Fitness: Work up to a heavy 3×5 Front Squat,
5-10lbs heavier than the previous FSQ exposure
Performance: Work up to a heavy triple on the Front squat
Perform about 6-7 total sets. After your heavy triple drop to 85% for 5-10 reps. No Failing
Post loads to comments.
Conjucage exposure 6/6 compare to 9.5.12
4 Rounds Not For Time:
15 Dumbbell Weighted Sit-Ups
130m Farmers Carry
There is a 15 minute cap to get this work done. If it’s raining outside you can sub a max hold deadhang instead of a farmer’s carry.
Richard Perry is a new intern at CFSBK. His certifications include Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and a Performance Enhancement Specialist, through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He will be completing his M.S. degree in Exercise Science with a Concentration in Strength and Conditioning and Sports Nutrition this fall. Throughout
his career, he has trained many different types of athletes, including professional MMA fighters, Thai boxers, and collegiate levels teams. Richard will be with us for 100H to fill his course requirements. Welcome, Rich!
Happy Birthday, Ashley F!
Murph Movie
Hello CrossFit friends-
The Brooklyn Community Projects Series
We’ll regularly be showcasing some of the awesome projects that the BCP has funded right in our own backyards. Enjoy!
Description: Support for an Early Childhood Program which targets families with children birth – age 3 who are at risk of educational failure. The Program promotes engaged and responsive parenting, family literacy and early learning.
CFSBK is within $1000 of our $10K Goal!!
Stefani Ruper: Intermittent Fasting, Paleo for Women, and Disordered Eating
Listening: Our Most Used Communication Skill
Worked up to a heavy single on the DL today. Used Kilos so I could work off "feeeel" and not exact numbers per say. Pulled 160kilos (352lbs) which is a 17lb PR
215 on the Front Squats today, which is a 15lb PR for 3
Dropped back to 185 and got a set of 6, but didn't have too much left.
1:35 on the dead hang, jerry cans on the farmer's carry, 40lbs on the weighted sit-ups
155 on the squats, which was less than I was expecting. Definitely improved my form though, finally finding what I think is the right bar placement/arm position.
CRASH-B's rowing: 3402 meters in my first 14-minute row, followed by 3235 (for a total of 6637 meters) . This followed on yesterday's rows which were closer together at 3342 and 3288 (for a total of 6630). Also did 6543 total meters last Saturday, at 3449 and 3094. Definitely kept my stroke rate down better today, maybe too low. Working on keeping my head up.
6am with Josh and McDowell. Partnered with Pierre on the front squats. Worked up to 245# for a heavy triple. This compares nicely to the 255# single on 9/5/12. The first 2 reps at 245 were good. The last rep got a little bit ugly. Dropped down to 210 for 7 reps. Carried the jerry cans for the first two rounds of the accessory work. Max hold dead hang for the next two rounds: 61s and 40s. Forearms are now fried nice and crisp. Weighted sit-ups with 35# dumbbell.
tried to do the DL singles at the Y and remembered more small reasons I love CFSBK. It's hard to pull heavy singles without round plates that you can drop and a belt… Got up to 315 (after pulling 300×3 last week) and gave up. I'll try again maybe Friday night.
Then some rowing… two 14:00 pieces with 5 min rest between. 3159m for the first one, 3111 for the second. Remembering how to space out while working out is kind of pleasant, nothing like normal CF.
FSQ: 45#x5, 65#x4, 95#x3, 115#x3, 95#x8. I hate long sets.
Dead hang: 1:02
Sit ups: 4×15 w/17.5# DB
Farmers carry: 16kg, then 20kg, then 24kg
Are you reading this David Turnbull? I. Will. Dominate. And then steal your lunch money.
Started my new program last night which is a 4-day split. I'm doing a Jim Steel bench program where you have to do all your push/arm/accessory work on the two bench days, so a split seemed like the only solution.
Bench: 115×5, 137.5 x4, 160×2, 5 doubles @185, 137.5 x10
Strange to not squat first. Not sure how to warm up.
Press: 45×5, 80×5, 105×5, 122.5 x5, 137.5 x5
It was really weird to press right after benching. And not easy.
Chins: 6, 5, 6
Worked these in between bench sets.
Triceps rollbacks: 60 reps @ 17.5# w/ 15 seconds rest between sets:
10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4
Wow, this was pretty hard. Once I started to fail it just went down hill from here. I sweat more during this than the rest of the workout. Left a puddle beneath the bench.
Curls: 35# x 10, 9, 10
Fridays WO:
Squat: 345x2x2
Incline press: 155x5x3
Sumo DL: learned the lift– thanks to Josh and Jeremy for the coaching and cues!
Warmed up with a bunch of singles to practice the start position. Then 5 singles at 315.
Squatted at the 7pm yesterday with Josh and MeLo.
DROMs and foam rolling warm up, then right into front squats:
[45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 155×3] (175×5)x3
Heaviest I've front squatted yet (+25 from the earlier exposure, which felt too light), and the reps kept moving even in the third set. Like this movement for whatever reason.
4 casual rounds, 25 lb DB on the sit-ups and 32 kg on the carry (unbroken, 1 pause, 1 pause, unbroken). Camaraderie outside on the carries was great.
Front Squatted yesterday with Josh at 7pm
Worked up to 67# on the front squats for 3×5. It felt good, gotta work on keeping the elbows up better.
4 rounds of 15# on the weighted sit-ups and 16,16,16,20 on the farmer carries. Yes, the last one was hard bordering on a foolish choice.
The best part was when a mother and her two kids where coming out of bk boulders and started exclaiming, "mommy, why are they carrying those heavy things?! why are they doing that?!"
because we're a little crazy kid.
During my run several weeks ago, I found a dog left near the Brooklyn Heights promenade around 6:30am. The pugle had a collar but no tags and was clearly lost or left. Thankfully, he let me carry him to my home (and thankfully my time with cfsb enabled me to carry the pudgy pup several blocks after a long run for an improvised WOD).
He is staying at a pet shop / dog boarding facility in Brooklyn Heights. I couldn't keep him since my apartment is already occupied by a senior St. Bernard mutt but he is a terrific dog and deserves a great home. After trying to track down his owners for several weeks there has been no attempt by his family to find or reconnect with him. (He has a chip with owner info but they have not responded to calls and letters).
If you may be interested in fostering him or giving him a permanent home please contact Andrea, the owner of the pet shop, who is caring for him. Andrea can be reached at 718.855.8686. The pugle is a 2 year old male, good with dogs, cats, kids, affectionate and house trained. Also, feel free to email me if you want more details –
Today is one of those days where I am feeling extraordinarily stressed out due to work. FSQ & ROWING sounds like the perfect antidote.
7pm CLAS FTW!!!
$10,152 Raised! We've met our goal, now it's time to CRUSH it.
I had a long meeting with some reps from the BCF today (one former CFSBKer). They're very excited about FGB and are working to get more local organizations aware of what we're doing and will be at the event. More to come.
Great work, Team CFSBK!
I heart front squat and hate that I can't come in today.
Does anyone else get pouty when they can't make it into the box? #EmoFit
Lisa: YES. Especially when it's because I have to go to a client meeting in the Dirty Jerz. ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY when it's because I know based on past experience that my client is going to show up so late to said meeting that I could totally have gone to the box.
But I'm not bitter.
I'll have an ice bag shoved up my shorts. good luck with the front squats, you ba$tards! jealous!
Rita said 3 boys is enough, eh, Jimmy?
…kidding…Good luck on a speedy recovery with that groin pull.
Worked up to 255# on the Front squats. I am not sure if this was a PR for me, but it felt pretty heavy and very slow. My lower back has been sore for a couple of weeks and it def impeded my FS. I also hit a 275# single just for shits.
Carried the Jerry (Gerry??) cans for all four rounds. This was really fun and crazy hard. I managed only one break at 3rd ave on all four rounds. My shoulders are on fire today (did this WOD at 7pm last nite).
@Fox, nobody suffers through this groin pull more than she does. LOL. I can't even write it with a straight face! Thanks, I'll be back in action soon enough.
@JakeL I like to refer to those cans as Geraldine Antonia "Jerri" Blank. Strangers with Candy? Anyone?
@I think you can guess who, but please don't GIRL, it's the Dirty Jerz that gives it away each time!
CrashB Question: any recommendation for listening equipment? My iPhone buds aren't going to cut it – Noah B was fantastic yesterday and put one that had popped out back in so I didn't lose a SPM. Seriously, it was awesome. Thanks again Noah and to Fox for letting me stay late!
Eagles win, groin pull. Sounds fishy.
Get better JR.
5pm with Fox today, gonna be in early for the rest of the week probably.
Nice painful roll-out to get started.
Front Squats with Sarah and John (Jon?):
45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1, 195×3, DROP 165×6
Felt pretty good all the way through. Didn't want to push for more weight this time since I only hit a single at 210 a couple weeks back.
Hit 3 carries with 24kg KBs and 1 with 32kg KBs, all unbroken.
Did all 4 sets of situps at 30#, could have gone a little heavier here but I always start to cramp with higher reps of weighted situps.
So are we crushing next week? Need to plan my lifting accordingly.
Lifting with the boys: John and Todd.
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1, 195×3, 200×3
These felt really good when it got heavy. 165 felt fishy, but when I started hitting the heavier stuff it just started making more sense. I think there was still more. Actually, I kinda want to go after another single, but maybe I'm just getting greedy.
Farmer caries @32kg, then dropped to 20kg for last two. 20# situps, then 25# for last two. Then long farmer's carry of my meat CSA bag home. My grip is shot.
Having a good time being competitive with Todd. I'm sure he'll be kicking my ass soon with that guy testosterone, but I'm enjoying it while I can.
trying to post more (this is an ongoing struggle).
6pm class! feeling better and better these days after dealing with a month of hardcore allergies.
front squats with super strong traci: worked up to 115 x 3, then 95 x 10. was running short on time but so glad i squeezed in the last set. in general, i've really enjoyed squatting during this cycle.
weighted sit ups with 17.5lb dumbbells and farmers carry with 20kg x4 unbroken.
ribs in the slow cooker, ya'll.
Fsq heavy trip at 215. Felt great, lightish but havent fsq'd in ages
Then Hit crash B 2x1min row at 16 strokes
3100 & 3200 m
Volume squat:
I did a pyramid to feel it out and break it up. Psychologically this has just gotten really tough…
5 sets of 5 @ 275, 285, 295, 285, 275
Sweaty. Skipped RDL's to see how my legs feel– it's been a 2 1/2 weeks since this much volume.
Sorry to hear about your down-unders Jim. Get well soon.
7PM with Noah, McDowell, and Fox
Teamed with Arturo and Luca
Weight felt good. Wore a pair of lifting shoes and they made a world of difference. Thought my feet were glued to the ground.
2 rounds of weighted situps at 25lbs. Skipped the other 2 rds after feeling a pinch in my lower back.
3 rounds of Jerry cans. First 2 rounds were unbroken to 3rd ave and unbroken back. Had to stop once each way on the 3rd round.
I love farmer walks.
7pm class.
Front Squats:
(45×5, 95×5, 125×3,)
145×3, 155×3, 165×3, 175×3
-really happy about this as it's only 5#'s away from my 1RM. Like Sarah, I'd also like to retest my 1RM but I think I'll wait.
-also wore the belt for the first time with this lift…maybe that helped? barbell felt light.
Only 3 rounds of the accessory work because a certain someone wanted to get out of the gym.
130m Farmers carries–first round at 20kg unbroken, remaining 2 rounds at 24kg with only a break at 3rd ave.
15 Weighted situps–10#, 15#, 20# yes I went light to start. this is not a strength of mine.
DIY press 100#3×5.
FSQ: warmed up to 165#x3x5. Had to fight for this but got it up.
WOD with 20# – 25# on the sit-ups, one farmer walk with jerry cans and then 3 with 2 pood. Got some very amusing looks from folks leaving the climbing gym while carrying the cans. Ha.
After being sick and tired, and then just lazy for a solid week I crept back in to the 5 pm class. Fox remembered my name!
Front squats felt as uncomfortable as I remembered them being. I worked up to 83 lbs and fought through every single one really trying to get the elbows leading the way up.
Farmers carry I kept it at 16kg every time. I set it down briefly one time on the 3rd trip back to wipe the moisture from my hands. Does this mean I should've gone heavier? Maybe.
Sit ups, started the first two rounds with 20 lbs and did the last two with 30lbs. I happily forgot that I told myself to just get back into the gym and take it easy. It's good to be back!
Late posting:
185×3, 200×3, 215×3 (partnered with the Nuge, who cranked out an awesome 245×3)