Suns not out, yet guns still are for one of our “Skull and Borg” Ragnar Relay teams
Ever wish you had a little more help choosing your warm-up numbers? Check out this great Starting Strength Warm-Up App which does a pretty good job of programming your progressions based on work sets. The only limitation is that a 45lb bar is the lowest weight it will calculate.
The Next CFSBK Book Club Book Is…
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell! If you’ve wanted to read this book, especially before the movie comes out on Oct. 26 this is your chance! The club will meet on Oct 28th to discuss the novel. If you’re interested in participating or getting on the book club email list, please contact Peggy at pjeanlouis1(AT)
From Amazon:
A postmodern visionary who is also a master of styles of genres, David Mitchell combines flat-out adventure, a Nabokovian lore of puzzles, a keen eye for character, and a taste for mind-bending philosophical and scientific speculation in the tradition of Umberto Eco and Philip K. Dick. The result is brilliantly original fiction that reveals how disparate people connect, how their fates intertwine, and how their souls drift across time like clouds across the sky.
“[David] Mitchell is, clearly, a genius. He writes as though at the helm of some perpetual dream machine, can evidently do anything, and his ambition is written in magma across this novel’s every page.”—The New York Times Book Review
“One of those how-the-holy-hell-did-he-do-it? modern classics that no doubt is—and should be—read by any student of contemporary literature.”—Dave Eggers
“The novel as series of nested dolls or Chinese boxes, a puzzle-book, and yet—not just dazzling, amusing, or clever but heartbreaking and passionate, too. I’ve never read anything quite like it, and I’m grateful to have lived, for a while, in all its many worlds.”—Michael Chabon
Brian Scott Wants You To Eat Good Fish!
My company (The Hess Collection) was chosen this year as the sustainable winery partner for this program. There is a handy free app for both android and iPhone which I thought would be blog worthy. Check out the website here. (app links on the right)
What kinds of Apps do you use regularly?
The Vibram Lawsuit Outside
A Letter To Catalyst Athletics, And Everyone Else Cathletics
10 Things New Women Weightlifters Should Know
What are these numbers that everyone is posting?!?! C'mon now!!
@KH: The answer to the question "How many times will people ask us what these numbers are" before we answer the question
Pulled groin. Game over. I knew it as soon as I did it. I got the shot though. I'm done for a while. ice and compression.
Fun class this am w/ McD and Lady Fox. New PR on deadlifts – work set of 5 at 120#. Think I maybe could've done more but body is still le tired from Ragnaring and being crunched in a van for approximately 96 hours straight.
Jayme was killing the WOD today, solo.
Completely uneducated guess, but I would be surprised if the numbers didn't have to do with tacos in some way. The mystery continues…
6am with Jess and McDowell. Made up yesterdays deadlifts:
385×1 (old PR)
415×1 (new PR)
385 was a struggle the last time I went for a heavy single. This time it went up smoothly. 405 was also ok. 415 was a real fight. Form broke down a bit as Fox noted in passing. A nice 30# PR and I'm pretty sure I didn't have 35.
Skipped the prescribed metcon in favor of a CRASH-B rowing workout. 2x 14min at <16 SPM with 5min rest between pieces. First piece was 3679m and heart rate was ~150. Second piece was 3576m and heart rate was ~155. A real challenge to keep the SPM so low. Thanks for the tips, Josh.
(seriously, I have no idea what it means)
Apps I use a lot: ShopShop (to keep my shopping lists), Bejeweled (time suck), Lose It! (just to make sure I'm not going completely calorically crazy), MenuPages.
apps i use regularly:
evernote – for logging workouts with pictures of the white board and notes which i copy to my notebook and also to…
fitocracy – where i also log workouts, you get points and "level up" it's nerdy yes, but gives you quick access to performance history and PRs etc (because i'll have those someday)
instagram – @ginacatto
groupme – to keep in touch with coach fox's july 11-26, 2012 foundations group, it's a mutual love
path – a mobile social network i use to keep in touch with my college friends
City Transit is perhaps the best dollar I ever spent.
Also, the NPR app is great. Lots of podcasts on there to get smart on whatever catches your eye.
Spotify: To listen to music on road trips
Squareup: For in house gym transactions
Flickr: I just realized you could take a picture through it and directly upload it. Much easier!
Chase: Great banking app!
Warmup: Not necessary but handy when programming for a handful of clients in a row it seems.
My girlfriend thinks the gym should have an instagram. I actually think I might do it
15x8x3 (bar across back)
DB Uni Press
Top 8 @ 225
Kate Denny is jacked!
Apps – The Weather Channel, MLB, Chase, but by far the app that I use the most is my calendar.
Apps: 4sq, twitter, and pandora
NYTimes: Morning commute
Feeddler: For my RSS feeds…for my evening commute
Groupme: For my midday, BSing with friends
Spotify: Music
Yelp: Mostly for business addresses and phone numbers
ESPN: To recap the Yankees' win and Mets' loss
Noon today: 105 x5 on DL's then skipped the triplet for CrashB row of 2 x 14 min. with 5 min. rest at a 16 stroke rate. 1st piece 2491m, failed at catching heart rate quick enough, 2nd piece 2436 with heart rate of 148. It was most difficult keeping at the 16 stroke rate but after zoning out on the little window managed to keep it quite solid with a few drops to 15, a few ups to 17, but generally remaining at the 16 SPM. Oof.
DO – you should seriously have all outlets of social media for the box, believe it or not I *can* be serious at times, and on that note I would like to vote Herschel in for running as many of them as possible.
For me and the businesses that I do Social Media for: Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr/Flickr
Ride the City – best cycling app ever! Maps, routes weather, bike shops, et al.
Skype – for work
Bleacher Report Stream Team/Yahoo Sportacular Pro
Untappd – beer, mostly used for work
NPR – I confess that I have KPLU's app, out of Seattle for NPR, on myiPhone
chase mobile
discover & amex
(gotta get your monies in the right place!)
urbanspoon (hi, foods please – i also contribute reviews here)
kayak (for some airfare obsessing, if you know me, you know I like to plan trips)
busuu (learn some languages!)
New phone, most of my apps are gone.
Apps I use most frequently:
Agenda for calendary things
Readability for reading articles
Camera for taking pictures
iPhoto for pretty powerful in-phone photo editing
Dark Sky to see if it's gonna rain
Spotify for music
Fox – you're always switching between metric and imperial so I never know if I should scoff at your weights or be really impressed.
espn scorecenter – track my favorite sports teams
merriam-webster dictionary – i like big words
flashlight – handier than you might think
twitter – for work
myWOD – tracking workouts & PRs
wnyc – for news when outside NYC area
hopstop – to get from point A to point B
gotomypc – to log into work computer while out of the office
skype – for conferencing with international clients
wow, i spend way to much time on my phone.
Jumped in at noon today and did a little Sat/Sun mashup.
Squat Singles: 275-295-305PR-315F
I'm pretty sure I had 315 if I tried again, I went down way too fast and soft and didn't even try to stand it up cause I knew it wasn't happening. While humble, 305 is a PR, and represents a good climb back for me after getting really deconditioned in the spring. There's room to grow.
Then did Sunday's WOD (Row 1500, 3 min rest, DB Snatch 60#, Pullups, Burpees) in 19:48. I really enjoyed this one, found natural places to throttle back and to push hard. All of the pullups were butterflied and unbroken, which helped my time, just tried to keep moving on the burpees. Fun stuff.
Psyched for the next cycle, although I know we aren't even out of this one, and still ahve crush week looming.
Dan –
Metric for Olympic (lately, during my current cycle),
Imperial for (almost) everything else.
A 467.5 bench for reps would be pretty sweet…alas, scoff away at will 😉
What you talking bout fox i saw you benching 500X5 the other day.
Great A/R with Fox tonight — got to focus in on nastiness in my calves after the running I did yesterday, some excruciating pec stuff, all parts of the upper leg, and around the scapula and upper traps. Added in a little extra after class on tibialis anterior with those double lax balls… OUCH. very necessary for my short leg!
Stayed on for a lil extra work:
Row: easy 500m, then two timed 250m, both ended at :57.5.
Chins: with green band. three sets of 5 strict.
Kipping Pullups: three sets of 5
MSW (Magic Seaweed — surf forecasting site)
Twitter! just getting into it. I'm posting every day for 21 days on what I'm grateful for. puts things in perspective. #dailygratitude. jump on it. (21 days to make/break a habit, but I'll probably keep going after that)
I've had an iphone for just a couple months, so getting ideas from these posts!
Pulled 300# for a new PR!
Music- Spotify and Songa
Monies- Mint
Random- 4square, Instagram, Yelp,, Kindle, NYTs
DL 285#
20# PR
Very happy. Those speed DLs are paying off.
Fox took some video, and I totally lift my heavy deads in two parts (pull:hip open). The speed work is really helping me mentally connect those things, I think. I'm going to keep running the speed work in my regular training, I'm really looking forward to making those numbers move, as it's been over a year and I had only put 5# on my DL in that time.
What a freaking last week of training! Totally happy.
PR'd today at 255 on deadlift (Thanks Coach Melissa, Pete and Chris for rooting me on)
Apps: Rdio, Instagram, Garageband, NextStop, Clock, oh and Schwab (gotta talk to Chuck).
Took it easy on the DLs today
235×5 to finish it off… still babying the spine.
4 rounds
15 weighted situps @ 20#
130 m farmer carry
–2 pood unbroken
–2 pood rested @ 3rd ave.
–28k rested @ 3rd ave.
–25 lb. DBs unbroken
Nice work today Krishnan!
I use notability ALL the time. But I'm in school.
I like the Ragnar photo above.