Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from exposure 1 or if you were not here Wednesday, back up 2 weeks for today’s loading. Choose a weight that allows you to potentially add 30-60 lbs to your sets across over the next 6 weeks
Performance: Heavy 5
Work up to a top set of 5 reps, heavier than Wednesday’s volume squats, start today at about 80% of a 1RM. This is meant to be a 5RM but you’ll be seeing this for the next 6 weeks so leave room. Seriously, leave room
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e2/12
5 Rounds NFT (20 Min Cap):
8 Romanian Deadlifts
8 Handstand Push-Ups or 8ea DB Unilateral Push Press, heavy
8 Weighted Sit-Ups (use a plate held overhead)
Start the RDL at about 40% of your squat weight and work up from there.
Fight Gone Bad!
The first batch of FGB2012 photos are up on the Flickr page! Big thanks to photog Dan R for all these great shots. Can you find yourself? We’ve also got Fight Gone Belated happening tomorrow at 1pm! All are welcome to spectate and cheer on the folks bringing FGB home for us all!
A Human Powered Helicopter: Straight Up Difficult NPR
1 Jar of Peanut Butter A Day
Was supposed to have a slog of a running WOD today at CrossfitMNL but it was 90 degrees with 90% humidity so thank god they modified it to:
4RFT (11:40)
20 KB Swings (24kg)
10 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
400m Run
Still was completely drenched after the first run, but glad to be doing some conditioning after yesterdays brutality.
I miss cfsbk soooooooooo much. I'm totally beat up,and it's only taken two workouts. The tiny girls here are blowing my mind in speed and strength.
I have a major problem running in heat and humidity. There was an upside or two to this workout though! Round number one I did 5 strict chin ups, was almost the last one out to the run, got back and willed myself to get kipping pull ups. Last set was unbroken! Thank you Mr. Fox, and Josh, and Noah for the guidance, tricks, ad time you spent answering all of my questions.
4 rft (14:20)
20 kb swings (12kg) I finally got the swing down! I can go up in weight. All unbroken
10 push ups
5 kipping pull ups
400m run
* attention Asians and non Asians who have eaten durian. I thought it would be fun to surprise Todd and his brother with this monster of a fruit after our breakfast at the market, and right before this wod. I will probably never be able to look at that horned demon ever again.
Joel – To respond to your post last night… Agreed. I wasn't necessarily BOTHERED (<– meant to put that in italics, but I don't know how) by the NYT article. I just thought it was weak (haha).
OK the real purpose of this blog post was so I could make a bad pun. Have a great day all!
!! Hey guys if anyone grabbed a gray hoodie just plain no zipper please text me at xxxxx it has my keys and wallet :)))) please please
Hoodie has been relocated. I edited Mel's post to remove her phone number
shooting on butler and 4th this morning – whoa.
Did the shooter run in and steal Mel's hoodie as a disguise?
230×4 (missed 5, damn it)
Was supposed to hit 435×3 but it wouldn't budge. Deads have felt shitty since not picking up anything heavy for about 4 months. Spoke with Jeremy and will heed his advice leading into the meet and add some volume to my pulling. Toying with puling Sumo.
8am class today with DO. squatted 135 x 5 and it felt good. squats always feel different and it makes my day when they go well.
accessory work: used 80lbs for the RDLs, did kipping hand stand push ups with a slow negative rotating every other round with 20-25lb one-armed push presses. used a 25lb plate for the sit ups. good stuff!
Repostng cuz i put this up late last night, not sure if anyone saw. sorry.
Dear MGMT:
I think I left my water bottle at the gym last night after 7pm class. It's silver with the lululemon logo and manifesto written on it in various colors. Please don't toss it! I may not be back at the gym until Sun or Mon, but I will grab it then. Thanks 🙂
hope everyone's having a great Saturday!!
Squats partnered with Chris A. and Doug J.
215x3x5 (all felt good, a couple of staggers coming up, so got a reminder about staying back on my heels).
Accessory WOD: 40lb DBs; 95, 115 and 135 for RDLs; 15, 25 and 35 for situps
10am group class:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 180×1)
-warmups felt pretty good but then 195 felt like shit. every one of them was different but just as equally shitty. not happy with this at all.
8 RDL's at 75, 85, 95, 105, 115
6 HSPU's strict–only for the first round, then 8e DB Push Press at 35, 40, 45, 50, 50
8 Weighted situps at 15, 15, 15, 25, 25
-those 50# db's are no joke.
DIY pull-up holds 3×15-20s.
LBBS 200x3x5. Went up smooth. Need to really focus on getting to full depth. "Knees out!"
RDLs 95, 115, 135, 155, 165
DB push press 45, 50, 50, 50. 50 SO much weaker/less organized on my left side.
Sit-up 15, 25, 35, 45, 55. Anchored. Kind of can't believe I was able to do 55, but they went up real quick.
Noon hangover class w/ Myers and Martinez
Partner with Danny and Carlos. 225# squat plus some drop sets.
RDL 95, 95 115, 135, 135.
Presses at 45
Sit ups 15, 15, 25, 35, 35
Great workout, little bit of everything. Loved it.
Heavy drinking and dancing planned tonight, hope I make the noon hangover class again tomorrow.
Got into today, partnered with Rickke and Joel. Squats at 245 which felt pretty snappy.
Kind of meandered through the accessory work, mixing small sets of HSPUs (2-5 at a go) with picking up random bars for RDLs and getting owned by the weighted situps.
I saw KH doing them with a 45# plate yesterday- badass. Didn't even get close.
Row 500m at 16 s/m
3 Rounds of:
15 Squats
10 Push-Ups
5 Chin-Ups
Back Squat (Perf)
(45×5, 135x5x2, 185×3, 205×2)
These felt just fine. Will attempt 235 next week. I hope to do an old 1RM for 5 reps by the end of this cycle. I had a form check video on my second set of these. you don't care, but here it is:
R1: 185/5-3/25#
R2: 205/4-4/35#
R3: 205/4-4/45#
R4: 205/4-4/55#
R5: 205/4-4/55#
RDL was more grip than anything else. committed to a double overhand no hook grip the whole time and really had to work to not let the bar slip out towards the end. Felt good to be doing HSPUs, which I've done very few of the last year.
Squat 225x5x3
Rdl 95,115,135,155, 155+2 risers
Hspu's strict rnd1 then kipping
Wtsu's 15, 25, 35, 45, 45
form check! i enjoyed the thumbs up at the end.
8am this morning, DROM'd with the group because i can't resist the question of the day, then got into the CRASH-B pre-race work for tomorrow's 6000m test.
rowed 10 minutes easy warm-up
20 strokes at 20s/m
20 @ 24s/m
20 @ 28s/m
then, 6000m, chose explosions in the sky "the earth is not a cold dead place" to row to for the visualization sesh. hoping that if i listened to that it will come true tomorrow.
foam rolled after for awhile. i'm scaredcited for the actual 6000.
Neither rain nor snow nor wind nor force of Stormpocalypse will keep our pub quizzers from their appointed rounds!
(no, of course we won't do it if it's not safe to come out, but we're doing it if it is, even if the rain is heavy!)
Tomorrow night, 8 PM (showing up early always encouraged), Pacific Standard, 4th Avenue at St. Mark's. Be there!