Fight Gone Bad 2012 Portraits: Part 2
The Pork-chop Express
Emily Ashton, Christian Reiss, Kristin Hoesl, Dan Evans, Kevin McDonald
No Nuge is Good News
Kim Ruhl, Frances Liu, Marcos Martinez, Joy Mele, Luca Loguercio
Dos MeLos
Matt Jasinski (Super Sub!), Melissa Lloyd, Noah Abbott, Melissa Loranger, Brett Vrotsos
4 Too Many
Christian Fox, Kristin Valente, Sara widman, Christine Naclerio, Chris Artis
Team Redundancy Team
Isaac Green, Kelly Sosa, Chaneve Jeanniton, Mackenzie Condon, Michael Ravitch
Hell’s Kettlebells
Albert Hogan, Yoshi Stone, Ellie Myers, Katie Mohrhauser, PR
The Domin8ors
Scott Lundhagen, Kate Denny, Deb Parsons, Jake zuckerman, Justin Steinhouse
Don’t Blow your WOD
Charmel Rogers, Jesusa Spencer-Plant, Jennifer Stopka, Keith Walter, Shaye Lefkowitz
Coming To The Party? What to Bring??
We’ve had a bunch of folks ask us if they should bring anything to the party.. the answer is YES! CFSBK will be collecting clothing and canned foods that will be donated to folks in need. I’ve talked to Alex at the Brooklyn Community Foundation about helping organize and distribute the materials afterwards. Our goal is to have everyone bring at least one item to donate!
News and Notes
CFSBK would like to say farewell and good luck to Gabrus who is moving to LA today!
The CFSBK 5th Year Anniversary Party is tomorrow starting at 9pm! All are welcome, even if you didn’t RSVP. Due to the massive clean up that will be required after said party- we won’t be running Group classes Sunday AM. Open gym in the evening will be on as normally scheduled.
From Sarah M:
Hey guys – for anyone interested in volunteering, Johanna and I went down to Red Hook Initiative, which is one of the place in the list posted here yesterday. They are in dire need of a lot of stuff down there – especially food, water, flashlights, and kids stuff (diapers, wipes, clothing). We went down just to drop off a car load and actually got put right to work going out to do home visits for housebound elderly and sick people to make sure they had everything they needed.
When we were leaving today, power was coming back on in some of the buildings, and the National Guard was rolling in, so hopefully things are looking up. But I’m sure they could still use help, if anyone else is home from work and stir crazy. We called the number listed and were able to get info about specifics. They also have a big list down there with a lot of different sites looking for clean up help (Red Hook Community Garden, etc).
Red Hook Initiative is seeking donations at 767 Hicks Street (at West 9th) “Please bring donations of food, flashlights, candles, water pumps, generators. Many buildings in the neighborhood will likely not have power for the next 4-5 days.” For more information call, (347) 770-1528 or email
Classes Take a Tumble, Happily NYT
Fitness Vs Sport CrossFit Merge
Report: Majority Of Americans Now Eating One Continuous Meal A Day
The Island Where People Forget To Die NYT
A Back Tuck Progression CrossFit
Tiny 6am with NIck. Squats: 45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 245×5, 255×5. Nick called out some form violations on the 245 set and took a video of the 255 set. Looks like I'm rocking forward slightly at the bottom of the squat. Took a drop set at 135 to just concentrate on form. The 255 weight moved slowly but that may have been my excessive concentration on form.
RDLs at 135 for the first round and 155 for the remaining rounds. 65# dumbbells were not a problem. I was feeling peppy so I did 18 for a rep-out on the last set. Weighted sit-ups were interesting. Could feel something popping in my left hip capsule at the top of each sit-up. Not a painful pop, more like a cracking your knuckles pop.
Hope everyone is holding up ok back in NYC. We're in Saigon for the week and did an EARLY morning (5:45AM) WOD at Crossfit Tropics. Modified/Scaled version of the team WOD they had the US CrossFit team do in that Journal Vid recently:
12 Rope Declines (like the ring row version of a rope climb/descent)
10 Power Cleans at 40KG
20 Burpees
30 OHS at 30KG
40 Deadlifts at 60KG
800M Run
Teams of 3, one at a time per station, work until done, wait for all 3 at the end to run as a team. we finished in 18:49.
OHS were by far the most challenging even at light weight. They said we could scale to back squats but I wanted to work through them, made it in sets of 10, 10, 7, 3. Would have liked the cleans to be heavier, but speeding through them got the heartrate up a bit before the burpees.
great back flip progressions. Who wants to do them?
Hi all, long time no blog comment, I know.
I noticed when I was Oly lifting 3x a week, how important the physical movement was to my feelings of happiness, like spending a certain amount of time with the bar overhead, particularly in the bottom of a squat made me feel more alive, vibrant, happy.
Since getting cleared to start training again, I started a modern dance class to work on my sense of balance/proprioception. In the first class, we spent a lot of time learning to lengthen and collapse our bodies. Towards the end of the class we were, well, okay, prancing like fluttering swans, leaping across the room and landing in a plie with our arms outstretched (I can hear the giggles already). Suddenly everyone in the class was trying to stifle their smiles.
Then I saw this TED Talk today about power positions and their effect on your hormone levels, thought it might be interesting to think about how pressing, snatching, jerking, etc are not only great for your physical health, but also your social and mental health!!
AM Strength cycle with coach Jeremy.
Squat: 300lb x 5 x 3
Bench Press: 220lb x 5 x 3 *FAIL*
Clean: 180lb x 3 x 3
Squats felt decent today. Some reps were pretty slow but I was never in danger of failing. It took a long time to get warm today for some reason. I knew I was gonna stall on the bench eventually – the first two sets were tough but doable and then I just ran out of juice on the last set. I'll get it next week. Cleans ain't no thang.
Ken, teach me to back flip and I will wear a Michigan shirt to the gym for a week.
Surprise 7am with McDowell and Nick.
Did yesterday's press:
[45×5, 65×5, 80×4, 90×3] 95x(3×5)
Up five pounds from last week. The press is such a wonky exercise–I'm finding that it's a lot like cleans, in that heavy one week feels light the next. Will keep taking baby steps for the rest of the cycle. Happy to hear some feedback from Fox about my improving overhead position.
WOD was brutal stuff. The rest period just lets you think about how brutal the next reps are going to be! Burpees were 11, 11, 11, 9, 11+2 over time to make up for round 4. Thrusters at 125lbs, failed on the last rep of the last set and had to re-clean it up. 50sec hold on the chin.
And for the record, that's super substitute Matt Jasinski in the black on Dos MeLos!
If anyone saw my post yesterday that the Park Slope Armory is asking for games, magazines, etc. — DISREGARD IT. I heard this on social media and it must have been outdated information. When I went to the Armory today, they were no longer accepting these items. If you want to donate to the Armory shelter, they want clothing and shoes in large sizes (XL and up, size 10 and up, respectively).
Saturday morning unloading WOD:
Make up post from last night's class with MeLo and Jess.
22×5, 32×5, 42×5, 44x3x5 (is that how you write 3 sets of 5? somehow I am still never sure)
This is a 2# increase from last week's sets. Felt solid. Focus is on starting position and then not over extending in my spine.
WOD: EMOTM 10 min
Even: 10 burpees (pushups from knees)
Odd: 3 Thrusters (55#)
This was a good lil burner. wanted to go 65# on the thrusters, but it's been a while I guess! movement did not feel locked in at all, so after trying a couple at that weight, decided on 55#.
Also ran a total of 3 miles yesterday (to a friend's house in the morn to move some stuff and then to the gym in the evening, a lil over 1.5 mi each). This is getting easier and easier!
Big thanks to JOY for picking up donations from my house and several others around the slope today for the Rockaways. Your efforts are much appreciated!
LA's loss is Brooklyn's gain. Get outa here, Gabrus!
But seriously, I'll miss you and the yuks. Hope you become f'in' star!
When times get tough, make homemade sauerkraut.
the daily paleo
Good luck Gabrus. Active recovery will never be the same.
Noah, your on.
Anyone else want in? Ohio-ans care to dress down for a week?
Updated on Blog above:
Coming To The Party? What to Bring??
We've had a bunch of folks ask us if they should bring anything to the party.. the answer is YES! CFSBK will be collecting clothing and canned foods that will be donated to folks in need. I've talked to Alex at the Brooklyn Community Foundation about helping organize and distribute the materials afterwards. Our goal is to have everyone bring at least one item to donate!
I'd be down Ken, to learn a back flip.
don't blow your wod, that pic is supercute
Low Bar Backsquat
3×5 for #87
12 Noon today
5 Rounds NFT
8 Romanian Deadlifts #43 —> for sure could've gone heavier
8 DB Bench Press #17.5
8 Weighted Sit Ups #15 for 2 rounds, and #25 for 3 rounds
Will be bringing clothes to the party, but we also have a TON, way too many to carry – were going to donate to Salvation Army, thank goodness we're lazy and they're still sitting in our house.
If anyone is doing pickups we are at Smith and Douglass and will be here all night. shayealexaatgmaildotcom if you're up to it.
Damn Gabrus, we never had that beer! Best of luck to you out there, give a shout when you travel back this way!
Made up Thursday this morning
Felt lighter than last week
Thruster/Burpees at 155lbs and 10 burpees
I could have done more burpees actually – finished most rounds a little over :20 in, but the last round of thrusters was a little tough
light Row
DROMS/Informed Freestyling
Deadlift from a 4" deficit
(135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 275×2, 295×1, 315×1)
335x1x3, 355Fx2
That felt better than expected. 4" puts the barbell about 1" from the top of my shoe, feels like an eternity farther.
(45×5, 65×5, 85×3, 95×2)
Last week 100x5x3 felt really hard, this felt much easier. Probably from those two sets of curls i did last week..
Thruster/Burpee OTM
Did this at 135 for the Thrusters which felt perfect and did 10 burpees each round. Josh gave me a plate to do a competition style burpee onto. Overall I thought this was going to be harder than it was. I'd CONSIDER doing 145 in the future..
Back flips! YES.
Came in just planning to do my cleans from Monday and scram.
Worked up to 205 but only hit 2 of the triple, just not getting down fast and tight enough- the up is there.
Earlier I had been talked into doing Nasty Girls by DH3, I've only tried the workout once, scaled, and it was a big, ugly, messy, embarassing DNF, with half the gym watching and cheering me on as I tried to do muscleups that just weren't happening.
Finished today, RXed, in 13:15. Went slow and steady, and stayed with my normal muscleup strategy, which is never, ever miss. Take as much time as you need between attempts, because each miss feels like 5 and messes my brain up.
Thanks to Dan for having some guts and pushing me to do this. I tend to sandbag sometimes and often take the path of least resistance with workouts- nice to really go for it.
Also, saw Ken on the street, and we made a deal. If he teaches me to backflip, I will wear his Michigan letterman's jacket around for a week. It's on.
I had an itch to do Amanda today. 9-7-5 Muscle up, Squat Snatch@135. I love this workout. In my opinion it is the best crossfit workout EVVVEEERRRR.
Did it in 12:30.
The Snatches felt pretty easy, but the muscle ups got hard. I failed one rep at the end and that added at least 45 seconds onto my time.
David-Speal did this wod in 3:26!!! haha, im close…NOT!!!
Figured I should write this down, since I have been being kinda crappy about that.
Crash b lift: squats at 95# did 4x 60seconds, since I haven't been doing this regularly.
Rdls at 83# (bc changed to skinny bar for grip) 4x 60
Skip Chinese row. Im taking a week off for my shoulders.
3×7 glut ham raise. So hard. Need to do this regularly.
I think my posterior chain is gonna be mad tomorrow.
I did thurs workout.
Press: (45×8, 65×3, 85×3) 95x5x2, 95×10
Thruster/Burpee OTM: 115#/10,10,8,5,8
my thrusters were horrible and Josh helped me fix them when I was done – I practiced my form with the barbell for a while after the WOD.
I did one piece of 16min rowing after and jogged for ~45min for a cool down.
Are doggies invited to the bash???
double post.
did thursday. press @ 100x5x2 and then 100×10
did the thruster/burpee couplet @135 and then 12 burpees per round. (ok, but 4th round I did 10 and then 14 on 5, so sorta made up) blah blah. can't wait to see nasty girl noah wearing maize and blue!