Focus on your rack position and balance in the bottom of the squat. Consider this a pre-exposure to work out any issues you’ve got before we start the next cycle.
4 Rounds NFR of:
1:00 Push Press 75/55/35
1:00 Row Calories
1:00 Rest
3,335lbs of Bumpers waiting to be picked up and put back down
Sumo Deadlift High Pull Practice
If you haven’t gotten a chance to try out the SDHP this week and are competing in FGB, join David at Open Gym on Friday night (6:30p-7:00) to work out the movement and pressure test your capacity in it. Please email David at David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to RSVP. Please put SDHP as the subject heading. If there are lots of folks we may run a couple sessions.
In the meantime, Check out this SDHP specific Mobility WOD to try on
A Message From Marilyn:
“As President of the Brooklyn Community Foundation, I send this heartfelt thanks for the tremendously inspiring work that members of the CrossFit South Brooklyn community, and extended family and friends, are doing on behalf of people across Brooklyn of all walks of life, backgrounds, and need. The funds you raise will help the Foundation elevate the quality of life for all people in Brooklyn through grants to organizations working at the front lines of education, human services, workforce development, environment, social justice, and arts and culture. Rest assured, we are not sitting idly by watching you fundraise, but using Fight Gone Bad to galvanize our base to join in on the fundraising so we can keep the tally moving ever upward. Thank you, dear friends, for your sweat, effort, and love of Brooklyn.”
Marilyn Gelber
President, Brooklyn Community Foundation
And then an added Bonus message from Alex V:
Also, in the spirit of CrossFit South Brooklyn’s efforts, our Board Chair is personally ready to do a 2 for 1 challenge if we get over $25,000. This would mean anything we raise over $25k, he will personally put in $2. Lets THANK YOU! (At Blogging time, CFSBK is currently at: $23,670!! Can we crack 25K by Saturday???)
Team 1K Club:
The Porkchop Express $3,656
Buns Of Steel $2,125
Avi’s Calves $2,005
1.21 GIGAWODS $1,970
DROMulans $1,555
17 Minutes In Heaven $1,319
Make Like Champion! $1,102
4 Too Many $1,067
Individual 300 Club:
Kristen Hoesl $2,236
Peter Mattis $1,380
Asta Fivgas $1,300
Janelle Rooks $920
Mike Mishik $880
David Turnbull $752
Emily Ashton $710
Tom Shpetner $709
David Osorio $700
Christian Reiss $550
Robyn O’brien $545
Lauren Borducci $525
Jay Reingold $500
Chris Artis $452
Dan Halioua $440
Julie Barnard $390
Marian Lai $340
Sarah Marquez $330
Zubin Tiku $325
Rebecca Carbalho $325
Gina Gatto $320
Yoshi Stone $305
Avi Soroka $300
The CFSBK Movie Club Reminder
“Remember how much fun it was back in middle school when you and your pals would giddily invade the local multiplex on a Friday night to catch whatever schlock the most recent teen heartthrob (Freddie Prinze, Jr. FTW!) was turning out that week? There’s just something special about sitting in a dark room with friends and watching attractive people pretend to be other attractive people. We may get older, we may develop taste, but movies will always be awesome.
It is with that in mind that we submit, for your consideration, CFSBK Movie Club. Each month, the group will vote for an upcoming film; we will organize a field trip to see said film in the theater; and then we will retire to a nearby bar to discuss. Kind of like Book Club, if the books were made of moving pictures.
To get the ball rolling, we will be seeing “Cloud Atlas” (as a tie-in with the Book Club) sometime in November. After that, it’s up to you (so choose wisely).
If you’re interested, email gina.gatto(AT)gmail.com to be added to the listserv.
Back To Basics CrossFit KOA
Should You Go Paleo? Men’s Health
Chris A, I read your post. Indonesia dually noted.
Just got back from Oakland. Oakland is like the BK of Cali.
I haven't ever officially done Fight Gone Bad, but I did do it as a WOD one day back in April 2011, when I had been doing Crossfit for about 10 months.
Box jumps@ 20" – 39 total
Push press @ 45# – 35 total
Row – 27 total
Wall ball, 10# @ 8' – 20 total
SDLHP @ 45# – 48 total
Score – 169 total
I'm planning on Rxing it this year and absolutely murdering my previous score. It's really great to see how far my strength and endurance has come in the past two and a half years – it just keeps getting better! Just from practicing today I was averaging 22 push presses per round, which would literally double my previous score, and 9 calories per round, so I'm feeling great about it. Can't wait for Saturday!
For all of you that like to lift/WOD in Chucks, they're on sale on Haute Look: http://www.hautelook.com/event/22035conversewf
In case you were interested in how to cut up a whole hog.
Squat: 3x5x285
Crash B rows: 1×14' @ 16SPM @ 2:21.2 @ 2988m @ 140 HR
1×14' @ 16SPM @ 2:22.3 @ 2965m @ 140 HR
Made it to class 2 days in a row, in the cold. Say what? Will miracles ever cease. Squats were cool, weight was heavy enough to feel it. Just gotta get used to moving faster between sets though. Oh for the days of a nice powerlifting pace. Crash B rows went about the same as yesterday, a little slower. I think because I didn't rest enough in between squatting and rowing.
pure gold.
http://www.bindersfullofwomen.tumblr dot com
Thanks Noah and Fox for your shout-outs ! Its been great working with all of the coaches over the past few months. I'm super excited to be working at the gym.
For those of you who want to give your muscles a speedier recovery from FGB come see me on Sunday. I still have slots in the morning and during open gym. email me – inka.hodes@gmail.com
Great noon class with Coach Josh!
Low bar back squat 3 sets of 5 @ 205#
4 RFR of 1 min row for calories, 1 min push press @ 75#, 1 min rest.
Row = 25, 23, 21, 20
PP = 21, 18, 14, 13
Good one. Thanks for having me, guys! I had a blast!
Coach Dan
More fuel on the fire. Finished converting my desk at work to standup today. Lots of jokes.
6pm class with Fox and Noah.
droms, jumping jack variants, hip openers, calf march
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2)
work: 190x5x3
-felt ok today. I actually had a couple of reps that felt really solid and a few that felt a little squirrely. The majority were in between.
4 Round NFR:
1:00 row–15, 12, 12, 12
1:00 Push press –15, 30, 25, 23
-started on the erg and got too many calories that first round which affected my first round of push press. Decided to stop the later rounds at 12 calories since I can bang out more reps in push press. Going to shoot for 11 calories and 23 push press for FGB.
Three days til my high school reunion – the first one I've ever gone to.
I have no love for those people or that town, and have avoided all such gatherings with extreme prejudice since the day I blew out of that shitty suburban hell.
Now, however, I'm on a mission to show them what Strong in High Heels looks like.
Bring it!
6 pm with Fox and Noah.
I was excited by nft/nfr workouts so I could amp up my running and still make it in and be operational. Now I have no idea why I thought that would mean easier. It is not. I did Monday's wo yesterday, semi zombie status. Today I was more robot than human and just not excited to row. Up until the last round everything was ok. Round 4 I died in the push press. I saw lady fox out of the corner of my eye destroying it and just tried to give something until the end. I fought for what seemed like 30 seconds to lock my arms out on that last rep.
I got 13 calories each row.
I think around 12-14 on the pp, last round maybe 9 or 10? I really tried not to pay attention to reps, give my brain/body a break, until I started competing with myself each round.
My lbbs I quickly worked up to 83# and stayed there to work on my wobbles. I was alone and ended up doing this 5×5. I had a list of tweaks to make throughout. Thank you Noah for the feedback. By the end I managed to keep my weight in the heels and that seemed to work out the other things….I think.
6pm with Fox and Noah also.
Kept it at 185 for the LBBS to work on initiating the drive properly. Rickke said my last set looked the best, so I guess practice makes perfect!
Didn't actually count my reps for most of the presses (true NFR style), though I know I was breaking it up into 3 sets of around 10, 8, 6 for most of the rounds with a 5 second breather between each. I think that will be my strategy for Saturday as well.
For the row, I know I can pull 20 calories pretty regularly now that I've fine-tuned my stroke, but I'll probably just aim for an easy 15 and push it harder elsewhere, since most people suggest to not waste too much energy for those extra few cals.
Abandoned porn reminded me of this other site. :
Treehouseporn . Tumblr . Com /
There once lived an amazing crystal meth chemist turned bank robber who built an incredible multi storied treehouse, the Scurlock house, a true breaking bad story.
Had an IDEA for FGB, we should set up TWO ergs per team, so that if one's arms are cashed on the push presses, one can go strap in and be ready to pull when the clock ticks over. This helped me maximize output with the couplet of push presses and rowing for calories:
Push Presses 25/20/15/13
Calories 16/16/15/19
This method totally worked.
First, I just want to say how much I love CFSBK. An in particular, Jess Bailey is pretty effing rad.
Did 90 min of yoga after work this afternoon and decided to hop on the subway down to the gym for 7pm class. Cheers to long-ass, fulfilling days.
bsq: 45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115x3x5
4 Round NFR:
1:00 row– 16, 10, 10, 10
1:00 Push press @ 55# –16, 15, 15, 15
obviously went too hard out of the gate with the row. For FGB I think 10 is a good consistent number I can stick to, and then amp it up in my last round. Push Press was doable each round and don't think I could get much more at that weight. I did 7 in a row quickly at the start of each minute, and then did two more sets of 4. Will strive for 15 each round.
p.s. Holy sh*t lady fox those are some REPS!