12 Days Until Fight Gone Bad
Under two weeks until the big day and Team SBK has raised $14,561 for charity! This is 146% of our original goal! As mentioned in Saturday’s post the board of directors at the BCF have thrown their hats in for a 1 to 1 Challenge and are going to provide $1 for every dollar we raise over 10K. This puts our Actual total to $19,122
As amazing as this is, we still have some folks who have not started their fundraising. We aren’t asking for any minimum amount raised, but we would like to see everyone make an effort to raise something. If you have 5 minutes (you do!) available today, draft that email you’ve been putting on the back burner. It takes so little to help those who are making such a big difference in the community we live in… for example:
Brooklyn College Foundation Inc.
Rowing a 2000m Race
By: Nick Peterson
Here are some recommendations for the 2K on the erg – what rowers call an “erg test.” Of course, there is no magic bullet. When I first started this I thought I could just write, “Go as hard as you can. That’s it.” And while that’s actually true, I think there are some important things for people who are unfamiliar with this distance to keep in mind. The goal is to remain consistent and calm throughout your piece.
Consistent Pacing
Why Be Consistent?
This is a test of endurance. So going out like gangbusters at the beginning will not bring your score down. You wouldn’t start a marathon with an all-out sprint for as long as you can go; if you did, you’d hit a wall, then look up and remember that you have another 25.8 miles to go. The same is true here, even though it’s a much shorter distance.
This is not a piece that you can approach with a “just go out hard, and then hang on” mentality; to do so is called to “fly and die” – a term used in the rowing world and I’m sure in other endurance racing sports. Think of this as running as fast as you can for this distance, a mile and a quarter, while carrying a weight. Or, better yet, doing seven or eight minutes of deadlift high pulls, with 30 reps per minute – or 210-240 deadlift high pulls for time. No breaks. You can’t do 30 reps in 45 seconds, then pause for 15 seconds, than go again for 45 seconds. Just a steady 30 reps throughout each minute. If you do this, you have to be consistent and relaxed, and settle into a good breathing pattern.
Splits & Rating
All rowing pieces are broken down into 250m and 500m increments; your goal is to look back at your “splits” – your time per 500m – and see very little variation among the different 500s. (You have the option to display splits on your erg, along with calories and watts; rowers use the 500m splits.) Your first and last 500s will naturally be a little faster than the middle two 500s, but otherwise there should be no glaring differences.
If you’ve pulled a 2K test in the past, a good thing to do on your next 2K is to shoot for the exact same score, but to do so with consistency. For example, if you pulled an 8:20 the last time you did it, that’s 2:05 splits (2′ 5″ per 500m), on average. So the next time you pull a 2K just sit on 2:05 splits the whole time. If that feels too easy, then go for 2:04. But be conservative.
Also, your rating, or stroke rate, should be largely the same throughout. The rating is generally 28-34 per minute for the body of the piece. I always tended to be around 30-32.
I’d like to lay out the 2K sequentially, in order, starting with the warm-up. Keep in mind, though, that throughout the test you must focus on breathing, good posture, relaxation, and LENGTH. Do not ever shorten up your stroke. Ever. This is all especially true when you are really hurting.
Do a gentle warm-up, at least 10 minutes. I liked starting at 3:00 splits and knocking down the split by 10s every 300m until I got to 2:00 or 1:50. Very easy. Take a break to stretch or go to the bathroom. Then do a few harder pieces. I always liked doing a few 20s (in rowing speak, this means “20-stroke pieces” – so a 10 is a 10-stroke piece, a 30 is a 30-stroke piece; beyond that you start using meters or minutes for measuring pieces). After the 20s, I liked doing one or two minute-long pieces at race pace. If you do this, rein it in – don’t get caught up in the excitement and go harder than your target pace. After this, do one or two 10s at your sprint pace – what you will do at the beginning and end of the piece. Again, don’t go crazy
“Paddle” – i.e., row lightly – for a few more minutes just to flush things out.
Throughout the warm-up stay long and relaxed.
You can take another break if you want. You are now ready to start.
For the erg, you can do your start in two or three strokes. At the start, sit at half or three-quarters slide – not at full slide (more rowing terminology, sorry – the “slide” references have to do with how far up the rail your seat is; so “half-slide” means your seat is about halfway, and “full slide” means your seat is all the way up). Keep your back a little more vertical than you normally do when rowing. Focus on being relaxed. Take a few deep breaths, then squeeze to the finish – go hard, but don’t jump. Just lean back. Once you’re done with that first stroke, don’t waste any time getting back up to the catch for another short stroke (again, not full slide), which is much quicker – instead of a squeeze, you now want to kick it. For the third stroke, you can establish length.
Take 10 really hard strokes at a pretty high stroke rate – 36-40. Then immediately settle into your rhythm. You’ll feel great at this point, but once you get to about 400m your energy systems will switch over from anaerobic to aerobic, making for the first mental obstacle of the piece. So just relax and get into your groove. Establish your breathing pattern, and make sure you are long.
Again, do not go nuts at the beginning. This is a long piece, and you have to think of each stroke as a brick; you’re building your piece, brick by brick, and you have to be patient. If you go too hard at the beginning, your time won’t be better in the long run – you’ll hit a wall and you’ll have a hard time digging yourself out later. (Sorry about the mixed metaphors.)
400m or 500m In
Take a “power 10” – literally, 10 more powerful strokes that help you get over a hump – just to kick down the split a little, and use the 10 as a chance to focus on being quick and light. Focus in on your legs doing the work during the 10, and keep your arms and shoulders relaxed at the catch and during the recovery. The 10 takes you over the first hump. (In rowing, the way to deal with difficult moments is to go a little harder.) Your rating may go up a little on its own. After the 10, settle back into your rhythm, and make sure you’re long.
The middle 600 – between around 700m and 1300m in – is about the hardest part of the piece. My second 500 was always my slowest of the whole piece, when I realized, “okay, uh, this is happening”; part of my third 500 always had the worst splits, but the end of the third 500 was, for me, when I started to tighten the screws, so that segment always ended up being faster than the second 500.
This is where you kick its teeth in. Take a power 20 – really aggressive, but again, not inconsistent with the rest of the piece. In other words, if you’re at a 32 throughout the piece, don’t go to a 40 here; at most, your rating will jump one or two beats. (I guess I shouldn’t stress this too much, because the reality is that you won’t be able to go crazy anyway.) The 20 at the 1000 helps you get through this. Kind of.
The third 500 is really hard for most, but some also actually like it because you’re past the halfway mark and just taking it home. In a rowing race, this segment can really determine the result.
Once you’re done with your power 20, just check in again on your length and breathing.
500m to Go
Take another power 10.
400m to Go
Squeeze your split down a bit more. This is the calm before the storm. Don’t let the splits float up – keep it down.
250m to Go
Kitchen sink time. Just go for broke. You can put up with anything for 21-25 strokes. If you’re a fast-twitch athlete, you’ll love this. You should jack the rating as high as you need to – I always had a low rating in general, and I’d be at a 40 or higher at this point.
There are various games you can play in your head to help you get through the piece – you’re used to this from all the other training you do. I found myself counting much more than necessary, just to help me through. For instance, from 750m to go until the end, I counted pretty much every stroke. I tricked myself into thinking that each stroke would be 10m, and always felt a little better knowing that each stroke was actually a little more than 10m. (Yeah, it can get that stupid.) I think this is a personal thing, and while I’m happy to share other thoughts on little mind games you can play, I think it’s better for you to develop them on your own. But the best thing you can do throughout the piece is maintain length and make sure you’re breathing sufficiently.
Some videos to check out
Here’s Xeno Muller (’96 gold/’00 silver in the single, the one-man event), and Rob Waddell rowing in a double.
’00 gold in the single and apparently the best VO2 max of any athlete ever tested, according to Wikipedia
Incidentally, Waddell is the world-record holder on the erg: 5:36.6 or something like that. That’s INSANE. My best was 5:51.8, perfectly respectable internationally. But 5:36 is phenomenal. I raced against Xeno in college.
Here’s Xeno, with Rob Waddell to his right, on ergs
They’re using RowPerfect gizmos, which keep the entire erg on tracks so as to roughly simulate the feel of a boat.
Here’s a guy that Xeno is coaching in the single
He looks really good – simple, direct drive. Don’t know who he is
Great article Nick. This actually helps a lot as normally when I do a 2k it ends up being very similar to how I used to swim a 500 yard race, since that's all i know…. Start strong for the first 100 (probably the 500 on the erg), 100-350 (500-1300) was pace time, pick up at 350-400 (1300-1500), and all out basically bring it home on the last 100 (1500-2000).
Probably the most helpful thing about this article is your mention of stroke rate and power pulls, thanks!
Made up Monday
Did this at 225 because Jess pointed out my back wasn't set well in warm-ups and was able to stay reasonably tight during the workout.
Hehehe.. may have goofed the sequence on T's animation, looks like Rickke is moonwalking in the background.
Everyone I have an announcement, I feel like an adult, I finally got up and made it to a morning class. It is a different world out there pre-7am!
Great article Nick – your advice has really helped me stay focused when rowing the two 14 min. pieces. Having something to count through and be methodical on makes a huge difference for me – shoulders down, opening back and when to get the heels down. Since I am still working on getting it all together it helps to use 20 strokes to focus on something really hard, try to put it all together, focus on the next bit, etc…
Also did the lifting this morning and upped everything by 10 and did not feel too blown out – might up the anti a bit this week before backing off a touch ahead of FGB. Which – I MUST raise money for today.
It seems all the video's have been pulled.
I hope my hands are in better shape for tomorrow than monday. My worst WOD results I think ever. Not being able to hold a bar in one's hands is just awful. Gloves are going to be used for all pullups I think from now on.
PS Still sore from Sat. sigh
Sorry, one video worked. the one where they are all side by side on the ergs…
Are those ergs more expensive than the ones we have in our box?
I feel like those are a lot easier than the ones we are on. I am always "hopping" off that little seat at the full extension when going fast, while they look like they are solid and the machine moves.
quick question. my arms are on fire from the first three WODs. i can barely straighten them and the pain is tremendous. is anyone else having this problem? any tips?
i'll be working out at crossfit 323 in LA tomorrow.
many thanks.
Isaac. Tip: don't workout at Crossfit 323 or any other gym tomorrow.
take a rest day, do a bunch of mobility.
don't listen to them isaac, just load up on advil and icy hot
rest day, hello.
Isaac – I had a similar experience after Murph. LOTS of water and rest. Skip the CF. Feel better soon!
Ive taken 4 rest days in a row. I needed it.
@keith you sore from dunk tank or wod? Both are acceptable answers.
No WOD. Active recovery. Lots of water and movement/DROMS/Foam Rolling etc.
Wodding is the last thing you should be doing right now. If you could look into your muscles right now they would look like a city after a nuke had been dropped on it. Doing any sort of intensity would make things much much worse.
On that note..
I walked into Active Recovery feeling very sore, very stiff and moving slowly. I came out feeling like a supple leopard! Thanks Fox
hey everyone. thanks for the tips!! active recovery it is.
i guess i got crushed by crush week! at least i got three in with OK times.
is captain obvious nick petersen?
I've got a question. If I did Monday's wod on Monday, Wednesday's wod today, what do I do if I come in tomorrow? Wednesday part deux? Apologies if this is a dumb question.
I visited my first active recovery class with Fox tonight. It was awesome, he is a miracle man, and I hope to be a constant from now on.
David-What was the name of the band we talked about while i was on the rower? 400 something??
First WOD of the crush week complement (took the weekend off for some non-stop partying in Baltimore).
Monday's deadlift-run combo in 11:11 @175 lbs.
I started off just fine in this but in the third round my back froze up pretty bad, making for a slow and painful finish. Anyway, happy to be moving again.
The 400 Blows
album: Angles Trumpets Devils Trombones
made it in for some crush week fun tonight. did Monday's WOD, DLs and running.
Time: 9:33 @ 115#
DLs broken up as follows: 7-7-7, 6-5-4, 5-4
This was just over 70% of the weight I had worked up to in this last cycle, and glad I chose it. Challenging, but not too heavy, and allowed me to keep moving at good pace the entire time. This whole WOD felt very moderate and steady, I didn't have to take a big break at any point. After running, came in, grabbed the bar, took a few deep breaths and got started.
this weekend's activities included a lot of tequila, some dancing in high heels (ouch), walking around chicago, and a 10 mi bike ride on a nature preserve trail! constantly varied, as always.
In today after a few days rest from the weekend aquatic/alcoholic WOD.
Did Mondays @ 225# in 10:12. Ran really slow, because I know that once I get huffing a doing deadlifts I lost all ability to keep my midline stable. Felt pretty decent, I'd give me deads an 8.5 out of 10. Thought I was going to have to break things up into all sets of 5, but went 8/7 in Rd 2 and 9 unbroken in Rd 3, which was nice. I am very slowly starting to get over the hump here.
400 Blows is my third favorite band after Weedeater and Mecha Bongzilla!
Back after a lot of work shit so I took my re-entry into crush week with some caution.
Did yesterdays deadlift/run combo @185 in 9:16. All deads unbroken, slow running.
ive been having a night of Introducing myself to 400 Blows. pretty fckn money
Bench LP – 215x6x3
GHR – 20x8x3
DB Uni Press – 60x8x3
RDL top 8 – 235×8
V-Ups – 3×10