low and hop forward. blech!
used 83lbs for the amrap and got 2 rounds plus 6 cleans. hammies and glutes felt fried halfway through.
love those beautiful animals.
The last photo is yet another reason to love Wild Card.
Well done, Ron.
Make up post from yesterday:
Did fitness complex @ 88. 2 rounds +15 du attemps on the WOD at 63. So weak. Yesterday was a weak day and the last couple of cleans were ugly and my back hurts today. Possible 2-day hangover from the anniversary party.
Thanks Joel! should I brush my teeth and tie my shoes as well?
I love Crossfit Stumptown! I went there every day for a week and they wouldn't let me pay a cent. If you go, tell Tony I say hi.
Wait! Linus competed twice? What a stud.
Make-up post for yesterday's cleans at the 6pm with David and MeLo.
Fitness complex of clean deadlift, hang clean, front squat.
75×5, 95×3, 115×3, 135×3, 145×2, 165×1 (PR).
Spent some extra time at each weight. First rep at 135 was a bit wonky, but the rest there and at 145 were better. 165 was clearly sloppier, and I went for a second and failed.
WOD with hang cleans at 105lb. 2 rounds + 26 DU. Felt really claustrophobic on the doubles, likely a product of close quarters and a long rope. Really wanted to get at least one more clean in. Did the cleans in 4/4/2 and 4/3/3–I think the fitness version was more taxing on the grip than the performance variant.
Squatted this morning at 6am with Jess–what a nice, small group we were!
[45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 215×2] 235(3×5)
Couple things about this:
/1/ Good news first: this is the most weight I've had on my back ever, and was a full 100lbs heavier than my first day of squatting at SBK in May.
/2/ Bad news: First set was fine. My second set felt totally miserable and was punctuated by a last rep on which I went way too deep and almost didn't make it back up. I proceeded to have a major panic attack before set three that the weight wasn't going to go up, that I had planned poorly for the cycle with the weight already so heavy, etc. It was about as far from an ideal pre-set visualization as you can get.
/2/ Jess gave fantastic cues throughout, especially in the last set, and great feedback afterwards. Made it through the last set and can't thank her enough for the help. (And congrats on passing the test!) Will reevaluate the rest of the cycle from here on out.
Two for Tuesday.
Spent the day on Staten Island doing whatever I could to help with the awesome Lady Shawn. Delivering, organizing, shuttling, hugging, and trading terrible jokes with some amazing people. They are still desperate for manpower, Zone 1 where we were is bad and it's only going to get worse with what the weather is bringing in. Please consider helping if you can.
Morning WOD of all CrashB lifts: Chinese Row, Backsquats, RDL's, then a quick little 500 and ohwhynotsome planks for fun. Its amazing how the body heals itself, still have to go really pretty light but all the stuff and things are moving smoothly. DO thanks again for prescribing all those stretches. I swear that's why I'm progressing so nicely – 3x's a day stretchy stretch is doing the trick.
For the record–/3/ does indeed come after /2/. I am a Latin teacher, after all.
Oh and I love my teams photo – thank you Dan for capturing this bunch of nerds at, and in, their finest. My dudes seriously rule.
Make-up Monday power clean class.
DIY pull-up development: 6×4 week 1 exposure 2.
Power clean: (I love power cleans!)
165×3 (matches last week)
170×1 (in 4 attempts)
1) got some nice bruises on my legs. They are about a foot from my hip crease. I learned today that means I am trying to jump the bar up early. The bruise should be more like a couple of inches from my hip crease. This makes sense, as I have noticed that my hang power cleans feel stronger than power cleans from the ground. I think that is because the hang clean forces me to jump when the bar is higher vis a via my legs
2) Coach Melissa took a video of the 165×3 set and it was really cool to watch. Last rep was pretty ugly, but still…
3) Think it might be worth while to take bigger jumps on the warm ups and do less warm-up sets? Fatigue was an issue.
WOD @ 115#: 2rnds + 6 DUs. Need to put some DIY DU work in. Wasn't able to get more than a set of 10 or so.