4 Rounds of:
Bench Press, 5 Reps
Max Double Unders in 2 Minutes
Work up to a heavy 5 on the Bench. No Failing! Once you finish your last rep start up on your double unders. If you don’t have doubles, use this time to practice. Rest as needed between rounds.
Post numbers per round to comments.
Team CrossFit South Brooklyn 2012
Thanks to everyone who participated in Fight Gone Bad yesterday! Everyone did a great job with both fundraising and performances. We’d also like to extend our appreciation to all the volunteers who lent their time and talents to make the event run smoothly. And the Management would like to especially thank Coach Jess Fox for taking on the lions share of organization for this event.
Top Individual Fundraisers
1. Kristen Hoesl $2,451
N/A. David Osorio $1,600
2. Asta Fivgas $1,565
3. Mike Mishik $1,520
4. Peter Mattis $1,380
5. Janelle Rooks $1,225
Top Team Fundraisers
1. Porkchop Express: $4,226
2. Buns of Steel: $3,331
3. 1.21 GigaWODS $2,585
4. DROMulans $2,525
5. Avi’s Calves $2,025
Top Female Rx’d
1. Coach Lady Fox 308 Reps
2. Coach Melo 295 Reps
3. Kate Denny 287 Rep
4. Ellie Myers 280 Reps
5. Charlotte Kaiser 279 Reps
Top Male Rx’d
1. Coach Josh 393 Reps
2. Scott Lundhagen 386 Reps
3. Mike Mishik 382 Reps
4. Christian Reiss 376 Reps
5. Coach McDowell 360 Reps
Top Team Score
1. Domin8ors 1,446 Reps
2. Buns of Steel 1,436
3. The 5 Muskepoods 1,404
4. Peace Came Good 1,391
5. Margin For Terror 1,352
195, 205, 215(4), 205 on the bench
132, 136, 117, 123 on the DU
Partnered with Ryan, Ben an d Alan. Benching at 165 across. Forgot to count my double unders. Duh. Could probably have gone heavier on sets 2 and 3, but happy to do just do a consistent load.
Feelin a lil beet up in the olde showl-DERS. So I took it easy on Benching today.
3 Rounds
20 KB Swings 20kg
20 Hollow Rocks
6 Chin Ups
Bench Warm-Ups
45x5x2, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3
Round 1: 145×5, 102 Doubles
Round 2: 150×5, 62 Doubles (OOF, shit show)
Round 3: 150×5, 83 Doubles
Round 4: 150×5, 89 Doubles
Was going :10 on, :10 off on doubles since things would fall apart if I went in too big of sets. I really dislike jumping rope.
Afterwards I did some Calve mashing.. I think someone snuck a piece of drift wood into my lower leg during the doubles..
Make Up Post from Yesterday –
My first FGB, had the best time ever, I really want to do again like now!
My team was awesome, Charmel is the best Captain ever and also his fro-wig has magical powers. Not sure if you knew that. Shout out to the rest of TEam Don't Blow your Wod – great meeting new friends and having a blast with them
Did it Rx first time out of the gate, 206 – my goal was to break 200 so I am beyond happy.
Best time ever drinking with the whole crew at the beer garden – seriously like the best day – I'm on such a high from it, however I am sore in parts of my body that I didn't know existed.
Thanks all for a great FGB day yesterday! I appreciate all the love I've gotten over the past 2 days and it just makes me love SBK even more.
Calves are super sore today and I couldn't imagine doing double unders after all the box jumps from yesterday. Did some solo active recovery with foam rolling, calf mash and couch stretch. Also a little handstand practice and handstand pushup negatives. Excited to start our new cycle tomorrow and get back to 5x week training!
Yesterday's FGB:
Box jumps: 40, 40, 40
Push Press: 30, 25, 17
Rows: 10, 8, 8
Wall Ball: 13, 12, 12
SDHP: 19, 17, 17
Total: 308
-overall pretty happy with this as it's a PR by 5 reps from last year. Pretty much stuck to my plan of reps per round. I ended up doing less calories on the erg but more on the sdhp so it balanced out.
-ok, sure I love winning this thing 2 years in a row, but seriously someone better kick my ass next year! 😉
The after Party at the beer hall was so much fun! Thank you to all who participated in FGB and celebrated with us afterwards! Thanks also to David for his help in planning and for my patient husband when I had to "just send one more email about FGB".
My judge forgot to put rx'd on my card, I did not scale. Please fix and put me on the board in 28th place @ 265 just above Fox. We also added wrong yesterday, I thought I got 275. It was annoying to lose 10 reps overnight, but it was still 22 reps better than last year.
Good times at the after party.
Thanks Noah for letting me finish my row tonight as I stupidly though OG went until 8:30 for some reason (Luca).
125×5 40 dus
125×5 53 dus
115×5 57 dus
115×5 49 dus
199 double unders… seems like I coulda mustered one more. As Ash pointed out, "We're starting from the beginning you know." Thanks Ash, thanks a lot.