Everyone participating in Fight Gone Bad tomorrow also has a judging assignment. We’ll provide the clip boards and paper work and answers for any last minute questions you might have. Check out the video above to learn basic etiquette when judging so you can be a supportive and effective judge. Below are the basic range of motion standards we’re expecting for each movement:
Box Jump: Demo Video
A/B: 20″, C: 16″, D: 12″
Start: Standing on Ground
Finish: On or above plane of box with knees and hips fully extended
SDHP: Demo Video
A: 75lbs, B: 55lbs, C: 35lbs
Start: Both plates on ground
Finish: Knees and Hips Fully Extended and barbell at approximately collar bone height.
Wall Ball: Demo Video
A: 20lb/10′, B: 14lb/10′, C: 10lb and/or 8′ or 10′ target
Start: Hip crease dips below parallel
Finish: Ball hits ABOVE target line
Rowing: Rowing Strategy For Fight Gone Bad from Concept2
No Scales
No ROM Standards
Push Press: Demo Video
A: 75lbs, B: 55lbs, C: 35lbs
Start: Bar in a racked position in front of shoulders
Finish: Knees, hips, shoulders and elbows fully extended with the barbell above the shoulders
Don’t be afraid to call a “No Rep” on someone if they’re not meeting the standards! You’ll be doing them and the event itself a favor.
Fight Gone Bad Tomorrow!!!
We’re currently at about 27K raised for the Brooklyn Community Foundation!!! We didn’t know what to expect this year and thought that 10K would be a reasonable goal which we ended up blowing out of the water. Thank you to everyone who took the time to raise some money for the good folks at the BCF and the programs they support. Today is your last chance to get those emails/phone calls/bribes etc out to raise your personal total. Can we crack 30K in the last day?!?!
Complementary Bodywork Pre/Post Fight Gone Bad!
Kinks in your shoulders/hips/back? Dr. Fidler is offering free Game Day body work for folks participating in Fight Gone Bad tomorrow.
Pre WOD treatment includes soft-tissue treatment, assisted stretching, taping, and spinal/extremity adjustments with consent and all within the state scope of practice. Also, advice may be given on the injury and further post-event care for when the athlete returns home, as well as advice on self-stretches, rehab exercises and self-care before and post event.
Post WOD The goal of this care is to assist the athletes in their immediate recovery from the event, speeding the relaxation of the musculature and the healing of any post-race myofascial tightness, spasm, or cramping
There will be a sign in sheet to reserve your spot.
Learn more about Dr. Jason Fidler at www.fidlerdc.com
Massage at CFSBK!
Inka has been part of the SBK community for nearly two years. As an athlete, bodyworker, and regular to CrossFit workouts, she understands first hand repetitive movement patterns and the stress they can put on the body. This familiarity allowed her to learn a wide variety of treatment techniques to help prevent overuse injuries. She strongly believes that the mind and the body are connected and that regular exercise and bodywork is a key component to maintaining one’s health.
Inka is offering sports massage geared towards breaking down adhesions, relieving trigger points, unadhering myofascial restrictions, and increasing range of motion. Techniques include Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy.
- 30 minute sessions: $60
- package of 2: $100
Artist Faces Jail Time Over Disturbing Taxidermy
Even Creationists are eating Paleo!
Actual comment from the second link:
"I am really pleased to find others that believe in the truth of the Word of God, and the Genesis account of Creation, who eat with a general Paleo focus. And I’m sure I’m not alone in learning about the Paleo diet from my local CrossFit. Funny story. The first time I went to CrossFit, I thought because of “cross” in the name, I thought I had found a Christian gym. Now two years later, I’m still going strong with CrossFit. Even if it didn’t turn out to be a Christian organization."
@MGMT: This isn't particularly apropos of anything but I remember a conversation here about programming a while ago, so here goes:
I'd love to see more partner workouts that work as interval-type WODs. A great example would be the partner Cindy we did once. Each partner goes for a minute, and then the other takes up where the first one left off. You get a great workout in as you can go really hard in your intervals, you really work as a team, and you have a sense of joint accomplishment. I also like the 'parceling out the workload' type interval workouts with partners. I don't know how difficult these are to program, but anyway, that's my tuppence.
Question re: box jump standards. Is there a forced step-down for the actual event? I only ask because it doesn't mention it here.
What Samir said! I too remember that partner Cindy as something tough yet enjoyable.
Also regarding box jumps, does a step up count as a rep? I think it was allowed last year.
Unless I'm mistaken, step ups count for reps, and we are operating under the less stringent "Old School Crossfit" standards of allowing athletes to achieve hip extension in the air as they jump off the box. So, no Todd, you don't have to step down.
This is all subject to the whims and views of the FightGoneBoss.
+1 for old school box jumps
-1 for partner wods
Oh snap, jump off AND no double extension!?! My target number just got a lot more achievable!
Noon o'clock with Jess and McDowell. I partied late into the night at L&B Spumoni Gardens last night and blame it on my sucky sumo dlhp today, and I would do it again right now. I used 55# which I have used 2x this week but today it wasn't happening. The paleo gods made it rain on my parade.
Deadlifts I started feeling like I wasn't completely doomed. We worked up to 123# and I made sure to set my bar down silent like a ninja.
The not for time wo was exactly what I came in looking for. I wanted to suffer just as much as the people before and made it through 4 rounds. The last set of chin ups I went 3/1/1. It's not good for someone who has a goal of being the worlds greatest pull up champion. 20# db presses, should've gone up to atleast 25 for a couple sets but felt like I needed to save something for the planks. They went 25,35×3.
I love cfsbk!
@todd please don't hurt yourself, or wear a weighted vest and really go for it! 🙂