For Time:
Run 400m
21 Deadlifts
Run 400m
15 Deadlifts
Run 400m
9 Deadlifts
Weight Options
Rx+: 255/175
Rx: 225/155
A: 185/135
B: 155/115
C: 135/95
D: 115/75
Post load and time to comments.
Congrats to Zach H who ran a 44:12 10K yesterday and took 2nd place in his age group!! (Male, 20-24)
Announcing The CFSBK Movie Club
“Remember how much fun it was back in middle school when you and your pals would giddily invade the local multiplex on a Friday night to catch whatever schlock the most recent teen heartthrob (Freddie Prinze, Jr. FTW!) was turning out that week? There’s just something special about sitting in a dark room with friends and watching attractive people pretend to be other attractive people. We may get older, we may develop taste, but movies will always be awesome.
It is with that in mind that we submit, for your consideration, CFSBK Movie Club. Each month, the group will vote for an upcoming film; we will organize a field trip to see said film in the theater; and then we will retire to a nearby bar to discuss. Kind of like Book Club, if the books were made of moving pictures.
To get the ball rolling, we will be seeing “Cloud Atlas” (as a tie-in with the Book Club) sometime in November. After that, it’s up to you (so choose wisely).
If you’re interested, email gina.gatto(AT) to be added to the listserv.
Cool Equipment
Do you know about the following pieces of equipment? Cool stuff!
The Dynamic Indoor Rower
The Dynamic Indoor Rower offers the closest simulation to rowing on the water and was developed to meet the specific training needs of the competitive rowing athlete. Unlike the Model D and E Indoor Rowers, the footrest on the Dynamic is free to move and there’s minimal movement of body mass throughout the stroke. The Dynamic demands similar concentration and body control to that needed when rowing in a boat, making it an excellent sport-specific training and coaching tool. –Concept2
See Video
The Reverse Hyper
The Rogue Reverse Hyper® 5,356,359 and 6,491,607b2 decompresses the spine and has no vertical compression on the spine at all. This simple device allows for dynamic strength development in the concentric phase, while serving as a rehabilitation mechanism in the eccentric phase by gently stretching and depressurizing the spine and creating, in essence, an internal pumping mechanism, filling the spinal column with spinal fluid and the low back muscles with blood. Anyone who has injured their back knows that the pressure needs to be relieved and circulation restored to the injured area in order to rehabilitate. This can be used 3 to 4 times a week for therapeutic work but have also had clients that used every day with light weight to get tightness out of lower back area. -Rogue Fitness
The Airdyne
Ask any college athlete about the worst workout their coach put them through and it probably involved an Airdyne. There are even horror stories of coaches who took off the seat to make it even more miserable. -Rogue Fitness
The airdyne is similar to the concept 2 Erg in that it works off a flywheel and variable resistance. A nice feature of the airdyne is that since it’s a LOW skill activity, you can go absolutely batshit without worrying about a rapid decrease in technique.
Honorable Mentions
The Strength Axle
Cargo Nets
Parallel Bars
Hey everyone I posted this on Saturday just in case you missed it.
$50 for $100 of stuff at city sports.
They sell the nanos, Minimus, innov8s, and vibrams
Just stay away from the 10.5s
Anyone in need of a multi-cooker? Mike and I have one that is brand new, still in the box that we are hoping to sell. It is a Cuisinart MSC-600 and retails for $160. We're hoping to sell it for $125. We wanted to share with the SBK community before posting on Krrbed or Craigslist. Message us at rooksbarth(at) if you are interested. Thanks!
6am with Nick and McDowell. Abs are still sore from Angie making the hollow rocks during the warm up excruciating. Hit today's WOD at 255#: 10:05.
Finished with half of a CRASH-B rowing workout: 1×14' @ 16SPM @ 1:59: 3531m. Forgot to check my heart rate after getting off. My lower back was feeling a bit tight before getting on the erg and actually felt much better afterwards.
The dynamic rower looks interesting. The strength axle looks awesome.
10:22 with 135# deadlifts. I kinda wish I'd gone Rx'd on this one. And yes, I ran instead of rowed (because I realized that as much as I hate piling more running on during classes when I run so much outside of class, I would hate combining rowing and deadlifts even more).
Running is terrible. I don't know why anybody does it. ๐ (And in four more weeks…I will never have to run any longer than I want to, as long as I live. I CAN'T WAIT!)
Also, in case you haven't seen this on yesterday's post, PLEASE COME OUT TO PUB QUIZ ON SUNDAY. Last night was so damn hard and we could definitely have used a few more good brains!
Kstar for President.
I had my first strength cycle class with coach Jeremy this morning and I'm really looking forward to getting stronger.
Squat: 265lb x 5 x 3
Press: 125lb x 5 x 2*
Deadlift: 315lb x 5 x 1
Everything was gravy except for the presses. Tweaked my neck a bit on the second set and didn't want to push it by trying a third. I already feel better about my deadlift after just a few minor technical adjustments from Jeremy.
I did today's WOD at noon today with Coaches Fox and Lady Fox. Full class with great energy. Rickke was my esteemed partner… and of course, made it look easy. Somehow, I felt insane enough to do the Rx+.
Why did I pick Crush Week to make my full return back to Gen. Pop. from Strength!?!?!? LOL!
I felt good when all was said and done, but during the workout… I became delirious at a point.
I will say that the actual DL weight felt good. Shout-out to Coach Jeremy for helping to build me up with those three consecutive strength cycles as heaven knows I would not have pulled the weight if I tried last time I was in Gen. Pop.
Running is still not my best friend.
6pm class. 155# / 11:38.
It was nice of David to comment that my deadlifts not only represented the best form in the class, but the best form in the gym. I look forward to coaching them next cycle. ๐
Ran 5.4 miles after work out. Marathon 4 weeks from yesterday.
Took the 5pm class with D.O.
-rowing while the others ran around the block.
-plenty of deadlift review.
10:36 at 155#
-thought for a half second about doing this at the rx+ but my back thanks me kindly that I didn't. I was shocked by how heavy 155 felt after that first run! Had to break them up from the first round. The second run is where my back starting feeling it. I tend to hyper-extend on my run and in my DL apparently which I don't recommend. ๐
So impressed with my partner Ariel who executed 45 perfect reps! Nice work girl. And quite honestly everyone in the 5pm class was looking pretty good! I really think the extended DL warmup/review helped keep people in better positions.
Ohhhhh running …..
11:40 at # 95…. Weight didn't feel super heavy but running, my constant foe…. Constantly crippling my wod times….
Also this is delayed but last week I did a ridiculous wod at Crossfit Power Performance in Loveland, OH while visiting my mom.
For time:
3 rounds
50 wall balls 14#
25 pull ups (green banded)
10 burpees
Did it in 18:30 and it was hard as f*ck
6PM with DO, and many thanks to him for the advanced deadlift remediation throughout the workout. Just watched the video a few more times at home, I think I need to do some repeated lift-watch-lift-watch sessions with myself to figure out the proprioception issues with my back position at the start of the pull. I've come a long way with fixing my squat over the past few months, time to retool this mofo as well.
We'll say 9:47 at 185#, though the first round was 11 at 225# and 10 at 205#.
It was crazy how weird my legs felt going into that first run! Like they were weightless but stuck to the ground at the same time.
Last heavy lift before the meet Saturday. Worked to heavy singles then backed off for doubles since Friday went so shitty.
Snatch – 73kgx1, 60x2x3 (a PR may not be in the cards this weekend)
C&J – 110kgx1 (PR), 90x2x3
FSQ – 120kgx1 (PR)
Pumped for this weekend, to make my lifts and to see Josh M and Whitney E crush the CF event.
p.s. Molly and Tucker thank everyone for giving them some love. They want to come more often but only if you guys promise to let them give you kisses (Molly) and sit on your lap (Tucker). Yes, a 60# dog can totes be a lap dog. ๐
Crush week: so far so good!
6pm with David and Melissa. Running in the dark when it's cold out is the best!
I appreciated the deadlift warm up. Once it was go time I felt like I must have been moving somewhat more like you're supposed to, it flowed nicely throughout all 3 sets. I never got to where I felt like I was yanking with my arms which I may have done the last time we had dls in a wo.
I chatted about weight with Marcos and Shaye pre class and decided 75# was good for me. Running was fine. I know as long as I don't go out too fast I'll be ok. I stayed behind the pack of guys who took off like maniacs.
I finished at 8:08 and David was right there to tell me I should've done 95#. Next time.
Lady fox,
I hate that I am afraid of dogs. Yours are really sweet and I liked getting licked and not eaten by the darker one. Next time I will just for for it and pet both.
Damn auto correct. Go for it.
I will just take over the board completely now.
What is the cf event this week end?
FOX- What event is this??? and why am I not lifting in it???
WOD-9:38 @225. Feel like i should have gone faster but my cardio aint what it used to be and these extra 6 or 7 pounds are noticeable. How to find the right balance between strength and speed….the age old question.
oh yea…the Airdyne is pure evil pain. My most painful workouts have always involved one.
Some informed freestyling with the Foam Roller
Row 2:00
135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 255×1
12:49 at 255lbs
R1: 7-5-5-4
R2: 6-5-4
R3: 9
This was exactly the stimulus I intended! OOF
The event is Beast of the East. CFox, J-Mart and Whitney E will be competing. I will be the CFSBJ fanboy with teresa and JFox. Too tired to write any more..
135 rowed instead of running 9:12. Still babying the spine and now babying the heels.
I was spacing w/ my comment. I was in the 5pm class with Jess/"Lady Fox".
DIY press: 102.5#x3x5.
10:03 @ 185#. Thought about trying 225#, but this was the right weight. 45 reps is a lot. Tried to go fast on the runs and take my time on the DLs. Got some good feedback from DO: keep my butt up when setting up over the bar.
Low back felt super tight during runs and after WOD, so finished up with some stretching and DOMs.
6pm class with David and Melissa. 9:54 @ 185#. DLs felt surprisingly good throughout, just had to commit to starting the set while still winded from the runs. Gotta remember to initiate with hips on the downward motion.
First crush week, so far so good. Fun to do the WOD competition style!
Dear Tucker, thanks for all of those low fives. Sweet Molly, thank you for all the love I got when I tried to put my dumbbell away.
Thank you both for making cute faces and sounds and being so super sweet. You made those deadlifts lighter <3
First day of strength class. Partnered PR and Tom.
Squat: 225 lb x 5 x 3
Press: 115 lb x 5 x 3
Deadlift: 255 lb x 5 x 1
Everything felt good. Have to work on the breathing when I press. Thanks to Jeremy for the pointers.
Nice to finally meet Molly and Tucker. Super friendly!!
Oh shit, I'm such a fool. I thought I was pulling 95 but just realized Shaye my partner already had 95 on the bar when I added another 10#. So 105# at 10:40.
Can we have on-ramp back but for math skillz? Crossfit math iz so haaad! (Arnold voice)
8am with McDowell.
WOD at 185 in 10:01. Did the DLs unbroken but for a 10/5 split in the second round. Took it easy on the run, as per Nick's suggestion, as I wound up doing a CRASH-B row afterwards.
Then 2×14 minutes on the erg, both splits around 2:05.
7pm last night with MeLo.
WOD: 135# in 10:44. With a 1000m row for a cool down.
I did the CRASH-Bs workout Sunday night (lifting AND rowing), which really just means my hamstrings are suffering quite a bit. I could've probably RX'ed this one had I not done 80 RDLs at 95# the day before. Ah, well.
Also, yes, @Stella. Running blows.
8pm with Melo on Tuesday
9:40 @ 255#
r1) 11,10
r2) 6,5,4
r3) 9
The running was rough.