Fitness: Work up to your last heavy 5 for this cycle
If you cleared every rep and squatted heavier 5’s than ever before consider this a successful cycle! Hold on to these numbers as you’ll be working off of them soon.
Performance: Work up to a heavy single, try to set a PR!
Time to go for a new heavy single and see where you’re at. Experiencing a failed lift would be appropriate today but you shouldn’t fail more than 1x. Know thyself.
Post loads to comments.
For About 15 Minutes perform the following triplet:
Accumulate :30 or 1:00 in an L-Sit
5 Forward Rolls
3 Handstand Push-Ups or 3 Walk Walks with a :10 Hold
If 3 HSPU’s are easy for you, add a small deficit by putting your hands on some bumper plates
September’s Goals and Accomplishments
Happy Birthday, Courtney H!
Fight Gone Bad Teams
So far we’re up to $6,935 raised for charity! Below you can see the full list of teams participating in this year’s Fight Gone Bad event. We need to get all the information in for the shirts in ASAP and if you’ve got members on your team who havent signed up on crowdrise Today is the day to get them on board! Captains please check your team page to see who needs to sign up, also if you as a captain haven’t sent your color/font/ information to Jess by day’s end you’re getting tall tees in the color of our choosing..
The Porkchop Express
Buns of Steel
Make Like Champion!
Team Organizer’s Photo
Margin for Terror
17 Minutes in Heaven
1.21 gigaWODs
The 5 Muske-Poods
Peace Came Good!
Team Organizer’s Photo
4 Too Many
Thruster? I hardly know her.
Don’t Blow Your WOD
Fight Gone “Breaking Bad”
Team Redundancy Team
Team Organizer’s Photo
Dos MeLos
Here For the Beer
The Barth Vaders
Team Organizer’s Photo
Avi’s Calves
Bad Nuge Bears
iCore Crunchers
Team #21
FG Belated #3?
Hell’s Kettlebells
Raging Bulls
South Brooklyn Seahorses
Suns out, Buns Out
The Domin8ors
The Brooklyn Community Foundations Grant Series Continues:
Description: Support for 826NYC’s free one-on-one After-School Tutoring provides students with individualized attention for homework and other projects. This program helps students earn better grades, boost their confidence and become engaged learners.
Box Tour: CrossFit King of Prussia
So…DH3 and JR, did you ever make that bet official? I sure hope so.
Did 225 for a single today. Again, a weight I failed at Titsday, and only 5# off my PR. I feel so much better now!
Accessory work was so much fun, although it always feels weird to take my glasses off and be blind. Really, really blind!
hit em low, hit em high, and watch those eagles fly! fly, eagles fly, on the road to victory!
just wanted everyone to know…
both teams finished Ragnar ADK with the BEST TIMES YET. I think Team 1 finished in 28.5 hours and same for team 2 (very similar). WE HAVE SOME AMAZINGLY FAST PEOPLE.
Also, considering we ran through rain for over 60% of the race I think we all deserve a pat on the back for not killing each other when stuck in the van together during down time.
Big Congrats Ragnerians!!!
A short article on taking fish oil – Outside Mag
Congrats Ragnar runners! Sounds like…fun.
6am with coaches Nick and McD. Worked up to 425 on the deadlift today. I could've pulled more weight, but I'm not sure I could have done it safely, so I stopped there. My form has improved a ton since I've been here but it's still frustrating that proper positioning continues to elude me when I go heavy. I just need more consistent practice on these. I don't think I scaled the accessory WOD properly because I spent the bulk of my time at that station. Finished 3 full rounds in the allotted time.
Catch-up post:
Friday: Ragnar
Saturday: Ragnar
Sunday: CRASH-Bs training with Nick. 4x20x135 Low Bar Back Squat; 4x20x85 Chinese Row; 4×20 Back Extensions. My distaste for rowing notwithstanding, I am really looking forward to this program – I love the idea of training for a specific event. (I also think it would be really cool to have a CrossFit Endurance-style training program for a Ragnar Relay or a long-distance race, since a lot of people seem to like doing those. Just a suggestion.)
ALSO – I know that everyone has already said this to her personally but I don't think it can be stressed enough what a fantastic job Asta did of organizing the Ragnar Relay (except for the rain – what was that about?). Seamless.
ASTA FOR PRESIDENT. Ragnar just wouldn't happen without her.
Asta is like a superhero. She plays for SBK's softball team, mans the weekly veggie CSA, snaps photos during events, and organizes Ragnar. SHE IS EVERYWHERE!
Thanks for everything ASTA!
What are these numbers people are posing?
Also Asta Rules!
I am REALLY interested in CF Endurance training. David…… ๐
And thanks for all the kind words, you guys make it fun!
Asta does rule! I've heard several Ragnarians talk about how well she organized the event… way to go girl!
PR ALERT – Deadlifted 202# today! Up from previous PR of 195# at Tough Titsday. Boo-yah! Feel so good to crack the 200# benchmark… ๐
i really wantz to know, can i join the cool kidz club?
After my choice in activities tonight, I might have to stop saying "I hate running."
Ran 1.9 miles from home to the gym. Foam rolled for 20 min before class.
DL with Ellie: 75×5, 95×5, 125×3, 140×2, 160×1…
165×5 FAIL bigtime. couldn't get it off the ground.
165 would've been a 10# jump from my 155×5 last week, which was itself a PR (for 1RM and reps, both). So maybe I got a lil greedy and should've just kept it consistent, done a 5# jump from last week and tried for 160×5. Either way, I've never lifted 160lbs off the ground before, so that's cool. Sorry for taking so long and cutting your time, Ellie! ๐
HSPUs with 2 abmats. surprised to complete them all well, with slow descent, and no kip. Thanks to MeLo for coaching me on keeping a hollow position, as my front ribs always want to splay out — 15 yrs of ballet training will do that.
Was feeling like I needed to achieve something after messing with my DLs, so went for a 400m RUN to see if I could get up on the leaderboard. 1:25! stoked. Thanks Ben for timing.
Lastly… RAN from the gym to Union Mrket on 7th for groceries before heading home, another 1.4 miles. my lungs are happy.
Heres a number; 450# new deadlift pr. Sometimes when you lift with sexy people (joel, rickke) you forget your place. Still ill. Take a 45lb pr anyday.
Ive really liked the banded work
Another weekend away, another weak showing doing singles. Hit 345 and called it a day because I didn't like my positioning or bar speed very much. That's actually only 10# off a PR, deadlifting is really my goat. I was happy because I actively made the decision to call it a day before things got narsty, and then my HSPUs felt pretty solid during the assistance work, which is progress. I'm considering another mini self imposed group class exile to try and get my DLs, HSPUs and a few other goat movements up to a level I'm happy with- we will see.
Forward rolls are fun, I'm still dizzy.
that's probably it for my yearly guest appearance in group classes, y'all.
Good to be back.
6PM class with MeLo and DO.
Last week's DLs were still haunting me (missed hitting the same triple as before) so I went into today just hoping to hit 300:
135×5, 185×4, 225×3, 275×1, 295×1 315×1
Thats a 10# PR and "three wheels" as they say! It wasn't the prettiest pull possible but it felt good and I feel like I could repeat it with more finesse next effort.
WOD was super fun, made it through 3 rounds of:
3 forward rolls (started getting some forward momentum on these in the second and third sets)
3 deficit HSPU (on 35# plates, barely squeezed out the last set)
:30 ring L-Sit (my favorite / least favorite isometric ab work)
Packed 7PM class with Melo and Laurel.
Went for 365. Got it up but bossman (Dave O) kept me honest and told me I was rounding my back towards the end. Got to hold the form next time.
Monster lifts from Rob and DH3 tonight.
HSPU were solid. Did the last 2 sets on 45# plates.
Not a fan of the forward rolls gets me real dizzy.
Excited for strength cycle! Get strong!
Hit a 405 PR today. It felt pretty damn good.
DIY pull-up development week 3 exposure 1; 4×6. no kipping. Wore gloves, liked them.
Deadlift: attempted 275x1x5(f) but only got 4 reps. 265 felt good last week but was slow. I knew going up 10# would be tough and it was. Props to Laurel for keeping eyes on me and telling me that my back was rounding. The 4th rep went up super slow, but i was able to keep the back position. 5th rep just refused to move. I really need to focus on locking in the back position and keeping it locked during the lift. Going to start working on some DIY glut-ham raises and supermen.
Accessory work was fun. Heavy dealifts + rolls + inversion = lots of dizziness.
Anyone else leave this WOD with a headache?
Forward rolls will do that to a fella. Some people are VERY sensitive to the dynamic inversion. Like Jess Fox
7pm with Laurel and MeLo.
Giant class. WU was 3x[15 squats, 10 ring rows, 5 inchworms]
Lifted with Zubin and Eli. No missed lifts in the group!
[135×5, 185×4, 225×3, 255×2] 275×5
Successfully added 10 lbs each week for the cycle. Even weeks felt much better than the odd ones, for whatever reason.
First nights of CRASH-Bs rowing and lifting the past two nights:
INT 1 (14min): 3428m [2:02.5 split]
INT 2 (14min): 3431m [2:02.4 split]
Managed 17spm on both. 16 is really slow and I'm finding it tough to take that long on the recovery. Lifted on Sunday:
prone rows: (95×20)x2, (85×20)x2
squats: (115×20)x4
RDLs: (95×20)x4
went to 7pm with the hungry, tired, stressed masses. (really it didn't seem that negative though, either most people were putting on or group class wipes away the pain of the day)
deadlifts (75×5, 95×4, 115×3, 130×2) 140×5
i was happy with the 140 since that was 10# more than last week, and i felt good on my form after laurel corrected where i was looking when i lift, i was all set.
subbed in CRASH-B rowing workout for the WOD:
1: 14 min; 2705; 2:35
2: 14 min; 2638; 2:41
i found it difficult to get down to 16s/m consistently. i was more around 18 on average. so i'll be working on that more.
i'm not truly sorry that i missed out on the forward rolling since that would definitely make me dizzy, but i'm going to plan out which days i'm substituting the row so i'm not picking and choosing which WODs i'm doing once i know what they are. because that's cheating right?
For posterity: great lifting with Dan and Rickke, both of whom PR'd. I PR'd very dirty, at 405. Bar slipped right after I opened up. David gave it to me. It was, unsurprisingly, a fight at the top. I am going to embark on a cycle of rack pulls and grip work on Sunday nights.