Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20/14lb, 10ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)
Push-press, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
WOD Demo
Click here to see your WOD and Judging Times
Post Points and Rx to comments.
Fundraising Totals
*Results as of posting time
Gym Total: $31,931
Team 1K Club:
1. Porkchop Express: $4,226
2. 1.21 GigaWODS $2,636
3. Buns of Steel: $3,287
4. DROMulans: $2,125
5. Avi’s Calves: $2,025
6. 17 Minutes In Heaven: $1,499
7. 4 Too Many: $1,427
8. Here For The Beer: $1,360
9. Make Like Champion! $1,272
10. South Brooklyn Seahorses: $1,065
See Full Results
Individual 300 Club:
Kristen Hoesl: $2,411
Mike Mishik: $1,520
Asta Fivgas: $1,565
Peter Mattis: $1,380
Janelle Rooks $1,200
David Osorio: $1,200
Emily Ashton: $885
David Turnbill: $772
Tom Shpetner: $709
Robyn O’Brien: $635
Lauren Borducci $625
Chris Artis $622
Rebecca Carvalho: $553
Christian Reiss: $550
Julie Barnard: $510
Dan Halioua: $504
Jay Reingold: $500
Vincent Dugan $500
Sarah Marquez: $490
Gina Gatto $380
Ryan Joyce: $375
Joy Mele $375
Dan Evans: $370
Yoshi Stone: $365
Zubin Tiku: $355
Chris Paschke $350
Carlos Guerra $350
Whitney Hubbard: $348
Ben Whitney $340
Marian Lai $340
Todd Cavallo: $335
Christine Naclerio $315
Melissa Lloyd: $310
Jessica Fox $310
Avi Soroka: $310
Michael Ravitch: $300
8:30am Gym Opens
9:00-1:20 Fight Gone Bad Heats
1:30 Awards Ceremonies
2:00 After Party at Die Koelner Bierhalle
Top 3 Rx’d Male and Female Competitors
Top 3 Team score totals (mixed Rx’d and Scaled)
Top 3 Individual Fundraisers
Top 3 Team Fundraisers
Our Sponsors:
The Hungry Ghost, The Left Bank, The Owl Farm, Mission Dolores, The Hess Collection, O+M Co, Brooklyn Boulders, Ho’ Brah Tacos, Afro Brutality, Inka Hodes, lululemon athletica Brooklyn, Dr. Jason Fidler,
Please do NOT bring your bike to the gym today! We won’t be able to accomodate everyone’s bikes in the front!
Complementary Bodywork Pre/Post Fight Gone Bad!
Kinks in your shoulders/hips/back? Dr. Fidler is offering free Game Day body work for folks participating in Fight Gone Bad tomorrow.
Pre WOD treatment includes soft-tissue treatment, assisted stretching, taping, and spinal/extremity adjustments with consent and all within the state scope of practice. Also, advice may be given on the injury and further post-event care for when the athlete returns home, as well as advice on self-stretches, rehab exercises and self-care before and post event.
Post WOD The goal of this care is to assist the athletes in their immediate recovery from the event, speeding the relaxation of the musculature and the healing of any post-race myofascial tightness, spasm, or cramping
There will be a sign in sheet to reserve your spot.
Learn more about Dr. Jason Fidler at
Best time to get body worked is before the WOD. I'll be there starting at 830a
Wish I could be there. Kick ALL the ass, my peoples!!
Good luck today!
(Also, did anyone happen to find a smallish TImex digital watch in the past week? It's vanished…)
Dreamt Margie came back for FGB. She was speaking in a thick Wisconsin accent and her hair was dyed auburn and styled in a Dorthy Hamill cut… woke up screaming.
Here's hoping I can set up a second erg.
Go Buns of Steel!
HA!! If I start saying WisGonsin then you'll know I've been subsumed by this place.
Great time this morning. I'm gonna be hella sore tomorrow, I can already tell. But it was worth it. Excited to find out my score! Thanks to team Raging Bulls and to Fox for a great job emceeing.
Worked on Snatch Technique and OHS
Did the On the Minute Deadlifts at 330lbs
DB Bench: Worked up to 65×8
Did the Chin ups just with BW
Plank worked up to 75lbs on my back for an unbroken minute
Fight Gone Bad+
Did the 15 burpees with the weighted vest and got like a 176 or something. First round I felt really good and was cruising along. After the first set of burpees the walls came crumbling down. Felt like I was sucking air from an exhaust pipe the whole time. Thanks to Steph P for (trying) to keep my on point.
Funds raised: $1,600
Thanks to all the Volunteers, participants, my fellow DROMulans, and the coaching staff for making today awesome! I can't wait to see the pictures!
My first FGB since 2009! A great time, great energy at the gym. Loved having the BK Community Foundation folks there. Wasn't able to stick around for the final results but was very pleased with my score. I have no idea what I got in '09, maybe 260-something? Thanks for all the cheering, to Chris P for great scoring/encouragement, and to my fellow teammates. We sure did Make Like Champions today! Especially David & Carlos for being such champion fundraisers.
Forgot to thank Dr J for some great tweaking pre- and post- WOD. Also, as a newbie, how do we find out our scores if we didn't hang til the end?
First time Rx'd, yay! Sorry I had to bounce right after judging as I was already late for my choir rehearsal in the city.
Thanks to our OSSUM team captain Andrew for the last-minute costumes!
Forgot to say thanks to dr J for a great pre WOD tweaking. Also as a newbie, how do we find out our scores?
Once I get the pdf with the score we'll post them on the blog. so probably tomorrow's post, or Monday at the latest.
Great day today folks! You are all great human beings.
Any way we can get the slips with our scores to help strategerize for next year?
247-19 rep pr (55/55/14). Yayay! See you tomorrow @ 9.
It was my privilege to treat such a great group of athletes and quality people. Working with you guys doesn't even feel like work. I do feel terrible, however, about squeezing coach Fox's new tattoo. Please don't squash me like a bug.