With the exception of 6-8pm Open Gym, there are no classes today due to yesterday evening’s 5th Anniversary party. CFSBK would like to thank all who attended the event for making it a big success. We’d ESPECIALLY like to thank Jamie D for organizing the party, Dan and Asta for the photo booth and Sean P for helping out with alcohol.
Today would be a great opportunity to volunteer in the Sandy relief effort if at all possible!
Rations for those in need via CFSBK.
Fight Gone Bad Funds
CFSBK is proud to announce that all the funds raised at this year’s Fight Gone Bad 2012 event are being funneled to the Brooklyn Recovery Fund to help those individuals and buisnesses devastated by Sandy get back on their feet.
Did you come last night? What was your favorite moment?
CrossFit and Bofu, Kenya
Thanks for a great night, CFSBK! It was my first time seeing you all out of gym clothes and into party mode, and I had a blast. Plus I feel closer than ever to getting my friends to stop in for an intro class. Who could come last night and NOT want to join that fun?!
Any possibility of my coming by this morning or afternoon for a Cleanup WOD? Would love to help if cleaning is still under way.
My wife and I had a blast last night.I got a little drunk and had a ball!!
Thank you David for inviting us.
That was a fantastic party. Great to see everyone dressed in "regular" clothes as well.
It's a testament to the strong sense of community love for tacos that it came together so well..
Thanks for a great party guys!
Last night was great, I should have stayed later!
Fav moment was definitely seeing Michele and Sarah do a latin dance.
Last night was a blast! Who needs marathons, anyway?
Fox dancing with Rickke was pretty awesome.
Favourite moment Bjorn and Deb dancing up a storm !!
Good night
Thanks DO
Favorite moment was DH3 talking to DJ Super Jamie for 15 minutes. I believe Soulja Boy came on not long after.
Seeing how well everyone cleans up and the dancing of course!!!! Also weeping Rickke being a ninja at after party – oh and of course that there was a taco truck in a gym – amazing!!
We were sooooo bummed we had to leave so early, sounds like we missed a lot of great stuff. What an awesome night.
David, thank you for throwing us such a generous party. It was great. It will go down in gym history as a very special night 🙂
thank you david, for a great party! so many golden moments it's hard to say, but i think seeing mcdowell get his hoodie was the best. he looked pretty happy. as i suspected, i abused the photobooth. apologies in advance for what develops.
hahaha i beg you not to let the pictures i took in the photo booth see the light of day. i didnt figure out the "two second delay" option until a bunch of pictures were taken… oops.
I can't remember the last time I danced. That was fun. Thanks for such a great party and for such an amazing group of people. Ariel, trust that you were not the only one "abusing" the photo booth.
Oops. Ellie was the "abuser".
Uhm I photo bombed a million people, and it was good.
Great time last night! Enjoyed chatting with old friends and making some new ones!!!
And… Dancing.
SO much fun, thank you David for throwing such a great shindig! My #1 favorite moment was Rickke/DH3 dance-off, with Rickke/Fox in for a close second.
I am so thrilled I was able to make it back into town for the party. It was so delightful to see everyone and be amongst my wonderful community. Being away makes me appreciate you all that much more. Can't wait to spend more time with you over winter break.
Wonderful party David!
What an awesome party last night. Thank you for hosting us!
This is the first time in my life that my dancing has received any accolades. Thx Bethany. I had nothing to do with Soulja boy, FYI.
My favorite moment was watching McDowell and Melissa turn red when they received their hoodies.
A great night. I love that I belong to a gym where I know the party it's throwing is going to be awesome. Love you guys, all one big highlight. Congrats to McDowell and MeLo.
Alternative marathon was run today. Kinda cool:
What a rad party! So much fun, so many moments.
Went to open gym. did speed DL at 65%? 185# 1×8 On every 30s mark.
Felt a bit slow, but I have been hammering that posterior chain.
Worked on cleans- which felt great with the shoulders. Worked up to a heavy clean at 175, 5# pr. It wasn't as crisp as I wanted, but still looked pretty good. (thanks Dan r for video) I'm going to continue to hammer my form. Im still pulling a bit too soon and I think I want to tweak my initial approach. Also- most work on squat cleans- this was pretty much a power clean day.
What a great party! My only regret is that I despaired when Gloria Estafan came on and left! Missed all the dancing, which I love. I'll just have to be more patient next time– you guys should rent the place out every Saturday night–it looked awesome. Best tacos I ever had–I ate 3.
Thanks for a seriously awesome shindig, and congrats again to David on creating such an amazing place.
Favorite part, hands down, was Rickke's Gangnam Style tutorial. I had no idea I was doing it wrong and feel so much better now. THANK you, Rickke.