Thibault does some vacation Pressing
Fight Gone Bad Schedule
Below is the schedule for Fight Gone Bad this Saturday. Please check the heat schedule to find your WOD time AS WELL as your judging time. Captains should collect $20 from each competitor to pick up their shirts and register that the entire team is in house. Directly after your heat each team should head outside for the team portrait, the weirder the better. At 1:30p we’ll be announcing the winners (in the categories listed below) and handing out prizes from our sponsors. If you’re in an early heat, it would be awesome for you to come back for the awards ceremony and group picture! Also.. if you know you are top three in a category, please be there for the awards ceremony! It’s no fun saying your name to a crowded room while you’re home sleeping on the couch!
8:30am Gym Opens
9:00-1:20 Fight Gone Bad Heats
1:30 Awards Ceremonies
2:00 After Party at Die Koelner Bierhalle
Top 3 Rx’d Male and Female Competitors
Top 3 Team score totals (mixed Rx’d and Scaled)
Top 3 Individual Fundraisers
Top 3 Team Fundraisers
Our Current Sponsors:
The Hungry Ghost, The Left Bank, The Owl Farm, Mission Dolores, The Hess Collection, O+M Co, Brooklyn Boulders, Ho’ Brah Tacos, Afro Brutality, Inka Hodes, lululemon athletica Brooklyn
Would you like to be a Fight Gone Bad 2012 Sponsor? We’re looking for local business to donate prizes for our awards. If you’d like to donate, please contact David(at)
Fundraising Report
The gym is currently at: $19,738 raised for charity! When you add in the personal donations the board members will be matching for every dollar over 10K, this puts us at a grand total of: $29,476!!!!
Stay tuned tomorrow for an update on the individual and team fundraising leaderboards!
The Brooklyn Community Foundation Series:
Bushwick Housing Independence Project
If you HAD to leave the United States tomorrow and could live anywhere else in the world, where would you go?
Don’t forget to follow crossfitsouthbrooklyn on instagram!
DH3 says
Great Job on the Fundraising. Just remember if you want to see DH3 with #brooklyn shaved into his head, make sure he gets over $500 in donations. At 400 now.
Worked out at San Francisco Cfit yesterday, met KStarr.. Really nice guy, super cool, super bro. Whats cool abt cfit sf, they bring it in at then end of each class.
we did 5,5,3,3,1,1 reps of strict press at 95, 135,145,155,165,170F
then wod was 3rds of c&j @115 with 24 inch boxjumps. 5:40. All c&j unbroken.
JR says
Puerto Rico. I really love it down there. I love the warmth of the people probably more than anything, but I love the food, the music, the beaches, the golf, the parties, the dancing, I just love it all.
JB says
I never should have looked at the heats last night as I dreamt of Lady Fox laughing and throwing bumpers yelling "dance monkey dance" at me. Jesus Christmas…
Live anywhere? A random drawing of my favourite places… Santa Cruz, Tenerife wins. If it magically disappears for some reason then Barcelona. says
I don't know, but it would be somewhere with a higher economic freedom index!
Did yesterday's WOD. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I had a choice between back squats and something else, and I chose something else, mostly because I know I suck at cleans and would like to suck less.
Jess made the excellent observation that I have a death grip on the bar when I clean, which is why I can't get my elbows around fast enough. I'm hoping for more cleans in the next cycle, so I can really work on releasing the bar. says
Stella…go figure! I was doing cleans yesterday and noticed midway through that as I got more tired and my elbows came around easier that I was probably also gripping the crap out of the bar during the first half of the workout… says
To answer the question: New Zealand, simply because I'm going there in December and want to start my excursion early!
JR says
I really did think if Stella answered, that she'd say Hong Kong or Singapore. Close enough. Here's the economic freedom index:
1. Hong Kong
2. Singapore
3. Australia
4. New Zealand
5. Switzerland
6. Canada
7. Chile
8. Mauritius
9. Ireland
10. United States.
asta says
And continuing working as an architect? Probably Scandinavia.
And live a relaxed, beach-side existence? Costa Rica.
Janelle says
Just wanted to say a belated thank you to David for posting the apple seeds membership raffle to the blog on Saturday. Today is the last day to buy tickets – $5 each and 100% of proceeds benefit FGB fundraising. If someone from CFSBK wins I will add in a FREE upgrade to our green apple membership which gives unlimited access to both of our play spaces. See Saturday's post for more details!
If I had to pick a place it would probably be Costa Rica.
Joel W. says
Yes, that libertarian paradise Singapore.
KH says
Bien sûr, j'aimerai habiter à Paris.
Joy says
Spain . . . assuming there is at least one korean restaurant in the country. says
Great 6am with Jess & McDowell. Did tomorrow's workout:
3×5 BSQ @165. These felt nice and solid, very focused on form esp in the 3rd set
4 rounds NFR
1:00 push press @ 55 (20, 15, 15, 15)
1:00 row for calories (15, 10, 10, 12)
The transitions were super slow so the rows were really only 35 seconds or so.
Oooh, HARD to choose. Paris, I think. Rio second. Also on the list: Scandinavia, London, Beirut (in more peaceful times).
Love that Canada outranks the US in "economic freedom." Universal health care! says
Rome. Best pizza around says
I'd head somewhere in southwest Germany, probably. Or Copenhagen–understated beauty, gorgeous architecture, bike friendly, and full of CF boxes I'm sure…. says
Hey y'all – do any of you amazing strong people have time to help me move a couch from Midtown East to my Prospect Heights apartment this afternoon (around 4?). I can compensate you well for your time in both beer and food and also possibly hugs. says
Also, if you're the kind soul who can help me, send me an email at mathew.a.katz AT gmail DOT com.
KMo says
Forgot to write this in my notebook, make-up post from yesterday:
Worked up to 93# for 2 on HPC
Then, 3 rounds of 16 reverse lunges with 35# plate, 16 knee push-ups, and 16 hollow rocks. Must. Do. More. Push-ups. I feel like I'm back to Day 1 on lack of upper body strength.
shawn$ says
JJ says
Communist Russia, preferably in a commune.
Crystal says
I want to move to Iceland, have a goat farm and better learn cheese making. I also (out of pure curiosity) want to take some classes at the elf university, and if I hone my medium abilities, have a lot of half elf babies. The end.
Hong Kong is nice too. I love pork buns and milk tea.
K2H2 says
Of the places I have visited, Barcelona.
Of the places I have not yet visited, New Zealand, SE Asia…. says
Anyone recommend a box in SFO that I can go to tomorrow morning? I'm staying on downtown SFO so somewhere local would be good – and somewhere that accepts drop ins.
Thanks in advance says
And Namibia or Botswana if I could go anywhere and live anywhere tomorrow.
ginacatto says
back to the motherland, somewhere in the italian countryside. when i was on vacation there in may i got an offer to muck horses in moncucco torinese, maybe i'll take that up but find some way around the mucking horses part, i'm not even entirely sure what that entails. says
From Dog Day Afternoon (1975) – two bank robbers – played by Al Pacino and John Cazale have taken a group of hostages in a bank branch (Windsor Terrace(!)) and are negotiating with the police.
Sonny: Is there any special country you wanna go to?
Sal: Wyoming.
Sonny: Sal, Wyoming's not a country.
So, Jackson Hole. First round at the Mangy Moose in Jackson Hole is on me. says
Dave, I had a good experience at K-Star's box (CrossFit San Francisco) — it is in the Presidio, though, kind of far removed from everything. So if you don't have a car, it'll be like a $25 cab ride one way from downtown SF, yikes!
Joy says
I second Crossfit San Francisco.
Mel says
7 am with McDowell did the back squats #135 and the rowing piece 2 x 14'/5' @ 16. I think my body is still adjusting to the morning class – woke up at 3:30 am and never got back to sleep. So squats were UGLY but the they got up.
For countries I have been pretty darn lucky and lived in a fair few – so I can live anywhere for a bit. If I was to do it again I would have to say Euro town is pretty but it can get boring. Asia and Africa are both freakin' awesome and adventurous enough to keep me entertained (I like Africa's wilderness but Asia has FAR better street food). Aussies and Kiwi's are fun. I would do South/Central America if I wanted a life of diving and got over being lazy to the point I could learn one more language.
Also I have been to Wyoming a lot, trust me it might as be another country. says
Noosa, Australia. It's a quaint, non-pretentious surf town in the sub-tropical northeast.
Thinking about setting up a complementary treatment station for the athletes this Sat. Thoughts?
Lisa F says
I'd go to Mexico. At whatever beach they ended up in Y Tu Mama Tambien.
Worked up to 85# on LBBSq. i feel like i could do a lot more if it didnt bother my shoulders so frackin much. Total of 60 push presses at 55#, 44 cals on erg. But it's not the push presses or rowing I'm worried about….
Mike J says
@ Dave E – LaLanne Fitness is the CF closest to downtown SF, I think. I had a good experience when I dropped in there a few months back. Just call or e-mail in advance.
Shaye says
In Los Angeles right now. Of all the places I would least like to live, this takes the cake. By a landslide. international or not.
Place I would most like to live outside the US: London….like now…specifically Hoxton.
Troy Mclure says
Couldn't make the morning classes so I did a 12pm. See Melissa I'm still alive. Will I get to more than 1 more class this week? We will see.
Cleans: 135, 145, 115, 125, 135, 145
Started too heavy so I dropped down on the cleans.
1×14' @ 16SPM @ 2:18.7 @ 3040m @ 125 HR
(5min rest)
1×14' @ 16SPM @ 2:21.4 @ 2972m @ 140 HR
First day after a week off. Took awhile to get my stroke rate consistent then I realized I couldn't keep a 2:15 pace throughout so I went with 2:20. Need to work on keeping my consistency throughout the entire piece.
DH3 says
Just went to CF SF, was awesome. Really good coaches. Checking out Lalanne today. says
I just finished an hour long birthday party for 9 seven year olds. We played "CrossFit 7 Pin Bowling", "CrossFit Dodgeball" and the "CF Infantry Obstacle Course"
Holy hell kids are a handful but I was really happy with how I did considering it's not a population I work with.
Also I would live somewhere in Holland I think.
JJ says
DH3: I am headed to SF in two weeks. I expect a full report of all the boxes you visited upon your return.
Todd says
@DO, Den Haag is like Amsterdam with a beach, if that's your thing.
I've always enjoyed myself while traveling, but I've also always been excited to return to Brooklyn, so I've never had the bug to move elsewhere. If I HAD to move, it would probably be to another metropolis at this point in my life. I can see myself in Hong Kong or Singapore maybe. Give me a few years and I'm sure I'll be ready for a farm, a remote beach, or just a cabin in the woods…
Off schedule this week with some extra weekend FGB practice so I took yesterday off and came in today for the clean workout.
Kept the complex at 135 throughout since I also did heavy cleans on Sunday.
NFT work was definitely enough to tire out all the muscle groups involved, went 35, 45, 55, 55 on the lunges. I forgot how much the isometric overhead work tires out the shoulders. Between the SDHPs and OHS warmups and those, I'm definitely feeling it.
michele says
I loved Barcelona and the Spanish lifestyle. It's hard for me to say I'd want to live there because I know what the unemployment rate is, and y'know, a bitch needs to earn.
Tonight's workout: Bench 1-Rm
I tied my all-time 1-RM tonight so I am pretty pleased – bench is my biggest goat. Thanks a bunch to Rob Is for spotting and coaching me. says
Today's question is tough and as I read I kept finding myself saying "yea! I'll live there!"
My first thought was Ambergris Caye off of Belize. Basically to be by the ocean and scuba. Later I realized I may prefer snowboarding and Vancouver would give me the city life AND Whistler. I could also move back to my birthplace, Freeport, Bahamas. I've never been, but Holland entered my mind (civil, not economic liberties) and I loved Paris. Italy? Hell yes!
I need to do some more traveling. I like going back to the same places, but I there are too many places I haven't been. It seems the wish list is getting longer, not shorter.
Strength Cycle…
Close Grip Bench: Basic warmup and then 185x4x5
Squat: 235x3x3
Felt good. As Michele predicted, I'm definitely more sore today than yesterday, but not debilitatingly so. These squats were what I needed.
Curls: 30x12x3
Tri-roll-backs: 30x15x3
Got an arm pump.
michele says
Squats are always what I need.
Dh3boxesinsf says
Checked out United Barbell in SOMA today. Nice atmosphere, small spot limited space. Not much coaching, but we did a hero wod called "josh" i subbed the 95lbs ohs, for 135 front squats.
21 fsq @135
42 pullups
15 fsq @135
30 pull ups
9 fsq @ 135
18 pullups
My time: 8:48
Fox says
Bench Press LP
I was supremely enjoying (and distracted by) the 7 year old's Bday party happening while doing this. I think I missed reps…
RDL, top 8
138, 185, 235, 245×8
Chris A. says
No one will read this since I'm writing at midnite, but Papua, Indonesia in the Raja Ampat. I'd go tomorrow. I'd miss you all but you'd always have a hammock to sleep in if you chose to visit.