Fitness: 1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat
Spend 15 Minutes working on this complex. Focus on a solid spinal set up, a good rack position, and proper footwork. Go up in weight only if appropriate.
Performance: Heavy Triple
Work up to a heavy 3 on the Power Clean, only go up if you’re racking the bar correctly. Focus on sharp powerful movement. Chanel your inner Lu Xiaojun
Post loads to comments.
Power Clean e2/6
5 Rounds For Max Reps of:
:40 Slam Ball 30/20/15
:20 Rest
:40 Hand Release Push-Ups
:20 Rest
:40 Sit-Ups
:20 Rest
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Heisenberg from “Fight Gone Breaking Bad”
Back to our normally scheduled programming
Classes will resume at noon today and continue as normally scheduled moving forward. We hope that “Sandy’s” effects were minimal on the CFSBK community. Our thoughts are with those who suffered property damage, injury or worse during the storm.
No Active Recovery or Competition Class tonight
Due to expected large classes this evening we’ll be running regular programming only. Come on in to clean and WOD!
I am praying to the Active Recovery gods to make Sandy go away in time to get in some mashin' and rollin'. I've got a marathon to run and I need to be a supple leopard, dammit.
Piss off, Sandy!
Are most Olympians doing a squat jerk these days? If yes, can we train it at the gym, because it looks pretty awesome when Lü Xiaojun does it.
I hope everyone is safe and sound… I'm just happy we didn't lose power at home or at work (which from an IT perspective would have been a nightmare)
I heard the Gowanus got to 3rd avenue which grosses me out to no end. Please don't step in that water– it is a superfund site!
Sure hope the gym is OK and we have power. Rob needs to squat.
Please note that the wind may have calmed a bit, but tree limbs are still falling so try not to wander around an gawk– it's not really safe out there yet.
–your mom
Anyone needing power or just a place to hang, I'm hosting.
Hit me up at 917-428-8085
Hi all- Gym will be open for noon class. Some of the other tenants from the building checked it out and said that we're okay. We were very lucky and experienced very minimal impact from Sandy in Cobble Hill. Just lost internet for a few hours, otherwise things were "normal". How's everyone else doing?
Well, unless we walk to CFSBK, we're stuck at home today as well. I don't think subways come back till tomorrow.
I'd put it at a long shot that subways are even running tomorrow. I expect them to remain closed.
I'm guessing the N train will be down for a while. The water was up to the platform at the Avenue U station.
Hope everyone and their friends and families are safe and sound. Looking forward to taking out my thoughts on Sandy's impact on my beloved Shore and the rest of the areas impacted by Sandy with some slam balls!
Assuming my car hasn't been hit by a tree, I'm going to drive to noon class. If anyone wants a ride (I'm coming from the Boerum Hill area), let me know: 2017391901 or rebecca.carvalho(at)
Does anyone know if the union street bridge over the gowanus is passable?
Crown Heights held strong and kept power all night. The quick walk I gave the dog last night, of which she was mostly airborne, showed many big branches on cars and the facade of an 1800's church ripped clean off. Time to walk her again.. its going to be nutso out there. Sandy was an angry #bitch Hope everyone is staying safe, like Rob Is posted.. branches are still dropping – a sign just went across the street from me about 5 minutes ago. Careful please.
I was home in Long Island for the storm. We got pretty crushed. Trees down everywhere, but we were lucky, didnt lose power and no damage to the house. The sound of the wind in the trees was really eerie last nite though.
Looking forward to be being back at CFSBK tomorrow though!
Samir if I go…i can maybe give you guys a ride. Ill text you later.
Stuck in London for at least 3 more days, any London area crossfit recommendations?
In case you didn't notice the addendum to the blog…
No AR or Comp class tonight, regular programming only since we expect large classes.
Epic noon class with Jeremy and Noah. Major props to the coaches for making the class run smoothly despite the bazillion people who showed up.
Worked up to 205# for a triple on the power cleans. Legs felt deaden from FGBelated on Sunday. Cleans had no pop. 301 reps on the metcon (24KG kettlebelll swings instead of slam balls). Lovely chaos during the rotations.
that class was amazing. it felt so good to get out of the apartment for a few. thanks to jeremy and noah for accommodating all fifty or so of us!
Kudos to Jeremy and Noah for man-handling a 50 person class. It was as gross as it sounds.
MGMT — any possibility I could come in and just DIY some active recovery for an hour, or is it going to be too crowded even for that?
Dan E — I went to CrossFit Central London when I was there and thought it was just OK. As long as you know what you're doing, the programming is fine, but it wasn't nearly the same level of coaching that you get at SBK. This was fine for me on the back squat, but the WOD when I was there included one-armed KB squat cleans, which I had never done before. We didn't spend any time reviewing the movement and it was a mess — bruises everywhere! But as long as you know what you're doing, it's fine.
Stella – absolutely. An hour of DIY AR takes up minimal space for sure. Come in.
Thank you from the bottom of my soon-to-be-not-a-distance-runner-anymore heart 😀
Huge 12pm class. Apparently lots of people wanted to get out of the apt / were not going in to work.
Worked up to a triple at 165 on the power clean. Felt good. got under the bar better than last week.
WOD at 297 reps. I flew at the end trying to get to 300, but not today.
why closed tonight ? and not noted on site 🙁
We were open in and full swing tonight. Maybe you've never seen the gym with the garage door closed! There is a black door just to the left of it when then weather isn't awesome enough to have the gate up.
Sorry for the confusion
Worked up to 3×155 on the cleans.
299 on the acc WOD… grrrr
David, DOH ! that was it. well . . . . a mistake you only make once i suppose.
Will try to be brief…
Foam rolling
PNF of hamstrings
30 unbroken wallballs @20lbs (felt solid)
250m row @38SPM 1:28.0/500m split (this made me very happy).
3 rounds of 10 ring rows, 6 squat jumps, 8 inch worms with push-ups.
Partnered with Dave on the clean complex.
Worked up to 175lbs while also including the jerk.
Got some good tips from David O on my jerk, need to be faster under the bar.
Generally felt like I was moving in slow motion, with my right hip sluggishly responding. Rack position generally needs work — not getting good energy transfer from the hip drive on the jerk.
Even the front squats @175 felt odd.
Going to focus on being explosive.
CRASH B Training
2×15 minute row @16SPM
Goal pace was 2:09.0/500m
First 15 minutes @16SPM 2:09.6/500m
5 minute rest
Second 15 minutes @17SPM 2:10.0/500m
Heart rate in both cases was ~163bpm.
Data here:
Will be rowing 2×16 minutes next time and trying to lock down a 2:09.0
Will try to be brief…
Foam rolling
PNF of hamstrings
30 unbroken wallballs @20lbs (felt solid)
250m row @38SPM 1:28.0/500m split (this made me very happy).
3 rounds of 10 ring rows, 6 squat jumps, 8 inch worms with push-ups.
Partnered with Dave on the clean complex.
Worked up to 175lbs while also including the jerk.
Got some good tips from David O on my jerk, need to be faster under the bar.
Generally felt like I was moving in slow motion, with my right hip sluggishly responding. Rack position generally needs work — not getting good energy transfer from the hip drive on the jerk.
Even the front squats @175 felt odd.
Going to focus on being explosive.
CRASH B Training
2×15 minute row @16SPM
Goal pace was 2:09.0/500m
First 15 minutes @16SPM 2:09.6/500m
5 minute rest
Second 15 minutes @17SPM 2:10.0/500m
Heart rate in both cases was ~163bpm.
Data here: http ://
Will be rowing 2×16 minutes next time and trying to lock down a 2:09.0
7PM class tonight. felt great to move after partying hard on sat and sun and then sitting on a couch most of the day yesterday and today.
power cleans:
drills @ 33 and 53#
63×3, 83×3, 93×3 … still am not completely happy with how i'm catching these, so I did four sets total at 93#, rather than pushing it up. need to release my hands, swing my elbows up faster, and get a bit lower in my squat!
WOD — good one! 5 rounds, amrap. kb @ 16kg, pushups from knees, situps.
rd 1: 25, 15, 22
rd 2: 25, 16, 23
rd 3: 25, 15, 23
rd 4: 26, 14, 23
rd 5: 28, 14, 25
=319 total
Worked up to 3 sets at 185×3 on the cleans, which is lighter than what I've done for 3's in the past, but my technique is getting better.
332 on the WOD