Some Rest Day Viewing: Pyrros Dimas Training
- We need everyone RSVP’d For the 5th Anniversary Party by no later than the 26th. RSVP Here
- Next Double Feature Movie Night Announced: November 17th: Raising Arizona and The Big Lebowski
Your next 6 week Lifting Cycle
Monday: Power Cleans
Fitness: Varied complexes with the intent to develop body awareness and good posititioning in the lift
Performance: Working up to a heavy set each week. Gradually down to heavy singles
Wednesday: Low Bar Back Squat
Fitness: Linear Progression (pull back about 2 weeks from last cycle and start building again)
Performance: Volume Bias. Start at 65-70% of your 1RM and perform a 2×5 followed by a rep out capped at 10. Add weight each week.
Thursday: Press
Fitness: Start a linear progression!
Performance: Volume Bias. Start at 65-70% of your 1RM and perform a 2×5 followed by a rep out capped at 10. Add weight each week.
Saturday: Low Bar Back Squat
Fitness: Linear Progression
Performance: Work up to a new 5RM
2012 European Olympic Lifting Championships Women 58 Kg
back to posting since FGB even though i haven't been back to the gym yet. wednesday, it's happening!
i'm late to the game but FGB was amazing. i had an awesome time. because i'm a nerdy accountant i audited my scorecard (wrote it into my notebook) and i got 295 not 275 so FGB got that much better two days later!
the after party is hard to put into words but drunken and 'had to reference my online banking to see that i'd taken a taxi home' come to mind.
i think on average i met a thousand new people and i'm pretty sure we're all best friends now. i also think i agreed to do stand-up, which if you also have this memory its not true, i totally didn't agree to that.
if you're still reading my ramblings you should join the movie club.
ok bye
Awesome lifting programming. Looking forward to it.
Also: last week''s back-off was excellent. It struck a perfect balance.
Clean: 145
Row: 1×14' @ 16SPM @ 2:18.3 @ 3043m @ ?HR
Did cleans since i'm coming tomorrow (hopefully). Kept it pretty light as per "El Jefe" Nick. Weight felt ok and everything moved fine but I wasn't enthused because they didn't look like Pyrros Dimas or Lü Xiaojun (not that they ever will). We will see if we can push the weights after this week. Did 1/2 the row as instructed tried to maintain a higher split but could only hold it for 10 minutes.
ooh, pressing on thursdays! very happy about this.
nice 6am with McDowell & Lady Fox. Lifted with the lovely Joy. Squats at 165#, which is what I did my 3×5 backoff week workout at. Felt heavy today! But the repout was totally doable. Thanks McDowell for the encouragement. Then, 5 rounds NFT of
5 DB hang power snatch/lunges each side
10 toes to bar.
Did 35# on the snatch/lunge combo after trying 40# on the first round–that was tough to keep overhead during the lunge part. Whole thing was grippy as heck. Felt good about toes to bar; made almost every rep. Woot!
7 am with Lady Fox and McD – fun as always. Thanks especially to McDowell for his boundless patience when I couldn't tell my left limbs from my right, move more than five inches in any direction without tripping over my own feet, or count reps past three. Needz moar coffee.
Psyched for this Psychle! Feel like I haven't pressed in forever, and I think I respond better to a little more squat volume- god knows I need the practice.
Some makeup: FGB was great, started at a new spot this year (row) and gradually increased intensity throughout each 5 minute period, scored 313 RX. Felt very in control of the workout, I think next year I need to work on less rest and generally getting after it. Finished with a 8 hour liquid cooldown and then some suicides in the Met Food parking lot. Good f'in times.
Yesterday worked to a set of cleans at 185, which didn't feel super heavy but felt not very organized. Still a bit sore from FGB, and I was getting pretty winded by the 4th and 5th clean. Dropped to a set of 155 at the end, and felt awesome. Got 4 RDs and 15 KB swings on the WOD, felt like I moved pretty consistently. Feels like my gas is fairly well back, looking forward to where it will be at the end of November.
Sayonara CFSBK! Sitting in the Delta terminal at JFK awaiting departure.
Came in for one last workout early (for me) this morning, 8AM with Lady Fox. High volume squats before a 24hr flight? Awesome idea. Was sparsely populated, went at tomorrows squats since I had already cleaned my face off on Sunday.
45×5 95×4 135×3 155×2 175×5,5,10
Wasn't sure I'd make it to ten at 175 but the last five were better organized than the first, even if they slowed down a lot.
WOD was awesome. Went with 40# for the db snatch/lunge. Thought it might have been too light but it got tougher to stabilize on the left side, and the couplet definitely gassed me. Grip was smoked by both movements as well. Awesome farewell workout.
See you all in a month! (Or when we Skype into the anniversary party). Also I will bear witness to Gina's promise of a standup set.
Private class at 8 am with the awesome Jess Fox, her husband on the other hand…wah wan. I can't wait to get back and annoy him with my presence.
Raising Arizona and the big lebowski!!!! Damn it! Since I can't drink white Russians with everyone ill eat a beating cobra heart that night.
Thank you noone for being in the class and Lady Fox for letting me try for a one rep max on the lbbs. It is very different than the comfort I have known with squatting previously. I'm going to follow the blog and try to increase 135#.
Db snatch was a little more stable at 20# but I remained shakey throughout the lunges. Toes to bar I have become friends with.
Happy belated birthday Aileen! Unless i drunkenly made up that it was your birthday yesterday? Which is very possible.
Dimas jerks are a thing of pure beauty. He's like a robot.
Also- I've never seen Raising Arizona, so I'm excited for that but I have seen TBL almost 30 times by now, so I'm also excited for that! I hope we get a nice turn out!