Performance: 65-70%x2x5 then Rep out
followed by a rep out capped at 10 reps. You should be able to make all 10 reps without any issues today. Choose a start % weight that will allow you to add about 30lbs over the next 6 weeks.
Fitness: 3×5 Across
Back up 2 weeks worth on today’s loading. Choose a weight that allows you to potentially add 30-60 lbs to your sets across over the next 6 weeks (+5lbs @ 2x/week). Today should feel almost easy.
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e1/6
5 Rounds NFT:
5e Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch to Lunge
10 Strict Toes to Bar
Go heavy on the DB. 20 Minute Cap on this work.
5 Rounds NFT:
5e Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch to Lunge
5-10 Strict Pull Ups
:30 Hollow Hold
20 Minute Cap on this work.
“The Tucker family is still missing being a part of CFSBK, but we’ll do our best to keep representing…”
- Don’t forget to RSVP for the CFSBK 5 year anniversary party!
Book Club Meeting
The CFSBK Book Club is currently reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. The club will meet on Oct 28th at to discuss the novel. If you’re interested in participating or getting on the book club email list, please contact Peggy at pjeanlouis1(AT) There will be a club movie outting as well!
Massage at CFSBK!
Inka has been part of the SBK community for nearly two years. As an athlete, bodyworker, and regular to CrossFit workouts, she understands first hand repetitive movement patterns and the stress they can put on the body. This familiarity allowed her to learn a wide variety of treatment techniques to help prevent overuse injuries. She strongly believes that the mind and the body are connected and that regular exercise and bodywork is a key component to maintaining one’s health.
Inka is offering sports massage geared towards breaking down adhesions, relieving trigger points, unadhering myofascial restrictions, and increasing range of motion. Techniques include Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy.
- 30 minute sessions: $60
- package of 2: $100
Intense workouts may be safe for heart patients: study Yahoo Health
To Heal a Heart, Train Harder WSJ
Mayo Clinic Prescribes Intense Workouts for Heart Patients ABC News
I may be late to the party, but I found this hilarious:
Sh*t crossfit girls say
Squats at 125, only did 3 rounds of the accessory WOD because I need to get in to work.
I'm glad I came in today. JB is the best.
I did this thing called "Crossfit" yesterday…My lats are screaming little knots of pain today. Is this normal?
Squats: 255×5, 10
Row: 1×14' @ 16SPM @ 2:18.7 @ 3013m @ 140HR
Second morning in row, surprising even myself. Tested my knee out with a light jog, no bueno. Went very light on the squats (as per El Jefe) at about 60%. One set of 5 then 10, no issues with the weight. Did one 14 minute piece, just tried to maintain the usual. Will be testing a 6k on Friday, it's gonna be ugly.
Great story in the NYT magazine – ostensibly a "why do these people live so long" inquiry, it's really a moving portrait of what community life used to look like all over the world.
The Island Where People Forget to Die
Strength cycle AM with coach Jeremy:
Squat: 285lb x 5 x 3
Bench Press: 215lb x 5 x 3
Power Clean: 175lb x 3 x 3
I was a little nervous because I hurt my back on a warmup set of squats last week. R&R set me straight though and squats were butter today.
did some Foam Rolling and Informed freestyling to get loose and limber
Back Squats
(45x5x2, 135×5, 165×5)
185x5x2, 185×10
R1: 55DB, 10 Unbroken
R2: 60DB, 10 U
R3: 65DB, 10 U
R4: 75DB, 10 U
R5: 80DB, 10 U
That took FOREVER. I did all the DB Snatch/LGs unbroken except my left arm on the 80lber which was 1-F,2,1,1. Combination of grip fatigue, a weaker arm and a little less confidence on that side after failing the second rep.
Also- It took forever because there was a LOT of sitting and staring during it… I felt gassed after every single set of each exercise. OOF
DO – What is informed freestyling? is there uninformed freestyling?, naive freestyling?
Enjoying some post workout Tuna, bok choy and listening to records..
"avocado in the neckline of the swimsuit matched just right with the vitamins in the pocket of the swimming trunks…"
Started a new squat program last night. It's good to have a change after all that time doing the Texas Method…
Squat: 205×5, 235×4, 280×3, 310×1, 320×1, 340×1
The bar felt heavy as I warmed up and 310 felt really slow. 320 was better and then I absolutely crushed 340. That was cool and felt really good. I was suppose to a double at 310 which I totally missed somehow.
Paused Squat: 245x3x2
First time doing these. It's a big part of the philosophy (paused squats for Raw squatters) of the Paul Carter who wrote this squat program. He has a paused squat only program.
RDL: 225x5x3
First time doing these in awhile so I took it easy. Good starting point.
My arm has 12 stitches in it so no upper body work for a few more days…
Stella – You take care smoochie, very happy I was there this morning.
DO: Roll me out, cold meow
Samir posting from Noor's account.
Squats, partnered with Alan and Nathan.
205x2x5, 205×10
Light snatches @30 (I always find these overhead moves a little funky). Did strict pull-ups.
DIY ring dips 3×6 + 1×3
LBBS warmed up to 195x3x5. Took the coaches' advice and went conservative with the weight. Felt light. But still, if able to add 10# per week, that would put me at 255 and that would be truly awesome
WOD: took this slow and tried to go heavy and focus on good snatch movement.
50#, 10
55#, 10
60#, 10
65#, 0 (ran out of time)
Everyone and anyone who is into Olympic lifting should meet "Pocket Hercules".
Worked at 215 today, which began by feeling slow but got snappy towards the end.
Nobody will accuse me of hitting the accesory work too hard, was into my 4th rd and had to run to start 6pm.
Funniest moment of the night belongs to DH3. Someone said their best Halloween costume was a: 80's Workout Instructor, to which Dan replied, "Yeah, Chris Fox."
Nice to work with j.Fox tonight.
45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 165×2
185x5x2, 185×10
Felt pretty fast, good place to start the cycle.
Crash bs 1x14m piece, finished just over 3k. Held 2:15-2:20 splits the majority of the time. 156 <3 rate