Do it like this: Lauren B’s Low Bar Squat Rack
Straight wrists, palms flush on the bar, elbows high
News and Notes
- Fish Oil is back in stock at the gym. Pick a bottle up for $25, cash or credit.
- Parents of babies/toddlers! Come to our Baby Muster and Picnic on October 13th at 1:15pm. The cutness factor will be off the charts!
- As of posting, our Fight Gone Bad total is $11,217 and growing! Have you sent your emails out yet? It literally only takes 5 minutes to make a difference!
- There is still (very limited) room in Coach Jeremy’s “B” Strength Cycle meeting on Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays. Sign up today!
- In conjunction with the Commissioning Ceremony of the USS Michael Murphy on October 6th, 2012, there will be multiple military flyovers, parachute jumps, and ceremonial gun salutes in the area of the Hudson River (Pier 88 at West 48th Street, MN) throughout the weekend (10/5-10/6)
The Return of The Supple Leopard Pub Quiz Team!
Supple Leopard was laying low for a while after we were unceremoniously knocked out of the playoffs, but we’ll be back in force this Sunday and we would love to see some new faces. If 6 or fewer people show up, we’ll all play as Supple Leopard; with 7 or more, we’ll split into 2 teams. (Please do not worry about being person #7! We can totally do a team of 3 and a team of 4 if that’s how it happens.)
The ‘fo:
What: pub quiz! Test your knowledge of pretty much everything except classical music. (No, I’m not bitter.)
Where: Pacific Standard, 82 4th Avenue at St. Mark’s in Brooklyn.
When: Sunday, quiz starts at 8, but we typically arrive around 7:30 to secure tables.
Who: Email Stella (stellavision(AT) for more information or to RSVP
The Brooklyn Community Projects Series
We’ll regularly be showcasing some of the awesome projects that the BCP has funded right in our own backyards. Enjoy!
Lindsey Valenzuela Snatches 200lbs
6 Ways CrossFit Can Benefit Runners Competitor
Low Bar Vs High Bar Squatting 70s Big
Thanks to Dan L, JakeL, Noah and Doug on the feedback about this cycle's programming. If I'm not mistaken, more than 4 people showed up over the last 6 weeks so if anyone else would like to chime in I would really appreciate it. More dialogue only helps, even if you think we should have ran 5Ks every Monday Thursday and Saturday. If we don't get feedback that's the plan for the next cycle.
I like the general template we seem to follow of Monday – pull, W/Sat- Squat/, Th – upper body push, Sun – long metcon (roughly). This time we did that but with two different squat variants, and seemingly more upper body work on Sundays.
I still like doing the same squat variant on W/Sat – I Iike to get 30 heavy reps in. I'm sure you folks have your reasons for the programming; that's just me.
As for Mondays: happy with it. I presume we'll do C&Js, snatches, cleans, weighted pull-ups etc here.
I wouldn't mind getting a chance to do some straight pressing on Thursdays.
In general, I quite like the lifting followed by brief metcon template. This Sunday's variants incidentally, were quite fun. I rowed a lot this cycle for some reason.
While running a 5K three times a week is not out of the question, there are probably better ways for us to spend our time.
I liked the way the programming was set up this round, if for no other reason it gave me a chance to spend a lot of time with squats (was mostly in on Wed and Sat this cycle). I'm looking forward to adding more diversity to my lifts in the next round.
I've been doing the regular programming only twice a week, so I might feel differently if I were a 5x kinda gal (which I plan to be after the marathon!). In general I'm really happy with having gotten to deadlift and squat so much, but I'm not crazy about the mix-it-up Wednesday squat variants. Not that I don't like them individually, but I'm one of those people who always needs a little extra time to get good at any kind of movement (as evidenced by my being the only person in yesterday's 7 AM class who didn't get what DO was telling us to do with the PVC during shoulder mobilization!). So I would have loved to focus more on just one of the variants. (That being said, I ended up substituting Fridays for Wednesdays a few times during this cycle, which enabled me to do LBBSQ a lot.)
Again, if I had been coming on both Wednesdays AND Saturdays on a regular basis, I might not have cared so much about Wacky Wednesdays, because it would have been part of a bigger mix of consistent days and more variable days (which are more in the CrossFit spirit anyway, I suppose).
Maybe what I'm REALLY saying is that I miss strength cycle and I need to get back into it!
PS, I loved the OHS day and yesterday's shoulder-to-overhead workout. MOAR OVERHEAD PLEEZ.
I have absolutely loved this past cycle, from a strength perspective. Especially the banded deadlifts. I feel stronger than I ever have and can tell the difference in almost every "pulling" movement where my legs are involved.
Had I been more consistent on the squat exposures, I may have experienced some more growth there as well.
Fun/interesting twist on an old favorite for tomorrow's WOD – won't say what it is
17:46 – a little slower than I thought it would be.
A few thoughts about programming: I like the 6 week time frame, it provides more opportunities for us to train and make progress considering schedules and other life events that intervene. Loved squatting twice a week (I so dearly need it) and the variation in rep schemes was interesting (sets of 5, 3, 2, heavy set of 10, heavy singles, etc.). I was able to add 10lbs to my squat, which hasn't happend in quite a while. Workouts that involved a barbell were fantastic; I think there’s a lot of strength and technique to gain, especially if it’s Olympic lifting, which I’d love to do more of.
Thanks to all the coaches who've been doing a stellar job of coordinating our big classes!
I'd be interested in a cycle with some consistent single-leg and single-arm work, split squats, etc, to try to work out some strength and mobility imbalances.
more bench pressing!
i also kinda disliked the random wednesday squatting. made it sort of hard to track progress, especially since I wasn't able to make saturdays most of the time
shoulder shrug mondays!
Following Dan L's post, I had 18:34 for my time. On scaling options out of the movements presented I only scaled one. On fire this morning, killed the bitch. Note: It will be exciting to actually learn how to count one day as I tacked extras on as I didn't want to do less. So at the end its always more movements and a slower time but complete. Post WOD grocery Farmers Carry with way too much beer = worst idea ever.
I enjoyed this cycle, really like all the overhead stuff. Loves me Cleans and Jerks, shoulder to overhead.. Basically if I can incorporate a split jerk into it? Happiness. Bodyweight stuff? Yes.
I really like the programming. I got PRs on every lift and the banded DLs were super helpful. I would like to see more pressing (strict and bench). Also, it'd be nifty to do a Oly lifting cycle. Just saying….
I liked the 6 week cycles. I also liked the banded DLs and would have like to do them all the way through the 6 weeks. I also wouldn't mind seeing more O-lifting. Overall I thought the programming was great.
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this, however I need guidance and I do not where to post the request for help. It seems like this is where the current conversation going on with many active users on, and although my topic is not directly relevant to the thread of comments here I decided to write anyway… If this is inappropriate, then my apologies.
I am completely new to this -Crossfit. I have taken my foundations class in August and then sign up for 10 class card and attended my first class at the beginning of September. Right after that and unexpectedly I need to travel out of the country for a while followed by an ailment that kept me away from Crossfit -and any other intense exercise- for the last 5 weeks or so. Now I find myself timid to jump back in the middle of some classes as I do not know if I am in good enough condition to do that -I also was in the beginning of learning the correct form for all of the exercises. I already do not know many of the abbreviations, and terms that are being used by most of you. It sound totally Greek to me.
In short: any recommendations how to start, again?
You can write directly to, if you choose to do so.
Murat A.
I also liked the 6 week cycle and would also love to dedicate some time to practicing an OLY movement. Snatches perhaps?
Murat – email info(at) and we'll get you squared away.
I am looking forward to following the lifting schedule of group classes for the next cycle!
That Lindsey snatch vid is a super impressive lift, but I can't help cringing when she throws the bar down and shrieks after the lift. Bad taste. But, she's stronger than me so there you go.
19:44 on tomorrow's workout, done today. Scaled 2 out of the 4 movements involved…I'll leave the rest a mystery.
I am so frustrated with my pullups, which absolutely held me up so much in this workout. In the past 2.5 years, I've gotten better and stronger and more proficient at every single movement in our programming without having to do "outside work", if you will. And yet still, it's so embarrassing, the pull up completely eludes me. I want to be able to do kips in a workout already, since I ALWAYS have to scale the volume and do them strict, which absolutely kills me. After working with Josh I am seeing progress, but it's so small compared to the progress with everything else because we only meet once a week. Time to re-read Fox's article on developing your pull up and get going on it at least 3x/week. Watch out bicep curls…
I enjoyed the length of the cycle and the cycle itself. It didn't feel rushed. Ditto to the banded DL comments, they definitely helped with speed. The one thing i wasn't a fan was variable squat Wednesdays. Would've love to see a weekly consistent lift instead, whether pressing or OHS. This way to can track progression. OHS was a blur. It came and now it's gone.
For all you football fans. Hilarous smack talk between quarterbacks. Copy link into browser.
On the Programming:
First things first, I hit significant PRs on Front Squat and Back Squat this cycle, and continued progressing with Deadlifts, so in my eyes the efficacy is obvious.
I can't compare it to the old 4+2-week schedule really, having only been through one of those complete cycles, but I do like the slightly longer cycle idea for seeing more progress in the concentration areas before moving on. Bummed not to be able to complete the next full cycle before leaving town for a while.
The conjugate squatting was fun and the volume was just right for me hitting both squat days. The speed deadlifts were fun too, but I think in retrospect I would have liked to maintain my own heavy deadlift day once a week too, at least during the weeks when the speed deads were the only pull from the floor. Incidentally I had some significant improvements in my clean numbers, which I attribute to the speed work as well.
I also loved what seemed to me to be secondary focuses on grip and core strengthening, and I liked that we did strict chins so often (as opposed to regular or kipping pull-ups).
As far as my "wishlist" goes, I'd like to do some more work on olympic lifts and overhead squats.
Yes, MOAR pull-ups and chin-ups. I lovez mah swole lats.
Nooner with wifey and McDapper
Press x5 – 154
Push Press x3 – 198
Push Jerk x1 – 242 (PR)
All Imperial, FYI. Now off to start the magical weekend!
On programming:
I really enjoyed the speed deads and the speed work in general that we have been doing. My 20# PR on the deadlift is HUGE for me. It had been about 15 months and I had only seen a 5# increase previous to this cycle, which seems absurd when you look at the progress I've made in all my other lifts.
I also like the variants on the squats, being able to see OHS, front squats etc. I can't say I like HBBS, but enjoyed seeing stuff that we haven't done much of this year.
DO – your instruction on the snatches the other day was really wonderful. I'm personally working on Olympic lifting, but would welcome seeing more of it in the programming. It is really nice to get some instruction in that arena, because I feel that there are some significant form approaches that differ in olympic lifitng that I'm just not as familiar with in comparison to the squat, deadlift & bench.
Neuro/proprioceptively speaking I feel that the speed work really helps reinforce those pathways and appropriate muscle firing when things get heavy. I would welcome more speed work in squats as well as DL. And I want to squat with some chains, if only to look like a badass.
Yesterdays business:
I'm beat up from yesterday's programming. My traps are really pissed off.
Press: 80×5, 85×5, 90×5
Push Press: 105×3, 110×3, 120×3
Push Jerk: 130×1, 145×1, 155x1F
I'm happy to see that I can still crank out a 5rep at 90, which is where I was at the end of strength cycle this summer. Made a horrifically embarassing squeal as I was trying to lock out my left arm. Push Press I tried to be conservative on, I didn't want to fail, but I think I was perhaps a bit too conservative. By push jerk I was feeling pretty wasted in the upper body and running out of time. I think I should have stuck the 155, but I'm still nursing some not so great feeling shoulders from two weeks ago.
Also, my right ankle is kinda tweaked. Rolled it during the 5k run on tuesday, and had to wear some short heels to a big interview on Wednesday, so not feeling so great there. I think I'm just going to come in tonight to do some AR and a little bit of accessory work. Body is telling me I need to chill out a bit.
@ Dave Fung: +1
All my racey mc race stuff is done sunday so i'm excited to get back in the gym. I have a hard time balancing running + crossfit as they don't tend to like each other (where my body is concerned).
I like the idea of a 6 week cycle but noticed I had the most improvement when we were doing wendler; but my met con crawled into a hole and died. Hoping for some longer WODs including pull-ups in the future. And figuring out how to incorporate running without killing my lifts, that would be nice.
Forgot to comment that Lindsey is a badass.
I can identify with the yelling/throwing/crazy energy that she shows, bc I get really worked up for big lifts. (Sorry Fox.)
This cycle sucked. Let's just run! I'll write a glowing review at the end.
Seriously, I thought this cycle was great. I think the best part was being able to revisit moves without having to concentrate on relearning them. Having recent, real progress with the squats where I was most comfortable gave me the confidence to succeed at those which I was not and even push harder: overhead and front squat. I feel like I have a realistic grasp on my ability and can actually set goals for myself now.
I loved the overhead trio yesterday. I want to do those altogether more often.
I made progress at everything except pull ups. Ugh.
My closing statement. I like the barbell a lot more than I did 6 weeks ago.
Agreed with Fox, LV's a little bit mega-demonstrative after the snatch PR, but she's stronger than me too, so maybe if I snatch 200# I'll do the same thing.
Hidden in the video is a great little candid talk from Dusty Hyland about why he coaches and does CF in general that pretty much nails how I feel on the head.
I also really enjoyed the Press/PP/PJ complex yesterday. Hope to see it again sometime.
Haven't had a lot of time to think about this cycle. I know personally I hit some milestones on the squat (two wheels), deadlift, and shoulder to overhead that I was really happy with. Enjoyed squatting twice a week—the variation allows a novice like me to at least have a sense of my capacity in less frequently programmed movements.
Hit open gym tonight after two days off. Found my Ragnar van mate Marian for Thursday's complex. Love this type of stuff.
(45×5, 65×4, 80×3) 90×5, 100×5, 110×5 (5 rep PR)
135×3, 145×3, 150×3
165×1, 180×1 (PR tie), 185F
Tied my best rep from the recent run/jerk Sunday WOD. Happy that I hit 180 after all that volume–tells me my true 1RM is probably a bit higher. Really wanted 185, though.
I mean isnt 200 her pr? I'd be excited if i hit any PR. Next time I PR im going to scream in Fox's ear, then run away.
Fun open gym: did the crash b work out
4X20 squats at 120
4×20 Chinese rows @ 80
then hit 2 14 min row pieces at 16.s/r looking forward to a rest day tomorrow
murat – everything crossfit was totally greek to me a couple months ago. my take is, if you stick with it, ask for advice, and apply yourself you'll find that the getting the basics down only takes a few months. now i can proudly say that i know what's going on, even if i scale the heck out of the wods.
…speaking of scaling… did half of the first half of tomorrow's wod and all of the 2nd half in 16 mumble tonight. very slowly finishing off the first half between drinks at home. slow night at chez packer.
… speaking of programming… totally into squats now, but i found wednesdays to be random this cycle. i don't see a lot of ohs squat so it just seems dangerous and scary to me. since it is unfamiliar i always take it easy, but then i feel like i didn't work very hard. maybe if it was mixed in with running or rowing wods i would learn to love it (i'd be perfectly happy with tri-weekly 5ks as long as we had to do burpees after). wish i had hit more deadlift mondays.
approximate time to finish tomorrow's workout: 5 drinks and 4 hours. i didnt no-rep myself.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
Speed Deadlifts: Bueno
Squatting: Bueno
Rotating Squat variant: Less Bueno
Grip/Midline: Bueno
6 weeks: Bueno!
Pull-ups: Bueno y mas